Unemployment Suicide Deaths v. COVID-19 Deaths?


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018

Nobody has been tracking suicide deaths due to giving up about being unemployed due to the shutdown of businesses and comparing it to the 16 thousand people in the entire country who have died of Corona Virus, according to this one small voice (first 60 minutes, too):

Right now, in my county that I am paying $7,500 a year to serve community needs has shut down. My fiance and I want to get married, but the county doors might as well be nailed shut.

The local government wants my money for their services, but oops! They can shut their doors, but I still have to cough up money for THEIR existence, which at present expropriated $40 more for them to hire a service to collect my excessive quarterly taxes from extraneous sources, while their employees hid behind locked county doors and told me not to come too close to the doorknob, because I might give them a disease not one single person in my county has been infected by to date. Not only that, but the person at the other end was snotty and hung up on me while I was asking her a question about my taxes. Not cussing, not mad, neither happy nor sad, just asking. "CLICK!!!!!!" was the last sound I heard for my polite manners. Nobody is taking any responsibility for anything around my county. Yours?



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Everyone is panicked here and the local gov is all gung ho with being fascist thugs. I listen to police radio and people are getting more upset daily.
Everyone is chomping at the bit to get back to work. (weird?!)
Trump will do what he can to make that happen, but he probably will put the final call on the governors to manage their states based on local circumstances.
You got it!
had Trump Listened and locked down the country like China did!
We may have been able to open in a few weeks, but it needed to be done feb 15. And trump had to use the German tests, which he didn’t. He could have used the WHO tests, but he didn’t.
This is all his fault! We need to test everybody to prevent the second and third wave!
I’m sorry about your wedding but what about people like John Prine and the other 16000 Americans that are dead.
You got it!
had Trump Listened and locked down the country like China did!
We may have been able to open in a few weeks, but it needed to be done feb 15. And trump had to use the German tests, which he didn’t. He could have used the WHO tests, but he didn’t.
This is all his fault! We need to test everybody to prevent the second and third wave!
I’m sorry about your wedding but what about people like John Prine and the other 16000 Americans that are dead.
1. US law requires the CDC to do or approve all tests
2. Biden and the democrats called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", so they would NOT have stopped any flights
3. Biden and the democrats would have many more thousand dead Americans
4. Your welcome.
You got it!
had Trump Listened and locked down the country like China did!
We may have been able to open in a few weeks, but it needed to be done feb 15. And trump had to use the German tests, which he didn’t. He could have used the WHO tests, but he didn’t.
This is all his fault! We need to test everybody to prevent the second and third wave!
I’m sorry about your wedding but what about people like John Prine and the other 16000 Americans that are dead.
We are experiencing the second worst fiscal disaster since the Great Depression that occurred starting Oct 24, 1929 and threw millions of Americans out of work through the early 30s that are so associated with the Great Depression that came of it.

Here's a blurb about contemporary America written a few years back, here: More Americans Committing Suicide than During the Great Depression - Global Research

And here's the same global research folks trying to estimate the damage the coronavirus-19 scare is doing to the USA now: Coronavirus – The Aftermath. A Coming Mega-Depression... - Global Research

Joblessness in America during the Great depression was estimated to be about 27,000+ per annum during the many harsh years of the Great Depression. The stats of job loss in the past few weeks are horrifying, and researchers are trying like mad to figure it all out as to what we can expect in terms of suicides that joblessness will cause.

And the Democrats are dinking around adding 6 trillion more dollars to the tab you and I have to pay back not including the $2 trillion nightmare they just passed a few days ago for this problem.

And are we unified in Congress about this? Not when Pelosi refused to do a bill until she threw $1 Trillion dollars of her pet rock projects that had absolutely zero nothing to do with battling the coronavirus. She held the entire Republican Party at bay until she got her play money in line for Joe (the Extorition Prince) Biden or his replacement point person to extract from the money they loan to third-world countries who will sign anything to get 3 billion dollars including the billion dollar kick back the DNC point person will tell them to cough up if they want the rest of the money, just like Joe Biden did to the Ukraine government they CLAIMED was corrupt. The very gall of calling a country corrupt when the Democrats corrupted them way over and beyond anything imaginable in our little work-a-day world in America.
Oh yeah, these little authoritarian dictators are shutting everything down, imposing curfews, telling you what you cant do, etc, but still want you to send that property tax money in. Everyone is starting to ignore them down here in south texas and just do whatever they want to do.
I have to go for now, but please put the unemployed in America (and the rest of the world) due to coronavirus panacea that orders churches (against the first Amendment) not to meet or conduct services online which loses its glamour when people can't open the service and sermon until 15 minutes later, you can listen to wherever it's at when you get there late. :(

