"Unfathomable": Reporter Breaks Down Two Key Gaps In Police Response

Neh, you can't do that. That would mean rebuilding the nuclear family, which would mean fewer people on welfare. The Democrats will never go for that. That's a non-starter, because the objective is to ban guns, to excercise more control over the people, not save lives.
And the only people who are unaware of this are those who support their party, uber-Alles. They will literally bow before tyranny than admit they might be wrong and they're more than happy to take the rest of us with them into that kneeling posture. Proof of this is coming soon. Watch them fight against hardening schools or taking any action other than screaming to take more guns from people. Only dimwits can't see their plan.
All for it.

Is that all? Well that was easy.

Moving on to more solutions, now...
For something so simple, you lot have taken a precious damned long time to try it. When the laws are enforced so that ANYONE of ANY RACE who uses a firearm in the commission of a crime goes to prison for ten years, no parole, change WILL come. Anyone who quibbles at such measures has no damned right to wail about dead children and demand the rest of us disarm ourselves.
19-Children died while the cops played with their under sized dicks.

Are you saying you like big dicks? Sorry , I'm not interested in your faggotry.

The fact is some school staff violated policy, and the rest of the cop hating bullshit is just hindsight opinions from ideologues.

School massacres started in the USA around 1700.
First it was American Indians with knives, spears, and axes.

As weapons were progressed and the white man expanded into the rest of the USA, school attacks became more available to modern weaponry........guns of all kinds.

There have been school attacks almost every year in this country since the 1700's. One's that have been recorded anyway......I'm sure there are plenty that nobody lived through TO record for history.

Modern society hasn't heard about them, because we have been recently graduated to instantaneous news.......usually as it's happening.

This is an early list of school SHOOTINGS, not the start of school massacres.
Not ALL shootings were intended criminal acts though.

There are many such lists online, all with slight variations in their lists, but all pretty much the same.

Well I guess what is most looked at for many living today, is the modern period or lifetime's of those living in the now instead of during their great great ancestors time periods....This is what's mostly used when gauging the carnage seen today and the devastation seen in the not to distant past.

There has definitely been a shift in the wrong direction in which most have experienced or have seen today or even in their lifetime's, and most know what caused it, who the culprit's are, and how to stop it.

Our government has screwed this country over big time by what it has fomented and backed in this country.

Think about it America, and wake up..
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Israel is surrounded by enemy nations and fanatics who would literally wipe them off the map if given the opportunity. As a result, they live in a constant security state. That's how you want to live? Tell me how "Land of the Free" coincides with armed guards at schools and teachers packing heat. Do they do this in the UK? France? Germany? Australia? Aren't we supposed to be better than them? Aren't we supposed to be the quintessential example of freedom for the world?
Yes we are, but until you and other's begin to truthfully address the problem's, and stop hiding the truth behind the politically correct rhetoric of the day, then nothing changes.

We aren't surrounded by people within, otherwise who want to wipe us along with our values and beliefs off the map everyday in this country now ????????????? Yes we are.
Free mental health care would only partly help reduce mental illness that’s run amuck. Just ask families about getting a mentally ill member to recognize and accept that they need medication who refuses to do so. Based upon condition, like schizophrenia, many sufferers reject pharmaceutical treatment completely or will pretend to take it to get family members “ off their back”. This battle is not limited to only those with schizophrenia but includes various mental issues. There are mentally ill people who believe that it’s the world that needs to alter its views not them. Severe Paranoia is a difficult illness to treat with medical intervention when patients reject the diagnosis due to his or her paranoia that someone is out to get them through the meds. Free mental healthcare would only help those who are willing to take effective medication, so this issue is not at all cut and dry.

This board highlights about how we humans tend to back only one solution when multiple solutions are needed. It’s based upon the need to be right over what we perceive as the “oppositional position” and it only keeps us in the mud without action.
Great post, but what the problem also is today, is exactly who is making the judgements upon who is mentally ill and who is not ? That's a huge problem now.

For example, look at some of those who are actually being taken serious within our highest governmental position's in the land... Let that one sink into your mind also.
Great post, but what the problem also is today, is exactly who is making the judgements upon who is mentally ill and who is not ? That's a huge problem now.

For example, look at some of those who are actually being taken serious within our highest governmental position's in the land... Let that one sink into your mind also.

The so-called 'mental health' professions are anything but, and are enablers of sicko deviant crap and spout politically correct rubbish and fake 'science' as 'fact' these days, so certainly that industry is worse than the disease itself.
"Where was that [Uvalde Police Department] S.W.A.T. team in the hour while they were waiting for the Border Patrol tactical team to come?" he asked. "It's really just unfathomable, and law enforcement officials who are watching this across the country, as Tom Winter said earlier on the air, are aghast at what happened here."

