Unequal distribution of wealth

Would Obama have to create debt to try and grow jobs if he didn't kill the ones already out there?

Yikes! I coulda sworn that GWB was prez in Decembr 2007 when the recession started! That darn Obama killed the jobs as as Junior Senator from Illinois, man that guy had influence

What was the last Republican Congress' budget deficit?

Which budgets in 2007 and 2008 did Obama vote against?

Considering that the very last GOP written budget ended on September 30th of 2007 and the recession offically started in December 2007, what's your point? Is it that it took only two months of the Dems budget to cause the Great Recession? Why don't you find an economist that'll back up that theory.
Any economist will tell you that the job loses were a result of the recession that started only two months after the Dem's first budget took hold.
Here's some thing I want to know from the Degree enabled entitlement crowd. Did you take a degree that someone considers worth paying you for? (meaning something that actually DOES work that is currently in demand, not a cushy office no-show job) Or did you take something that nobody (or very few) have a need for at this time (education, psychology, history, law, art, music, web design)

Face it, what do you do that is worth paying you what you stupidly paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for by a bunch of scam artists known as the University Board of Regents?
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A progressive tax is fair. A flat tax would kill people. When people like Forbes campaign for a flat tax I know it would be a poison pill. A trust fund billionaire who says he speaks for 'the people' and has their best interests at heart.

Based on what definitin of 'fair' exactly? We're all suppose to receive the benefits of our taxes, right? Yet it's fair for one person to have to pay more for those benefits than another? How so?
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Here's some thing I want to know from the Degree enabled entitlement crowd. Did you take a degree that someone considers worth paying you for? (meaning something that actually DOES work that is currently in demand, not a cushy office no-show job) Or did you take something that nobody (or very few) have a need for at this time (education, psychology, history, law, art, music, web design)

Face it, what do you do that is worth paying you what you stupidly paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for by a bunch of scam artists known as the University Board of Regents?

It's amazing what degrees will get people to hire you sometimes. My husband had a dual major in journalism/creative writing. Employers across the board LOVE him for this. They're so impressed, God knows why.

He's always said his greatest use in life of his creative writing degree is in being married, though, because being good with words keeps him out of trouble. No idea what he means by that. :eusa_whistle:
Here's some thing I want to know from the Degree enabled entitlement crowd. Did you take a degree that someone considers worth paying you for? (meaning something that actually DOES work that is currently in demand, not a cushy office no-show job) Or did you take something that nobody (or very few) have a need for at this time (education, psychology, history, law, art, music, web design)

Face it, what do you do that is worth paying you what you stupidly paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for by a bunch of scam artists known as the University Board of Regents?

It's amazing what degrees will get people to hire you sometimes. My husband had a dual major in journalism/creative writing. Employers across the board LOVE him for this. They're so impressed, God knows why.

He's always said his greatest use in life of his creative writing degree is in being married, though, because being good with words keeps him out of trouble. No idea what he means by that. :eusa_whistle:
Shit... so I need a degree to be a good bullshitter on paper, even though I've been doing it for decades? This is why the business world sucks sometimes. Degrees are often so overrated while the guy who can actually do the work without it is ignored.

Nope... not bitter. Not one bit. :wtf:
Do not tell me you can't find a job. What you can't find is a job you WANT. Boo-freaking-hoo. My heart bleeds for you.

You honestly think there's no one out there that can't find a job or are you referring to someone who somehow can't find anything after 99 months?
Each week I receive an email from careerbuilder.com..Each week there are no fewer than 75 jobs listed in MY chosen category alone. Now if there are no jobs around, how is it these companies are all looking for workers?

So because your field is hiring everyone else's must be too, and in every location?

What is your field anyway?
Why is it the "wealthys" problem to create jobs? And you don't think the wealthy spend money?
The reason we're given to cut their taxes and coddle them is because they are the job creators! Now you want to let them off the hook for that too?

So, in the end, to combat the deficit the only sacrifices must be made by those least capable of sacrificing. The rich got theirs and should bear no burden.

Great! Sell that in an unemployment line!

Flat tax. Then everyone bleeds the same.

No i am not for letting anyone off the hook for paying their fair share of taxes. But that is just it, a FAIR share. If the government wants a % much from me they better better be taking the same % from all of you. It is NOT fair to take more from some and not others just based on how much they have and or don't have.

To combat the deficit we need to decrease spending. Look closely at what you are saying: The only people who should combat the defect and bear the burden are the "rich" because they can afford it.

Flat tax. What a scam! The top marginal rate is what 36%? You want that rate to fall to say 17% or a 51% reduction in taxes.

The poorest folks pay nothing and you want them to endure a tax increase.

But try to increase the top rate from 36% to 39% and the very Republic itself is at danger!

poor? yes. stupid beyond belief? not quite.
A progressive tax is fair. A flat tax would kill people. When people like Forbes campaign for a flat tax I know it would be a poison pill. A trust fund billionaire who says he speaks for 'the people' and has their best interests at heart.

Based on what definitin of 'fair' exactly? We're all suppose to receive the benefits of our taxes, right? Yet it's fair for one person to have to pay more for those benefits than another? How so?

We exist as a national collective. We the people. The phrase 'the people' was used during the debate over the ratification of the constitution to mean the people as a collective body nationally, not as members of individual sovereign states.

We ended up with a bicameral legislature where the fair thing was thought to be each state having an equal vote in the upper body...and each state being unequal in representation by population, in the lower body.

We ended up with the Electoral College. Fairness? Yes, based on a formula on what kind of a collective society we desired.

What you infer is equality as individuals. Maybe we should all have our own voice in the legislative branch? We can vote on plebiscites, majority (mob) rule?

The fairness of a progressive tax recognizes inequalities of wealth distribution in an economic structure like ours and seeks to rectify some of the dangers to the society that kind of system poses.
A tax system where the lower 48% of wage earners pay no Federal income taxes is not "progressive."

Tell that to people who have federal taxes taken out of their pay checks every week.

They pay no income taxes.

You want to comp their Medicare and Social Security contributions, too?

Is that even more "progressive?"

They pay federal income taxes. It is taken out of their checks.
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The reason we're given to cut their taxes and coddle them is because they are the job creators! Now you want to let them off the hook for that too?

So, in the end, to combat the deficit the only sacrifices must be made by those least capable of sacrificing. The rich got theirs and should bear no burden.

Great! Sell that in an unemployment line!

Flat tax. Then everyone bleeds the same.

No i am not for letting anyone off the hook for paying their fair share of taxes. But that is just it, a FAIR share. If the government wants a % much from me they better better be taking the same % from all of you. It is NOT fair to take more from some and not others just based on how much they have and or don't have.

To combat the deficit we need to decrease spending. Look closely at what you are saying: The only people who should combat the defect and bear the burden are the "rich" because they can afford it.

Flat tax. What a scam! The top marginal rate is what 36%? You want that rate to fall to say 17% or a 51% reduction in taxes.

The poorest folks pay nothing and you want them to endure a tax increase.

But try to increase the top rate from 36% to 39% and the very Republic itself is at danger!

poor? yes. stupid beyond belief? not quite.

So fair is not what you want. Good to know.

How about everyone pay flat tax at 39%? That should cover just about everything.

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