"Unfathomable": Reporter Breaks Down Two Key Gaps In Police Response

How about actually addressing the societal cause of these shootings in the first place so they stop happening. That's what all of you on both sides of the issue keep overlooking. You're putting bandages on a much larger disease.
Free mental health care would only partly help reduce mental illness that’s run amuck. Just ask families about getting a mentally ill member to recognize and accept that they need medication who refuses to do so. Based upon condition, like schizophrenia, many sufferers reject pharmaceutical treatment completely or will pretend to take it to get family members “ off their back”. This battle is not limited to only those with schizophrenia but includes various mental issues. There are mentally ill people who believe that it’s the world that needs to alter its views not them. Severe Paranoia is a difficult illness to treat with medical intervention when patients reject the diagnosis due to his or her paranoia that someone is out to get them through the meds. Free mental healthcare would only help those who are willing to take effective medication, so this issue is not at all cut and dry.

This board highlights about how we humans tend to back only one solution when multiple solutions are needed. It’s based upon the need to be right over what we perceive as the “oppositional position” and it only keeps us in the mud without action.
Free mental health care would only partly help reduce mental illness that’s run amuck. Just ask families about getting a mentally ill member to recognize and accept that they need medication who refuses to do so. Based upon condition, like schizophrenia, many sufferers reject pharmaceutical treatment completely or will pretend to take it to get family members “ off their back”. This battle is not limited to only those with schizophrenia but includes various mental issues. There are mentally ill people who believe that it’s the world that needs to alter its views not them. Severe Paranoia is a difficult illness to treat with medical intervention when patients reject the diagnosis due to his or her paranoia that someone is out to get them through the meds. Free mental healthcare would only help those who are willing to take effective medication, so this issue is not at all cut and dry.

This board highlights about how we humans tend to back only one solution when multiple solutions are needed. It’s based upon the need to be right over what we perceive as the “oppositional position” and it only keeps us in the mud without action.
5% of 200 million Americans:

5% of 200 million Americans:

You bring up a valid point. We still have yet to oust pharmaceuticals from pandering inferior products. More $$ spent on adverts compared to R&D. All somebody has to do is listen to the ridiculous list of side effects on commercials for advertised meds. Some medications prescribed to teenagers can increase the chance for suicide and they are being treated for suicidal ideation! There’s something very wrong with that equation considering current technology. As long as the populous at large accepts mediocre products that’s all we’ll
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Do these murderous guns shoot all by themselves?
Have you ever thought that it's not the guns, but it's those damn pesky bullets that
are the culprit?

Lord knows that it's not the person who pulls the trigger that's at fault

Q. Do these murderous guns shoot all by themselves?
A. Duh, one more stupid question.

Q. Have you ever thought that it's not the guns, but it's those damn pesky bullets that
are the culprit?
A. Wow, another stupid question.

Statement: Lord knows that it's not the person who pulls the trigger that's at fault.
Response: Lord? Do you mean God or a member of the English Royalty?

I doubt God, Jesus or the Holy Ghost talked to you. Another stupid question.
You know, you're a real fucking idiot. Children were being killed and those who weren't dead were bleeding out. Any who weren't shot were still being shot as soon as the shooter realized they were alive. Who the fuck cares or thinks about a lawyer.

You're about as pathetic excuse for a human being as I have ever come across on the Internet.

Here's the real 'skinny' why LEO hesitated.
In our age of specialization, the local LEO'S hired consultants that defined and trained them for differing responses to an 'active shooter' vs. a 'barricade' situation. This incident had elements of both so rather than using 'common sense', someone in charge broke out a consultants manual and decided that this was purely a barricade.

The key here is that no common sense was exercised because someone trusted their paid ex-spurt consultants.

Your outrage and you are now excused, boyo!!
How about actually addressing the societal cause of these shootings in the first place so they stop happening. That's what all of you on both sides of the issue keep overlooking. You're putting bandages on a much larger disease.
Neh, you can't do that. That would mean rebuilding the nuclear family, which would mean fewer people on welfare. The Democrats will never go for that. That's a non-starter, because the objective is to ban guns, to excercise more control over the people, not save lives.
Q. Do these murderous guns shoot all by themselves?
A. Duh, one more stupid question.

