Unequal distribution of wealth

Then i shan't sprinkle sugar upon your posts any longer.


Dear boy, you don't know how to read, do you?


We live in a socialist society.

be grateful.

If my post was shit you would have something. but you are defending communism and socialism as if they are something good. The only thing that I know that has come oiut of socialism and communism is death and failure.

We live in a socialist society.

I, for one, am glad we do.

8 hour work days

minimum wage

sick and maternity leave

mandatory workplace safety standards

assistance for our sick, the elderly, and veterans

public education, transportation, and libraries- imperfect as they are, they're still a huge improvement over their absence

Thank goodness we're fortunate to live in a socialist nation after the unions of old did most of the heavy lifting for us.

You're fucking delusional.:cuckoo:
Then i shan't sprinkle sugar upon your posts any longer.


Dear boy, you don't know how to read, do you?


We live in a socialist society.

be grateful.

If my post was shit you would have something. but you are defending communism and socialism as if they are something good. The only thing that I know that has come oiut of socialism and communism is death and failure.

We live in a socialist society.

I, for one, am glad we do.

8 hour work days

minimum wage

sick and maternity leave

mandatory workplace safety standards

assistance for our sick, the elderly, and veterans

public education, transportation, and libraries- imperfect as they are, they're still a huge improvement over their absence

Thank goodness we're fortunate to live in a socialist nation after the unions of old did most of the heavy lifting for us.

Fuck the unions they are leechs on the American people.
Fuck the unions they are made up of communist trash
Fuck the unions because they make the price of products cost more than it really does.

So you actually think living in a socialist system is great for working condition? Now who's being delusional?
If my post was shit you would have something. but you are defending communism and socialism as if they are something good. The only thing that I know that has come oiut of socialism and communism is death and failure.

We live in a socialist society.

I, for one, am glad we do.

8 hour work days

minimum wage

sick and maternity leave

mandatory workplace safety standards

assistance for our sick, the elderly, and veterans

public education, transportation, and libraries- imperfect as they are, they're still a huge improvement over their absence

Thank goodness we're fortunate to live in a socialist nation after the unions of old did most of the heavy lifting for us.

You're fucking delusional.:cuckoo:

Yes he is.
We live in a socialist society.

I, for one, am glad we do.

8 hour work days

minimum wage

sick and maternity leave

mandatory workplace safety standards

assistance for our sick, the elderly, and veterans

public education, transportation, and libraries- imperfect as they are, they're still a huge improvement over their absence

Thank goodness we're fortunate to live in a socialist nation after the unions of old did most of the heavy lifting for us.

You're fucking delusional.:cuckoo:

Yes he is.

You have to pity these creeps they've been ill-educated...on second thought? Nah.
Compensation for labor depends on the market demand for labor. We live in a global market, hence labor costs are globalized. Get used to it.

wave the white flag you traitorous bastard :lol:

He's not a traitor to the USA.

He long ago told us that he believes his first loyalty is to Israel.

Rabbi doesn't give a damn what happens to any American but himself.
The days of our middle class blue collar worker with a high school diploma demanding 60K a year for a job that a Mexican or Chinese man does for 20K a year are over.

I think you have stumbled on the crux of the matter. America constructed a consumption economy based on a level of middle class compensation that no longer exists. The American worker must now compete with Asian sweat shops. The new 3rd world'ized American labor force cannot afford to meet the demand requirements of our economy, which is why we started to over-rely on credit.

Some interesting things to note. During the Cold War and War on Terrorism, America claimed to be more evolved than the 3rd world countries it was invading (Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq) partly because our workers had a higher standard of living. Who knew that Reaganomics, by delivering cheap labor to capital, would undermine the very middle class that separated us from nations with only two classes: a small group of wealthy owners surrounded by deeply impoverished low-wage workers without benefits or political power. Does the Tea Party understand what this country is going to look like once the middle class is gone and our labor markets resemble that of the 3rd world? Do they understand what massive poverty is going to do to this country?

