Unequal distribution of wealth

The fantasy of equality of wealth:

whaaaa! My pile of stuff isn't as big as HIS pile! Make him give some to me mommy! Whaaaaaaa!

I want a Daddy State. One that cuffs you upside the head for being a whiny brat and says "What did you to earn it? Your brothers and sisters did theirs, now go do your damn chores or I'll give you something to REALLY cry about! Sick of you kids thinking you're owed the same when you don't do your homework, OR your chores and you fight about everything that is none of your DAMN BUSINESS! It's my house, how about you pay some rent? Hmm? You want to do that? No? Quit your crying and take out the garbage while you're at it!"

Sounds like when I was growing up after a night of Trick-Or-Treating with my siblings. ;)

1) what is 'redifining'?

2) The only person redefining anything is you- like when you try to say communism, socialism, and liberalism are the same thing.
Today's homework assignment:

Look up and write a 2,000 word essay comparing and contrasting marxism, trotskyism, leninism, maoism, social democracy, democratic socialism, liberalism (classical doctrine), social liberalism, libertarian socialism, bureaucratic collectivism, and progressivism.

Every name you mention has one common link Authortrian contrl

Author Ian who now?

Clearly, you've never read Locke.Fail.

Communism seeks the dissolution of the centralized State, as it is the primary tool the ruling class uses to oppress and exploit.
Is an oxymoron

Your source is some random personal website? Yours?
I'd call any government Communist if it supports its arguments by quoting chapter and verse from Marx

The Devil, too, can cite scripture for his purpose

Good to see you link admits to being dishonest.
Talk about being dishonest? Anyone who try's to sugar coat communism for something else is the biggest God damn liar known to man kind.
Joseph Stalin : Biography
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SOCIALISM: "Marxism's TWIN. Socialism attempts to propmote Marx's theories within the mounds of democracy, which is virtually impossible.. It is obscessed with inequalities, and seeks to 'remedy' them, by punishing societys' achievers through taxation, and loss of liberty. Socialists win elections by encouraging resentment of the wealthy, blaming AMERICA, exploiting Western guilt, and castigating opponents as MEAN SPIRITED bigots, too stupid to understand their compassionate brilliance.

Practioners would include: European intellectuals, Canadian Healthcare Officials, and BARACK OBAMA.

Communism is a democratic system. It can be found in both direct and representative democratic flavours. So, too, socialism.
Twin Oaks Intentional Community Homepage
Every name you mention has one common link Authortrian contrl

Author Ian who now?

Clearly, you've never read Locke.Fail.

Communism seeks the dissolution of the centralized State, as it is the primary tool the ruling class uses to oppress and exploit.Is an oxymoron

Your source is some random personal website? Yours?
I'd call any government Communist if it supports its arguments by quoting chapter and verse from Marx

The Devil, too, can cite scripture for his purpose

Good to see you link admits to being dishonest.

Joseph Stalin : Biography

I agree with Schachtman when it comes to Stalin and the CCCP.
SOCIALISM: "Marxism's TWIN. Socialism attempts to propmote Marx's theories within the mounds of democracy, which is virtually impossible.. It is obscessed with inequalities, and seeks to 'remedy' them, by punishing societys' achievers through taxation, and loss of liberty. Socialists win elections by encouraging resentment of the wealthy, blaming AMERICA, exploiting Western guilt, and castigating opponents as MEAN SPIRITED bigots, too stupid to understand their compassionate brilliance.

Practioners would include: European intellectuals, Canadian Healthcare Officials, and BARACK OBAMA.

Communism is a democratic system. It can be found in both direct and representative democratic flavours. So, too, socialism.
Twin Oaks Intentional Community Homepage

I'm sure those that didn't vote for 'Ol Joey Stalin could testify to that...oh wait! Most of them were killed for not.
Author Ian who now?

Clearly, you've never read Locke.Fail.

Communism seeks the dissolution of the centralized State, as it is the primary tool the ruling class uses to oppress and exploit.Is an oxymoron

Your source is some random personal website? Yours?

The Devil, too, can cite scripture for his purpose

Good to see you link admits to being dishonest.

Joseph Stalin : Biography

I agree with Schachtman when it comes to Stalin and the CCCP.

In 1901 Stalin joined the Social Democratic Labour Party and whereas most of the leaders were living in exile, he stayed in Russia where he helped to organize industrial resistance to Tsarism. On 18th April, 1902, Stalin was arrested after coordinating a strike at the large Rothschild plant at Batum. After spending 18 months in prison Stalin was deported to Siberia.

And you think social democrats are a good thing?
You're retarded if you think Stalin's CCCP had anything to do with communism.

Bureaucratic collectivism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're retarded for thinking other wise

Lenin became increasing concerned about Stalin's character and wrote a testament in which he suggested that he be removed. "Comrade Stalin, having become General Secretary, has concentrated enormous power in his hands: and I am not sure that he always knows how to use that power with sufficient caution. I therefore propose to our comrades to consider a means of removing Stalin from this post and appointing someone else who differs from Stalin in one weighty respect: being more tolerant, more loyal, more polite, more considerate of his comrades."

