Unequal distribution of wealth

In reality, the Free Market / Liberty way to get wealthy is to provide something of value for which people are willing to pay.

So if I wander into virgin lands and settle there with my kin and value as delicious the wild fruits and eat of them... that is wrong?
And if the capitalist is not investing in productive capacity, but rather gambling with the money, what is he/she providing of value?

Why must I be forced to 'provide something of value' when I spend my money? Is the moral acceptability of all my actions defined by how well it benefits the collective?

You have to get your head around the fact that I am the supposed capitalist hero that you are advocating for. I do not labor. I produce nothing. I own.
You produce nothing? Then according to your own criteria...
JBeukema Post #181: Why must I be forced to 'provide something of value' when I spend my money? Is the moral acceptability of all my actions defined by how well it benefits the collective?

No. But you can't justify the suffering of the vast majority of the collective based on your individual freedom to be idle and rich.

There's a reason why you want to keep the conversation in hoity-toity philosophy land. It's because when your faux-philosophy is applied to the real world, it doesn't work. In the real world, 1 out of every 10 citizens actively seeking work can't find a job. This occurs while corporations and banks sit on trillions of dollars.

Fairness? I think not.
Yes. That is the basic conflict.

Some of use believe people should be able to keep what they have earned or been voluntarily bequeathed.

Others would rather use unfettered government power to take away from some for their own benefit.

The moral systems upon which each side is based are Quite Different.
There is a third way...

There is no third way. "Third way" is just Marxism by another name.

Most of those who who are at the top of the wealth tier don't live off their wages, they live off their investments and pay their 15% in taxes versus the tax rates of working Americans.
I guess Warren Buffet's comment that his secretary pays more taxes than he does is a good example. The top percentile gets write-offs the wage earner can't take advantage of, plus tier gets lower tax rates. What a great country we live in. So, thanks to government intervention, the wealthy gets to a higher percentage of their wealth than the working class.
Plutocracy in action.
J Beukema Post #181: You produce nothing? Then according to your own criteria...

Bud, you're the one making me the hero here. You're the one saying my freedom trumps your ability to eat.

Pain, you'll have to feel the pain personally before you get it.
Most of those who who are at the top of the wealth tier don't live off their wages, they live off their investments and pay their 15% in taxes versus the tax rates of working Americans.
I guess Warren Buffet's comment that his secretary pays more taxes than he does is a good example. The top percentile gets write-offs the wage earner can't take advantage of, plus tier gets lower tax rates. What a great country we live in. So, thanks to government intervention, the wealthy gets to a higher percentage of their wealth than the working class.
Plutocracy in action.

That is a load of class warfare nonsense.

Obama wants to raise taxes on the top 2%, which is his magical dividing line where incomes are $250,000. The vast majority of those who make $250,000 per year are not living off of investment income. They are small business owners or upper middle class people (often two earner families) who WORK FOR A LIVING.
No. But you can't justify the suffering of the vast majority of the collective based on your individual freedom to be idle and rich.
Nor can you deny that you wish to take from the individual by insisting you'll only take from the class to which they belong. That's called 'dishonesty' and makes it hard to take anything you say at face value.

There's a reason why you want to keep the conversation in hoity-toity philosophy land. It's because when your faux-philosophy is applied to the real world, it doesn't work.
No? America was a superpower under such a system as I advocate. Do you even know the slightest thing of my philosophy?

I'll give you a hint:

Boedicca Post #185: That is a load of class warfare nonsense.

And so we get another spoon fed catch phrase from a wingnut.


Pain, more pain. That's what it's gonna take.
No. But you can't justify the suffering of the vast majority of the collective based on your individual freedom to be idle and rich.
Nor can you deny that you wish to take from the individual by insisting you'll only take from the class to which they belong. That's called 'dishonesty' and makes it hard to take anything you say at face value.

There's a reason why you want to keep the conversation in hoity-toity philosophy land. It's because when your faux-philosophy is applied to the real world, it doesn't work.
No? America was a superpower under such a system as I advocate. Do you even know the slightest thing of my philosophy?

