Unemploy Rate A Reflection of P A R T Time Jobs & Discouraged Leaving The Work Force

And whose fault is that?


Face facts: you are an idiot.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits. These benefits, despite numerous extensions, will run out eventually. The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop. Further, it is well documented that the labor force participation rate is lower now than it has been in decades. Why? Because the Millennials are lazy wastes of sperm? That is probably partly true. However, the main reason is that is not enough work to go around.

Do you live in a fucking cave, Carb? These are extraordinary times. Normal modes of measurement are not very helpful right now.

Do everyone a favor, asshole, and go nose dive off a cliff, you clueless cocksucker.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits.

That is not the case.

The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop.

This is incorrect as well.

Where do the statistics come from?
Because unemployment insurance records relate only to persons who have applied for such benefits, and because it is impractical to actually count every unemployed person each month, the Government conducts a monthly sample survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country. The CPS has been conducted in the United States every month since 1940 when it began as a Work Projects Administration program. It has been expanded and modified several times since then.

What do the unemployment insurance (UI) figures measure?
The UI figures are not produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Statistics on insured unemployment in the United States are collected as a by-product of UI programs. Workers who lose their jobs and are covered by these programs typically file claims ("initial claims") that serve as notice that they are beginning a period of unemployment. Claimants who qualify for benefits are counted in the insured unemployment figures (as "continued claims"). Data on UI claims are maintained by the Employment and Training Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor, and are available on the Internet at: http://workforcesecurity.doleta.gov/unemploy/claims.asp.
These data are not used to measure total unemployment because they exclude several important groups. To begin with, not all workers are covered by UI programs. For example, self-employed workers, unpaid family workers, workers in certain not-for-profit organizations, and several other small (primarily seasonal) worker categories are not covered. In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following:
  • Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits
  • Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force)
  • Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker discharged for misconduct on the job
  • Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits
Current Population Survey Frequently Asked Questions
Ruining this country.
Not near as bad as Bush and co. did..

Bush did great things for this country. He gave us the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a secure border and support for Israel. Obongo has undone nearly all of those things.

So a post ago you say

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move...

and now you praise the Patriot Act.


The Patriot Act wasn't about surveillance on American citizens who haven't done anything wrong, it was about enabling investigators going after terrorists to be able to gather the information they needed quickly, in order to prevent terror attacks rather than just reacting to them after the fact.

I thought that was abundantly obvious. No doubt you've gotten your information on President George W. Bush and all of his great accomplishments from Obongo's propaganda.
Then why watch what people were checking out at the library?

They weren't. They could request records, which they did for TERROR SUSPECTS and ONLY TERROR SUSPECTS. But they weren't watching everyone at the library 24/7.
Ruining this country.
Not near as bad as Bush and co. did..

Bush did great things for this country. He gave us the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a secure border and support for Israel. Obongo has undone nearly all of those things.

So a post ago you say

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move...

and now you praise the Patriot Act.


The Patriot Act wasn't about surveillance on American citizens who haven't done anything wrong, it was about enabling investigators going after terrorists to be able to gather the information they needed quickly, in order to prevent terror attacks rather than just reacting to them after the fact.

I thought that was abundantly obvious. No doubt you've gotten your information on President George W. Bush and all of his great accomplishments from Obongo's propaganda.
Ignorance is bliss...

PROVE ME WRONG or stop spamming your liberal propaganda everywhere. No one's buying it.
Not near as bad as Bush and co. did..

Bush did great things for this country. He gave us the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a secure border and support for Israel. Obongo has undone nearly all of those things.

So a post ago you say

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move...

and now you praise the Patriot Act.


The Patriot Act wasn't about surveillance on American citizens who haven't done anything wrong, it was about enabling investigators going after terrorists to be able to gather the information they needed quickly, in order to prevent terror attacks rather than just reacting to them after the fact.

I thought that was abundantly obvious. No doubt you've gotten your information on President George W. Bush and all of his great accomplishments from Obongo's propaganda.
Ignorance is bliss...

PROVE ME WRONG or stop spamming your liberal propaganda everywhere. No one's buying it.

Nobody is buying your rw tonic either, it's laced with angst...

read it and weep.
Congress eventually re-authorized the Patriot Act, including Section 215. A few years later, Obama was elected president of the United States. And under President Obama’s watch, the NSA engaged in surveillance suspiciously similar to the broad “fishing expeditions” Sen. Obama warned about.