Certainly you don't believe we have a free market. And certainly you don't believe that capital wants a free market. The market craves Washington intervention and Washington contracts. Indeed, we have a highly interventionist state which protects the interest of capital, but not labor, e.g., the owners of Eli Lilly are protected from foreign drug makers (but their workers are not). This allows Eli to raise prices without ever having to be disciplined by competition. Consequently, people can buy the same drugs anywhere else in the world for a tenth of the cost, and now other advanced countries like Germany have larger middle classes. Because of our interventionist state on behalf of the wealthy, profits in health care function inversely to efficiency. The American Government is a monopoly protectorate. Through a corrupt system of subsides, no-bid contracts, and bailouts . . . risks are socialized while profits are privatized. The only sector of the population subject to market discipline is the poor, who must now compete with the 3rd world. Reaganomics did little more than import poverty for the masses, while bestowing aristocratic wealth and power on the few. This is what happens when you give cheap labor to capital. None of this was hard to predict. The Great Middle Class that defined America is gone. The poor people being manipulated by the Republican Party are not going to like what takes its place.

No government policy "bestows aristocratic wealth and power ON the few"
Wealth is many times passed on to the next generation that never earned it BUT the first time that wealth was received by that family it was EARNED.
It always works that way in a free market.
Under your theory the middle classisto blame. Who shopsat Wal Mart the most?
We get what we DEMAND and the middle class DEMANDED lower prices? Why?
They can not afford a $175 pair of sneakers the Chinks can make for $65.00
Facts are a bitch aren't they?
Compensation for labor depends on the market demand for labor. We live in a global market, hence labor costs are globalized. Get used to it.

wave the white flag you traitorous bastard :lol:

He's not a traitor to the USA.

He long ago told us that he believes his first loyalty is to Israel.

Rabbi doesn't give a damn what happens to any American but himself.

I believe his claim was that "compensation for labor depends on the market demand for labor. We live in a global market, hence labor costs are globalized".

And to date, after 30 years in the free market with MY $$$ at risk, I have seen nothing to dispute that.
Especially in this thread.
Compensation for labor depends on the market demand for labor. We live in a global market, hence labor costs are globalized. Get used to it.

wave the white flag you traitorous bastard :lol:

He's not a traitor to the USA.

He long ago told us that he believes his first loyalty is to Israel.

Rabbi doesn't give a damn what happens to any American but himself.

Please link where I said that, you lying piece of shit.
I have a man cave in the basement of my home. Football memorabilia from me and my son, fishing pictures, game balls, trophies and large screen TVs, bar, etc.
I paid for a lot of the stuff other than the memorabilia with cash.
I earned it and no one else deserves it or any of my cash.
If someone tried to break in there tonight I would blow their sorry ass to kingdom come.
I try to stop anyone that tries to steal from me in any way. I hate folks like that more than I hate the QBs I used to chase. Hell, I hated the QB on the teams I played on but not as bad as moochers.
I treat the IRS and all others that want to take my hard earned wealth of any kind the same way.
If you want to redistribute cash then have at it with YOUR cash.
Leave me and my cash the hell alone.

You feel that way because you don't get it. I have no clue what you did to earn "Your cash," but regardless, it was dependent entirely on government commons.

Incidentally, the intrinsic "Value" of your cash is inextricably linked to the government as well. Without government infrastructure, your cash would be worth about as much as the paper it's printed on. You'd have to find a guy desperate for kindling in order to trade it for anything of value.

Dependent entirely on government?
How is giving my cash to those that refuse to work, are weatlthy seniors that demand I pay for their health care, studying the habits of the elderly in Hawaii (as well as billions more in such ear mark expenditures) and the interest on the debt which is now 40% of all dollars spent "government infrastructure"?
Hate to bust your bubble there Moe but there is NO $ now for the much needed repairs to infrastructure. Most of the $$ spent these days is a transfer payment and never for any brick and mortar infrastructure. The transfer is from the taxpayer to the government and then to another citizen. 1/2 of the entire budget is Medicare and social security.
I get it as I own 3 corporations.
The problem is SPENDING, not revenue.
I sort of agree with your last statement. However, my cash is a direct reflection of MY LABOR. Working in the free market, NOT government, brings me my cash.
Government never provides any service or product UNLESS someone has worked hard for their cash and a portion is sent to them.
The value of my $ is linked to the government as you state. The more government we have and the more cash they take from citizens the less value that cash has in the free market.
More $$ to government = less $$ in the free market for capital expansion, job growth and investment.
Please tell me oh wise one: How do I hire more employees in my businesses if I am sending more and more $$ as taxes to government?