"Ms. Gomez, a farm supervisor, said that she was one of numerous parents who began encouraging—first politely, and then with more urgency—police and other law enforcement to enter the school. After a few minutes, she said, federal marshals approached her and put her in handcuffs, telling her she was being arrested for intervening in an active investigation," the newspaper reported. "Ms. Gomez convinced local Uvalde police officers whom she knew to persuade the marshals to set her free. Around her, the scene was frantic. She said she saw a father tackled and thrown to the ground by police and a third pepper-sprayed. Once freed from her cuffs, Ms. Gomez made her distance from the crowd, jumped the school fence, and ran inside to grab her two children. She sprinted out of the school with them."

Defund the police? You god damn right. Worthless fucks.

The Teachers Put Their Lives On The Line To Protect The Kids, When The Police Wouldn't

Remember That The Next Time We're Discussing Who To Fund
Exhibit 35,635 why law abiding citizens need to arm themselves.
The so-called 'mental health' professions are anything but, and are enablers of sicko deviant crap and spout politically correct rubbish and fake 'science' as 'fact' these days, so certainly that industry is worse than the disease itself.
I’d like to add the words “Not all but many…..” to the beginning of your post in order to agree. As I keep saying in numerous threads, even though I despise redundancy, keeping the conversation honest requires identifying specifics. Generalizations that state ALL of some category are all alike dilutes the reality down to the point of the populace staying clueless about the true “good versus bad eggs”. The only way for change to occur is when we begin to target specific businesses and leave out blanket generalizations. I don’t understand why people don’t understand this simple fact. Many smart posters on this board continue to do it. Wake up people!

Don’t worry, I’m about done with coming here for awhile. It matters not what logic says when the blanket generalizations are so thick and rigid it’s become more than infuriating. BTW- This isn’t a behavior politically defined but a broad based one on this board, and beating the dead horse is wearing. Added note-I’m also sick with a fever and vomiting, and continue to lose a pound a day over the past week so not my best self.
I’d like to add the words “Not all but many…..” to the beginning of your post in order to agree. As I keep saying in numerous threads, even though I despise redundancy, keeping the conversation honest requires identifying specifics. Generalizations that state ALL of some category are all alike dilutes the reality down to the point of the populace staying clueless about the true “good versus bad eggs”. The only way for change to occur is when we begin to target specific businesses and leave out blanket generalizations. I don’t understand why people don’t understand this simple fact. Many smart posters on this board continue to do it. Wake up people!

Don’t worry, I’m about done with coming here for awhile. It matters not what logic says when the blanket generalizations are so thick and rigid it’s become more than infuriating. BTW- This isn’t a behavior politically defined but a broad based one on this board, and beating the dead horse is wearing. Added note-I’m also sick with a fever and vomiting, and continue to lose a pound a day over the past week so not my best self.
Get well soon Claire.

Hope you feel better.
Free mental health care would only partly help reduce mental illness that’s run amuck. Just ask families about getting a mentally ill member to recognize and accept that they need medication who refuses to do so. Based upon condition, like schizophrenia, many sufferers reject pharmaceutical treatment completely or will pretend to take it to get family members “ off their back”. This battle is not limited to only those with schizophrenia but includes various mental issues. There are mentally ill people who believe that it’s the world that needs to alter its views not them. Severe Paranoia is a difficult illness to treat with medical intervention when patients reject the diagnosis due to his or her paranoia that someone is out to get them through the meds. Free mental healthcare would only help those who are willing to take effective medication, so this issue is not at all cut and dry.

This board highlights about how we humans tend to back only one solution when multiple solutions are needed. It’s based upon the need to be right over what we perceive as the “oppositional position” and it only keeps us in the mud without action.
I've seen everything you mentioned.......time and time again.
Thanks so much Eagle. You’re one of the best posters on this board and I’m going to miss reading your insights and learning from you. Take care my friend!
Enjoy the break. I took a year off from the fight over a lost bet. I'm here to oppose the left who I believe are destroying our country.

Good Luck and Get well soon.
You seem to have you head up your ass. Nothing you post is based in reality. The children are being murdered by guns in their schools by other youths.

Your ignorance goes beyond this belief ^^^, the Democrats are blocked by McConnell and his bitches to support children.
Name a piece of legislation that is being blocked so we can discuss whether it would actually do what you are hysterically claiming.
You seem to have you head up your ass. Nothing you post is based in reality. The children are being murdered by guns in their schools by other youths.

Your ignorance goes beyond this belief ^^^, the Democrats are blocked by McConnell and his bitches to support children.
There are more guns in America than humans. Either State your objective for a real solution or shut up with the hyperbole.

Brandon, Pelosi and Schumer have a combined 137 years in office. Why have they failed?
Here we see Biden in Uvalde admiring his work, while Mrs. Biden keeps one of the rowdy girls at bay.

download (8).jpeg
I've seen everything you mentioned.......time and time again.
Well it's not fair also to specifically target a household when you have within each household the good and the bad living within them, so you suggest or agree to target specifically the entire household because of a bad apple within maybe ?

To generalize in speak is to keep from targeting a specific household, and then allowing the smart people to do their homework on who is being talked about within the generalized household, otherwise without causing the entire house to collapse. That's why I think generalizing goes on here.

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