The government has argued that records of every phone call made in the United States are “relevant” to counter-terrorism investigations generally, allowing them to obtain information about the private phone calls of millions of Americans — exactly the kind of argument Sen. Obama warned the government would make if the language of Section 215 wasn’t tightened.

Sen. Obama and his colleagues also objected to the lack of transparency and due process in Section 215. “The target of a Section 215 order never receives notice that the government has obtained his sensitive personal information and never has an opportunity to challenge the use of this information in a trial or other proceeding,” they wrote.

Senator Obama Warned About PATRIOT Act Abuses That Happened Under President Obama
Bush did great things for this country. He gave us the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a secure border and support for Israel. Obongo has undone nearly all of those things.

So a post ago you say

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move...

and now you praise the Patriot Act.


The Patriot Act wasn't about surveillance on American citizens who haven't done anything wrong, it was about enabling investigators going after terrorists to be able to gather the information they needed quickly, in order to prevent terror attacks rather than just reacting to them after the fact.

I thought that was abundantly obvious. No doubt you've gotten your information on President George W. Bush and all of his great accomplishments from Obongo's propaganda.
Ignorance is bliss...

PROVE ME WRONG or stop spamming your liberal propaganda everywhere. No one's buying it.

Nobody is buying your rw tonic either, it's laced with angst...

read it and weep.
Congress eventually re-authorized the Patriot Act, including Section 215. A few years later, Obama was elected president of the United States. And under President Obama’s watch, the NSA engaged in surveillance suspiciously similar to the broad “fishing expeditions” Sen. Obama warned about.

The government has argued that records of every phone call made in the United States are “relevant” to counter-terrorism investigations generally, allowing them to obtain information about the private phone calls of millions of Americans — exactly the kind of argument Sen. Obama warned the government would make if the language of Section 215 wasn’t tightened.

Sen. Obama and his colleagues also objected to the lack of transparency and due process in Section 215. “The target of a Section 215 order never receives notice that the government has obtained his sensitive personal information and never has an opportunity to challenge the use of this information in a trial or other proceeding,” they wrote.

Senator Obama Warned About PATRIOT Act Abuses That Happened Under President Obama

I apologize. I didn't realize you were a fellow conservative patriot.

Thank you for posting this indictment of Obongo proving that he used the Patriot Act for very unpatriotic purposes.
Take an example? He IS an example, if you know what I mean.

What did Obama get caught doing red-handed, btw? I'm genuinely curious.

Ruining this country.
Not near as bad as Bush and co. did..

Bush did great things for this country. He gave us the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a secure border and support for Israel. Obongo has undone nearly all of those things.

So a post ago you say

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move...

and now you praise the Patriot Act.

I like the way Oblama yanked all support for Israel also..

Why? Why do you hate Israel so much? They're God's Chosen People. Read the Bible, if you have one. It says everything you need to know to support the Jews and Israel.
Ruining this country.
Not near as bad as Bush and co. did..

Bush did great things for this country. He gave us the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a secure border and support for Israel. Obongo has undone nearly all of those things.

So a post ago you say

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move...

and now you praise the Patriot Act.

I like the way Oblama yanked all support for Israel also..

Why? Why do you hate Israel so much? They're God's Chosen People. Read the Bible, if you have one. It says everything you need to know to support the Jews and Israel.
The Jews broke the covenant when ancient Israel fell...from being bad Jews...Until Charleton Heston was born and people once again Idolized the Jews...
Not near as bad as Bush and co. did..

Bush did great things for this country. He gave us the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a secure border and support for Israel. Obongo has undone nearly all of those things.

So a post ago you say

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move...

and now you praise the Patriot Act.

I like the way Oblama yanked all support for Israel also..

Why? Why do you hate Israel so much? They're God's Chosen People. Read the Bible, if you have one. It says everything you need to know to support the Jews and Israel.
The Jews broke the covenant when ancient Israel fell...from being bad Jews...Until Charleton Heston was born and people once again Idolized the Jews...
Please tell me why Israel gets about 3 billion a year from the US in aid and you claim Oblama has abandoned Israel. How can you expect people to believe that 6 year old lie?
And whose fault is that?


