Unemployment news, would you like fries with that????


the mining and logging industry is hurting.... my state is hurting from less logging and less paper mills

the construction industry down as well, but we have so many homes that were built in the housing bubble time that are empty

and then the chart shows manufacturing as the worst.

After 8 years it is almost back to pre-2008 numbers. Not much to crow about.

Is it much to birch about?

the mining and logging industry is hurting.... my state is hurting from less logging and less paper mills

the construction industry down as well, but we have so many homes that were built in the housing bubble time that are empty

and then the chart shows manufacturing as the worst.

After 8 years it is almost back to pre-2008 numbers. Not much to crow about.

Is it much to birch about?
95,000,000 Americans are scratching their collective heads.....

the mining and logging industry is hurting.... my state is hurting from less logging and less paper mills

the construction industry down as well, but we have so many homes that were built in the housing bubble time that are empty

and then the chart shows manufacturing as the worst.

After 8 years it is almost back to pre-2008 numbers. Not much to crow about.

Is it much to birch about?
95,000,000 Americans are scratching their collective heads.
95,000,000, really? List them. :cool-45:

the mining and logging industry is hurting.... my state is hurting from less logging and less paper mills

the construction industry down as well, but we have so many homes that were built in the housing bubble time that are empty

and then the chart shows manufacturing as the worst.

After 8 years it is almost back to pre-2008 numbers. Not much to crow about.

Is it much to birch about?
95,000,000 Americans are scratching their collective heads.
95,000,000, really? List them. :cool-45:
Oh sure...


the mining and logging industry is hurting.... my state is hurting from less logging and less paper mills

the construction industry down as well, but we have so many homes that were built in the housing bubble time that are empty

and then the chart shows manufacturing as the worst.

After 8 years it is almost back to pre-2008 numbers. Not much to crow about.

Is it much to birch about?
95,000,000 Americans are scratching their collective heads.
95,000,000, really? List them. :cool-45:
Oh sure...www.bls.gov
Non-responsive. Try again.
After 8 years it is almost back to pre-2008 numbers. Not much to crow about.

Is it much to birch about?
95,000,000 Americans are scratching their collective heads.
95,000,000, really? List them. :cool-45:
Oh sure...www.bls.gov
Non-responsive. Try again.
Oh sure....did the link not work?


I want my fries extra crispy by the way, snap to it......:lol:
Is it much to birch about?
95,000,000 Americans are scratching their collective heads.
95,000,000, really? List them. :cool-45:
Oh sure...www.bls.gov
Non-responsive. Try again.
Oh sure....did the link not work? www.bls.gov I want my fries extra crispy by the way, snap to it.
I wanted a list of 95,000,000 names. Now snap to it, slacker. :whip:
After 8 years it is almost back to pre-2008 numbers. Not much to crow about.

Is it much to birch about?
95,000,000 Americans are scratching their collective heads.
95,000,000, really? List them. :cool-45:
Oh sure...www.bls.gov
Non-responsive. Try again.

Responds when I click on it... I guess you're just fucking lazy? Probably one of the 95 million sitting on their asses living off their fellow man.
95,000,000 Americans are scratching their collective heads.
95,000,000, really? List them. :cool-45:
Oh sure...www.bls.gov
Non-responsive. Try again.
Oh sure....did the link not work? www.bls.gov I want my fries extra crispy by the way, snap to it.
I wanted a list of 95,000,000 names. Now snap to it, slacker. :whip:
I gave you the link....ask your McDonald's manager on duty to help you with it....:lol:
Really? Biggest gains in bars and restraunts during the summer season!? Shocking !!!

4.9% unemployment . Oh the horror !!
Shitty numbers... the country has been in recession for 8+ years.

the mining and logging industry is hurting.... my state is hurting from less logging and less paper mills

the construction industry down as well, but we have so many homes that were built in the housing bubble time that are empty

and then the chart shows manufacturing as the worst.

After 8 years it is almost back to pre-2008 numbers. Not much to crow about.

Is it much to birch about?

maple it is.

the mining and logging industry is hurting.... my state is hurting from less logging and less paper mills

the construction industry down as well, but we have so many homes that were built in the housing bubble time that are empty

and then the chart shows manufacturing as the worst.

After 8 years it is almost back to pre-2008 numbers. Not much to crow about.

Is it much to birch about?

maple it is.

Ya got me.
Some look and say the glass is half-filled, while others will say it is half-empty.
Then there are the partisans. For them the glass is either filled all the way or entirely empty.
I look and ask, who's been drinking out of my glass?
I know where there literally hundreds of jobs that go unfilled in the NW Arkansas area....Good paying jobs with careers in trades...As the old timers would tell me when I was young, "that's house buying money"...
The trucking industry is in bad need of drivers, my eldest son makes around 60K a year...He's in Japan right now on vacation...

Curious what trades?


Nothing makes a conservative happier than a disappointing jobs report while a democrat is POTUS.

Still....the economy is good enough that your nutbag orange weirdo hardly brings it up. Your dreams that it will tank in the next 60 days wont come true, freak boy.

All you have left is a prayer that Julian Assange and the Russians really have something juicy to release. It must suck being you.

Not me the lower the job number is the more happier I am

More money for me

I know where there literally hundreds of jobs that go unfilled in the NW Arkansas area....Good paying jobs with careers in trades...As the old timers would tell me when I was young, "that's house buying money"...
The trucking industry is in bad need of drivers, my eldest son makes around 60K a year...He's in Japan right now on vacation...

Curious what trades?


In manufacturing, construction, energy.....
Here is an interesting graph. It would appear that the down turn started with Clinton. Leveled out under Bush until the democrats took charge and has yet to really recover.


Interactive here: All Employees: Manufacturing

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