Undocumented immigrants to get health care in Gavin Newsom’s early California budget deal

we are working on our minimum wage and unemployment compensation to help solve for our homeless problem.

Sure, guess that explains the 12% jump...dumbass.
the lowest unemployment rate in recent history is also not helping.

equal protection of the law, can help our homeless.
we are working on our minimum wage and unemployment compensation to help solve for our homeless problem.

Fuck the government mandating wages.

Fuck welfare

Fuck the Illegals

Fuck the homeless

Go be poor someplace else

California has the most debt of any state in the US. They need to be paying off their debt before they give away any more free shit to the assholes.
higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
California was traditionally a Conservative Sate. They started to change with the big influx of Illegals.

Illegals demanded their welfare and the Democrats were all too happy to give it to them in exchange for being elected to office.

Of course all the Hollywood Limousine Liberals, the Silicon Valley Libtard billionaires and the filthy ass hippies also contributed to California becoming a commie state.
what influx?.....i lived there 50 years and there have always been illegals there......in this state especially in S.Cal,you would not notice if another 20 thousand showed up.....

I am 5th generation Floridian. My family owned an orange grove. In the early 1960s we had back to back freezes that did significant damage to our trees. My father, who had specific mechanical skills, needed to work to get money to replant the trees.

We moved out to LA for two years as he worked in the defense industry to make the money. We lived in Van Nuys in the San Fernando Valley. It was a great place to live. Very few Hispanics in that part. Mostly White. Voted Conservatively.

In 1996 I spent a couple of months working in LA on an engineering proposal. I could not believe how it changed from what I remembered. I drove by the neighborhood that was all middle class White in 1962 and it was Black and Hispanic now.

LA was not the city I remembered from the early 1960s. It was a great place to live back then. Now it is a shithole.

Yep, the good ole days. When cruising Van Nuys Blvd was allowed.
I flew out there in the early 90's to see my dad. He picked me up at the airport. I noticed you couldn't see the mountains in the distance for the brown haze hanging over everything.

Just another day in paradise....looks even worse from the air. Even driving in San Bernardino mountains it's tough seeing anything below.

A recent study linked a drop in cognitive abilities and intelligence to the smog. Truman Capote used to claim his IQ dropped 10 points every time he crossed the border into California. Apparently he wasn't joking.

I used to laugh my ass off at the morons out jogging and biking in that filthy air. Definitely stupid.
that is how California went from the so called paradise it once was to what it is becoming now.....people from other states coming to cal over the last 30-40 years and bringing their bullshit with them......

California was traditionally a Conservative Sate. They started to change with the big influx of Illegals.

Illegals demanded their welfare and the Democrats were all too happy to give it to them in exchange for being elected to office.

Of course all the Hollywood Limousine Liberals, the Silicon Valley Libtard billionaires and the filthy ass hippies also contributed to California becoming a commie state.
what influx?.....i lived there 50 years and there have always been illegals there......in this state especially in S.Cal,you would not notice if another 20 thousand showed up.....

I am 5th generation Floridian. My family owned an orange grove. In the early 1960s we had back to back freezes that did significant damage to our trees. My father, who had specific mechanical skills, needed to work to get money to replant the trees.

We moved out to LA for two years as he worked in the defense industry to make the money. We lived in Van Nuys in the San Fernando Valley. It was a great place to live. Very few Hispanics in that part. Mostly White. Voted Conservatively.

In 1996 I spent a couple of months working in LA on an engineering proposal. I could not believe how it changed from what I remembered. I drove by the neighborhood that was all middle class White in 1962 and it was Black and Hispanic now.

LA was not the city I remembered from the early 1960s. It was a great place to live back then. Now it is a shithole.

Yep, the good ole days. When cruising Van Nuys Blvd was allowed.
I flew out there in the early 90's to see my dad. He picked me up at the airport. I noticed you couldn't see the mountains in the distance for the brown haze hanging over everything.

If you're an illegal you can drive a mosquito sprayer around all day long. The Mexican trucks are all wrecks but the CA HP only pulls over American trucks; no point in pullng over a Mexican one when they will just get a new ID for $40 a block away from LA's City Hall.
we are working on our minimum wage and unemployment compensation to help solve for our homeless problem.

Fuck the government mandating wages.

Fuck welfare

Fuck the Illegals

Fuck the homeless

Go be poor someplace else

California has the most debt of any state in the US. They need to be paying off their debt before they give away any more free shit to the assholes.
higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

You are confused Moon Bat.

You stupid Moon Bat are as ignorant of Economics as you are of Climate Science, History, Ethics and the Constitution.

Government mandated higher wages does nothing but drive up the cost of labor, which is a burden on the economy.