Face facts: you are an idiot.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits. These benefits, despite numerous extensions, will run out eventually. The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop. Further, it is well documented that the labor force participation rate is lower now than it has been in decades. Why? Because the Millennials are lazy wastes of sperm? That is probably partly true. However, the main reason is that is not enough work to go around.

Do you live in a fucking cave, Carb? These are extraordinary times. Normal modes of measurement are not very helpful right now.

Do everyone a favor, asshole, and go nose dive off a cliff, you clueless cocksucker.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits.

That is not the case.

The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop.

This is incorrect as well.

Where do the statistics come from?
Because unemployment insurance records relate only to persons who have applied for such benefits, and because it is impractical to actually count every unemployed person each month, the Government conducts a monthly sample survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country. The CPS has been conducted in the United States every month since 1940 when it began as a Work Projects Administration program. It has been expanded and modified several times since then.

What do the unemployment insurance (UI) figures measure?
The UI figures are not produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Statistics on insured unemployment in the United States are collected as a by-product of UI programs. Workers who lose their jobs and are covered by these programs typically file claims ("initial claims") that serve as notice that they are beginning a period of unemployment. Claimants who qualify for benefits are counted in the insured unemployment figures (as "continued claims"). Data on UI claims are maintained by the Employment and Training Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor, and are available on the Internet at: http://workforcesecurity.doleta.gov/unemploy/claims.asp.
These data are not used to measure total unemployment because they exclude several important groups. To begin with, not all workers are covered by UI programs. For example, self-employed workers, unpaid family workers, workers in certain not-for-profit organizations, and several other small (primarily seasonal) worker categories are not covered. In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following:
  • Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits
  • Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force)
  • Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker discharged for misconduct on the job
  • Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits
Current Population Survey Frequently Asked Questions

you forgot to mention the retiring baby boomers who have a greater effect than ALL of the above ...

  • The average prime working age LFPR since 2007 is 82.0%, and the average 55-and-over LFPR since 2007 is 40.1%
  • The size of the 55-and-over population has increased by 15.619 million relative to that of the prime working age population since 2007
  • 15.619 million multiplied by the difference between the two participation rates (82.0% - 40.1%) implies that this simple demographic shift alone has left only 6.544 million workers at the end of 2013 where there were 15.619 million at the end of 2007
  • Subtract that 6.544 million still in the labor force from the 15.619 million who made the shift from the first bucket to the second bucket and you get 9.075 million people 55 years of age or over who have left the labor force over the past six years

Read more: Baby Boomers Are Retiring - Business Insider
Last edited:
Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits. These benefits, despite numerous extensions, will run out eventually. The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop.
This is 100% false. I can't believe the number of people who continue to repeat this bullshit.
And whose fault is that?


Face facts: you are an idiot.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits. These benefits, despite numerous extensions, will run out eventually. The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop. Further, it is well documented that the labor force participation rate is lower now than it has been in decades. Why? Because the Millennials are lazy wastes of sperm? That is probably partly true. However, the main reason is that is not enough work to go around.

Do you live in a fucking cave, Carb? These are extraordinary times. Normal modes of measurement are not very helpful right now.

Do everyone a favor, asshole, and go nose dive off a cliff, you clueless cocksucker.

Tally Ho! Carb....I think somebody's got your number, pal.

He can also explain economics to ya. :)
Piss Bucket has nobody's number as the post started out with a lie.
So a post ago you say

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move...

and now you praise the Patriot Act.


The Patriot Act wasn't about surveillance on American citizens who haven't done anything wrong, it was about enabling investigators going after terrorists to be able to gather the information they needed quickly, in order to prevent terror attacks rather than just reacting to them after the fact.

I thought that was abundantly obvious. No doubt you've gotten your information on President George W. Bush and all of his great accomplishments from Obongo's propaganda.
Ignorance is bliss...

PROVE ME WRONG or stop spamming your liberal propaganda everywhere. No one's buying it.

Nobody is buying your rw tonic either, it's laced with angst...

read it and weep.
Congress eventually re-authorized the Patriot Act, including Section 215. A few years later, Obama was elected president of the United States. And under President Obama’s watch, the NSA engaged in surveillance suspiciously similar to the broad “fishing expeditions” Sen. Obama warned about.

