Uneducated whites need an advocate


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Uneducated whites are at a disadvantage in today's society. The main reason is they do not have the job skills for the 21st century.
Many groups find themselves in a disadvantaged situation for various reasons, racial minorities, women, gays etc. They all have an advocate for their cause.
Uneducated whites did not until Donald Trump. But is he the advocate they need. I say he is a false prophet. He is saying putting others down will put the uneducated whites up.
Uneducated whites need to be told to get the job skills for the 21st century. They need to be told you are not guaranteed anything just because you are white but you have equal rights and opportunity.
Uneducated whites are at a disadvantage in today's society. The main reason is they do not have the job skills for the 21st century.
Many groups find themselves in a disadvantaged situation for various reasons, racial minorities, women, gays etc. They all have an advocate for their cause.
Uneducated whites did not until Donald Trump. But is he the advocate they need. I say he is a false prophet. He is saying putting others down will put the uneducated whites up.
Uneducated whites need to be told to get the job skills for the 21st century. They need to be told you are not guaranteed anything just because you are white but you have equal rights and opportunity.
That is a foreign concept to most whites. Theyve never had to work hard against the competition which is why Drumpf has the support he does.
Uneducated whites are at a disadvantage in today's society. The main reason is they do not have the job skills for the 21st century.
Many groups find themselves in a disadvantaged situation for various reasons, racial minorities, women, gays etc. They all have an advocate for their cause.
Uneducated whites did not until Donald Trump. But is he the advocate they need. I say he is a false prophet. He is saying putting others down will put the uneducated whites up.
Uneducated whites need to be told to get the job skills for the 21st century. They need to be told you are not guaranteed anything just because you are white but you have equal rights and opportunity.

Guess you're for giving them affirmative action then huh?

What are your thoughts on uneducated blacks killing each other by the thousands and burning down & looting their own neighborhoods?

You REALLY want to discuss the plight of the uneducated or just play race politics?

Uneducated whites are at a disadvantage in today's society. The main reason is they do not have the job skills for the 21st century.
Many groups find themselves in a disadvantaged situation for various reasons, racial minorities, women, gays etc. They all have an advocate for their cause.
Uneducated whites did not until Donald Trump. But is he the advocate they need. I say he is a false prophet. He is saying putting others down will put the uneducated whites up.
Uneducated whites need to be told to get the job skills for the 21st century. They need to be told you are not guaranteed anything just because you are white but you have equal rights and opportunity.
He is for all Americans, even your dumbass.
probably always going to need those dirty handed vertical smile azz smiling plumbers smiling at you . Always going to need car mechanics or 'triple AAA' workers to fix the cars that you can't fix or even change a tire on . Same for house builders , military , cops , fishermen , farmers , shippers . These few professions that I mention , many of these workers are independent as they take money from YOU the educated that are living in their parents basements and are on their parents insurance till they leave childhood at the age of 26 Elmer !! :afro:
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Uneducated whites are at a disadvantage in today's society. The main reason is they do not have the job skills for the 21st century.
Many groups find themselves in a disadvantaged situation for various reasons, racial minorities, women, gays etc. They all have an advocate for their cause.
Uneducated whites did not until Donald Trump. But is he the advocate they need. I say he is a false prophet. He is saying putting others down will put the uneducated whites up.
Uneducated whites need to be told to get the job skills for the 21st century. They need to be told you are not guaranteed anything just because you are white but you have equal rights and opportunity.
I am gladly a person who never finished college. If being college educated is what the person in the youtube video is like, then thank God that I learned skills to make a living with. Of course the bitch wants to take my hard earned money and give it to some fucker, who illegally crossed the border or lazy fuck who sits in his/her/its parents basement smoking dope, eating government cheese, and watch Netflix and get healthcare of the parents accounts.

That is the false narrative you and the Liberal leadership and the media have created to explain Trump's broad support. The narrative is absurd because it is impossible for Trump to be within a few points of Clinton nationally with his only support being uneducated white men.

You and the Liberal machine have to control the narrative to convince the huge uninformed Democratic voting block to vote for the corrupt and incompetent Clinton. It's similar to how you label Black Trump supporters as "Uncle Toms". I'm an engineer and work with predominantly white and college degreed men and I can tell you Hillary supporters are at most 1 in 3. No I don't work at a University where I am sure it's 10 to 1 for Hillary.
probably always going to need those dirty handed vertical smile azz smiling plumbers smiling at you . Always going to need car mechanics or 'triple AAA' workers to fix the cars that you can't fix or even change a tire on . Same for house builders , military , cops , fishermen , farmers , shippers . These few professions that I mention , many of these workers are independent as they take money from YOU the educated that are living in their parents basements and are on their parents insurance till they leave childhood at the age of 26 Elmer !! :afro:

......and paying off student loans for 15 years for a degree that they can't use to get a job.
Uneducated whites are at a disadvantage in today's society. The main reason is they do not have the job skills for the 21st century.
Many groups find themselves in a disadvantaged situation for various reasons, racial minorities, women, gays etc. They all have an advocate for their cause.
Uneducated whites did not until Donald Trump. But is he the advocate they need. I say he is a false prophet. He is saying putting others down will put the uneducated whites up.
Uneducated whites need to be told to get the job skills for the 21st century. They need to be told you are not guaranteed anything just because you are white but you have equal rights and opportunity.

I agree, but I am more concerned about uneducated people of color of all ethnicities.

We know the USA is rigged for the whites...so uneducated whites will be fine.

The people you really have to worry about are uneducated blacks and all other minorities.

Only 69% of blacks graduate from High School...83% of whites graduate from High School.

If you want to worry, worry about the uneducated blacks. They are the ones that need help.
Just uneducated "white" males? You're a racist
See my post

if elmer is white he's not a racist

ponder that simpletons
Your skin color does not denote your level of racism or abject stupidity.

white calling white isn't racist ... study up on that.

here let me help ...

  1. 1.
    a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More

  1. 1.
    having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another.
    "we are investigating complaints about racist abuse at the club"
probably always going to need those dirty handed vertical smile azz smiling plumbers smiling at you . Always going to need car mechanics or 'triple AAA' workers to fix the cars that you can't fix or even change a tire on . Same for house builders , military , cops , fishermen , farmers , shippers . These few professions that I mention , many of these workers are independent as they take money from YOU the educated that are living in their parents basements and are on their parents insurance till they leave childhood at the age of 26 Elmer !! :afro:

......and paying off student loans for 15 years for a degree that they can't use to get a job.

Yeah degrees in Women Studies, Theatre Arts, Liberal Arts etc are useless. Totally worthless but these doofs pay thousands for them and then are stunned they can't find a job
Uneducated whites are at a disadvantage in today's society. The main reason is they do not have the job skills for the 21st century.
Many groups find themselves in a disadvantaged situation for various reasons, racial minorities, women, gays etc. They all have an advocate for their cause.
Uneducated whites did not until Donald Trump. But is he the advocate they need. I say he is a false prophet. He is saying putting others down will put the uneducated whites up.
Uneducated whites need to be told to get the job skills for the 21st century. They need to be told you are not guaranteed anything just because you are white but you have equal rights and opportunity.

I agree, but I am more concerned about uneducated people of color of all ethnicities.

We know the USA is rigged for the whites...so uneducated whites will be fine.

The people you really have to worry about are uneducated blacks and all other minorities.

Only 69% of blacks graduate from High School...83% of whites graduate from High School.

If you want to worry, worry about the uneducated blacks. They are the ones that need help.
Blacks will be fine once they do their informal education and realize whites cant stop them. After they do that everything will take care of itself.

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