Unequal distribution of wealth

I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

Why do you support unequal distribution of wealth dumbass? If unequal distribution of wealth continues to soar a country's economy will fail and people who don't have the money will continue to "borrow" money on credit. Unequal distribution doesn't doing anything good for supply side economics.
Read carefully...It is NOT disparities in wealth that cause people to borrow irresponsibly.
it is the need for instant gratification that drives credit spending.
Heck, people with 6 figure incomes use credit cards as though there were no worries. Buy now. pay later.
Income/wealth is NOT distributed. Wealth is created. Income is earned through varying avenues such as physical labor, management or fiinancial.
There are several posts in this thread from peole who are whining about the perceived "unfairness" of using capital(investing speculating) to earn more capital.
Why is that of anyone's concern?...
The Left's assumption is that money was "taken" or obtained via the labor of another and used in an unfair or unjust manner....Horseshit.
You people wish to live in a "worker's paradise"..So be it. Move to a socialist/marxist country ruled by a dictator then report back in 5 years and tell us how wonderful it is.
The United States is the greatest nation on the planet. We have the most diverse economy in the modern world.
You people on the Left sit and whine about how miserable your lives are. Hmm. lets see, you have a home, a few luxuries such as that computer and high speed internet that permits you to bang out your tripe and bother the rest of the world, cars maybe a boat or RV. maybe you have a vacation cottage in the mountains. If you do not have any of the above feel comforted in the knowledge that in a society of relative freedom you have the choice to purchase/possess these things. No one can stop you except your own personal choices and level of personal responsibility.
And please, don't start the "but what about" nonsense. Not everyone is capable of owning/ possessing these things or is able to excercise these options. That's part of the deal. From birth we are all equally afforded the opportunity to grow and succeed. Government control, which is trumpeted by the Left, removes all doubt as to outcome.
So before you start this "wealth distribution" nonsense in the name of "fairness", be careful what you wish for. Because an overbearing government will certainly remove ALL choice.
Would you be willing to surrender all choice just to be satisfied there are no more wealthy people? Are you that vindictive?
WTF are are you bitching about?!!!!!
Be careful what you wish for. You might just get it.
They are bitching about envy.

Liberalism at it's root is founded in nothing but pure, blind envy.
oooh ooh ooh I love this one.

Do you deserve your wealth? Liberalism says no.
A pointless and childish retort from libnut...
...I love it when these people have to give their resumes in an attempt to impress others...

Nutso is a pensioned unionist teacher. He thinks this qualifies him as a self-made man.

In case you did not know.
It figures...Another unuion thug who thinks their pension grew on a tree. These retired government employees are "I've got mine. Screw you."
They have been programmed to think they worked hard through their career and whatever goodies their unions coerced from that taxpayers is justified.
After all the rest of us have no clue what a hard day's work for such meager wages feels like.
What kills me is these union people think no one works as hard as they. The typical unionized public employee makes on average one third more than his non union counterpart. But the union bosses have their worker bees convinced they always get the short end of the stick.
What a bunch of crap.
They are bitching about envy.

Liberalism at it's root is founded in nothing but pure, blind envy.

Tell it to our founding fathers

Different animal. You can't squash Individuality, and expect to be compared in the same vein with our Forefathers. Your Brand is the path to Totalitarianism. You steal Liberty, and at the same time claim to champion it? Why is that?
Do not tell me you can't find a job. What you can't find is a job you WANT. Boo-freaking-hoo. My heart bleeds for you.

You honestly think there's no one out there that can't find a job or are you referring to someone who somehow can't find anything after 99 months?
Each week I receive an email from careerbuilder.com..Each week there are no fewer than 75 jobs listed in MY chosen category alone. Now if there are no jobs around, how is it these companies are all looking for workers?
The truth is while some are having bad luck in searching for a position that matches their experience and desired pay level, most are either NOT looking, searching for similar work at the THE SAME level of pay( forget it) or lack the desired skills for the positions to which they apply...The largest problem is this. Unemployment compensation often exceeds the out of work person's income from their last job....
99 weeks is just too much. There are people who are struggling to find work. Te difference is they ARE looking. However, there are far too many who have stopped looking and are enjoying 99 week taxpayer funded vacations courtesy of the US Government.
Oh....Here's an interesting side note..Most of the unemployed have due to the increased cost or just out of plain irresponsibility dropped their health insurance coverages. The federal government has designed a perfect system to ram thru Obamacare. All of the unemployed are counted as the great uninsured. The longer they remain on the dole, the more people the Obamatons can count as uninsured. Pretty slick.
Study to the world's leading shitholes.

The one thing they all have in common is massive inequitities in wealth distribution.

Every banana republic in the world has that one single economic indicator.

I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions about what that means or if it is significant.

Some of you are grown-ups who are also clearly reality-based thinkers.

Some of you can or have read your history.

Income and wealth distribution is an important indicator of economic health of a nation.

