Unequal distribution of wealth

Those terms aren't on the site. I just did a search. And we can't see the url in your video, so we don't know if he's as the real site or not.

They aren't there because the site webmaster gutted the information.
You've any evidence of that?

Thjere was a thread about the one nation rally and that part was posted in the thread. Yes the information was gutted from the link and you know it was.
wow... the naacp and the seiu... a union and a group founded with the purpose of fighting racial inequality and discrimination... support a rally with the stated purpose of bringing Americans together....

truly evil stuff


Forgot about the Communist I see. OH and by the way unions are a by product of communist.

1)I'm not a conservative

2) it's 'byproduct'

3)Which communist have I forgotten about? And of whom are the unions a byproduct?

4)The Unions are not a 'byproduct of communism'. The labour movement shares its roots with the communist movement, yes. So, too, do the civil rights and the first- and second-wave feminist movements. As do social democracy, social liberalism, democratic socialism, progressivism, and, in certain regards, christian socialism- you know, like Mr. Bellamy, who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance.

5)Ever heard of the 8-hour work day? OSHA? The Factory Acts? Sick leave? Mandatory first aid? Those little stickers that warn you if you're dealing with corrosive or toxic substances? The laws (though no longer strongly enforced) that are designed to prevent things like Enron? You live in America? Notice how it's so much better than modern China, Somalia, Indonesia, and elsewhere where naked capitalism runs rampant. Notice how the condition of the working class in America in 2010 is much improved over The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844? You're welcome.

You should be thanking the socialists for giving us the standard of living we have. Many dies in the streets or in burning factories. Many were beaten or killed by the FBI and the boss's henchmen. Many laid their lives on the line or even laid them down. Why did they do this? So we could have a fair(er) wage, the right to work, and all the benefits that the American working class enjoys that are denied the child slave labourers in the shithole countries pieces of shit like you defend the capitalists for moving American jobs to in order to increase their profit margin.


The red flag is a flag of resistance. It has been flown by many who stood up against tyranny, oppression, and exploitation. You should thank them for that, but instead you spit on their memory.

The red flag is a flag of resistance. It has been flown by many who stood up against tyranny, oppression, and exploitation. You should thank them for that, but instead you spit on their memory.

Such as Stalin and Moa?


Forgot about the Communist I see. OH and by the way unions are a by product of communist.

1)I'm not a conservative

2) it's 'byproduct'

3)Which communist have I forgotten about? And of whom are the unions a byproduct?

4)The Unions are not a 'byproduct of communism'. The labour movement shares its roots with the communist movement, yes. So, too, do the civil rights and the first- and second-wave feminist movements. As do social democracy, social liberalism, democratic socialism, progressivism, and, in certain regards, christian socialism- you know, like Mr. Bellamy, who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance.

5)Ever heard of the 8-hour work day? OSHA? The Factory Acts? Sick leave? Mandatory first aid? Those little stickers that warn you if you're dealing with corrosive or toxic substances? The laws (though no longer strongly enforced) that are designed to prevent things like Enron? You live in America? Notice how it's so much better than modern China, Somalia, Indonesia, and elsewhere where naked capitalism runs rampant. Notice how the condition of the working class in America in 2010 is much improved over The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844? You're welcome.

You should be thanking the socialists for giving us the standard of living we have. Many dies in the streets or in burning factories. Many were beaten or killed by the FBI and the boss's henchmen. Many laid their lives on the line or even laid them down. Why did they do this? So we could have a fair(er) wage, the right to work, and all the benefits that the American working class enjoys that are denied the child slave labourers in the shithole countries pieces of shit like you defend the capitalists for moving American jobs to in order to increase their profit margin.


The red flag is a flag of resistance. It has been flown by many who stood up against tyranny, oppression, and exploitation. You should thank them for that, but instead you spit on their memory.

The red flag is a flag of resistance. It has been flown by many who stood up against tyranny, oppression, and exploitation. You should thank them for that, but instead you spit on their memory.
Such as Stalin and Moa?


Traitors, the both of them. Opposed by many on the Left before the West noticed either of them.

Anti-Stalinist left - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wonder whether you apply the same standards the the U.S. flag flown by soldiers who raped and murdered civilians in 'Nam or tortured captives in Baghram and Gitmo.

But then again, there is a difference. One is the flag of a nation- of a government. The red flag is a flag representing solidarity an idea.

Since the middle ages, it has represented a willingness to fight to the very end. Since the 17th century it has stood for defiance and opposition against sieges and tyrants.


Red flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Such as Stalin and Moa?