However, Lenin died before any action was taken. Stalin now emerged as the leader of the Soviet Union. When he first gained power Stalin continued Lenin's New Economic Policy. Farmers were allowed to sell food on the open market and were allowed to employ people to work for them. Those farmers who expanded the size of their farms became known as kulaks.

In 1928 Stalin began attacking kulaks for not supplying enough food for industrial workers. He also advocated the setting up of collective farms. The proposal involved small farmers joining forces to form large-scale units. In this way, it was argued, they would be in a position to afford the latest machinery. Stalin believed this policy would lead to increased production. However, the peasants liked farming their own land and were reluctant to form themselves into state collectives.

Stalin was furious that the peasants were putting their own welfare before that of the Soviet Union. Local communist officials were given instructions to confiscate kulaks property. This land was then used to form new collective farms. Thousands of kulaks were executed and an estimated five million were deported to Siberia or Central Asia. Of these, approximately twenty-five per cent perished by the time they reached their destination.

Joseph Stalin : Biography
George Bush ran under the Republican name. He is a confessed war criminal who approved the use of practices that were ruled illegal after 'Nam.

Another republican compared people on unemployment to stray dogs.

You still think republicanism is a good thing?

Of course, you probably don't know what republicanism is, either.
You're retarded if you think Stalin's CCCP had anything to do with communism.

Bureaucratic collectivism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're retarded for thinking other wise

Lenin became increasing concerned about Stalin's character and wrote a testament in which he suggested that he be removed. "Comrade Stalin, having become General Secretary, has concentrated enormous power in his hands: and I am not sure that he always knows how to use that power with sufficient caution. I therefore propose to our comrades to consider a means of removing Stalin from this post and appointing someone else who differs from Stalin in one weighty respect: being more tolerant, more loyal, more polite, more considerate of his comrades."

However, Lenin died before any action was taken. Stalin now emerged as the leader of the Soviet Union. When he first gained power Stalin continued Lenin's New Economic Policy. Farmers were allowed to sell food on the open market and were allowed to employ people to work for them. Those farmers who expanded the size of their farms became known as kulaks.

In 1928 Stalin began attacking kulaks for not supplying enough food for industrial workers. He also advocated the setting up of collective farms. The proposal involved small farmers joining forces to form large-scale units. In this way, it was argued, they would be in a position to afford the latest machinery. Stalin believed this policy would lead to increased production. However, the peasants liked farming their own land and were reluctant to form themselves into state collectives.

Stalin was furious that the peasants were putting their own welfare before that of the Soviet Union. Local communist officials were given instructions to confiscate kulaks property. This land was then used to form new collective farms. Thousands of kulaks were executed and an estimated five million were deported to Siberia or Central Asia. Of these, approximately twenty-five per cent perished by the time they reached their destination.

Joseph Stalin : Biography

You call me retarded when post a quote that proves my point?


I agree with Schachtman when it comes to Stalin and the CCCP.

In 1901 Stalin joined the Social Democratic Labour Party and whereas most of the leaders were living in exile, he stayed in Russia where he helped to organize industrial resistance to Tsarism. On 18th April, 1902, Stalin was arrested after coordinating a strike at the large Rothschild plant at Batum. After spending 18 months in prison Stalin was deported to Siberia.

And you think social democrats are a good thing?

And interesting too that he became a right-hand man of Vlad Lenin? Took over after Lenin's death.
George Bush ran under the Republican name. He is a confessed war criminal who approved the use of practices that were ruled illegal after 'Nam.

Another republican compared people on unemployment to stray dogs.

You still think republicanism is a good thing?

Of course, you probably don't know what republicanism is, either.

Confessed eh? Then why isn't he in Jail? Impeached? Sorry. Your Bushwhacking blather is getting dull and boring.
I agree with Schachtman when it comes to Stalin and the CCCP.

In 1901 Stalin joined the Social Democratic Labour Party and whereas most of the leaders were living in exile, he stayed in Russia where he helped to organize industrial resistance to Tsarism. On 18th April, 1902, Stalin was arrested after coordinating a strike at the large Rothschild plant at Batum. After spending 18 months in prison Stalin was deported to Siberia.

And you think social democrats are a good thing?

And interesting too that he became a right-hand man of Vlad Lenin? Took over after Lenin's death.

bigslavekeeper just posted about how Lenin saw Stalin for what he was and advised getting rid of him before he could establish himself as a dictator :eusa_shhh:
George Bush ran under the Republican name. He is a confessed war criminal who approved the use of practices that were ruled illegal after 'Nam.

Another republican compared people on unemployment to stray dogs.

You still think republicanism is a good thing?

Of course, you probably don't know what republicanism is, either.

Confessed eh? Then why isn't he in Jail? Impeached? Sorry. Your Bushwhacking blather is getting dull and boring.
How is he to be impeached when he's not in office? :cuckoo:
You're retarded if you think Stalin's CCCP had anything to do with communism.