Q. Have you ever thought that it's not the guns, but it's those damn pesky bullets that
are the culprit?
A. Wow, another stupid question.

Statement: Lord knows that it's not the person who pulls the trigger that's at fault.
Response: Lord? Do you mean God or a member of the English Royalty?

I doubt God, Jesus or the Holy Ghost talked to you. Another stupid question.
Is that your rebuttal? Really?...lol
Q. Do these murderous guns shoot all by themselves?
A. Duh, one more stupid question.

Q. Have you ever thought that it's not the guns, but it's those damn pesky bullets that
are the culprit?
A. Wow, another stupid question.

Statement: Lord knows that it's not the person who pulls the trigger that's at fault.
Response: Lord? Do you mean God or a member of the English Royalty?

I doubt God, Jesus or the Holy Ghost talked to you. Another stupid question.
Idiot, people kill people. Guns is just the vehicle.
What a dope, wry.
Apparently all the faggots, dopers, and stoners think 50 cops should have stormed the building and killed anything that moved. That way they would have something real to snivel about.

19-Children died while the cops played with their under sized dicks.
How about actually addressing the societal cause of these shootings in the first place so they stop happening. That's what all of you on both sides of the issue keep overlooking. You're putting bandages on a much larger disease.
I agree with your first sentence. It is the second sentence that is the problem, the party that's only solution is to cut taxes and ignore social problems is on spot in your third sentence.
Beto was right. He was calling out a bunch of spineless, worthless cowards.

Somebody with a pair balls had to say something in that auditorium.
That would be the Uvalde mayor calling Beto a sick son of a bitch.

Good thing that Barber had a good rifle.
I'm arguing against measures that might cause children damage. Like turning schools into prison yards.
Just to be totally clear here... you are saying that since these kinds of shootings CANNOT BE STOPPED with "gun control", then you are willing to sacrifice a certain number of children each year or two to some evil SOB who just decides to go on a shooting binge? Because THAT is the outcome your stance WILL lead to.
Have you stopped and asked yourself why it is they need to in the first place?

It's a symptom of a much greater problem.
I see it as a solution to an ongoing problem until we see action, constitutional action, that works.
Not clicking your link
No surprise there. It's common with a lot of the Left to just ignore whatever they disagree with. Judd is a no-nonsense cop and I agree with him 100%. Once any perp fires on a cop or anyone else INSIDE a school, skip all other steps, go directly to ending that person as a threat by KILLING HIM.

Had these cops in Uvalde rushed in and - as is likely - more children died while they were taking this maniac down, they'd have been roundly criticized for being cowboys but to have waited for 40+ minutes while STILL HEARING GUNFIRE INSIDE, is beyond the pale. They have NO excuse and should probably be investigated for being complicit.
At a minimum, they should never work in law enforcement again and should be shunned from that community forever. There is just no way they could attempt to justify their actions. What could be worse if they got it wrong? They lose their feckin' JOBS? Compared to the deaths of children, there is no comparison.
Found...where? Certainly not in any of the iron age pile of shit religious texts.

Only science can inform any form of actual, objective morality.
Yeah, we've really seen it become "informed" in our modern age. A unibrow blithering IDIOT can still be a moral, caring person. What planet did you hatch from?
No surprise there. It's common with a lot of the Left to just ignore whatever they disagree with. Judd is a no-nonsense cop and I agree with him 100%. Once any perp fires on a cop or anyone else INSIDE a school, skip all other steps, go directly to ending that person as a threat by KILLING HIM.

Had these cops in Uvalde rushed in and - as is likely - more children died while they were taking this maniac down, they'd have been roundly criticized for being cowboys but to have waited for 40+ minutes while STILL HEARING GUNFIRE INSIDE, is beyond the pale. They have NO excuse and should probably be investigated for being complicit.
At a minimum, they should never work in law enforcement again and should be shunned from that community forever. There is just no way they could attempt to justify their actions. What could be worse if they got it wrong? They lose their feckin' JOBS? Compared to the deaths of children, there is no comparison.
When the house is on fire, put the fire out.
Study later

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