Unemployment still at 7.8 percent, liberals cheer failure


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
What a crock the left has become with their failure tour. The only significance of 8 percent was that Obama promised it would stay under 8 if he spent our grandchildren into the poor house. The only other significance is that it stayed above 8 percent for 43 weeks. 7.8 percent may or may not be true but it isn't something to brag about. WE told you leftists that his policies would drag out the recovery and we have been proved correct. All any thinking person can do is laugh at the ridiculousness of the liberal left as they pitifully try to stay relevant.
Wait a sec. Cons on here lament the fact that unemployment went down. Obama could shit gold bricks, pay off the debt, and cons would bitch because the gold market tanked.
You 'nuts have forgotten your own talking points...

...not getting below 8 percent was the failure line...

...remember now???
You 'nuts have forgotten your own talking points...

...not getting below 8 percent was the failure line...

Hey come on folks, it ONLY took Obama FOUR YEARS to get it down below 8%, because the first two years he spent shoving ObamaCare down our throats...

so cut the poor dude some slack eh?

vote him out
7.8 percent may or may not be true but it isn't something to brag about.

especially given that it went down because so many are too discouraged to look for work in Barry's depression and because 2/3's
of those who got new jobs got Barryjobs, i.e., part time jobs at 7-11 making 40% of what they previously made when they had real jobs!!
Wait a sec. Cons on here lament the fact that unemployment went down. Obama could shit gold bricks, pay off the debt, and cons would bitch because the gold market tanked.

Wrong. Conservative do not lament the fact that U.E went down; we lament the fact that many voters are too stupid to realize that more people are still unemployed this month, than were last month.
I wonder how much more this administration will tweak
the UE numbers this next and final report before the election.
Wait a sec. Cons on here lament the fact that unemployment went down. Obama could shit gold bricks, pay off the debt, and cons would bitch because the gold market tanked.

Who on here laments the unemployment rate dropping .3 percent? Who? Only those in the leftist imagination. If Obama could crap gold bricks at least then he would be useful. But he does the direct opposite. Yeah a made up number of 7.8 is really something to brag about.
You 'nuts have forgotten your own talking points...

...not getting below 8 percent was the failure line...

...remember now???

It was only a failure line because that is what his administration said they would keep the unemployment rate under if our grandchildren paid the bill. 7.8 after trillions of spending and 3 1/2 years is NOTHING to brag about.
I wonder how much more this administration will tweak
the UE numbers this next and final report before the election.
Election day is Nov. 6, and the next report from the BLS is scheduled Nov. 2. The thing is that four years ago the 6.5% rate was supposed to be way too high and the 6.8% that came out Nov. '08 was cause for regime change.

Let's place bets.

I say the Nov. rate will drop to 7.6% to allow the boast that we've now got the promised recovery --"it was 7.8% in Jan. 09 and now it's gone down..." I further predict that the Dec. report will 'revise' previous rates back up over 8%. We used to have transparent numbers but those days are gone and we're now forced to deal with corrupted opaque data.

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