Bureaucratic collectivism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're retarded for thinking other wise

Lenin became increasing concerned about Stalin's character and wrote a testament in which he suggested that he be removed. "Comrade Stalin, having become General Secretary, has concentrated enormous power in his hands: and I am not sure that he always knows how to use that power with sufficient caution. I therefore propose to our comrades to consider a means of removing Stalin from this post and appointing someone else who differs from Stalin in one weighty respect: being more tolerant, more loyal, more polite, more considerate of his comrades."

However, Lenin died before any action was taken. Stalin now emerged as the leader of the Soviet Union. When he first gained power Stalin continued Lenin's New Economic Policy. Farmers were allowed to sell food on the open market and were allowed to employ people to work for them. Those farmers who expanded the size of their farms became known as kulaks.

In 1928 Stalin began attacking kulaks for not supplying enough food for industrial workers. He also advocated the setting up of collective farms. The proposal involved small farmers joining forces to form large-scale units. In this way, it was argued, they would be in a position to afford the latest machinery. Stalin believed this policy would lead to increased production. However, the peasants liked farming their own land and were reluctant to form themselves into state collectives.

Stalin was furious that the peasants were putting their own welfare before that of the Soviet Union. Local communist officials were given instructions to confiscate kulaks property. This land was then used to form new collective farms. Thousands of kulaks were executed and an estimated five million were deported to Siberia or Central Asia. Of these, approximately twenty-five per cent perished by the time they reached their destination.

Joseph Stalin : Biography

You call me retarded when post a quote that proves my point?


it must have went over your head.
In 1901 Stalin joined the Social Democratic Labour Party and whereas most of the leaders were living in exile, he stayed in Russia where he helped to organize industrial resistance to Tsarism. On 18th April, 1902, Stalin was arrested after coordinating a strike at the large Rothschild plant at Batum. After spending 18 months in prison Stalin was deported to Siberia.

And you think social democrats are a good thing?

And interesting too that he became a right-hand man of Vlad Lenin? Took over after Lenin's death.

bigslavekeeper just posted about how Lenin saw Stalin for what he was and advised getting rid of him before he could establish himself as a dictator :eusa_shhh:
And your little sugar coating attempt still does not negate the fact that stalin was a communist.
George Bush ran under the Republican name. He is a confessed war criminal who approved the use of practices that were ruled illegal after 'Nam.

Another republican compared people on unemployment to stray dogs.

You still think republicanism is a good thing?

Of course, you probably don't know what republicanism is, either.

Confessed eh? Then why isn't he in Jail? Impeached? Sorry. Your Bushwhacking blather is getting dull and boring.
How is he to be impeached when he's not in office? :cuckoo:

Zoom! Right over your head...albiet there were many threats of it by the Leftist whackos. How did it work out anyway?

And why aren't there proceedings to try him as a war criminal?

[I wrote it s l o w l y so you could catch up]
George Bush ran under the Republican name. He is a confessed war criminal who approved the use of practices that were ruled illegal after 'Nam.

Another republican compared people on unemployment to stray dogs.

You still think republicanism is a good thing?

Of course, you probably don't know what republicanism is, either.

Confessed eh? Then why isn't he in Jail? Impeached? Sorry. Your Bushwhacking blather is getting dull and boring.
That's why I put that lunatic on ignore. Every quote I've seen from him is the same ole World Workers Party rant and insanity. Do the same, it's less tedious.
You're retarded for thinking other wise

Lenin became increasing concerned about Stalin's character and wrote a testament in which he suggested that he be removed. "Comrade Stalin, having become General Secretary, has concentrated enormous power in his hands: and I am not sure that he always knows how to use that power with sufficient caution. I therefore propose to our comrades to consider a means of removing Stalin from this post and appointing someone else who differs from Stalin in one weighty respect: being more tolerant, more loyal, more polite, more considerate of his comrades."

However, Lenin died before any action was taken. Stalin now emerged as the leader of the Soviet Union. When he first gained power Stalin continued Lenin's New Economic Policy. Farmers were allowed to sell food on the open market and were allowed to employ people to work for them. Those farmers who expanded the size of their farms became known as kulaks.

In 1928 Stalin began attacking kulaks for not supplying enough food for industrial workers. He also advocated the setting up of collective farms. The proposal involved small farmers joining forces to form large-scale units. In this way, it was argued, they would be in a position to afford the latest machinery. Stalin believed this policy would lead to increased production. However, the peasants liked farming their own land and were reluctant to form themselves into state collectives.

Stalin was furious that the peasants were putting their own welfare before that of the Soviet Union. Local communist officials were given instructions to confiscate kulaks property. This land was then used to form new collective farms. Thousands of kulaks were executed and an estimated five million were deported to Siberia or Central Asia. Of these, approximately twenty-five per cent perished by the time they reached their destination.

Joseph Stalin : Biography

You call me retarded when post a quote that proves my point?


it must have went over your head.

Highlighting the word 'collective' doesn't mean anything, dolt.

It's right there in the name: bureaucratic collectivism.

And there are no 'officials' in a communist system save for those who are elected.

Stalin and his lackeys established themselves as the new ruling class.

Just as Schachtman described.

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