I'll give you a hint:


Are you by any chance wearing a Guy Fawkes mask?
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

speaking of distribution of wealth....

as more and more jobs disappear because of automation, computers and robotics, I can see a time at which MOST people become unemployed.....

we even have the military working on robot-troops to replace people....

i imagine that at that point ONLY the very best, brightest, strongest, most useful will have "jobs"/"positions"

maybe...10% of the population? 15%?

my q; since we all know that it would be completely unfair for the 10% of the population who have ALL THE WEALTH to have to pay any money at all just to support lazy good for nothing freeloaders, what should be done with/to the unemployed?

cultivated for spare parts for the wealthy?
set loose in the wilds and hunted for sport?
Most of those who who are at the top of the wealth tier don't live off their wages, they live off their investments and pay their 15% in taxes versus the tax rates of working Americans.
I guess Warren Buffet's comment that his secretary pays more taxes than he does is a good example. The top percentile gets write-offs the wage earner can't take advantage of, plus tier gets lower tax rates. What a great country we live in. So, thanks to government intervention, the wealthy gets to a higher percentage of their wealth than the working class.
Plutocracy in action.

That is a load of class warfare nonsense.

Obama wants to raise taxes on the top 2%, which is his magical dividing line where incomes are $250,000. The vast majority of those who make $250,000 per year are not living off of investment income. They are small business owners or upper middle class people (often two earner families) who WORK FOR A LIVING.

So the top tier's main income isn't investment income? The tax rate on Capital Gains and Dividends isn't 15% The wealthy don't hanve more write offs that your average working American. Whom I'm referring to is the top 1%
And Obama backed off letting the Bush tax cuts expire on those making $250,000 and up.
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No. But you can't justify the suffering of the vast majority of the collective based on your individual freedom to be idle and rich.
Nor can you deny that you wish to take from the individual by insisting you'll only take from the class to which they belong. That's called 'dishonesty' and makes it hard to take anything you say at face value.

There's a reason why you want to keep the conversation in hoity-toity philosophy land. It's because when your faux-philosophy is applied to the real world, it doesn't work.
No? America was a superpower under such a system as I advocate. Do you even know the slightest thing of my philosophy?

I'll give you a hint:


Are you by any chance wearing a Guy Fawkes mask?
Guy Fawkes wanted to install a theocratic regime. His only complaint was that the one he was fighting was Catholic.

He and I would have come to blows.
Most of those who who are at the top of the wealth tier don't live off their wages, they live off their investments and pay their 15% in taxes versus the tax rates of working Americans.
I guess Warren Buffet's comment that his secretary pays more taxes than he does is a good example. The top percentile gets write-offs the wage earner can't take advantage of, plus tier gets lower tax rates. What a great country we live in. So, thanks to government intervention, the wealthy gets to a higher percentage of their wealth than the working class.
Plutocracy in action.

That is a load of class warfare nonsense.

Obama wants to raise taxes on the top 2%, which is his magical dividing line where incomes are $250,000. The vast majority of those who make $250,000 per year are not living off of investment income. They are small business owners or upper middle class people (often two earner families) who WORK FOR A LIVING.

So the top tier's main income isn't investment income? The tax rate on Capital Gains and Dividends isn't 15% The wealthy don't hanve more write offs that your average working American?

So what? Investment income is only as good as some other economic activity throwing off profit.
JBeukema Post #186: Nor can you deny that you wish to take from the individual by insisting you'll only take from the class to which they belong. That's called 'dishonesty' and makes it hard to take anything you say at face value.

Nor have I. Taking from one individual won't do it though. You have to take from the class and redistribute it. That's what made the great american middle class. Not doing it is what is eroding the great american middle class.

America was a superpower under such a system as I advocate.

America became a super power under the New Deal which was in large measure, a redistribution of wealth. America is declining before your eyes under the system that you advocate.

Reality, but you want none of it.

Do you even know the slightest thing of my philosophy?

Only what you put forth for public consumption. You're duped by faux moralism and inane rhetoric. The only cure i can see for you is in pain.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

speaking of distribution of wealth....

as more and more jobs disappear because of automation, computers and robotics, I can see a time at which MOST people become unemployed.....

we even have the military working on robot-troops to replace people....

i imagine that at that point ONLY the very best, brightest, strongest, most useful will have "jobs"/"positions"

maybe...10% of the population? 15%?

my q; since we all know that it would be completely unfair for the 10% of the population who have ALL THE WEALTH to have to pay any money at all just to support lazy good for nothing freeloaders, what should be done with/to the unemployed?

cultivated for spare parts for the wealthy?
set loose in the wilds and hunted for sport?
They plan to liquidate the lower tenth before it comes to that. As the cycle repeats, unemployment remains low as only the most fit are left.

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