The government has argued that records of every phone call made in the United States are “relevant” to counter-terrorism investigations generally, allowing them to obtain information about the private phone calls of millions of Americans — exactly the kind of argument Sen. Obama warned the government would make if the language of Section 215 wasn’t tightened.

Sen. Obama and his colleagues also objected to the lack of transparency and due process in Section 215. “The target of a Section 215 order never receives notice that the government has obtained his sensitive personal information and never has an opportunity to challenge the use of this information in a trial or other proceeding,” they wrote.

Senator Obama Warned About PATRIOT Act Abuses That Happened Under President Obama

I apologize. I didn't realize you were a fellow conservative patriot.

Thank you for posting this indictment of Obongo proving that he used the Patriot Act for very unpatriotic purposes.
Anybody can and will. It's an ability many want and it has nothing to do with party affiliation and everything to do with intent..
And whose fault is that?


Face facts: you are an idiot.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits. These benefits, despite numerous extensions, will run out eventually. The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop. Further, it is well documented that the labor force participation rate is lower now than it has been in decades. Why? Because the Millennials are lazy wastes of sperm? That is probably partly true. However, the main reason is that is not enough work to go around.

Do you live in a fucking cave, Carb? These are extraordinary times. Normal modes of measurement are not very helpful right now.

Do everyone a favor, asshole, and go nose dive off a cliff, you clueless cocksucker.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits.

That is not the case.

The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop.

This is incorrect as well.

Where do the statistics come from?
Because unemployment insurance records relate only to persons who have applied for such benefits, and because it is impractical to actually count every unemployed person each month, the Government conducts a monthly sample survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country. The CPS has been conducted in the United States every month since 1940 when it began as a Work Projects Administration program. It has been expanded and modified several times since then.

What do the unemployment insurance (UI) figures measure?
The UI figures are not produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Statistics on insured unemployment in the United States are collected as a by-product of UI programs. Workers who lose their jobs and are covered by these programs typically file claims ("initial claims") that serve as notice that they are beginning a period of unemployment. Claimants who qualify for benefits are counted in the insured unemployment figures (as "continued claims"). Data on UI claims are maintained by the Employment and Training Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor, and are available on the Internet at: http://workforcesecurity.doleta.gov/unemploy/claims.asp.
These data are not used to measure total unemployment because they exclude several important groups. To begin with, not all workers are covered by UI programs. For example, self-employed workers, unpaid family workers, workers in certain not-for-profit organizations, and several other small (primarily seasonal) worker categories are not covered. In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following:
  • Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits
  • Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force)
  • Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker discharged for misconduct on the job
  • Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits
Current Population Survey Frequently Asked Questions

Unemployment claims still very much figure into the equation. The unemployment rate does take such filings into account, as well as other factors, some of which are controversial as true measurements of unemployment. It is a composite.

I never said that the number is based solely on unemployment claims. Where did you get that idea? Because that is what you wanted to get out of what I was saying.

The overriding point - one which you are trying to prevent being made with this subterfuge - is that the unemployment figure published by your federal government is misleading and false.

The "unemployment rate" is what it is. Is produced a composite result to a calculated equation. I have no qualm with that. I can devise a complex equation to determine penis length, but that will not change the length of my dick. The "unemployment rate" is a fiction served up by the government in an attempt to actually measure employment rates; that is, assuming that you are not a cynic.

You argue like someone who is the product of an affirmative action education, meaning that you suck at it. Your alleged "facts" are nothing of the sort.
And whose fault is that?


Face facts: you are an idiot.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits. These benefits, despite numerous extensions, will run out eventually. The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop. Further, it is well documented that the labor force participation rate is lower now than it has been in decades. Why? Because the Millennials are lazy wastes of sperm? That is probably partly true. However, the main reason is that is not enough work to go around.

Do you live in a fucking cave, Carb? These are extraordinary times. Normal modes of measurement are not very helpful right now.

Do everyone a favor, asshole, and go nose dive off a cliff, you clueless cocksucker.

Tally Ho! Carb....I think somebody's got your number, pal.

He can also explain economics to ya. :)
Piss Bucket has nobody's number as the post started out with a lie.

Fuck you, Jew.
And whose fault is that?


Face facts: you are an idiot.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits. These benefits, despite numerous extensions, will run out eventually. The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop. Further, it is well documented that the labor force participation rate is lower now than it has been in decades. Why? Because the Millennials are lazy wastes of sperm? That is probably partly true. However, the main reason is that is not enough work to go around.