Stalin and Mao managed to do what people like Bush and his ilk would like to do but are constrained by the Constitution and the fact that the American middle class still retains enough of its wealth and influence to hold them in check. But, and I do not say this to offend you or to initiate a spitting contest, if people like you continue to support what in absolute fact is a rising corporatocracy, which inevitably will evolve into fascism, you will come to regret your participation in the process of bringing an end to America as we have known it.

The socialist policies which affirm the health and security of the middle class, which presumably you belong to, do not mean America is a socialist nation or is seeking to become one. The simple fact is a capitalist economy which is held in check by certain socialist policies is the American system and evidence of its effectiveness was seen in the years before Ronald Reagan which were the most prosperous and economically stable years in our history.

Don't allow yourself to be used by the corporatists. Because they will get around to exploiting you, too.
Not if it exceeds escape velocity :eusa_whistle:

Damn, you're right.
In a world of entropy and finite resources, economically there is no escape.

Entropy has nothing to do with economics. Mankind as we know it will be long extinct long before we have to worry about the universe reaching anything near maximum entropy.

What we're seeing today is nothing more than the next cycle in human history, with those in power doing everything they can to hold on to it and those being exploited trying to improve their condition.

Time to decide whose side you're on: BP and Wal-Mart's or your own, which is the same side as the slave labourer making your t-shirts.
bigslavekeeper thinks the CCCP was communist

That he can't even recognize totalitarianism bureaucratic collectivism for what is is reveals the effectiveness of the brainwashing he's undergone. He probably thinks the propaganda Beck spews on Fox is factual.

As Minister of Agitprop, I applaud the effectiveness of the American indoctrination system.

Such issues with the system aside, I am ever grateful we live in a socialist society.
1)I'm not a conservative

2) it's 'byproduct'

3)Which communist have I forgotten about? And of whom are the unions a byproduct?

4)The Unions are not a 'byproduct of communism'. The labour movement shares its roots with the communist movement, yes. So, too, do the civil rights and the first- and second-wave feminist movements. As do social democracy, social liberalism, democratic socialism, progressivism, and, in certain regards, christian socialism- you know, like Mr. Bellamy, who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance.

5)Ever heard of the 8-hour work day? OSHA? The Factory Acts? Sick leave? Mandatory first aid? Those little stickers that warn you if you're dealing with corrosive or toxic substances? The laws (though no longer strongly enforced) that are designed to prevent things like Enron? You live in America? Notice how it's so much better than modern China, Somalia, Indonesia, and elsewhere where naked capitalism runs rampant. Notice how the condition of the working class in America in 2010 is much improved over The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844? You're welcome.

You should be thanking the socialists for giving us the standard of living we have. Many dies in the streets or in burning factories. Many were beaten or killed by the FBI and the boss's henchmen. Many laid their lives on the line or even laid them down. Why did they do this? So we could have a fair(er) wage, the right to work, and all the benefits that the American working class enjoys that are denied the child slave labourers in the shithole countries pieces of shit like you defend the capitalists for moving American jobs to in order to increase their profit margin.


The red flag is a flag of resistance. It has been flown by many who stood up against tyranny, oppression, and exploitation. You should thank them for that, but instead you spit on their memory.

The red flag is a flag of resistance. It has been flown by many who stood up against tyranny, oppression, and exploitation. You should thank them for that, but instead you spit on their memory.
Such as Stalin and Moa?


Traitors, the both of them. Opposed by many on the Left before the West noticed either of them.

Anti-Stalinist left - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wonder whether you apply the same standards the the U.S. flag flown by soldiers who raped and murdered civilians in 'Nam or tortured captives in Baghram and Gitmo.

But then again, there is a difference. One is the flag of a nation- of a government. The red flag is a flag representing solidarity an idea.

Since the middle ages, it has represented a willingness to fight to the very end. Since the 17th century it has stood for defiance and opposition against sieges and tyrants.


Red flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Traitors, the both of them. Opposed by many on the Left before the West noticed either of them.

Opposed by many? Sure, and if you were lucky when caught you were killed first thing.

I wonder whether you apply the same standards the the U.S. flag flown by soldiers who raped and murdered civilians in 'Nam or tortured captives in Baghram and Gitmo.

I must have missed the date? When did terror suspect gain American citizenship?

Since the middle ages, it has represented a willingness to fight to the very end. Since the 17th century it has stood for defiance and opposition against sieges and tyrants.

OH please..... you can lie to yourself all you want.
bigslavekeeper thinks the CCCP was communist

That he can't even recognize totalitarianism bureaucratic collectivism for what is is reveals the effectiveness of the brainwashing he's undergone. He probably thinks the propaganda Beck spews on Fox is factual.

As Minister of Agitprop, I applaud the effectiveness of the American indoctrination system.

