Unemploy Rate A Reflection of P A R T Time Jobs & Discouraged Leaving The Work Force

200,000 jobs plus being added to the economy


After all those trillions we still never found WMD's...Sufficient to warrant the expenditure for the evidence..

Stop trying to make this about Bush, AGAIN. That's all Democrats do. When Obongo gets caught red-handed liberals always point to something Bush said or did. We can discuss the Iraq War and Saddam's WMD program (because he DID have one) in another thread.

This thread is about the economy. Stick to the topic. You're not even up to making excuses, you're just trying to change the topic completely, a common tactic liberals use when they KNOW their false idol Barack Hussein has been confirmed as a failure yet again.
200,000 jobs plus being added to the economy


After all those trillions we still never found WMD's...Sufficient to warrant the expenditure for the evidence..

Stop trying to make this about Bush, AGAIN. That's all Democrats do. When Obongo gets caught red-handed liberals always point to something Bush said or did. We can discuss the Iraq War and Saddam's WMD program (because he DID have one) in another thread.

This thread is about the economy. Stick to the topic. You're not even up to making excuses, you're just trying to change the topic completely, a common tactic liberals use when they KNOW their false idol Barack Hussein has been confirmed as a failure yet again.
If you can't take an example get out of the kitchen...
And whose fault is that?
George W Bush, of course.

The Democrats have passed legislation that is textbook unintended consequences. They didnt want companies hiring part time workers to skit the requirements of ACA. SO they defined full time as 30 hours, contrary to common and accepted usage, which was 40. So companies, which still ahd the incentive to avoid the traps of ACA simply reduced workers' hours to 29 hours a week. Even the U. of Colorado did this with their student workers.

The number of parttime workers who are parttime for economic reasons fell by 174,000 the last period.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data seasonally adjusted
200,000 jobs plus being added to the economy


After all those trillions we still never found WMD's...Sufficient to warrant the expenditure for the evidence..

Stop trying to make this about Bush, AGAIN. That's all Democrats do. When Obongo gets caught red-handed liberals always point to something Bush said or did. We can discuss the Iraq War and Saddam's WMD program (because he DID have one) in another thread.

This thread is about the economy. Stick to the topic. You're not even up to making excuses, you're just trying to change the topic completely, a common tactic liberals use when they KNOW their false idol Barack Hussein has been confirmed as a failure yet again.
If you can't take an example get out of the kitchen...

Take an example? He IS an example, if you know what I mean.

What did Obama get caught doing red-handed, btw? I'm genuinely curious.
This has been discussed adnoseum in dozens of threads. Just look in any thread that talks about the Unemployment rate. But it bears repeating. The drop in the Unemployment rate is not a reflection of a roaring economy. The drop in the rate is a reflection of negative underlying data such as increase in part time job versus full time jobs..... and discouraged workers just giving up.

Don't be fooled by the superficial number.
So the increase in the unemployment rate would mean a positive reflection of underlying data... or do we have a double negative with either an increase or a decrease?

No, an increase in the U-3 rate means that all the RWnuts around here suddenly flip flop and decide that IS the best indicator. lol, we've seen that many times.
200,000 jobs plus being added to the economy


After all those trillions we still never found WMD's...Sufficient to warrant the expenditure for the evidence..

Stop trying to make this about Bush, AGAIN. That's all Democrats do. When Obongo gets caught red-handed liberals always point to something Bush said or did. We can discuss the Iraq War and Saddam's WMD program (because he DID have one) in another thread.

This thread is about the economy. Stick to the topic. You're not even up to making excuses, you're just trying to change the topic completely, a common tactic liberals use when they KNOW their false idol Barack Hussein has been confirmed as a failure yet again.
If you can't take an example get out of the kitchen...

Take an example? He IS an example, if you know what I mean.

What did Obama get caught doing red-handed, btw? I'm genuinely curious.

Ruining this country.

After all those trillions we still never found WMD's...Sufficient to warrant the expenditure for the evidence..

Stop trying to make this about Bush, AGAIN. That's all Democrats do. When Obongo gets caught red-handed liberals always point to something Bush said or did. We can discuss the Iraq War and Saddam's WMD program (because he DID have one) in another thread.