Every excessive cent you pay for higher labor is a cent you don't have to spend in the productive economy.
California Dems agree to full health benefits for many low-income illegal immigrants, in swipe at Trump
California Dems agree to full health benefits for many low-income illegal immigrants, in swipe at Trump

My sister has been disabled for years but disability keeps refusing to pay her. She has not gal blatter, she leaves blood puddles where she sits, and her insides are messed up from an old Hepatitis thing she got cured of before they dumped her. Fuck these illegal assholes, deport them or execute them.
It is hard for me to understand how the American public/voters lets the Democrats get away with this shit. Fucking over American citizens in favor of non-citizens, open borders, sanctuary cities and states; sure, come on in, rape and kill whoever you want, no problem. We'll tell you when ICE is coming.
I have some elderly friends, living in Cali, who were kicked out of low-income housing and are on a waiting list for another apartment. They keep being bumped to the bottom of the list by illegal "immigrants" with children. Americans are worth less than criminal invaders to the commicrats.
California Dems agree to full health benefits for many low-income illegal immigrants, in swipe at Trump
California Dems agree to full health benefits for many low-income illegal immigrants, in swipe at Trump

My sister has been disabled for years but disability keeps refusing to pay her. She has not gal blatter, she leaves blood puddles where she sits, and her insides are messed up from an old Hepatitis thing she got cured of before they dumped her. Fuck these illegal assholes, deport them or execute them.

The government is FUCKED. Fuck 'em all. Crooks every one of them. A few years ago they sent me a letter admitting I was disabled. Took them two and a half years to make the decision after the initial year it took them to deny me. But then they told me that they were denying me again anyway because I had been so ill I was just too sick to wade through the hundreds of pages of fine print and paperwork to meet their deadline. That's OK. I got even.
California Dems agree to full health benefits for many low-income illegal immigrants, in swipe at Trump
California Dems agree to full health benefits for many low-income illegal immigrants, in swipe at Trump

My sister has been disabled for years but disability keeps refusing to pay her. She has not gal blatter, she leaves blood puddles where she sits, and her insides are messed up from an old Hepatitis thing she got cured of before they dumped her. Fuck these illegal assholes, deport them or execute them.
raising the minimum wage and providing recourse to equal protection of the law for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment State could provide more efficient market based metrics for the private sector.

All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes.

We should have no illegal problem or any illegal underclass.
California Dems agree to full health benefits for many low-income illegal immigrants, in swipe at Trump
California Dems agree to full health benefits for many low-income illegal immigrants, in swipe at Trump

My sister has been disabled for years but disability keeps refusing to pay her. She has not gal blatter, she leaves blood puddles where she sits, and her insides are messed up from an old Hepatitis thing she got cured of before they dumped her. Fuck these illegal assholes, deport them or execute them.

In my opinion, the sources of radical American leftism responsible for such atrocities feel empowered and emboldened by the success they've had for many decades in using our own Constitution and legal processes against us in the form of far left field anti-American grass roots cultural movements which have been vindicated both by judicial activism and Presidential powers from 2000-2016, among others. For instance, a decision such as 1973's Roe v. Wade would never have made it through both House and Senate to pass abortion on demand into law. Such madness was and never will be the will of a majority of Americans. What we're also seeing is the implementation of much of this radical cultural postmodernism at the local and county levels, enacted by school boards and Mayor's offices. I can sympathize with your disillusionment, however, as I know a woman who was denied disability on the grounds she had not accumulated sufficient work credits to qualify. We truly have reached the point where it's time to either fight for our rights as generational American Citizens or get down on our knees and bow our heads in lasting submission.
I have some elderly friends, living in Cali, who were kicked out of low-income housing and are on a waiting list for another apartment. They keep being bumped to the bottom of the list by illegal "immigrants" with children. Americans are worth less than criminal invaders to the commicrats.

Public housing around here is dominated by violent black and brown thugs; white people prefer sleeping on the streets or in their cars, as they will be beaten, murdered, robbed and driven out of public housing units here. You can bet black and brown bureaucrats make it much harder for whites to get disability, and you can bet that's why there are no internal investigations into the racism by public employees against citizens.
It is hard for me to understand how the American public/voters lets the Democrats get away with this shit. Fucking over American citizens in favor of non-citizens, open borders, sanctuary cities and states; sure, come on in, rape and kill whoever you want, no problem. We'll tell you when ICE is coming.

they have half the battle won by implementing the Super Delegate Rule'; this keeps those annoying uncouth populists from western states from ever getting the Democratic nomination again, and of course the GOP establishment is as bad; they loves them some of the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce money and those vermin loves them those illegal aliens. Both the DNC and the RNC are in sync when it comes to putting all you uppity proles in your place and interfering with their labor racketeering operations.at home and abroad. Red Chine is Wall Street's new Best Friend Forever, and you peasants are threatening the gravy train.
Sad state of affairs, no?
I have some elderly friends, living in Cali, who were kicked out of low-income housing and are on a waiting list for another apartment. They keep being bumped to the bottom of the list by illegal "immigrants" with children. Americans are worth less than criminal invaders to the commicrats.

Public housing around here is dominated by violent black and brown thugs; white people prefer sleeping on the streets or in their cars, as they will be beaten, murdered, robbed and driven out of public housing units here. You can bet black and brown bureaucrats make it much harder for whites to get disability, and you can bet that's why there are no internal investigations into the racism by public employees against citizens.
Sad state of affairs, no?
Alright. When the ILLEGALS start interfering with your god-given right to free shit - that's where we've gotta draw the line!

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