Undocumented immigrants to get health care in Gavin Newsom’s early California budget deal

what statistic we really wanna know is how many doctors are out there that are in no hurry to get paid.
they're pushing out the middle and working class citizens by the hundreds of thousands per year, so they need criminal illegal aliens in order to keep claiming that big number of Congressional seats. They will lose at least 12 seats at their current rate of out-migration of legal citizens.

I agree that they are pushing out the productive people but that can be a problem for the rest of us.

Here in Florida we get a shitload of those NE assholes running away from the screwed up government of those NE commie states. However, when they get to Florida they forget that voting for Democrats is what screwed everything up and vote for Democrats here.

I suspect the same thing will happen with the ex pat Californians.
that is how California went from the so called paradise it once was to what it is becoming now.....people from other states coming to cal over the last 30-40 years and bringing their bullshit with them......

California was traditionally a Conservative Sate. They started to change with the big influx of Illegals.

Illegals demanded their welfare and the Democrats were all too happy to give it to them in exchange for being elected to office.

Of course all the Hollywood Limousine Liberals, the Silicon Valley Libtard billionaires and the filthy ass hippies also contributed to California becoming a commie state.
what influx?.....i lived there 50 years and there have always been illegals there......in this state especially in S.Cal,you would not notice if another 20 thousand showed up.....

While there has “always” been illegals here there hasn’t always been 10 million illegals here.
One million cockroaches is better than 10 million cockroaches...right?
you just proved my point.....thanks....
I agree that they are pushing out the productive people but that can be a problem for the rest of us.

Here in Florida we get a shitload of those NE assholes running away from the screwed up government of those NE commie states. However, when they get to Florida they forget that voting for Democrats is what screwed everything up and vote for Democrats here.

I suspect the same thing will happen with the ex pat Californians.
that is how California went from the so called paradise it once was to what it is becoming now.....people from other states coming to cal over the last 30-40 years and bringing their bullshit with them......

California was traditionally a Conservative Sate. They started to change with the big influx of Illegals.

Illegals demanded their welfare and the Democrats were all too happy to give it to them in exchange for being elected to office.

Of course all the Hollywood Limousine Liberals, the Silicon Valley Libtard billionaires and the filthy ass hippies also contributed to California becoming a commie state.
what influx?.....i lived there 50 years and there have always been illegals there......in this state especially in S.Cal,you would not notice if another 20 thousand showed up.....

While there has “always” been illegals here there hasn’t always been 10 million illegals here.
One million cockroaches is better than 10 million cockroaches...right?
you just proved my point.....thanks....

I actually proved Flash ‘s point.
There has been an influx of illegals in south Mexifornia. We went from X number to a point where one couldn’t throw a rock in any direction without hitting an illegal in the head in Los Angeles.
that is how California went from the so called paradise it once was to what it is becoming now.....people from other states coming to cal over the last 30-40 years and bringing their bullshit with them......

California was traditionally a Conservative Sate. They started to change with the big influx of Illegals.

Illegals demanded their welfare and the Democrats were all too happy to give it to them in exchange for being elected to office.

Of course all the Hollywood Limousine Liberals, the Silicon Valley Libtard billionaires and the filthy ass hippies also contributed to California becoming a commie state.
what influx?.....i lived there 50 years and there have always been illegals there......in this state especially in S.Cal,you would not notice if another 20 thousand showed up.....

While there has “always” been illegals here there hasn’t always been 10 million illegals here.
One million cockroaches is better than 10 million cockroaches...right?
you just proved my point.....thanks....

I actually proved Flash ‘s point.
There has been an influx of illegals in south Mexifornia. We went from X number to a point where one couldn’t throw a rock in any direction without hitting an illegal in the head in Los Angeles.
and you also proved my point....that there have always been so many here that you would not notice more moving in over the years....
California was traditionally a Conservative Sate. They started to change with the big influx of Illegals.

Illegals demanded their welfare and the Democrats were all too happy to give it to them in exchange for being elected to office.

Of course all the Hollywood Limousine Liberals, the Silicon Valley Libtard billionaires and the filthy ass hippies also contributed to California becoming a commie state.
what influx?.....i lived there 50 years and there have always been illegals there......in this state especially in S.Cal,you would not notice if another 20 thousand showed up.....

While there has “always” been illegals here there hasn’t always been 10 million illegals here.
One million cockroaches is better than 10 million cockroaches...right?
you just proved my point.....thanks....

I actually proved Flash ‘s point.
There has been an influx of illegals in south Mexifornia. We went from X number to a point where one couldn’t throw a rock in any direction without hitting an illegal in the head in Los Angeles.
and you also proved my point....that there have always been so many here that you would not notice more moving in over the years....