This thread is about the economy. Stick to the topic. You're not even up to making excuses, you're just trying to change the topic completely, a common tactic liberals use when they KNOW their false idol Barack Hussein has been confirmed as a failure yet again.
If you can't take an example get out of the kitchen...

Take an example? He IS an example, if you know what I mean.

What did Obama get caught doing red-handed, btw? I'm genuinely curious.

Ruining this country.
Not near as bad as Bush and co. did..

After all those trillions we still never found WMD's...Sufficient to warrant the expenditure for the evidence..

Stop trying to make this about Bush, AGAIN. That's all Democrats do. When Obongo gets caught red-handed liberals always point to something Bush said or did. We can discuss the Iraq War and Saddam's WMD program (because he DID have one) in another thread.

This thread is about the economy. Stick to the topic. You're not even up to making excuses, you're just trying to change the topic completely, a common tactic liberals use when they KNOW their false idol Barack Hussein has been confirmed as a failure yet again.
If you can't take an example get out of the kitchen...

Take an example? He IS an example, if you know what I mean.

What did Obama get caught doing red-handed, btw? I'm genuinely curious.

Ruining this country.

You mean ruining the chance for the RWnuttery in this country to have the fucked up America they want.
This has been discussed adnoseum in dozens of threads. Just look in any thread that talks about the Unemployment rate. But it bears repeating. The drop in the Unemployment rate is not a reflection of a roaring economy. The drop in the rate is a reflection of negative underlying data such as increase in part time job versus full time jobs..... and discouraged workers just giving up.

Don't be fooled by the superficial number.

This the PoliticalChic modus operandi. Lose the argument in one thread and then run off and start essentially the same thread over again,

IOW, make the refutation disappear.

This has been discussed adnoseum in dozens of threads. Just look in any thread that talks about the Unemployment rate. But it bears repeating. The drop in the Unemployment rate is not a reflection of a roaring economy. The drop in the rate is a reflection of negative underlying data such as increase in part time job versus full time jobs..... and discouraged workers just giving up.

Don't be fooled by the superficial number.

Perhaps then you can explain why parttime jobs for economic reasons are DOWN by 230,000 from a year ago.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data seasonally adjusted
After all those trillions we still never found WMD's...Sufficient to warrant the expenditure for the evidence..

Stop trying to make this about Bush, AGAIN. That's all Democrats do. When Obongo gets caught red-handed liberals always point to something Bush said or did. We can discuss the Iraq War and Saddam's WMD program (because he DID have one) in another thread.

This thread is about the economy. Stick to the topic. You're not even up to making excuses, you're just trying to change the topic completely, a common tactic liberals use when they KNOW their false idol Barack Hussein has been confirmed as a failure yet again.
If you can't take an example get out of the kitchen...

Take an example? He IS an example, if you know what I mean.

What did Obama get caught doing red-handed, btw? I'm genuinely curious.

Ruining this country.

You mean ruining the chance for the RWnuttery in this country to have the fucked up America they want.

We want an America where children can play safely in the streets, are allowed to learn about the Bible (which is what our country was FOUNDED on) in school, and don't have partisan Democrat talking points shoved down their throats from Kindergarten on through college.

We want an America where adults get to keep the paycheck they EARNED and not have half of it taken away in taxes, make their own decisions on what to do in life, and actually be able to save for retirement for when they grow old.

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move, arming Mexican drug lords against our own citizens with illegal guns, shredding our Constitutionally guaranteed rights, and erasing America's Christian heritage from history books.

If that sounds "F'd up" to you, you're not an American, you're a damn Communist infiltrator who HATES America and wants it and all of its people to fail.
After all those trillions we still never found WMD's...Sufficient to warrant the expenditure for the evidence..

Stop trying to make this about Bush, AGAIN. That's all Democrats do. When Obongo gets caught red-handed liberals always point to something Bush said or did. We can discuss the Iraq War and Saddam's WMD program (because he DID have one) in another thread.