Now either it is a leading indicator or a it residual artifact of the economy, but one thing that will strike you if you look at nations with this state of affairs, or at the history of nations havng been in that state, is the people do badly, the governments are repressive and the nation is unstable politically.

Of course AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALIST thinkers might want to dismiss this fact as relevent to every nation but ours.

And while I hope they're right, but nothing I can find in history leads me to think they are right.

proud american exceptionalist, here...

the shithole shoe does not fit our economy because i feel that the disparity of wealth here is due to higher earning among a larger group of individuals, rather than abject poverty among a wide swathe of our populace such as is the case in bangladesh. to wit: where's the pervasive abject poverty in the US? our 'poor' are fat. our 'poor' are lower middle class living by a middle-class or better standards in shitbox nations. size 9 boot, size 13 american foot.

If the standard is Bangladesh and 'shitbox nations', then you sure accept less than 'exceptional' for America.
Do not tell me you can't find a job. What you can't find is a job you WANT. Boo-freaking-hoo. My heart bleeds for you.

You honestly think there's no one out there that can't find a job or are you referring to someone who somehow can't find anything after 99 months?
Each week I receive an email from careerbuilder.com..Each week there are no fewer than 75 jobs listed in MY chosen category alone. Now if there are no jobs around, how is it these companies are all looking for workers?
The truth is while some are having bad luck in searching for a position that matches their experience and desired pay level, most are either NOT looking, searching for similar work at the THE SAME level of pay( forget it) or lack the desired skills for the positions to which they apply...The largest problem is this. Unemployment compensation often exceeds the out of work person's income from their last job....
99 weeks is just too much. There are people who are struggling to find work. Te difference is they ARE looking. However, there are far too many who have stopped looking and are enjoying 99 week taxpayer funded vacations courtesy of the US Government.
Oh....Here's an interesting side note..Most of the unemployed have due to the increased cost or just out of plain irresponsibility dropped their health insurance coverages. The federal government has designed a perfect system to ram thru Obamacare. All of the unemployed are counted as the great uninsured. The longer they remain on the dole, the more people the Obamatons can count as uninsured. Pretty slick.

NO person's unemployment compensation EVER exceeds the out of work person's income from their last job.

The Social Security Act of 1935 (Public Law 74-271) created the Federal-State Unemployment Compensation (UC) Program. The program has two main objectives: (1) to provide temporary and partial wage replacement to involuntarily unemployed workers who were recently employed; and (2) to help stabilize the economy during recessions.

Why are people on the right always so full of shit?
Study to the world's leading shitholes.

The one thing they all have in common is massive inequitities in wealth distribution.

Every banana republic in the world has that one single economic indicator.

I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions about what that means or if it is significant.

Some of you are grown-ups who are also clearly reality-based thinkers.

Some of you can or have read your history.

Income and wealth distribution is an important indicator of economic health of a nation.

Now either it is a leading indicator or a it residual artifact of the economy, but one thing that will strike you if you look at nations with this state of affairs, or at the history of nations havng been in that state, is the people do badly, the governments are repressive and the nation is unstable politically.

Of course AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALIST thinkers might want to dismiss this fact as relevent to every nation but ours.

And while I hope they're right, but nothing I can find in history leads me to think they are right.

proud american exceptionalist, here...

the shithole shoe does not fit our economy because i feel that the disparity of wealth here is due to higher earning among a larger group of individuals, rather than abject poverty among a wide swathe of our populace such as is the case in bangladesh. to wit: where's the pervasive abject poverty in the US? our 'poor' are fat. our 'poor' are lower middle class living by a middle-class or better standards in shitbox nations. size 9 boot, size 13 american foot.

If the standard is Bangladesh and 'shitbox nations', then you sure accept less than 'exceptional' for America.

When did the US ever resemble Bangladesh?

Besides Detroit, I mean.
You honestly think there's no one out there that can't find a job or are you referring to someone who somehow can't find anything after 99 months?
Each week I receive an email from careerbuilder.com..Each week there are no fewer than 75 jobs listed in MY chosen category alone. Now if there are no jobs around, how is it these companies are all looking for workers?
The truth is while some are having bad luck in searching for a position that matches their experience and desired pay level, most are either NOT looking, searching for similar work at the THE SAME level of pay( forget it) or lack the desired skills for the positions to which they apply...The largest problem is this. Unemployment compensation often exceeds the out of work person's income from their last job....
99 weeks is just too much. There are people who are struggling to find work. Te difference is they ARE looking. However, there are far too many who have stopped looking and are enjoying 99 week taxpayer funded vacations courtesy of the US Government.
Oh....Here's an interesting side note..Most of the unemployed have due to the increased cost or just out of plain irresponsibility dropped their health insurance coverages. The federal government has designed a perfect system to ram thru Obamacare. All of the unemployed are counted as the great uninsured. The longer they remain on the dole, the more people the Obamatons can count as uninsured. Pretty slick.

