Unequal distribution of wealth

Revere Post #219: Once the government rug got pulled out, back down we went.

For a little while. Then look at that other PRE-WAR peak!

Reality is knocking. Are you gonna answer the door?
Nor can you deny that you wish to take from the individual

Nor have I. Taking from one individual won't do it though. You have to take from the class and redistribute it. That's what made the great american middle class. Not doing it is what is eroding the great american middle class.

America was a superpower under such a system as I advocate.

America became a super power under the New Deal which was in large measure, a redistribution of wealth. America is declining before your eyes under the system that you advocate.

Reality, but you want none of it.

Do you even know the slightest thing of my philosophy?

Only what you put forth for public consumption. You're duped by faux moralism and inane rhetoric. The only cure i can see for you is in pain.

You are kidding, aren't you?
The Great Society concept was not from the New Deal. That cash cow re-distribution program was initiated by Lyndon Johnson and Tip O'Neill.
And it has been a colossal failure.
Wealth that is re-distributed is never appreciated. Take a look at all of the social programs and all have failed as after trillions of government cash these folks ARE WORSE off now than when they fended for themselves.
Redistribution sets a bad example for citizens. It makes them believe they ARE ENTITLED to other's production and the rewards of such.
Wealth is never to be redistributed. It is to be earned.

How can you make such asinine statements? Millions of elderly Americans have been able to retire and live out their lives longer because of access to health care and in dignity without dependency .

Honestly, you right wingers need to go to Church. You might be able to prevent a very warm eternity.
Nor can you deny that you wish to take from the individual

Nor have I. Taking from one individual won't do it though. You have to take from the class and redistribute it. That's what made the great american middle class. Not doing it is what is eroding the great american middle class.

America was a superpower under such a system as I advocate.

America became a super power under the New Deal which was in large measure, a redistribution of wealth. America is declining before your eyes under the system that you advocate.

Reality, but you want none of it.

Do you even know the slightest thing of my philosophy?

Only what you put forth for public consumption. You're duped by faux moralism and inane rhetoric. The only cure i can see for you is in pain.

You are kidding, aren't you?
The Great Society concept was not from the New Deal. That cash cow re-distribution program was initiated by Lyndon Johnson and Tip O'Neill.
And it has been a colossal failure.
Wealth that is re-distributed is never appreciated. Take a look at all of the social programs and all have failed as after trillions of government cash these folks ARE WORSE off now than when they fended for themselves.
Redistribution sets a bad example for citizens. It makes them believe they ARE ENTITLED to other's production and the rewards of such.
Wealth is never to be redistributed. It is to be earned.

How can you make such asinine statements? Millions of elderly Americans have been able to retire and live out their lives longer because of access to health care and in dignity without dependency .

Honestly, you right wingers need to go to Church. You might be able to prevent a very warm eternity.

So what? Those programs are insolvent. The country is $13T in debt. Is that your definition of "without dependency?"
Unequal distribution as it exists is only bad if you think oligarchy, oppressive caste systems, and starving children are bad things.

Guess I'm not surprised you have no problems with any of it.

OK, I thought MikeK had the dumbest post of the day on another thread. But you truly take the cake here.
So unequal distribution of wealth and income only occurs because one class oppresses the other and causes children to starve? I guess pointing out that people have different abilities would be futile. Yes, of course it would.
Your worldview cannot imagine a fat man standing next to a thin man without thinking that the fat man got that way by taking something from the other person.
There is no reasoning with the unreasonable.
The lefties accuse wealthy people, business owners and just about anyone who has more than they of greed.
I reality, it is the lefties who carry two vices. Jealousy AND greed. Jealousy in the form of envy of those in a better financial position. Greed from their desire to "take" from those who are more well off.
Unequal distribution as it exists is only bad if you think oligarchy, oppressive caste systems, and starving children are bad things.

Guess I'm not surprised you have no problems with any of it.

OK, I thought MikeK had the dumbest post of the day on another thread. But you truly take the cake here.
So unequal distribution of wealth and income only occurs because one class oppresses the other and causes children to starve? I guess pointing out that people have different abilities would be futile. Yes, of course it would.
Your worldview cannot imagine a fat man standing next to a thin man without thinking that the fat man got that way by taking something from the other person.

Fail. What my worldview cannot do is say THIS:


is okay.

Umm That is tragic. However "THIS"is another topic. If you want to discuss the need for humanitarian aid, start a thread on that issue.
Otherwise you stay on point or decline to post in this thread.:offtopic:
Nor can you deny that you wish to take from the individual

Nor have I. Taking from one individual won't do it though. You have to take from the class and redistribute it. That's what made the great american middle class. Not doing it is what is eroding the great american middle class.

America was a superpower under such a system as I advocate.

America became a super power under the New Deal which was in large measure, a redistribution of wealth. America is declining before your eyes under the system that you advocate.

Reality, but you want none of it.

Do you even know the slightest thing of my philosophy?

Only what you put forth for public consumption. You're duped by faux moralism and inane rhetoric. The only cure i can see for you is in pain.

You are kidding, aren't you?
The Great Society concept was not from the New Deal. That cash cow re-distribution program was initiated by Lyndon Johnson and Tip O'Neill.
And it has been a colossal failure.
Wealth that is re-distributed is never appreciated. Take a look at all of the social programs and all have failed as after trillions of government cash these folks ARE WORSE off now than when they fended for themselves.
Redistribution sets a bad example for citizens. It makes them believe they ARE ENTITLED to other's production and the rewards of such.
Wealth is never to be redistributed. It is to be earned.

The recipients of redistribution are never satisfied, as you can tell by reading what their proxies always post here.

