"Unfathomable": Reporter Breaks Down Two Key Gaps In Police Response

You seem to have you head up your ass. Nothing you post is based in reality. The children are being murdered by guns in their schools by other youths.

Your ignorance goes beyond this belief ^^^, the Democrats are blocked by McConnell and his bitches to support children.
Interesting viewpoint. Especially when you consider dems control both houses.
Well it's not fair also to specifically target a household when you have within each household the good and the bad living within them, so you suggest or agree to target specifically the entire household because of a bad apple within maybe ?

To generalize in speak is to keep from targeting a specific household, and then allowing the smart people to do their homework on who is being talked about within the generalized household, otherwise without causing the entire house to collapse. That's why I think generalizing goes on here.
I was specifically referring to Claire's comment, which I highlighted, from both personal observation and personal experiences.
Where you coming from?
There shoulda been at least 4-5 Alpha Males with Combat Experience to fall in a Stack and make entry in the Almost 130 Leos that had gathered at the School during the Rampage
Three words, retired combat vets. How many vets out there would be willing to donate a few hours a day monitoring their local schools? They've been trained in the use of firearms, they've likely dealt with hostile fire, and a lot of them care very much about the safety of the kids.
1. Schools can't get lunch and recess aides. Or bus drivers. Where you gonna find all this "armed security" for 130K buildings?

2. Think really hard whether you want our schools to literally look like guarded prisons. You might be keeping kids temporarily "safe" while creating more mentally ill shooters. Overreactions in the name of "safety" have consequences. See: Covid.
I think there are a lot of retired vets who are firearm trained that would volunteer some hours per day to monitor schools.
Three words, retired combat vets. How many vets out there would be willing to donate a few hours a day monitoring their local schools? They've been trained in the use of firearms, they've likely dealt with hostile fire, and a lot of them care very much about the safety of the kids.
This idea has previously been unsuccessfully floated. Don't forget what Janet Napolitano had to say about Vets.

So it was a surprise yesterday when the Huffington Post published an unclassified report that Napolitano sent to local law enforcement officials around the United States, warning them that "the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks." Other parts of the report mention veterans as potential recruits to terrorist cells as well.
Name a piece of legislation that is being blocked so we can discuss whether it would actually do what you are hysterically claiming.
"To expand Americans' access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of
big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and
implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying
our democracy, and for other purposes."

H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021117th Congress (2021-2022)​

"To expand Americans' access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of
big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and
implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying
our democracy, and for other purposes."

H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021117th Congress (2021-2022)​

Perma theft by mail bill #1
Perma theft by mail bill #1
And another trumpanzee cites another BIG LIE and another fictional conspiracy. There is no proof to support theft by mail, and the dishonest Republicans are passing bill in state legislatures to suppress the vote.

Why not admit that you hate democracy? Why admit the election of 2020 was stolen when all the facts have proven otherwise?
Three words, retired combat vets. How many vets out there would be willing to donate a few hours a day monitoring their local schools? They've been trained in the use of firearms, they've likely dealt with hostile fire, and a lot of them care very much about the safety of the kids.
Four words beats your three: post-traumatic stress disorder.
Four words beats your three: post-traumatic stress disorder.
A team of trained, longtime police officers and an elite border unit couldn't stop the crazy kid until after nearly 40 people were wounded or killed.

But a veteran with a gun is going to succeed where they failed. Cuz 'Murrica!, or something.

This country is detached from reality...
Four words beats your three: post-traumatic stress disorder.
Simple , make all Teachers & Janitors & Cooks & Office workers & School Resource officers & Paid or unpaid security go through drug screening ( that includes SSRIs )
A team of trained, longtime police officers and an elite border unit couldn't stop the crazy kid until after nearly 40 people were wounded or killed.

But a veteran with a gun is going to succeed where they failed. Cuz 'Murrica!, or something.

This country is detached from reality...
veteran won’t follow orders to “ Hold

Or “ Stand Down” if pre teens are bleeding out & screaming nearby
I’d like to add the words “Not all but many…..” to the beginning of your post in order to agree. As I keep saying in numerous threads, even though I despise redundancy, keeping the conversation honest requires identifying specifics. Generalizations that state ALL of some category are all alike dilutes the reality down to the point of the populace staying clueless about the true “good versus bad eggs”. The only way for change to occur is when we begin to target specific businesses and leave out blanket generalizations. I don’t understand why people don’t understand this simple fact. Many smart posters on this board continue to do it. Wake up people!

The APA has banned any study or articles presenting anything bad about homosexual lifestyles, or even suggesting they're fucked up mentally ill sickos. I've haven't seen or read anywhere that indicates any objections from either psychologists or psychiatrists that says their professional membership objects to thise sort of blanket censorship nor have any of the organizations and publications ever objected to the silly methodologies and claims of 'studies' claiming these sick freaks are 'normal'. They are all fine with letting obvious freaks work with children and approve of them being 'Counselors' in schools and the like.

If you can find one out of a hundred who doesn't toe the Party Line, that doesn't refute any 'generalization' I've made, and in fact it only backs up what I said about the 'professional' nature of the hacks and their utter lack of credibility.
"To expand Americans' access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of
big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and
implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying
our democracy, and for other purposes."

H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021117th Congress (2021-2022)​

What does that have to do with police response to a school shooting? And, just so we're clear, the only way to reduce the influence of big money in politics is to reduce the amount of power the government has to sell. The Pelosi's and Schumer's of this world who enter office moderately well off and leave obscenely rich has to stop, and the best way is to give them very little to sell.
There are more guns in America than humans. Either State your objective for a real solution or shut up with the hyperbole.

Brandon, Pelosi and Schumer have a combined 137 years in office. Why have they failed?

lol it's 'solution' is to run around confiscating guns from millions of people who are of no interest or threat while leaving all his Party cult's pet thugs and gangsters armed to the teeth. So no, it isn't going to answer your request for a
solution', it just wants to disarm all those white people out in the Burbs and rural areas so his scumbag 'friends' won't feel so threatened and restrained.

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