That’s total bullshit and not true at all...the graffiti, the trash lining the roadways and beaches, the emergency rooms packed full, public schools packed with nothing but brown roaches, the jobs taken, the number of uninsured drivers and drunk drivers..,.All measurable increases and all off the fucking charts these days.
If I lived in Kalipornia I would raise holy hell over taking care of these freeloading invaders, but apparently their citizens are so rich that no one there gives a shit!!!

California will become the first state in the country to pay for some adults living in the country illegally to have full health benefits as the solidly liberal state continues to distance itself from President Trump’s administration.

Democrats in the state Legislature reached an agreement Sunday afternoon as part of a broader plan to spend $213 billion of state and federal tax money over the next year. The agreement means low-income adults between the ages of 19 and 25 living in California illegally would be eligible for California’s Medicaid program, the joint state and federal health insurance program for the poor and disabled.

More California to pay full health benefits for illegal immigrants
The headline for this post should more accurately read: "California politicians use their insane, demented hatred of President Trump to justify bankrupting the state.
It's time to withdraw all Federal funding for California. Screw them if they have so much money that they can afford this crap...
Jesus wouldve done more , dont you think....I'm 100% jesus wouldve open the borders. :)

Just tear up the Declaration Of Independence right?
And you wonder why good, real Americans HATE ragheads.
Oh so jesus would close doors on the unfortunate, the poor and the refugees?

Jesus siad render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's, and he endorsed national govts. and peoples, as does the OT and NT. You don't know squat about it, yet insist on lying anyway.
Lol when you use the bible to make your asshole self feel good.
So let's see the bible what it says:

“When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 19:33-34).

You or your ancestors fled other land for a better life here in the US LEGAL or ILLEGAL.
Jesus was all about helping, giving. You fake Christians are all about greed, adultery, porn stars and hypocrisy. The dumbest most hypocrite group of people ever assembled behind a fake cause.

Invaders are not "guests", dumb ass. Invaders that use the uteruses of their women to usurp the spirit of naturalized "citizenship" are not here to assimilate. Commietards likke yourself see them as potential leftard voters......and that is in their own words that run the DNC plantation ....

Meeeeh unless if you are a native your kind is an invader. God created this earth for himsns... otherwise we would all be still stuck in Africa. Live and let left you selfish ****.
Jesus wouldve done more , dont you think....I'm 100% jesus wouldve open the borders. :)

Just tear up the Declaration Of Independence right?
And you wonder why good, real Americans HATE ragheads.
Oh so jesus would close doors on the unfortunate, the poor and the refugees?

Jesus siad render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's, and he endorsed national govts. and peoples, as does the OT and NT. You don't know squat about it, yet insist on lying anyway.
Lol when you use the bible to make your asshole self feel good.
So let's see the bible what it says:

“When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 19:33-34).

You or your ancestors fled other land for a better life here in the US LEGAL or ILLEGAL.
Jesus was all about helping, giving. You fake Christians are all about greed, adultery, porn stars and hypocrisy. The dumbest most hypocrite group of people ever assembled behind a fake cause.
There are over 3 Million people in the world poorer than Mexico's poor. We can't allow them all to come to America. It would destroy our country to even attempt to accommodate a fraction of them. It's not our fault they come from shit holes. Throwing money at them only makes their government handlers richer, not the people so that isn't a solution either. And we don't have enough manpower to takeover all of the shithole countries to make them into better places to live. All we can do is protect what we have for our own citizens and allow open and free trade to help themselves help themselves.
There are shitholes in the US dont forget that and most of them are red states. And most those countries you speak of the US backs their dictators.
Just tear up the Declaration Of Independence right?
And you wonder why good, real Americans HATE ragheads.
Oh so jesus would close doors on the unfortunate, the poor and the refugees?

Jesus siad render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's, and he endorsed national govts. and peoples, as does the OT and NT. You don't know squat about it, yet insist on lying anyway.
Lol when you use the bible to make your asshole self feel good.
So let's see the bible what it says:

“When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 19:33-34).

You or your ancestors fled other land for a better life here in the US LEGAL or ILLEGAL.
Jesus was all about helping, giving. You fake Christians are all about greed, adultery, porn stars and hypocrisy. The dumbest most hypocrite group of people ever assembled behind a fake cause.
There are over 3 Million people in the world poorer than Mexico's poor. We can't allow them all to come to America. It would destroy our country to even attempt to accommodate a fraction of them. It's not our fault they come from shit holes. Throwing money at them only makes their government handlers richer, not the people so that isn't a solution either. And we don't have enough manpower to takeover all of the shithole countries to make them into better places to live. All we can do is protect what we have for our own citizens and allow open and free trade to help themselves help themselves.
There are shitholes in the US dont forget that and most of them are red states. And most those countries you speak of the US backs their dictators.