What corporations do you run that don't depend upon the commons? Your companies don't require, directly or indirectly, the use of roads? Air traffic control? The need not to be invaded by a foreign entity?

I'm a corporate officer as well, and I always found that last statement to be fraudulent. I'm not calling you a liar, as I think there's more than a reasonable chance that you believe it. My payroll budget is utterly un-related to my personal tax rate, and is driven completely by supply and demand. Since my personal taxes are payable AFTER payroll (I am a pass-thru entity, Sub-S, but it wouldn't make a difference if I wasn't), my personal taxes do not impact my ability to hire, at all.

I actually called John Gibson once and explained this to him. He hung up on me. :dunno:

So tell me, how can a tax rate affect an untaxed portion of your budget?
I have a man cave in the basement of my home. Football memorabilia from me and my son, fishing pictures, game balls, trophies and large screen TVs, bar, etc.
I paid for a lot of the stuff other than the memorabilia with cash.
I earned it and no one else deserves it or any of my cash.
If someone tried to break in there tonight I would blow their sorry ass to kingdom come.
I try to stop anyone that tries to steal from me in any way. I hate folks like that more than I hate the QBs I used to chase. Hell, I hated the QB on the teams I played on but not as bad as moochers.
I treat the IRS and all others that want to take my hard earned wealth of any kind the same way.
If you want to redistribute cash then have at it with YOUR cash.
Leave me and my cash the hell alone.

You feel that way because you don't get it. I have no clue what you did to earn "Your cash," but regardless, it was dependent entirely on government commons.

Incidentally, the intrinsic "Value" of your cash is inextricably linked to the government as well. Without government infrastructure, your cash would be worth about as much as the paper it's printed on. You'd have to find a guy desperate for kindling in order to trade it for anything of value.

Correct me if I am wrong,

intrinsic "Value"

Your Marxist, correct, that is what your speaking of.

You Just Might Be a Marxist

The other mythical foundation of Marxism is the labor theory of value, and its corollary, that “intrinsic” value exists. Like the “need” myth, it is one of subjectivity versus objectivity. Marxists believe that there is a knowable objective value for everything, and the very act of work creates it. That is, if a worker works a certain number of hours, his output is intrinsically valuable

But of course, a little thought reveals this to be nonsense. Nothing has intrinsic value. Absent a person to value it, nothing has value at all. And the value of things is entirely subjective. If it weren’t, no trade would occur. Every voluntary exchange occurs because two people have something to trade, and each person places a higher value on the other person’s object than their own. If they both valued both equally, there would be no point in swapping. Even though there is a price denominated in dollars on an item in a store, that doesn’t mean that’s what it is worth. It won’t move off the shelves unless its price is lower than its value to some of the customers. If it is higher than the value to everyone, it will not be sold.

Both of these notions undermine the logic of the free market, and when they are implemented into policy and law, as they have been over the past century or so, the growth of wealth of the nation, and sometimes its absolute value, is accordingly reduced. And while they are intrinsically Marxist notions, many hold them who do not consider themselves Marxists.
I have a man cave in the basement of my home. Football memorabilia from me and my son, fishing pictures, game balls, trophies and large screen TVs, bar, etc.
I paid for a lot of the stuff other than the memorabilia with cash.
I earned it and no one else deserves it or any of my cash.
If someone tried to break in there tonight I would blow their sorry ass to kingdom come.
I try to stop anyone that tries to steal from me in any way. I hate folks like that more than I hate the QBs I used to chase. Hell, I hated the QB on the teams I played on but not as bad as moochers.
I treat the IRS and all others that want to take my hard earned wealth of any kind the same way.
If you want to redistribute cash then have at it with YOUR cash.
Leave me and my cash the hell alone.

You feel that way because you don't get it. I have no clue what you did to earn "Your cash," but regardless, it was dependent entirely on government commons.