Do you live in a fucking cave, Carb? These are extraordinary times. Normal modes of measurement are not very helpful right now.

Do everyone a favor, asshole, and go nose dive off a cliff, you clueless cocksucker.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits.

That is not the case.

The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop.

This is incorrect as well.

Where do the statistics come from?
Because unemployment insurance records relate only to persons who have applied for such benefits, and because it is impractical to actually count every unemployed person each month, the Government conducts a monthly sample survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country. The CPS has been conducted in the United States every month since 1940 when it began as a Work Projects Administration program. It has been expanded and modified several times since then.

What do the unemployment insurance (UI) figures measure?
The UI figures are not produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Statistics on insured unemployment in the United States are collected as a by-product of UI programs. Workers who lose their jobs and are covered by these programs typically file claims ("initial claims") that serve as notice that they are beginning a period of unemployment. Claimants who qualify for benefits are counted in the insured unemployment figures (as "continued claims"). Data on UI claims are maintained by the Employment and Training Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor, and are available on the Internet at: http://workforcesecurity.doleta.gov/unemploy/claims.asp.
These data are not used to measure total unemployment because they exclude several important groups. To begin with, not all workers are covered by UI programs. For example, self-employed workers, unpaid family workers, workers in certain not-for-profit organizations, and several other small (primarily seasonal) worker categories are not covered. In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following:
  • Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits
  • Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force)
  • Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker discharged for misconduct on the job
  • Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits
Current Population Survey Frequently Asked Questions

Unemployment claims still very much figure into the equation. The unemployment rate does take such filings into account, as well as other factors, some of which are controversial as true measurements of unemployment. It is a composite.

I never said that the number is based solely on unemployment claims. Where did you get that idea? Because that is what you wanted to get out of what I was saying.

The overriding point - one which you are trying to prevent being made with this subterfuge - is that the unemployment figure published by your federal government is misleading and false.

The "unemployment rate" is what it is. Is produced a composite result to a calculated equation. I have no qualm with that. I can devise a complex equation to determine penis length, but that will not change the length of my dick. The "unemployment rate" is a fiction served up by the government in an attempt to actually measure employment rates; that is, assuming that you are not a cynic.

You argue like someone who is the product of an affirmative action education, meaning that you suck at it. Your alleged "facts" are nothing of the sort.
Unemployment claims have absolutely nothing to do with how the unemployment rate is calculated. The unemployment rate is solely calculated via the results of a monthly household survey from the BLS.
And whose fault is that?


Face facts: you are an idiot.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits. These benefits, despite numerous extensions, will run out eventually. The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop. Further, it is well documented that the labor force participation rate is lower now than it has been in decades. Why? Because the Millennials are lazy wastes of sperm? That is probably partly true. However, the main reason is that is not enough work to go around.

Do you live in a fucking cave, Carb? These are extraordinary times. Normal modes of measurement are not very helpful right now.

Do everyone a favor, asshole, and go nose dive off a cliff, you clueless cocksucker.

Tally Ho! Carb....I think somebody's got your number, pal.

He can also explain economics to ya. :)
Piss Bucket has nobody's number as the post started out with a lie.

Fuck you, Jew.
You're welcome, dumbass.
And whose fault is that?


Face facts: you are an idiot.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits. These benefits, despite numerous extensions, will run out eventually. The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop. Further, it is well documented that the labor force participation rate is lower now than it has been in decades. Why? Because the Millennials are lazy wastes of sperm? That is probably partly true. However, the main reason is that is not enough work to go around.

Do you live in a fucking cave, Carb? These are extraordinary times. Normal modes of measurement are not very helpful right now.

Do everyone a favor, asshole, and go nose dive off a cliff, you clueless cocksucker.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits.

That is not the case.

The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop.

This is incorrect as well.

Where do the statistics come from?
Because unemployment insurance records relate only to persons who have applied for such benefits, and because it is impractical to actually count every unemployed person each month, the Government conducts a monthly sample survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country. The CPS has been conducted in the United States every month since 1940 when it began as a Work Projects Administration program. It has been expanded and modified several times since then.