Oh, I don't know about that, there are plenty of blue state shitholes. Look at many of our major cities, most of them are shitholes that were run into the ground by Democrats over several decades. All those blue states that voted bigly for Hillary are shithole states.
Incredible! So if you are a citizen of the United States who happens to live in California you must acquire a health insurance policy regardless of need or affordability or you will be fined by the State of California. If you are an illegal alien living in California you will be provided with a taxpayer subsidized medical policy. Pure Insanity!

Undocumented immigrants to get health care in Gavin Newsom’s early California budget deal

Dont say anything about Americans on the streets .youll get some kind of bu bu but lecture from some moron nazi lewftwing idiot
Just tell em how wonderful its is and mention values a lot
Oh so jesus would close doors on the unfortunate, the poor and the refugees?

Jesus siad render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's, and he endorsed national govts. and peoples, as does the OT and NT. You don't know squat about it, yet insist on lying anyway.
Lol when you use the bible to make your asshole self feel good.
So let's see the bible what it says:

“When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 19:33-34).

You or your ancestors fled other land for a better life here in the US LEGAL or ILLEGAL.
Jesus was all about helping, giving. You fake Christians are all about greed, adultery, porn stars and hypocrisy. The dumbest most hypocrite group of people ever assembled behind a fake cause.
There are over 3 Million people in the world poorer than Mexico's poor. We can't allow them all to come to America. It would destroy our country to even attempt to accommodate a fraction of them. It's not our fault they come from shit holes. Throwing money at them only makes their government handlers richer, not the people so that isn't a solution either. And we don't have enough manpower to takeover all of the shithole countries to make them into better places to live. All we can do is protect what we have for our own citizens and allow open and free trade to help themselves help themselves.
There are shitholes in the US dont forget that and most of them are red states. And most those countries you speak of the US backs their dictators.

Oh, I don't know about that, there are plenty of blue state shitholes. Look at many of our major cities, most of them are shitholes that were run into the ground by Democrats over several decades. All those blue states that voted bigly for Hillary are shithole states.
Without blue states and cities...the US would have the GDP of Tajikistan lol...what would the US be known for ? Corn? Or shrimp? Or maybe cowboy boots?

Fuck the government mandating wages.

Fuck welfare

Fuck the Illegals

Fuck the homeless

Go be poor someplace else

California has the most debt of any state in the US. They need to be paying off their debt before they give away any more free shit to the assholes.
higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

You are confused Moon Bat.

You stupid Moon Bat are as ignorant of Economics as you are of Climate Science, History, Ethics and the Constitution.

Government mandated higher wages does nothing but drive up the cost of labor, which is a burden on the economy.

Every excessive cent you pay for higher labor is a cent you don't have to spend in the productive economy.
nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics. higher paid labor really does pay more in taxes and create more in demand, in any long run equilibrium.
Incredible! So if you are a citizen of the United States who happens to live in California you must acquire a health insurance policy regardless of need or affordability or you will be fined by the State of California. If you are an illegal alien living in California you will be provided with a taxpayer subsidized medical policy. Pure Insanity!

Undocumented immigrants to get health care in Gavin Newsom’s early California budget deal

California is dependent on Federal Tax Dollars to support all of the idiots that live there.

We should cut their Federal Dollars they receive in half.
Incredible! So if you are a citizen of the United States who happens to live in California you must acquire a health insurance policy regardless of need or affordability or you will be fined by the State of California. If you are an illegal alien living in California you will be provided with a taxpayer subsidized medical policy. Pure Insanity!

Undocumented immigrants to get health care in Gavin Newsom’s early California budget deal

California natives should not have worse privileges and immunities than Any foreigners.
what influx?.....i lived there 50 years and there have always been illegals there......in this state especially in S.Cal,you would not notice if another 20 thousand showed up.....

While there has “always” been illegals here there hasn’t always been 10 million illegals here.
One million cockroaches is better than 10 million cockroaches...right?
you just proved my point.....thanks....

I actually proved Flash ‘s point.
There has been an influx of illegals in south Mexifornia. We went from X number to a point where one couldn’t throw a rock in any direction without hitting an illegal in the head in Los Angeles.
and you also proved my point....that there have always been so many here that you would not notice more moving in over the years....

That’s total bullshit and not true at all...the graffiti, the trash lining the roadways and beaches, the emergency rooms packed full, public schools packed with nothing but brown roaches, the jobs taken, the number of uninsured drivers and drunk drivers..,.All measurable increases and all off the fucking charts these days.
off the charts does not mean it has never been here....people like you were not that noticeable years ago....now people like you are getting off the charts...
Incredible! So if you are a citizen of the United States who happens to live in California you must acquire a health insurance policy regardless of need or affordability or you will be fined by the State of California. If you are an illegal alien living in California you will be provided with a taxpayer subsidized medical policy. Pure Insanity!

Undocumented immigrants to get health care in Gavin Newsom’s early California budget deal

California voted for this, so they obviously want it

Let them pay for it and cancel all federal subsidies.

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