This thread is about the economy. Stick to the topic. You're not even up to making excuses, you're just trying to change the topic completely, a common tactic liberals use when they KNOW their false idol Barack Hussein has been confirmed as a failure yet again.
If you can't take an example get out of the kitchen...

Take an example? He IS an example, if you know what I mean.

What did Obama get caught doing red-handed, btw? I'm genuinely curious.

Ruining this country.
Not near as bad as Bush and co. did..

Bush did great things for this country. He gave us the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a secure border and support for Israel. Obongo has undone nearly all of those things.
Stop trying to make this about Bush, AGAIN. That's all Democrats do. When Obongo gets caught red-handed liberals always point to something Bush said or did. We can discuss the Iraq War and Saddam's WMD program (because he DID have one) in another thread.

This thread is about the economy. Stick to the topic. You're not even up to making excuses, you're just trying to change the topic completely, a common tactic liberals use when they KNOW their false idol Barack Hussein has been confirmed as a failure yet again.
If you can't take an example get out of the kitchen...

Take an example? He IS an example, if you know what I mean.

What did Obama get caught doing red-handed, btw? I'm genuinely curious.

Ruining this country.
Not near as bad as Bush and co. did..

Bush did great things for this country. He gave us the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a secure border and support for Israel. Obongo has undone nearly all of those things.

So a post ago you say

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move...

and now you praise the Patriot Act.

If you can't take an example get out of the kitchen...

Take an example? He IS an example, if you know what I mean.

What did Obama get caught doing red-handed, btw? I'm genuinely curious.

Ruining this country.
Not near as bad as Bush and co. did..

Bush did great things for this country. He gave us the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a secure border and support for Israel. Obongo has undone nearly all of those things.

So a post ago you say

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move...

and now you praise the Patriot Act.

I like the way Oblama yanked all support for Israel also..
If you can't take an example get out of the kitchen...

Take an example? He IS an example, if you know what I mean.

What did Obama get caught doing red-handed, btw? I'm genuinely curious.

Ruining this country.
Not near as bad as Bush and co. did..

Bush did great things for this country. He gave us the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a secure border and support for Israel. Obongo has undone nearly all of those things.

So a post ago you say

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move...

and now you praise the Patriot Act.


The Patriot Act wasn't about surveillance on American citizens who haven't done anything wrong, it was about enabling investigators going after terrorists to be able to gather the information they needed quickly, in order to prevent terror attacks rather than just reacting to them after the fact.

I thought that was abundantly obvious. No doubt you've gotten your information on President George W. Bush and all of his great accomplishments from Obongo's propaganda.
Take an example? He IS an example, if you know what I mean.

What did Obama get caught doing red-handed, btw? I'm genuinely curious.

Ruining this country.
Not near as bad as Bush and co. did..

Bush did great things for this country. He gave us the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a secure border and support for Israel. Obongo has undone nearly all of those things.

So a post ago you say

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move...

and now you praise the Patriot Act.


The Patriot Act wasn't about surveillance on American citizens who haven't done anything wrong, it was about enabling investigators going after terrorists to be able to gather the information they needed quickly, in order to prevent terror attacks rather than just reacting to them after the fact.

I thought that was abundantly obvious. No doubt you've gotten your information on President George W. Bush and all of his great accomplishments from Obongo's propaganda.
Then why watch what people were checking out at the library?
Take an example? He IS an example, if you know what I mean.

What did Obama get caught doing red-handed, btw? I'm genuinely curious.

Ruining this country.
Not near as bad as Bush and co. did..

Bush did great things for this country. He gave us the Patriot Act, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, a secure border and support for Israel. Obongo has undone nearly all of those things.

So a post ago you say

We want an America where the Big Brother isn't watching our every move...

and now you praise the Patriot Act.


The Patriot Act wasn't about surveillance on American citizens who haven't done anything wrong, it was about enabling investigators going after terrorists to be able to gather the information they needed quickly, in order to prevent terror attacks rather than just reacting to them after the fact.

I thought that was abundantly obvious. No doubt you've gotten your information on President George W. Bush and all of his great accomplishments from Obongo's propaganda.
Ignorance is bliss...

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