Incidentally, the intrinsic "Value" of your cash is inextricably linked to the government as well. Without government infrastructure, your cash would be worth about as much as the paper it's printed on. You'd have to find a guy desperate for kindling in order to trade it for anything of value.

Correct me if I am wrong,

Your Marxist, correct, that is what your speaking of.

You Just Might Be a Marxist

The other mythical foundation of Marxism is the labor theory of value, and its corollary, that “intrinsic” value exists. Like the “need” myth, it is one of subjectivity versus objectivity. Marxists believe that there is a knowable objective value for everything, and the very act of work creates it. That is, if a worker works a certain number of hours, his output is intrinsically valuable

But of course, a little thought reveals this to be nonsense. Nothing has intrinsic value. Absent a person to value it, nothing has value at all. And the value of things is entirely subjective. If it weren’t, no trade would occur. Every voluntary exchange occurs because two people have something to trade, and each person places a higher value on the other person’s object than their own. If they both valued both equally, there would be no point in swapping. Even though there is a price denominated in dollars on an item in a store, that doesn’t mean that’s what it is worth. It won’t move off the shelves unless its price is lower than its value to some of the customers. If it is higher than the value to everyone, it will not be sold.

Both of these notions undermine the logic of the free market, and when they are implemented into policy and law, as they have been over the past century or so, the growth of wealth of the nation, and sometimes its absolute value, is accordingly reduced. And while they are intrinsically Marxist notions, many hold them who do not consider themselves Marxists.

You're wrong.

Grow up.

"Marxist." What a maroon.
You feel that way because you don't get it. I have no clue what you did to earn "Your cash," but regardless, it was dependent entirely on government commons.

Incidentally, the intrinsic "Value" of your cash is inextricably linked to the government as well. Without government infrastructure, your cash would be worth about as much as the paper it's printed on. You'd have to find a guy desperate for kindling in order to trade it for anything of value.

Correct me if I am wrong,

Your Marxist, correct, that is what your speaking of.

You Just Might Be a Marxist

But of course, a little thought reveals this to be nonsense. Nothing has intrinsic value. Absent a person to value it, nothing has value at all. And the value of things is entirely subjective. If it weren’t, no trade would occur. Every voluntary exchange occurs because two people have something to trade, and each person places a higher value on the other person’s object than their own. If they both valued both equally, there would be no point in swapping. Even though there is a price denominated in dollars on an item in a store, that doesn’t mean that’s what it is worth. It won’t move off the shelves unless its price is lower than its value to some of the customers. If it is higher than the value to everyone, it will not be sold.

Both of these notions undermine the logic of the free market, and when they are implemented into policy and law, as they have been over the past century or so, the growth of wealth of the nation, and sometimes its absolute value, is accordingly reduced. And while they are intrinsically Marxist notions, many hold them who do not consider themselves Marxists.

You're wrong.

Grow up.

"Marxist." What a maroon.

I asked and gave an example, the fact that you simply call me a "maroon" is not much of an answer.

without the government nothing has value, sounds Marxist to me. Just because you may or may not be smart enough to know you have been taught and practice Marxism does not mean your not. Not accusing but simply pointing out how your response was that of a moron or a marxist.
Compensation for labor depends on the market demand for labor. We live in a global market, hence labor costs are globalized. Get used to it.

wave the white flag you traitorous bastard :lol:

He's not a traitor to the USA.

He long ago told us that he believes his first loyalty is to Israel.

Rabbi doesn't give a damn what happens to any American but himself.

Link where I wrote that, you lying piece of shit. Or apologize.
Correct me if I am wrong,

Your Marxist, correct, that is what your speaking of.

You Just Might Be a Marxist

You're wrong.

Grow up.

"Marxist." What a maroon.

I asked and gave an example, the fact that you simply call me a "maroon" is not much of an answer.

without the government nothing has value, sounds Marxist to me. Just because you may or may not be smart enough to know you have been taught and practice Marxism does not mean your not. Not accusing but simply pointing out how your response was that of a moron or a marxist.

Your attempting character assassination in response to a well thought argument, rather than trying to negate the argument. It'll come as no surprise where you learned that tactic.

I didn't say "Nothing has value," I said your "Cash" would be useless, which is true.

An opinion that all government is not automatically omnipresent and evil does not a Marxist make.
You're wrong.