Some freedom of religion according to the Constitution. :(
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Oh yeah, these little authoritarian dictators are shutting everything down, imposing curfews, telling you what you cant do, etc, but still want you to send that property tax money in. Everyone is starting to ignore them down here in south texas and just do whatever they want to do.
My thoughts and yours are close. Oh, I love south texas, LBT. I live in the tall pines region of east TX between Lake Livingston and Grimes County, out in the country. Gotta scadoodle, say prayers, and get breakfast ready.
Oh yeah, these little authoritarian dictators are shutting everything down, imposing curfews, telling you what you cant do, etc, but still want you to send that property tax money in. Everyone is starting to ignore them down here in south texas and just do whatever they want to do.
My thoughts and yours are close. Oh, I love south texas, LBT. I live in the tall pines region of east TX between Lake Livingston and Grimes County, out in the country. Gotta scadoodle, say prayers, and get breakfast ready.

Its beautiful where you're at, beautress.
Oh yeah, these little authoritarian dictators are shutting everything down, imposing curfews, telling you what you cant do, etc, but still want you to send that property tax money in. Everyone is starting to ignore them down here in south texas and just do whatever they want to do.
My thoughts and yours are close. Oh, I love south texas, LBT. I live in the tall pines region of east TX between Lake Livingston and Grimes County, out in the country. Gotta scadoodle, say prayers, and get breakfast ready.

Its beautiful where you're at, beautress.
I agree. It's a total paradise on my land that has 4 pastures, a field (and a 2.5-acre lake) for planting enough to supply veggies to the local soup kitchen all summer. Now, I really have to go. I know it's Good Friday, but if the rain will be gracious enough to stop, I can put the tomato plants into the ground and scatter some flower seeds around the borders my fiance tilled and retilled this past week. *sigh*

Nobody has been tracking suicide deaths due to giving up about being unemployed due to the shutdown of businesses and comparing it to the 16 thousand people in the entire country who have died of Corona Virus, according to this one small voice (first 60 minutes, too):

Right now, in my county that I am paying $7,500 a year to serve community needs has shut down. My fiance and I want to get married, but the county doors might as well be nailed shut.

The local government wants my money for their services, but oops! They can shut their doors, but I still have to cough up money for THEIR existence, which at present expropriated $40 more for them to hire a service to collect my excessive quarterly taxes from extraneous sources, while their employees hid behind locked county doors and told me not to come too close to the doorknob, because I might give them a disease not one single person in my county has been infected by to date. Not only that, but the person at the other end was snotty and hung up on me while I was asking her a question about my taxes. Not cussing, not mad, neither happy nor sad, just asking. "CLICK!!!!!!" was the last sound I heard for my polite manners. Nobody is taking any responsibility for anything around my county. Yours?


After Black Monday, in December 1977, the Tremendous Mahoning Valley fell into a depression that it was only recently that it started coming out of. But with the Steel Collapse, at least people could move out of the area, this Coronavirus bullshit is a global phenomenon. A lot of people will be killing themselves if America doesn't go back to work quickly, either directly by committing hari-kari, or slowly by drinking themselves to death.
Oh yeah, these little authoritarian dictators are shutting everything down, imposing curfews, telling you what you cant do, etc, but still want you to send that property tax money in. Everyone is starting to ignore them down here in south texas and just do whatever they want to do.

I have some skin in this game. I'm in a "hot spot". Just yesterday I found out a friend just suffered a mild case of COVID, a coworker's husband is hospitalized with it, and my aunt is in the hospital, probably with COVID.

I STILL think the economy is a huge issue and individual freedoms are incredibly important. In my area, I'm gonna be honest, we probably need the quarantine for now. In all these other areas? No way. It's nonsensical. We need to do this on the state-by-state and even county-by-county level and not one big sweeping wave. In counties with no COVID, for pity's sake...and maybe no COVID in the entire region, why are they shut down?
Oh yeah, these little authoritarian dictators are shutting everything down, imposing curfews, telling you what you cant do, etc, but still want you to send that property tax money in. Everyone is starting to ignore them down here in south texas and just do whatever they want to do.