How true...how true

Since the wealthy have gotten the wealth redistribution over the last 30 years, it is obvious they are not satisfied
Revere Post # 223: nobody was doing business in the Depression unless government picked them to do business.

And again, the wingnut simply refuses to respect reality. In reality, the Depression ended in 1933. I even provided the graph to show the wingnut this reality. I'll give him the NBER data too, not that it will matter...


It's just a fact. When the government took a more active role in the economy, the length severity and frequency of economic downturns all decreased. Then, since Reagan, when the government withdrew from the ecoonomy...well, look around.

But the wingnut wants nothing to do with reality.
You are kidding, aren't you?
The Great Society concept was not from the New Deal. That cash cow re-distribution program was initiated by Lyndon Johnson and Tip O'Neill.
And it has been a colossal failure.
Wealth that is re-distributed is never appreciated. Take a look at all of the social programs and all have failed as after trillions of government cash these folks ARE WORSE off now than when they fended for themselves.
Redistribution sets a bad example for citizens. It makes them believe they ARE ENTITLED to other's production and the rewards of such.
Wealth is never to be redistributed. It is to be earned.

How can you make such asinine statements? Millions of elderly Americans have been able to retire and live out their lives longer because of access to health care and in dignity without dependency .

Honestly, you right wingers need to go to Church. You might be able to prevent a very warm eternity.

So what? Those programs are insolvent. The country is $13T in debt. Is that your definition of "without dependency?"

According to the CBO, entitlements (which include Medicare)make up only 10% of the deficit.
Try again.
I have said this before and lets see if it sticks

Its not redistribution of wealth that we are upset about. Its the disparity of wealth.

Wages have been stagnants for 30 years. In that time, the dollar has weaken and our purchasing power as a nation has decreased. Why do we have a thriving stock market on wall street yet go across the river and people in Newark have to wonder if they will have a good paying jobs.

We see all of our blue coller jobs leaving the country and what are we left with to be solid middle class? Join the Army (rely on the government) or go to college. Well every year tuition goes up. So people aren't making more money but the rates to get an education are. Plus the Bachelors degree is turning into the high school diploma of 40 years ago and I see many of the kids I graduated with getting a masters just to be competitive in this job market. Is the Master's degree going to be the new high school diploma? Then is our educational system actually legitimate because we let it everyone because we have to?

There is no social mobility. Its extremely tough to even get upper middle class. We are asking for a living wage for all as the minimum. We ask for good paying jobs because if we have more money, we buy more things, meaning more survival of TRUE small businesses instead of being outpriced by Wal-mart. Corporations are a form of slavery too. We must emancipate ourselves from the grips of the rich and demand we get paid a fair wage. We deserve to all have economic prosperity and Big Business keeps shrinking our wages year after year while they get rich.

The American Dream was for Immigrants to come here with no education but able to provide and thrive with their families, where kids could have a high school education and be just fine. Nowadays its unattainable in its impossible to live comfortably without a bachelors degree or more. If you don't have an education, don't come here because you would be worse off. We need to build again. We need to invest in America not India or China because its the right thing to do.
How can you make such asinine statements? Millions of elderly Americans have been able to retire and live out their lives longer because of access to health care and in dignity without dependency .

Honestly, you right wingers need to go to Church. You might be able to prevent a very warm eternity.

So what? Those programs are insolvent. The country is $13T in debt. Is that your definition of "without dependency?"

According to the CBO, entitlements (which include Medicare)make up only 10% of the deficit.
Try again.

But government spending is 22% of GDP.

No country $13T in debt can guarantee anyone anything but debt.
In other words, confiscation of wealth government deems excessive to do with as government dictates.

And here we have a case study in wingnuttery. Notice how the wingnut does not take issue with anything that was actually said. Notice how he attempts to fit what was said into his spoon fed dogma. Now, one could take his strawman at face value, that I am advocating economy by governemnt dictate or one could actually think a little.

How about some examples of this eeeeevil spending done by "dictate of government. A road. I mean, what could possibly be more evil than a road? I've got it! Clearly sewer systems are more evil than roads. Even more evil still? How about schools. OOOOooo, eeeevil.

But, the wingnut would just retreat in to secondary dogma regarding the relative eeeevilness of national as opposed to local government. Again, one could take the dogma at face value or one could actually think a little.

What monstrous eeeeevil does the federal government do by dictate? Hmmm, they form a military. They make things like rural electrification and the interstate highway system. They provide wildly popular social programs like Social Security and Medicare.


So, not only does the wingnuts strawman not address the real world problems with the mal distribution of wealth, the rhetoric isn't even remotely reminiscent of the real world
I guess that's why we call them wingnuts.

Spin chuck duck dive...anything to obfuscate and evade the issue.
BTW, SS is NOT popular..In fact it's broke.
Wealth is not for distribution. Wealth is created and earned by those willing to work for it.
Creativity, achievement, success = wealth...Wealth does not mean "rich"...
Wealth in family, in home, in appreciating assets....A person could have $1,000 in his savings account...That is wealth.
Only takers, non-producers and freeloaders think in terms of redistribution.
Thereisnospoon:Only takers, non-producers and freeloaders think in terms of redistribution.

I'm richer than you spoony. Wanna bet? You're advocating for my pocketbook over yours, idiot.
Thereisnospoon:Only takers, non-producers and freeloaders think in terms of redistribution.

I'm richer than you spoony. Wanna bet? You're advocating for my pocketbook over yours, idiot.

so your a limosine liberal then, shake your head. Most non rich Americans want the opportunity to become rich. :lol:

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