What do the unemployment insurance (UI) figures measure?
The UI figures are not produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Statistics on insured unemployment in the United States are collected as a by-product of UI programs. Workers who lose their jobs and are covered by these programs typically file claims ("initial claims") that serve as notice that they are beginning a period of unemployment. Claimants who qualify for benefits are counted in the insured unemployment figures (as "continued claims"). Data on UI claims are maintained by the Employment and Training Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor, and are available on the Internet at: http://workforcesecurity.doleta.gov/unemploy/claims.asp.
These data are not used to measure total unemployment because they exclude several important groups. To begin with, not all workers are covered by UI programs. For example, self-employed workers, unpaid family workers, workers in certain not-for-profit organizations, and several other small (primarily seasonal) worker categories are not covered. In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following:
  • Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits
  • Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force)
  • Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker discharged for misconduct on the job
  • Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits
Current Population Survey Frequently Asked Questions

Unemployment claims still very much figure into the equation. The unemployment rate does take such filings into account, as well as other factors, some of which are controversial as true measurements of unemployment. It is a composite.

I never said that the number is based solely on unemployment claims. Where did you get that idea? Because that is what you wanted to get out of what I was saying.

The overriding point - one which you are trying to prevent being made with this subterfuge - is that the unemployment figure published by your federal government is misleading and false.

The "unemployment rate" is what it is. Is produced a composite result to a calculated equation. I have no qualm with that. I can devise a complex equation to determine penis length, but that will not change the length of my dick. The "unemployment rate" is a fiction served up by the government in an attempt to actually measure employment rates; that is, assuming that you are not a cynic.

You argue like someone who is the product of an affirmative action education, meaning that you suck at it. Your alleged "facts" are nothing of the sort.

Unemployment claims still very much figure into the equation.

Wrong. As the link shows, it's based on the survey.

I never said that the number is based solely on unemployment claims. Where did you get that idea?

I never claimed you said solely. You said largely. You were wrong.

The overriding point - one which you are trying to prevent being made with this subterfuge - is that the unemployment figure published by your federal government is misleading and false.

Wrong, again. You can continue to claim the government figure is wrong, and I'll agree, to a point, but you shouldn't base your claim on an incorrect claim of your own.

You argue like someone who is the product of an affirmative action education

LOL! Sorry that pointing out your error made you cry.
You're supposed to be a conservative, so man the fuck up. Idiot.
And whose fault is that?


Face facts: you are an idiot.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits. These benefits, despite numerous extensions, will run out eventually. The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop. Further, it is well documented that the labor force participation rate is lower now than it has been in decades. Why? Because the Millennials are lazy wastes of sperm? That is probably partly true. However, the main reason is that is not enough work to go around.

Do you live in a fucking cave, Carb? These are extraordinary times. Normal modes of measurement are not very helpful right now.

Do everyone a favor, asshole, and go nose dive off a cliff, you clueless cocksucker.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits.

That is not the case.

The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop.

This is incorrect as well.

Where do the statistics come from?
Because unemployment insurance records relate only to persons who have applied for such benefits, and because it is impractical to actually count every unemployed person each month, the Government conducts a monthly sample survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country. The CPS has been conducted in the United States every month since 1940 when it began as a Work Projects Administration program. It has been expanded and modified several times since then.

What do the unemployment insurance (UI) figures measure?
The UI figures are not produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Statistics on insured unemployment in the United States are collected as a by-product of UI programs. Workers who lose their jobs and are covered by these programs typically file claims ("initial claims") that serve as notice that they are beginning a period of unemployment. Claimants who qualify for benefits are counted in the insured unemployment figures (as "continued claims"). Data on UI claims are maintained by the Employment and Training Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor, and are available on the Internet at: http://workforcesecurity.doleta.gov/unemploy/claims.asp.
These data are not used to measure total unemployment because they exclude several important groups. To begin with, not all workers are covered by UI programs. For example, self-employed workers, unpaid family workers, workers in certain not-for-profit organizations, and several other small (primarily seasonal) worker categories are not covered. In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following:
  • Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits
  • Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force)
  • Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker discharged for misconduct on the job
  • Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits
Current Population Survey Frequently Asked Questions

Unemployment claims still very much figure into the equation. The unemployment rate does take such filings into account, as well as other factors, some of which are controversial as true measurements of unemployment. It is a composite.

I never said that the number is based solely on unemployment claims. Where did you get that idea? Because that is what you wanted to get out of what I was saying.