Grow up.

"Marxist." What a maroon.

I asked and gave an example, the fact that you simply call me a "maroon" is not much of an answer.

without the government nothing has value, sounds Marxist to me. Just because you may or may not be smart enough to know you have been taught and practice Marxism does not mean your not. Not accusing but simply pointing out how your response was that of a moron or a marxist.

Your attempting character assassination in response to a well thought argument, rather than trying to negate the argument. It'll come as no surprise where you learned that tactic.

I didn't say "Nothing has value," I said your "Cash" would be useless, which is true.

An opinion that all government is not automatically omnipresent and evil does not a Marxist make.

Character assassination, wow, slow down, I was not trying to "negate" your argument, I just read one of my books, this one a collection of Marxist writings, they used the term, "intrinsic value". I thought maybe there was a connection, did a google, cut/paste, asked the question.

Just rattling your cage to see if you know your a Marxist or if you like Marxism, I am not saying your a Marxist, I am not in much of a mood to investigate your posts to see which way you lean, just looking for a quick answer.

I figured if I put a bit out there maybe someone with more knowledge would help me out if they saw our exchange.

Anyhow, carry on, forget you saw my post. I may get back to your posts later, I did not mean to hurt a well thought out post. Just seeing Marxist everywhere I look. You know they do post in the threads.

These are not Chomsky ideas by any chance, I like Chomsky less than I like a Marxist.
If my post was shit you would have something. but you are defending communism and socialism as if they are something good. The only thing that I know that has come oiut of socialism and communism is death and failure.

We live in a socialist society.

I, for one, am glad we do.

8 hour work days

minimum wage

sick and maternity leave

mandatory workplace safety standards

assistance for our sick, the elderly, and veterans

public education, transportation, and libraries- imperfect as they are, they're still a huge improvement over their absence

Thank goodness we're fortunate to live in a socialist nation after the unions of old did most of the heavy lifting for us.

You're fucking delusional.:cuckoo:
Nope. Just familiar with definitions and with history.

You'd prefer to work in a sweatshop in some third-world shithole?
If my post was shit you would have something. but you are defending communism and socialism as if they are something good. The only thing that I know that has come oiut of socialism and communism is death and failure.

We live in a socialist society.

I, for one, am glad we do.

8 hour work days

minimum wage

sick and maternity leave

mandatory workplace safety standards

assistance for our sick, the elderly, and veterans

public education, transportation, and libraries- imperfect as they are, they're still a huge improvement over their absence

Thank goodness we're fortunate to live in a socialist nation after the unions of old did most of the heavy lifting for us.

Fuck the unions they are leechs on the American people.
Fuck the unions they are made up of communist trash
Fuck the unions because they make the price of products cost more than it really does.

So you actually think living in a socialist system is great for working condition? Now who's being delusional?

yes... fuck the unions...

Tell ya what. Go to the Appalachians or the Ozarks. Find some old company towns. Ask the elders about the times before the unions and mandated safety requirements.

Go to China and find a sweatshop. Look at the condition of the working class without socialist reforms. Look at the pollution in China

Amazing Pictures, Pollution in China | ChinaHush

See what happens when we let people 'vote with their wallet' in the 'free market' if they want clean water so that capitalism can make everything great.

Conditions of the Working-Class in England Index
Compensation for labor depends on the market demand for labor. We live in a global market, hence labor costs are globalized. Get used to it.

wave the white flag you traitorous bastard :lol:

He's not a traitor to the USA.

He long ago told us that he believes his first loyalty is to Israel.

Rabbi doesn't give a damn what happens to any American but himself.
He's a self-admitted slumlord.

Of course he's against the health department.
The compensation of the worker is tied to how much his labor is worth in the market.

Tell it to the slave labourers in the sweatshops making your football jerseys.

You mean the ones who line up to apply for those jobs because they represent the best alternative for earning a living?
By that measure, child prostitution and slavery are awesome. After all, so many slaves stayed on the plantation instead of taking their chances after leaving and so many families in the world sell their children into sexual slavery as a means of earning a living.

And it must be awesome to sleep under a bridge, since so many people have slept under a bridge instead of in the middle of a street.


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