Unemployment news, would you like fries with that????

I know where there literally hundreds of jobs that go unfilled in the NW Arkansas area....Good paying jobs with careers in trades...As the old timers would tell me when I was young, "that's house buying money"...
The trucking industry is in bad need of drivers, my eldest son makes around 60K a year...He's in Japan right now on vacation...

Well DUH!

Who wants to live in NW Arkansas?
Really? Biggest gains in bars and restraunts during the summer season!? Shocking !!!

4.9% unemployment . Oh the horror !!
Shitty numbers... the country has been in recession for 8+ years.
So you are still out of a job?
Self employed for twenty plus years...

Here is an interesting graph. It would appear that the down turn started with Clinton. Leveled out under Bush until the democrats took charge and has yet to really recover.

View attachment 88172

Interactive here: All Employees: Manufacturing


manufacturing on that chart peaked under Carter, drop a little but leveled out under Reagan, Bush 1, and Clinton, then dropped under president GW Bush, and dropped even greater under Bush once the housing bust/wall street fall began IN 2007 Thru 2010, then leveled out under Obama's term.
Here is an interesting graph. It would appear that the down turn started with Clinton. Leveled out under Bush until the democrats took charge and has yet to really recover.

View attachment 88172

Interactive here: All Employees: Manufacturing


manufacturing on that chart peaked under Carter, drop a little but leveled out under Reagan, Bush 1, and Clinton, then dropped under president GW Bush, and dropped even greater under Bush once the housing bust/wall street fall began IN 2007 Thru 2010, then leveled out under Obama's term.
Industry is sure an historic fail under the Obama....

While I agree the economy is not as rosy as the WH would like you to believe, I have to question the numbers you posted. U.S. population = 330,000,000 +, yet you post that 94,391,000 not in labor force. That's 33% of the total population, that's would be believable if you are including the elderly and children, not so much if it does not include them.
The numbers we're talking about are based on the adult civilian noninstitutional population: those age 16 and older excluding military, prisoners, and people in institutions (mental health care, nursing homes etc) 253,854,000
Out of that, there are 151,614,000 working (employed) and 7,849,000 looking for work (unemployed) Employed plus unemployed are the labor force.
Everyone else (again, adult civilian noninstitutional population) is Not in the labor force. 94,391,000

Most of those not in the labor force are over 55, disabled, students, or stay home spouses...88,558,000 do not want a job now

While I agree the economy is not as rosy as the WH would like you to believe, I have to question the numbers you posted. U.S. population = 330,000,000 +, yet you post that 94,391,000 not in labor force. That's 33% of the total population, that's would be believable if you are including the elderly and children, not so much if it does not include them.
The numbers we're talking about are based on the adult civilian noninstitutional population: those age 16 and older excluding military, prisoners, and people in institutions (mental health care, nursing homes etc) 253,854,000
Out of that, there are 151,614,000 working (employed) and 7,849,000 looking for work (unemployed) Employed plus unemployed are the labor force.
Everyone else (again, adult civilian noninstitutional population) is Not in the labor force. 94,391,000

Most of those not in the labor force are over 55, disabled, students, or stay home spouses...88,558,000 do not want a job now
That's so, funny shit right there....problem is, we haven't seen that number since the mid-1970's, before women were fully integrated into the workforce.....

While I agree the economy is not as rosy as the WH would like you to believe, I have to question the numbers you posted. U.S. population = 330,000,000 +, yet you post that 94,391,000 not in labor force. That's 33% of the total population, that's would be believable if you are including the elderly and children, not so much if it does not include them.
The numbers we're talking about are based on the adult civilian noninstitutional population: those age 16 and older excluding military, prisoners, and people in institutions (mental health care, nursing homes etc) 253,854,000
Out of that, there are 151,614,000 working (employed) and 7,849,000 looking for work (unemployed) Employed plus unemployed are the labor force.
Everyone else (again, adult civilian noninstitutional population) is Not in the labor force. 94,391,000

Most of those not in the labor force are over 55, disabled, students, or stay home spouses...88,558,000 do not want a job now
That's so, funny shit right there....problem is, we haven't seen that number since the mid-1970's, before women were fully integrated into the workforce.....
I'm sorry, are you saying there's anything not accurate in my post?

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