Undocumented immigrants to get health care in Gavin Newsom’s early California budget deal

On the federal level there is already a law that states that medical care must be given even to poor folks with no dough, wow, it's what Jesus would do, but the self righteous right doesn't like being like Christ...
Let me know when the US begins to act like a nation that lives by Christian teachings and values in ALL things....not just in those things that further a socialist agenda, asshole.
On the federal level there is already a law that states that medical care must be given even to poor folks with no dough, wow, it's what Jesus would do, but the self righteous right doesn't like being like Christ...
Let me know when the US begins to act like a nation that lives by Christian teachings and values in ALL things....not just in those things that further a socialist agenda, asshole.
Jesus was a socialist asshole and why would christians need Jesus if they acted like Jesus?
Here's what the title of the article should be:

"California Dimocrats Make Move To Attract More Illegal Aliens To Their State"
The agreement means low-income adults between the ages of 19 and 25 living in California illegally would be eligible for California's Medicaid program.
LOL......how many times have we seen this? When a progressive is getting train wrecked in the debate, they pivot to Jesus!:bye1:

"Shit....Im getting pwn'd here........time to initiate the Jesus protocol for debate-fail!":iyfyus.jpg:
Jesus was a socialist asshole and why would christians need Jesus if they acted like Jesus?
Jesus was NOT a socialist, idiot, and only people who know nothing about Christianity AND socialism would say something stupid like that.

How many of the good Christians that sneak into our nation to loot and grab all the free stuff they can get their hands on live like Jesus? None of them? Yes. That's right.
The problem isn't the US not living up to the teachings of Jesus, though no one ever claimed we were supposed to govern as a Christian theocracy. It's those little hell hole nations south of our border that are breeding grounds for poverty, ignorance and violence that are the problem.
California voted for this, so they obviously want it
Yep. The state serves as a pretty good Petri dish for the rest of the country. We'll see how it goes.

Where ya been bud....we are “seeing how it goes” haven’t you been paying attention?
Mexifornia’s spread sheet is pillared by a few giant corporations and a couple of industries.
It’s pure feast or famine here....Tijuana has fewer wetbacks than does Los Angeles and Tijuana is nicer and cleaner than many ‘pockets’ in the brown inhabited super shithole of LA.
If it not for good, real, productive Americans footing the bill we’d be full blown thirdworld status here.
Incredible! So if you are a citizen of the United States who happens to live in California you must acquire a health insurance policy regardless of need or affordability or you will be fined by the State of California. If you are an illegal alien living in California you will be provided with a taxpayer subsidized medical policy. Pure Insanity!

Undocumented immigrants to get health care in Gavin Newsom’s early California budget deal
Jesus wouldve done more , dont you think....I'm 100% jesus wouldve open the borders. :)

Just tear up the Declaration Of Independence right?
And you wonder why good, real Americans HATE ragheads.
White Americans are making a serious mistake in thinking all of the invaders are Mexicans or Mexican-like. They are not a homogenous group. We got MS-13 because the Mexicans were kicking El Salvadoran ass. We have no idea of the level of violence that we are importing. None. Americans and what property they have is merely the spoils over which the competing armies will fight over.
Incredible! So if you are a citizen of the United States who happens to live in California you must acquire a health insurance policy regardless of need or affordability or you will be fined by the State of California. If you are an illegal alien living in California you will be provided with a taxpayer subsidized medical policy. Pure Insanity!

Undocumented immigrants to get health care in Gavin Newsom’s early California budget deal
Jesus wouldve done more , dont you think....I'm 100% jesus wouldve open the borders. :)

Just tear up the Declaration Of Independence right?
And you wonder why good, real Americans HATE ragheads.
Oh so jesus would close doors on the unfortunate, the poor and the refugees?
Incredible! So if you are a citizen of the United States who happens to live in California you must acquire a health insurance policy regardless of need or affordability or you will be fined by the State of California. If you are an illegal alien living in California you will be provided with a taxpayer subsidized medical policy. Pure Insanity!

Undocumented immigrants to get health care in Gavin Newsom’s early California budget deal
Jesus wouldve done more , dont you think....I'm 100% jesus wouldve open the borders. :)

Just tear up the Declaration Of Independence right?
And you wonder why good, real Americans HATE ragheads.
Oh so jesus would close doors on the unfortunate, the poor and the refugees?