I have some skin in this game. I'm in a "hot spot". Just yesterday I found out a friend just suffered a mild case of COVID, a coworker's husband is hospitalized with it, and my aunt is in the hospital, probably with COVID.

I STILL think the economy is a huge issue and individual freedoms are incredibly important. In my area, I'm gonna be honest, we probably need the quarantine for now. In all these other areas? No way. It's nonsensical. We need to do this on the state-by-state and even county-by-county level and not one big sweeping wave. In counties with no COVID, for pity's sake...and maybe no COVID in the entire region, why are they shut down?

Oh, I don't disagree with that. When I go out, Im wearing a mask and I know a couple of people that have had it with mild symptoms. I think it is wise to take it upon ourselves to be cautious and have a sound mind about whats happening right now. I just have a problem with these local, city govts shouting everyone down.
Oh yeah, these little authoritarian dictators are shutting everything down, imposing curfews, telling you what you cant do, etc, but still want you to send that property tax money in. Everyone is starting to ignore them down here in south texas and just do whatever they want to do.

I have some skin in this game. I'm in a "hot spot". Just yesterday I found out a friend just suffered a mild case of COVID, a coworker's husband is hospitalized with it, and my aunt is in the hospital, probably with COVID.

I STILL think the economy is a huge issue and individual freedoms are incredibly important. In my area, I'm gonna be honest, we probably need the quarantine for now. In all these other areas? No way. It's nonsensical. We need to do this on the state-by-state and even county-by-county level and not one big sweeping wave. In counties with no COVID, for pity's sake...and maybe no COVID in the entire region, why are they shut down?

Oh, I don't disagree with that. When I go out, Im wearing a mask and I know a couple of people that have had it with mild symptoms. I think it is wise to take it upon ourselves to be cautious and have a sound mind about whats happening right now. I just have a problem with these local, city govts shouting everyone down.

I do too, but more than that, I think I hate our fellow citizens acting like complete brownshirts. Like the enforcers for the government. Ugh
Oh yeah, these little authoritarian dictators are shutting everything down, imposing curfews, telling you what you cant do, etc, but still want you to send that property tax money in. Everyone is starting to ignore them down here in south texas and just do whatever they want to do.

I have some skin in this game. I'm in a "hot spot". Just yesterday I found out a friend just suffered a mild case of COVID, a coworker's husband is hospitalized with it, and my aunt is in the hospital, probably with COVID.

I STILL think the economy is a huge issue and individual freedoms are incredibly important. In my area, I'm gonna be honest, we probably need the quarantine for now. In all these other areas? No way. It's nonsensical. We need to do this on the state-by-state and even county-by-county level and not one big sweeping wave. In counties with no COVID, for pity's sake...and maybe no COVID in the entire region, why are they shut down?

Oh, I don't disagree with that. When I go out, Im wearing a mask and I know a couple of people that have had it with mild symptoms. I think it is wise to take it upon ourselves to be cautious and have a sound mind about whats happening right now. I just have a problem with these local, city govts shouting everyone down.

I do too, but more than that, I think I hate our fellow citizens acting like complete brownshirts. Like the enforcers for the government. Ugh

Another good point. Same here.
Oh yeah, these little authoritarian dictators are shutting everything down, imposing curfews, telling you what you cant do, etc, but still want you to send that property tax money in. Everyone is starting to ignore them down here in south texas and just do whatever they want to do.

I have some skin in this game. I'm in a "hot spot". Just yesterday I found out a friend just suffered a mild case of COVID, a coworker's husband is hospitalized with it, and my aunt is in the hospital, probably with COVID.

I STILL think the economy is a huge issue and individual freedoms are incredibly important. In my area, I'm gonna be honest, we probably need the quarantine for now. In all these other areas? No way. It's nonsensical. We need to do this on the state-by-state and even county-by-county level and not one big sweeping wave. In counties with no COVID, for pity's sake...and maybe no COVID in the entire region, why are they shut down?
Ouch. That's three in your circle, SweetSue92. My heart and prayers go out to you with the hope you do not succumb, and that they recuperate.
Oddly less traffic has equalled double the deaths in MN so far.
It's so cold up there, Manonthestreet. Down here, I live in the country near the county seat that has 38,000+ 22,000 students in it. We've had fewer positives than a tapir has on one hind leg, and not one death.

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