Such issues with the system aside, I am ever grateful we live in a socialist society.

modern day redifining of what communism means.
Opposed by many? Sure, and if you were lucky when caught you were killed first thing.

Kinda if you're lucky when the U.S. runs up on your village.

The unlucky ones get 'renditioned' and disappear.

Hey, America's like the Stazi! Fuck yea! USA! USA!

I wonder whether you apply the same standards the the U.S. flag flown by soldiers who raped and murdered civilians in 'Nam or tortured captives in Baghram and Gitmo.
I must have missed the date? When did terror suspect gain American citizenship?


Yes... terrorism...

Do you know what was in the USA PATRIOT act? Do you know how they define 'terrorist'?

And you talk about Stalin :lol:
Since the middle ages, it has represented a willingness to fight to the very end. Since the 17th century it has stood for defiance and opposition against sieges and tyrants.
OH please..... you can lie to yourself all you want.

Click the link. I'm just stating historical fact.
bigslavekeeper thinks the CCCP was communist

That he can't even recognize totalitarianism bureaucratic collectivism for what is is reveals the effectiveness of the brainwashing he's undergone. He probably thinks the propaganda Beck spews on Fox is factual.

As Minister of Agitprop, I applaud the effectiveness of the American indoctrination system.

Such issues with the system aside, I am ever grateful we live in a socialist society.

modern day redifining of what communism means.

1) what is 'redifining'?

2) The only person redefining anything is you- like when you try to say communism, socialism, and liberalism are the same thing.
Today's homework assignment:

Look up and write a 2,000 word essay comparing and contrasting marxism, trotskyism, leninism, maoism, social democracy, democratic socialism, liberalism (classical doctrine), social liberalism, libertarian socialism, bureaucratic collectivism, and progressivism.
bigslavekeeper thinks the CCCP was communist

That he can't even recognize totalitarianism bureaucratic collectivism for what is is reveals the effectiveness of the brainwashing he's undergone. He probably thinks the propaganda Beck spews on Fox is factual.

As Minister of Agitprop, I applaud the effectiveness of the American indoctrination system.

Such issues with the system aside, I am ever grateful we live in a socialist society.

modern day redifining of what communism means.

1) what is 'redifining'?

2) The only person redefining anything is you- like when you try to say communism, socialism, and liberalism are the same thing.
Today's homework assignment:

Look up and write a 2,000 word essay comparing and contrasting marxism, trotskyism, leninism, maoism, social democracy, democratic socialism, liberalism (classical doctrine), social liberalism, libertarian socialism, bureaucratic collectivism, and progressivism.

Every name you mention has one common link Authortrian contrl and that is the basis of communism. Central government. Sure you can sugar coat it, but shit is still shit it doesn't matter how much you cover it with sugar.

The economy of these nations is centrally planned and operated by fiat. All industry is owned by the state. Power is monopolized by a centrally organized party which supports its legitimacy by quoting Marxist dogma.
FAQ: Communism is not the opposite of democracy. The proper dichotomy is communism vs. capitalism. Yes, technically, Communism is an economic system rather than a political system, but we just can't escape the fact that the 20th Century has seen this big block of countries that have had a lot in common with one another and less in common with the rest of the world. In fact, this block has been one of the century's most distinctive cluster of countries, so it seems rather evasive to not set up a category to cover them.
FAQ: These countries are not at all what Marx envisioned, so they aren't really Communist. Maybe not, but a lot of what passes for Christianity nowadays has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus, and a lot of what passes for constitutional has nothing to do with Madison. Ideologies evolve, and I'd call any government Communist if it supports its arguments by quoting chapter and verse from Marx (just as I'd call any government Christian if it supports its arguments by quoting the Bible) regardless of whether they quote correctly.
ALTERNATIVE NAMES: Some scholars prefer to call them "socialist republics" or "people's republics", but the first alternative can sully the good name of real socialists, while the second is just silly.
modern day redifining of what communism means.

1) what is 'redifining'?

2) The only person redefining anything is you- like when you try to say communism, socialism, and liberalism are the same thing.
Today's homework assignment:

Look up and write a 2,000 word essay comparing and contrasting marxism, trotskyism, leninism, maoism, social democracy, democratic socialism, liberalism (classical doctrine), social liberalism, libertarian socialism, bureaucratic collectivism, and progressivism.

Every name you mention has one common link Authortrian contrl and that is the basis of communism. Central government. Sure you can sugar coat it, but shit is still shit it doesn't matter how much you cover it with sugar.

