Unequal distribution of wealth

I note that the GOP is not promoting materially less tax cuts for the lower and lower-middle classes - but that the Dems are engaged in concentrating even more of the tax burden among a shrinking group of the Evil Rich.

In the class warfare game, the GOP are pikers compared to the Dems.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

Forcing me to work for somebody else is what the distribution of wealth is.

Distribution of wealth is Marxism.

Wealth is nothing more than ones labor, wealth is my labor in a tangible form I can trade for another person's labor.

That is why its bad, distribution of wealth is stealing, forced slavery, servitude, socialist/marxism.

Wealth is the physical representation of my labor, my work, my success, or my dumb luck.

Again, its the unequal distribution of intelligence that is the problem.

Wealth is much more than ones labor.

The 1% did not do the labor that created their wealth.

Most of them inherited it.

And it was already taxed BEFORE they inherited it. Someone earned that weath and decided to give it to a relative.
Wealth is not something on a tree somewhere that is plucked. Wealth is always earned by someone, somewhere. If I decide to give away my wealth to a charity it IS NOT taxed and redistributed again. How come it is different if I give it to a family member? Why is it that some greedy bastard with his hand out always claims a right to my $$ and wants to claim that I am the one that is greedy for wanting to keep what is mine that I have earned in MY family.
From Boedicca's post #201In the class warfare game, the GOP are pikers compared to the Dems.

Oh really? Look at what Republican economics has done to the distribution of wealth. Here comes the real world, not that you're interested...

Edited Link http://scatter.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/0329-biz-subtaxweb.gif
America was a superpower under such a system as I advocate.

America became a super power under the New Deal which was in large measure, a redistribution of wealth. America is declining before your eyes under the system that you advocate.

Just what exactly, is it you think I advocate?
Only what you put forth for public consumption.

Apparently you've never read anything I've posed here.

I'm a capitalist apologist Trotskyite heretic and betrayer to the revolution or a anacho-marxo-communist hippie, depending on whom you ask.

I'm a moderate social democrat

You're duped by faux moralism and inane rhetoric. The only cure i can see for you is in pain.[/quote]
Nor can you deny that you wish to take from the individual

Nor have I. Taking from one individual won't do it though. You have to take from the class and redistribute it. That's what made the great american middle class. Not doing it is what is eroding the great american middle class.

America was a superpower under such a system as I advocate.

America became a super power under the New Deal which was in large measure, a redistribution of wealth. America is declining before your eyes under the system that you advocate.

Reality, but you want none of it.

Do you even know the slightest thing of my philosophy?

Only what you put forth for public consumption. You're duped by faux moralism and inane rhetoric. The only cure i can see for you is in pain.

You are kidding, aren't you?
The Great Society concept was not from the New Deal. That cash cow re-distribution program was initiated by Lyndon Johnson and Tip O'Neill.
And it has been a colossal failure.
Wealth that is re-distributed is never appreciated. Take a look at all of the social programs and all have failed as after trillions of government cash these folks ARE WORSE off now than when they fended for themselves.
Redistribution sets a bad example for citizens. It makes them believe they ARE ENTITLED to other's production and the rewards of such.
Wealth is never to be redistributed. It is to be earned.
Wonder what the common factor is in the highest wealth group. Anybody wanna bet it's not education. LOL
Nor can you deny that you wish to take from the individual

Nor have I. Taking from one individual won't do it though. You have to take from the class and redistribute it. That's what made the great american middle class. Not doing it is what is eroding the great american middle class.

America was a superpower under such a system as I advocate.

America became a super power under the New Deal which was in large measure, a redistribution of wealth. America is declining before your eyes under the system that you advocate.

Reality, but you want none of it.

Do you even know the slightest thing of my philosophy?

Only what you put forth for public consumption. You're duped by faux moralism and inane rhetoric. The only cure i can see for you is in pain.

You are kidding, aren't you?
The Great Society concept was not from the New Deal. That cash cow re-distribution program was initiated by Lyndon Johnson and Tip O'Neill.
And it has been a colossal failure.
Wealth that is re-distributed is never appreciated. Take a look at all of the social programs and all have failed as after trillions of government cash these folks ARE WORSE off now than when they fended for themselves.
Redistribution sets a bad example for citizens. It makes them believe they ARE ENTITLED to other's production and the rewards of such.
Wealth is never to be redistributed. It is to be earned.

The recipients of redistribution are never satisfied, as you can tell by reading what their proxies always post here.
The government NEVER produces any product or service to the economy. They TAKE the proceeds from the private sector as taxes.
Government never has any $$$ UNLESS they take it at the point of a gun from taxpayers that EARNED it in the free market.
The government NEVER produces any product or service to the economy. They TAKE the proceeds from the private sector as taxes.
Government never has any $$$ UNLESS they take it at the point of a gun from taxpayers that EARNED it in the free market.

Correct, and every day that goes by, there are fewer and fewer earners carrying more and more government on their backs. Nutso's only plan is to accellerate that.
Wonder what the common factor is in the highest wealth group. Anybody wanna bet it's not education. LOL

You are right.
Work ethic, practical application of income earned, frugal saving plans, lifestyle choices and most importantly: common sense come to mind.
I am educated far beyond my intelligence with two degrees and my education never earned me a nickel.
My work ethic did on the field and in the business world.
Revere Post #209: Government induced GDP. Nothing but government.

My goodness wingnut, you're saying that government can bring us out of depression, create jobs and all of that? Wow.

Contradict yourself much?

at the end of WWII.

Ummm, my graph was all pre-WWII wingnut.

Revere Post #209: The government NEVER produces any product or service to the economy.

I guess the interstate highway system is a figment of my imagination and the graph i posted is a similar fairy tale huh?

It's no use. Reality is no weapon against those who refuse to respect it.

That's why we call them wingnuts.

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