NO person's unemployment compensation EVER exceeds the out of work person's income from their last job.

The Social Security Act of 1935 (Public Law 74-271) created the Federal-State Unemployment Compensation (UC) Program. The program has two main objectives: (1) to provide temporary and partial wage replacement to involuntarily unemployed workers who were recently employed; and (2) to help stabilize the economy during recessions.

Why are people on the right always so full of shit?

Why don't unemployed people find jobs until their benefits are about to run out?
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

perhaps these have already been mentioned...

1. A wide income gap leads to deteriorating economic growth.
2. The consistently-widening income gap over the past 30 years points to a structural cause - if the cause is policy-related, it is important to understand what policies create this, and decide if the public accepts said policies.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

perhaps these have already been mentioned...

1. A wide income gap leads to deteriorating economic growth.
2. The consistently-widening income gap over the past 30 years points to a structural cause - if the cause is policy-related, it is important to understand what policies create this, and decide if the public accepts said policies.

No, you have the cause and effect ass backwards on #1.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

perhaps these have already been mentioned...

1. A wide income gap leads to deteriorating economic growth.
2. The consistently-widening income gap over the past 30 years points to a structural cause - if the cause is policy-related, it is important to understand what policies create this, and decide if the public accepts said policies.

No, you have the cause and effect ass backwards on #1.

You're saying that deteriorating economic growth leads to income disparity? Please explain..with some empirical data, if possible. The past 50 years of US data disagree.
How are they stealing wages and benefits?

Didn't you know? All rich people are inherently evil and one can only become rich by fucking over poor people and stealing from them. Of course, what poor people have worth stealing is always the question that throws ME.

Nobody facking said that all rich people are inherently anything but your dumbass has went on record as saying that all poor people and people without jobs are inherently lazy, jealous and not trying hard enough to get a job. You like to change the subject to argue a facking strawman argument.

So a basic question. Who do you steal the money from and who do you give it to?
Each week I receive an email from careerbuilder.com..Each week there are no fewer than 75 jobs listed in MY chosen category alone. Now if there are no jobs around, how is it these companies are all looking for workers?
The truth is while some are having bad luck in searching for a position that matches their experience and desired pay level, most are either NOT looking, searching for similar work at the THE SAME level of pay( forget it) or lack the desired skills for the positions to which they apply...The largest problem is this. Unemployment compensation often exceeds the out of work person's income from their last job....
99 weeks is just too much. There are people who are struggling to find work. Te difference is they ARE looking. However, there are far too many who have stopped looking and are enjoying 99 week taxpayer funded vacations courtesy of the US Government.
Oh....Here's an interesting side note..Most of the unemployed have due to the increased cost or just out of plain irresponsibility dropped their health insurance coverages. The federal government has designed a perfect system to ram thru Obamacare. All of the unemployed are counted as the great uninsured. The longer they remain on the dole, the more people the Obamatons can count as uninsured. Pretty slick.

NO person's unemployment compensation EVER exceeds the out of work person's income from their last job.

The Social Security Act of 1935 (Public Law 74-271) created the Federal-State Unemployment Compensation (UC) Program. The program has two main objectives: (1) to provide temporary and partial wage replacement to involuntarily unemployed workers who were recently employed; and (2) to help stabilize the economy during recessions.

Why are people on the right always so full of shit?

Why don't unemployed people find jobs until their benefits are about to run out?

You must be speaking for yourself, or just emoting.
perhaps these have already been mentioned...

1. A wide income gap leads to deteriorating economic growth.
2. The consistently-widening income gap over the past 30 years points to a structural cause - if the cause is policy-related, it is important to understand what policies create this, and decide if the public accepts said policies.

No, you have the cause and effect ass backwards on #1.

You're saying that deteriorating economic growth leads to income disparity? Please explain..with some empirical data, if possible. The past 50 years of US data disagree.

The past two years trumps the past 50.
NO person's unemployment compensation EVER exceeds the out of work person's income from their last job.

The Social Security Act of 1935 (Public Law 74-271) created the Federal-State Unemployment Compensation (UC) Program. The program has two main objectives: (1) to provide temporary and partial wage replacement to involuntarily unemployed workers who were recently employed; and (2) to help stabilize the economy during recessions.

Why are people on the right always so full of shit?

Why don't unemployed people find jobs until their benefits are about to run out?

You must be speaking for yourself, or just emoting.

Oh, that doesn't happen that way?
A look at all marxist socialist nations shows

Marxist nations? :lol:
In each case all wealth is controlled either by an elite ruling class or the central government.

Top 1 Percent Control 42 Percent of Financial Wealth in the U.S. – How Average Americans are Lured into Debt Servitude by Promises of Mega Wealth.

You know nothing of conservatism. What you accuse conservatism is precisely what defines liberalism.

Tell it it to John Locke :lol:

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