The economy of these nations is centrally planned and operated by fiat. All industry is owned by the state. Power is monopolized by a centrally organized party which supports its legitimacy by quoting Marxist dogma.
FAQ: Communism is not the opposite of democracy. The proper dichotomy is communism vs. capitalism. Yes, technically, Communism is an economic system rather than a political system, but we just can't escape the fact that the 20th Century has seen this big block of countries that have had a lot in common with one another and less in common with the rest of the world. In fact, this block has been one of the century's most distinctive cluster of countries, so it seems rather evasive to not set up a category to cover them.
FAQ: These countries are not at all what Marx envisioned, so they aren't really Communist. Maybe not, but a lot of what passes for Christianity nowadays has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus, and a lot of what passes for constitutional has nothing to do with Madison. Ideologies evolve, and I'd call any government Communist if it supports its arguments by quoting chapter and verse from Marx (just as I'd call any government Christian if it supports its arguments by quoting the Bible) regardless of whether they quote correctly.
ALTERNATIVE NAMES: Some scholars prefer to call them "socialist republics" or "people's republics", but the first alternative can sully the good name of real socialists, while the second is just silly.
Map - 20th Century Governments

COMMUNISM: Economic and political system, that promised the establishment of a classless society with common ownership. The working class (prolertariat)was supposed to "rise up" to replace the ruling class (bourgeoise) and establish nirvana.---a peaceful happy society with no government. Communism delivered tyranny. No Communist government has ever sprung up as a result of a "people's revolt". Every Communist government to date---and they have ALL been murderous. has seen elites imposing MARXISM, on their subjects. This awful system allows for NO private property, (except the RULERS), no LIBERTY, and no dissent, with communist leaders exercising absolute power.

See former Soviet GULAGS, or the skulls from Pol-Pot's S-21 torture chamber. According to the scholarly, "Black Book Of Communism", Communism has been responsible for the deaths of 100 million people worldwide.

Practioners: V.I. Lenin, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, all Soviet Politburo in their opulent dachas....
modern day redifining of what communism means.

1) what is 'redifining'?

2) The only person redefining anything is you- like when you try to say communism, socialism, and liberalism are the same thing.
Today's homework assignment:

Look up and write a 2,000 word essay comparing and contrasting marxism, trotskyism, leninism, maoism, social democracy, democratic socialism, liberalism (classical doctrine), social liberalism, libertarian socialism, bureaucratic collectivism, and progressivism.

Every name you mention has one common link Authortrian contrl

Author Ian who now?

Clearly, you've never read Locke.
and that is the basis of communism. Central government

Communism seeks the dissolution of the centralized State, as it is the primary tool the ruling class uses to oppress and exploit.
Is an oxymoron

Your source is some random personal website? Yours?
I'd call any government Communist if it supports its arguments by quoting chapter and verse from Marx

The Devil, too, can cite scripture for his purpose

Good to see you link admits to being dishonest.
MARXISM : An ideology created in the 19th Century by one disgruntled man---Karl Marx---in response to capitalism. Marx was not a peasant beholeden to the MAN: he was a well-off elitist obscessed with his own intelligence. Marx looked at income inequalities under capitalism, thought it bad, and predicted a worker's revolution, that would destroy the bourgeois (producers/entrepeneurs), and DEMAND forced economic equality. The prism through which he viewed the world was classic leftism: he did not see people as individuals, but rather as stuck members of monlithic economic groups, or classes. Marx's poisonous ideology sought not to inspire members of the lower classes, but make them resent WEALTH, and success.

Sound familiar?

Practioners would include: Karl Marx, College Professors, and sycophant students.
SOCIALISM: "Marxism's TWIN. Socialism attempts to propmote Marx's theories within the mounds of democracy, which is virtually impossible.. It is obscessed with inequalities, and seeks to 'remedy' them, by punishing societys' achievers through taxation, and loss of liberty. Socialists win elections by encouraging resentment of the wealthy, blaming AMERICA, exploiting Western guilt, and castigating opponents as MEAN SPIRITED bigots, too stupid to understand their compassionate brilliance.

Practioners would include: European intellectuals, Canadian Healthcare Officials, and BARACK OBAMA.
The fantasy of equality of wealth:

whaaaa! My pile of stuff isn't as big as HIS pile! Make him give some to me mommy! Whaaaaaaa!

I want a Daddy State. One that cuffs you upside the head for being a whiny brat and says "What did you to earn it? Your brothers and sisters did theirs, now go do your damn chores or I'll give you something to REALLY cry about! Sick of you kids thinking you're owed the same when you don't do your homework, OR your chores and you fight about everything that is none of your DAMN BUSINESS! It's my house, how about you pay some rent? Hmm? You want to do that? No? Quit your crying and take out the garbage while you're at it!"

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