Unequal distribution of wealth

They have no Federal income tax liability. If they are stupid enough to let goverment sit on their withholdings for a year, then brag about getting their own money "refunded," it's no wonder they are at the bottom economic rung.
Study to the world's leading shitholes.

The one thing they all have in common is massive inequitities in wealth distribution.

Every banana republic in the world has that one single economic indicator.

I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions about what that means or if it is significant.

Some of you are grown-ups who are also clearly reality-based thinkers.

Some of you can or have read your history.

Income and wealth distribution is an important indicator of economic health of a nation.

Now either it is a leading indicator or a it residual artifact of the economy, but one thing that will strike you if you look at nations with this state of affairs, or at the history of nations havng been in that state, is the people do badly, the governments are repressive and the nation is unstable politically.

Of course AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALIST thinkers might want to dismiss this fact as relevent to every nation but ours.

And while I hope they're right, but nothing I can find in history leads me to think they are right.

You must have a PHD..Only a person that used up so much of their time getting degrees in nothing could lay out such a monologue. It's truly remarkable.
Yet true. Great concentrations of wealth in non-electable, therefore unaccountable, hands destabilizes economies and governments.
Wealth does not create jobs. Spending does. When companies spend they create jobs. When rich people accumulate wealth, jobs are not created.

Under the Bush tax cuts to the wealthiest (unpaid for cuts) America did not get more job creation.

Tax Returns: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Bush Administration's Record on Cutting Taxes — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Why is it the "wealthys" problem to create jobs? And you don't think the wealthy spend money?

OMG not thatr avatar again:eusa_pray::eusa_whistle::eusa_pray::eusa_pray::eusa_pray::eusa_angel:
People are saying under George W. Bush, America had the worst economic record since Herbert Hoover. Wages were stagnant, George W. Bush had the worst job creation record of any President in history, concluding in the worst economic catastrophe since the great depression

It would seem to me as if many had very good years during that time making money. Why should it be taxed away from them to support those who didn't do as well?

How come the rich should get a bigger share of the pie than those who are poorer?

How many times must this question be asked? The rich have these hidden cost thast most do not see. They have the cost of keeping a busniess running so the less rich can continue to work and provide for their families.
I want what I worked for not what someone else worked for. Do you think skilled labor should be paid the same as unskilled labor? Do you Think a brain surgeon should be paid the same as a taxi driver? Do you think a person who just started a job with no experience should be paid the same as a person who has been doing the same job for 30 years?
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[How come the rich should get a bigger share of the pie than those who are poorer?

How many times must this question be asked? The rich have these hidden cost thast most do not see. They have the cost of keeping a busniess running so the less rich can continue to work and provide for their families.

Oh, so the rich are like god!! Only a few claim to have seen the god........... And he is running the world.........

I want what I worked for not what someone else worked for. Do you think skilled labor should be paid the same as unskilled labor? Do you Think a brain surgeon should be paid the same as a taxi driver? Do you think a person who just started a job with no experience should be paid the same as a person who has been doing the same job for 30 years?

Don't know what fucking world your in dude, but people do not make the same amount of money as the president. And they don't even make a fucking living wage after 30 years, or a full wage salary, or full medical coverage. They live in shit with assholes like you.
Income redistribution by taxation is, I quite agree, the absolute worst way to deal with out of control income inequity.

On that score I'm sympathetic to the right wingers here who call that socialism.

A more enlightened society has in place laws and policies that prevent this massive destructive income and wealth inequity in the first place.

Face it, folks.

If we're going to have a capitalist society, we surely need a capital class.

Likewise if we want to have a truly affluent capitalist society, we need to have a balance in income and wealth between that capitalist class. That capital class, which is basically not more than a few percent of the population, BTW and the rest of society (say the other 98-99% or so of us are the working classes.

But since about 1970 or so, partially due to circumstance that nobody was responsible for like the gradual redevelopment of the other worlds industrial nations post WWII; and partially because our political system has become so corrupted thanks -- in large part to our insane system of selected and electing our leaders, our working classes—most of the working classes -- ESPECIALLY the lower 75% of us in terms of incomes, have lost ground in comparison to the capital classes.

Hence we’re having have wave after wave of investment bubbles blowing up in the faces of the investment classes.

Demand (from the working class) and supply (from the investment class) are out of balance.


Because income inequity and wealth inequity are so out of balance. Too much extra wealth chasing too little profits.

It’s inefficient because there is more money to create supply than there is money to create demand.

If one truly thinks that capitalism is the way to go (and I think it is the most productive and potentially the fairest social system mankind has ever invented) then we need to get that balance back in order.

But today's capital class either has forgotten how real wealth is created, or they've just given up on America (See FREE TRADE) and they are stripping the dying corpse of this dying democratic republic. (see imbalance of trade)

It's impossible to really fathom the motive, of course. In fact the whole event is probably an organic (and massive ) example of a tragedy of the commons.

But it not difficult to understand the social machinations that are leading us into this disaster.

Not, at least, if one can take off ones PARTISAN BLINDERS.
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[How come the rich should get a bigger share of the pie than those who are poorer?

How many times must this question be asked? The rich have these hidden cost thast most do not see. They have the cost of keeping a busniess running so the less rich can continue to work and provide for their families.

Oh, so the rich are like god!! Only a few claim to have seen the god........... And he is running the world.........

OH YOU'RE AND IDIOT. Do you work for a poor person or his your employer rich? That is if you have a job.

I want what I worked for not what someone else worked for. Do you think skilled labor should be paid the same as unskilled labor? Do you Think a brain surgeon should be paid the same as a taxi driver? Do you think a person who just started a job with no experience should be paid the same as a person who has been doing the same job for 30 years?

Don't know what fucking world your in dude, but people do not make the same amount of money as the president. And they don't even make a fucking living wage after 30 years, or a full wage salary, or full medical coverage. They live in shit with assholes like you.

I am still waiting on an answer from you?

Do you think skilled labor should be paid the same as unskilled labor? Do you Think a brain surgeon should be paid the same as a taxi driver? Do you think a person who just started a job with no experience should be paid the same as a person who has been doing the same job for 30 years?
According to the basis and foundation of libealism and social justice everybody should make the equal amount of money. SO.....
Do you think skilled labor should be paid the same as unskilled labor? Do you Think a brain surgeon should be paid the same as a taxi driver? Do you think a person who just started a job with no experience should be paid the same as a person who has been doing the same job for 30 years?
Anyone who needs 99 months to find any job is not serious about working.

there are tens of thousands of jobs out there. there are millions of unemployed. while i've not had any issues with unemployment in my life and dont anticipate that i ever will, i can appreciate that the job market is always smaller than the labor market. the job market involves between 50-60% of americans, the rest of us are unemployed by choice or otherwise. there's certainly not enough jobs for us all to snatch up if we all wanted to.

in a shit economy like the one we are in, the job market's capacity shrinks further, and people cant get jobs. i'm generally impressed by americans, but at the same time, some of us are more impressive than others.

is it wise or intelligent to presume as you have, or is there wisdom in recognizing that a shrunken job market will always under-utilize those of us who are least competitive?

If it's so tough to get a job in this economy, how come both my husband and my roommate were able to find brand-new, shiny jobs within two weeks of starting to look?
to stroke one's ego about their's or their friend's stability is always easier in times of uncertainty, and individuals are individuals inclined are welcome to indulge in that sort of thing. still, because of the broader environment, i think such persons who believe that their circumstances reflect everyone else's are insular or obstinate to the extent that they maintain that perspective. can you see how policymakers or anyone who is responsible for or concerned with society's woes aren't afforded that insularity?

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