Unemployed youth; (the amended FLS act).


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
At least one of the Canadian provinces had a sub-minimum wage law similar to the USA sub-minimal wage provision enacted due to a 1996 amendment of USA’s Fair Labor Standards Act.
[Refer to “Fact Sheet #32: Youth Minimum Wage - Fair Labor Standards Act”,
http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs32.pdf ].

[I don’t know why the Canadians dropped their acceptance from their own laws but I can foresee some of the problems that are likely to occur (if they haven’t yet already been encountered) within the USA].

When this amendment becomes more familiar and publically acceptable, it will be a boon for enterprises with a need for 90 days temporary seasonal employees.
Many enterprises would be hiring on a trial basis and retaining only exceptional well performing workers beyond the 90 days deadline.

Some employers would conclude that their recruiting expenses and the learning curve limitations of their tasks require more selective hiring.

They must consider the costs associated with poor rates of employee retention. For such enterprises the more qualified youths will continue to be those first hired but at possibly much lesser wage rates.
Those who previously might have been disregarded due to the hiring of equally qualified older job applicants will now be preferred to those older job applicants. No one ever becomes younger.

All other youths similar to those that were unemployed due to their lesser qualifications, will not have significantly better chance of being now hired by an enterprise concerned with their recruiting and/or their on the job training costs. Such enterprises and such jobs are among the most desirable opportunities.

Respectfully, Supposn
At least one of the Canadian provinces had a sub-minimum wage law similar to the USA sub-minimal wage provision enacted due to a 1996 amendment of USA’s Fair Labor Standards Act.
[Refer to “Fact Sheet #32: Youth Minimum Wage - Fair Labor Standards Act”,
http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs32.pdf ].

[I don’t know why the Canadians dropped their acceptance from their own laws but I can foresee some of the problems that are likely to occur (if they haven’t yet already been encountered) within the USA].

When this amendment becomes more familiar and publically acceptable, it will be a boon for enterprises with a need for 90 days temporary seasonal employees.
Many enterprises would be hiring on a trial basis and retaining only exceptional well performing workers beyond the 90 days deadline.

Some employers would conclude that their recruiting expenses and the learning curve limitations of their tasks require more selective hiring.

They must consider the costs associated with poor rates of employee retention. For such enterprises the more qualified youths will continue to be those first hired but at possibly much lesser wage rates.
Those who previously might have been disregarded due to the hiring of equally qualified older job applicants will now be preferred to those older job applicants. No one ever becomes younger.

All other youths similar to those that were unemployed due to their lesser qualifications, will not have significantly better chance of being now hired by an enterprise concerned with their recruiting and/or their on the job training costs. Such enterprises and such jobs are among the most desirable opportunities.

Respectfully, Supposn

what??? can you make your point in one clear sentence?
what??? can you make your point in one clear sentence?
Mr. Baiamonte, I expect to some extent this sub-minimal youth wage will undermine the minimum wage laws, be detrimental to the median wage, will not significantly reduce youths’’ under-employment and will be as net detriment to our economy.

Respectfully, Supposn
what??? can you make your point in one clear sentence?
Mr. Baiamonte, I expect to some extent this sub-minimal youth wage will undermine the minimum wage laws, be detrimental to the median wage, will not significantly reduce youths’’ under-employment and will be as net detriment to our economy.

Respectfully, Supposn

you will always be very very slow if you worry about such very very trivial issues. Why not tell us if you're a liberal and conservative and why. Make sense?????
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what??? can you make your point in one clear sentence?
Mr. Baiamonte, I expect to some extent this sub-minimal youth wage will undermine the minimum wage laws, be detrimental to the median wage, will not significantly reduce youths’’ under-employment and will be as net detriment to our economy.

Respectfully, Supposn

And what do you propose to help the youth of today with no job conections? my daughter is fine in a few years when she turns 16 she will just get a job with I if she wish being paid more then minium wage and if she wants to go to college its her choice if she wants to get a degree in something stupid. I wont stop her Because she will know she can always count on her dad for a paycheck. But what about the other kids that dont have what my daughter has? I cant hire everybody.....
I cant hire everybody.....

we can have 40 million new jobs tomorrow by just sending 10-20 million illegals home, making unions illegal again, making budget deficits illegal so the Japanese and Chinese have to buy our products rather than our debt, and by making corporate tax lowest rather than highest in world.
Bear513, employers do discriminate regarding any characteristics they perceive as less desirable. There are limits to what laws can do or to what extent they can or are effectively enforceable.

Among such discriminatory problems, the problem of age discrimination although vital to the individuals' and their families, is a lesser problem to society. Then very young will outgrow their problem and we, (the old) will die in our less distant future.

Any proposal dealing with youth unemployment that would now and continue to be be net financially and socially detriment to most of us, would be of greater detriment to the very youths we would be intending to assist.

Eliminating the federal minimum wage laws would mitigate but not to sufficient extent relieve the harms due to youth unemployment. It would be of net detriment to our current and future economy.

Respectfully, Supposn
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