The overriding point - one which you are trying to prevent being made with this subterfuge - is that the unemployment figure published by your federal government is misleading and false.

The "unemployment rate" is what it is. Is produced a composite result to a calculated equation. I have no qualm with that. I can devise a complex equation to determine penis length, but that will not change the length of my dick. The "unemployment rate" is a fiction served up by the government in an attempt to actually measure employment rates; that is, assuming that you are not a cynic.

You argue like someone who is the product of an affirmative action education, meaning that you suck at it. Your alleged "facts" are nothing of the sort.

Unemployment claims still very much figure into the equation.

Wrong. As the link shows, it's based on the survey.

I never said that the number is based solely on unemployment claims. Where did you get that idea?

I never claimed you said solely. You said largely. You were wrong.

The overriding point - one which you are trying to prevent being made with this subterfuge - is that the unemployment figure published by your federal government is misleading and false.

Wrong, again. You can continue to claim the government figure is wrong, and I'll agree, to a point, but you shouldn't base your claim on an incorrect claim of your own.

You argue like someone who is the product of an affirmative action education

LOL! Sorry that pointing out your error made you cry.
You're supposed to be a conservative, so man the fuck up. Idiot.

Total bullshit. Try again, shit head, but get to the fucking point already and quit wasting my fucking time.
And whose fault is that?


Face facts: you are an idiot.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits. These benefits, despite numerous extensions, will run out eventually. The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop. Further, it is well documented that the labor force participation rate is lower now than it has been in decades. Why? Because the Millennials are lazy wastes of sperm? That is probably partly true. However, the main reason is that is not enough work to go around.

Do you live in a fucking cave, Carb? These are extraordinary times. Normal modes of measurement are not very helpful right now.

Do everyone a favor, asshole, and go nose dive off a cliff, you clueless cocksucker.

Unemployment numbers are largely based on claims filed for state unemployment insurance benefits.

That is not the case.

The mere fact that benefits expire will cause this "unemployment rate" construct to drop.

This is incorrect as well.

Where do the statistics come from?
Because unemployment insurance records relate only to persons who have applied for such benefits, and because it is impractical to actually count every unemployed person each month, the Government conducts a monthly sample survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country. The CPS has been conducted in the United States every month since 1940 when it began as a Work Projects Administration program. It has been expanded and modified several times since then.

What do the unemployment insurance (UI) figures measure?
The UI figures are not produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Statistics on insured unemployment in the United States are collected as a by-product of UI programs. Workers who lose their jobs and are covered by these programs typically file claims ("initial claims") that serve as notice that they are beginning a period of unemployment. Claimants who qualify for benefits are counted in the insured unemployment figures (as "continued claims"). Data on UI claims are maintained by the Employment and Training Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor, and are available on the Internet at: http://workforcesecurity.doleta.gov/unemploy/claims.asp.
These data are not used to measure total unemployment because they exclude several important groups. To begin with, not all workers are covered by UI programs. For example, self-employed workers, unpaid family workers, workers in certain not-for-profit organizations, and several other small (primarily seasonal) worker categories are not covered. In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following:
  • Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits
  • Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force)
  • Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker discharged for misconduct on the job
  • Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits
Current Population Survey Frequently Asked Questions

Unemployment claims still very much figure into the equation. The unemployment rate does take such filings into account, as well as other factors, some of which are controversial as true measurements of unemployment. It is a composite.

I never said that the number is based solely on unemployment claims. Where did you get that idea? Because that is what you wanted to get out of what I was saying.

The overriding point - one which you are trying to prevent being made with this subterfuge - is that the unemployment figure published by your federal government is misleading and false.

The "unemployment rate" is what it is. Is produced a composite result to a calculated equation. I have no qualm with that. I can devise a complex equation to determine penis length, but that will not change the length of my dick. The "unemployment rate" is a fiction served up by the government in an attempt to actually measure employment rates; that is, assuming that you are not a cynic.

You argue like someone who is the product of an affirmative action education, meaning that you suck at it. Your alleged "facts" are nothing of the sort.
Unemployment claims have absolutely nothing to do with how the unemployment rate is calculated. The unemployment rate is solely calculated via the results of a monthly household survey from the BLS.

Complete horse shit spoon fed to you by the government.

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