Jesus was all about law and order and protections. You wouldn’t know, I doubt that’s covered in the Quran.
Incredible! So if you are a citizen of the United States who happens to live in California you must acquire a health insurance policy regardless of need or affordability or you will be fined by the State of California. If you are an illegal alien living in California you will be provided with a taxpayer subsidized medical policy. Pure Insanity!

Undocumented immigrants to get health care in Gavin Newsom’s early California budget deal
Jesus wouldve done more , dont you think....I'm 100% jesus wouldve open the borders. :)

Just tear up the Declaration Of Independence right?
And you wonder why good, real Americans HATE ragheads.
Oh so jesus would close doors on the unfortunate, the poor and the refugees?

Jesus was all about law and order and protections. You wouldn’t know, I doubt that’s covered in the Quran.
Lol it is in a lengthy versus...we know all about jesus peace be upon him there is a whole chapter named Mary in the Koran.
I've been telling ignorance leads to bigotry and racism.
I wonder how the tax payers in Cali will take that news??

Who the hell wants to pay for people who shouldn't be in the US??
Californians will get what they deserve. The bigger issue is this-do you think this will stop at California? Any Sanctuary state is a candidate for all kinds of illegal only benefits. I moved two years ago when I saw what was coming.
If typhus increases in LA to outbreak proportions, the Gestapo will find a large arena for quarantine. Southern Texas is a typhus sentinel only in theory. It could happen in Cali first.
The state with the most poverty, worst schools, most homeless and most debt is spending more money on kissing the asses of the Illegals. Typical screwed up Liberal priority.

Commie California is the model that the Party of Moon Bats want for the entire US.

However, I am with DigalDrifter. Maybe the shithead Illegals here in Florida will move out of my state and head out to California to get better welfare.

they're pushing out the middle and working class citizens by the hundreds of thousands per year, so they need criminal illegal aliens in order to keep claiming that big number of Congressional seats. They will lose at least 12 seats at their current rate of out-migration of legal citizens.

I agree that they are pushing out the productive people but that can be a problem for the rest of us.

Here in Florida we get a shitload of those NE assholes running away from the screwed up government of those NE commie states. However, when they get to Florida they forget that voting for Democrats is what screwed everything up and vote for Democrats here.

I suspect the same thing will happen with the ex pat Californians.
that is how California went from the so called paradise it once was to what it is becoming now.....people from other states coming to cal over the last 30-40 years and bringing their bullshit with them......
On the federal level there is already a law that states that medical care must be given even to poor folks with no dough, wow, it's what Jesus would do, but the self righteous right doesn't like being like Christ...
moon there are lots of people in California who are having a tough time affording their ins....so now their tax dollars will go to supporting a bunch of people who are not even citizens?.... would you be for that?....
The state with the most poverty, worst schools, most homeless and most debt is spending more money on kissing the asses of the Illegals. Typical screwed up Liberal priority.

Commie California is the model that the Party of Moon Bats want for the entire US.

However, I am with DigalDrifter. Maybe the shithead Illegals here in Florida will move out of my state and head out to California to get better welfare.

they're pushing out the middle and working class citizens by the hundreds of thousands per year, so they need criminal illegal aliens in order to keep claiming that big number of Congressional seats. They will lose at least 12 seats at their current rate of out-migration of legal citizens.

I agree that they are pushing out the productive people but that can be a problem for the rest of us.

Here in Florida we get a shitload of those NE assholes running away from the screwed up government of those NE commie states. However, when they get to Florida they forget that voting for Democrats is what screwed everything up and vote for Democrats here.

I suspect the same thing will happen with the ex pat Californians.
that is how California went from the so called paradise it once was to what it is becoming now.....people from other states coming to cal over the last 30-40 years and bringing their bullshit with them......

California was traditionally a Conservative Sate. They started to change with the big influx of Illegals.

Illegals demanded their welfare and the Democrats were all too happy to give it to them in exchange for being elected to office.

Of course all the Hollywood Limousine Liberals, the Silicon Valley Libtard billionaires and the filthy ass hippies also contributed to California becoming a commie state.

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