"Unfathomable": Reporter Breaks Down Two Key Gaps In Police Response

Strange how for over 200 years guns in this country have been easily accessible and none of these school started until a little over 20 years ago, but it must be the guns.

School massacres started in the USA around 1700.
First it was American Indians with knives, spears, and axes.

As weapons were progressed and the white man expanded into the rest of the USA, school attacks became more available to modern weaponry........guns of all kinds.

There have been school attacks almost every year in this country since the 1700's. One's that have been recorded anyway......I'm sure there are plenty that nobody lived through TO record for history.

Modern society hasn't heard about them, because we have been recently graduated to instantaneous news.......usually as it's happening.

This is an early list of school SHOOTINGS, not the start of school massacres.
Not ALL shootings were intended criminal acts though.

There are many such lists online, all with slight variations in their lists, but all pretty much the same.

You are confused Moon Bat.

A gun has never killed any one. The person that pulls the trigger is the killer.
What if a LOADED GUN is left out in the living room?
And a five year old picks it up
And SHOOTS his younger sister?
What if a LOADED GUN is left out in the living room?
And a five year old picks it up
And SHOOTS his younger sister?

The irresponsible parents that did the astronomical stupid thing of leaving a loaded firearm where a five year old could get it is the killer of the sister.

Moon Bats would rather blame a piece of metal than promote personal responsibility, wouldn't they?
What if a LOADED GUN is left out in the living room?
And a five year old picks it up
And SHOOTS his younger sister?
The GUN still did NOT shoot itself.
In this case, the person that owns the gun is at fault. There are laws governing the storage and use of guns. Those that legally own guns sign a line stating they are aware of and know those laws (rules). It that person chooses to not follow them, that is their fault, NOT the gun.
Post reported
Are you trying to get the Karen of the Year award?

This forum is not DU where comments about your Moon Bat stupidity results in an automatic ban.

Soak it up Buttercup. this is not your Moon Bat safe place.
Are you trying to get the Karen of the Year award?

This forum is not DU where comments about your Moon Bat stupidity results in an automatic ban.

Soak it up Buttercup. this is not your Moon Bat safe place.
This is your LAST warning in this thread - Do NOT continue posting off topic comments. You do NOT have to reply to those that do the same.
Do these murderous guns shoot all by themselves?
Have you ever thought that it's not the guns, but it's those damn pesky bullets that
are the culprit?

Lord knows that it's not the person who pulls the trigger that's at fault.
The problem with this lame argument is that all the systems are in place to hold the killers accountable already. So that isn't where there is work to be done.

Same goes for you, AyeCantSeeYou
Too bad the procedure had not been to arm trained teachers so they could have a fighting chance like many had suggested.
It seems murderous people who have been screwed up by the Left will continue to find guns one way or the other.
There seems to be no serious dialog about the reality of stopping these mass murders, only taking away the 2ND from law abiding citizens.
If you're going to say hand guns would do no good in a situation like this then you are completely inadequate to speak of tactical operations.

At the very least, 3 or 4 armed teachers with handguns would have been able to pin this murderer down until SWAT arrived.
This tragedy was 100% avoidable and it seems there are too many coincidences for intelligent people to ignore at this point.
These mass shootings are being FACILITATED.
Perhaps there's a reason the Establishment fought tooth and nail to prevent teachers from being armed.....maybe these mass killing are just tools to be used in pursuit of an agenda.
It all makes sense unless you're either too stupid or too much a boot kisser to see the obvious.
Very likely this event would never happen in the first place if the perp even THOUGHT he would like DIE early on from an armed individual in the classroom. Liberal "solutions" creates these events
Very likely this event would never happen in the first place if the perp even THOUGHT he would like DIE early on from an armed individual in the classroom. Liberal "solutions" creates these events
All of you calling for armed teachers in the classroom need to ask yourselves what kind of country needs such a thing and what does that look like to people abroad?
All of you calling for armed teachers in the classroom needs to ask yourselves what kind of country needs such a thing and what does that look like to people abroad?
Well, schools are currently "gun free zones." How's that working out? Much fun the "civilized world" has an unarmed police force. Should we follow their example?
The problem with this lame argument is that all the systems are in place to hold the killers accountable already. So that isn't where there is work to be done.

Same goes for you, AyeCantSeeYou
Why don't you start with enforcing the laws we have on the books already, FFI?
You know, the ones that the perps break. You don't have to ever worry about my weapons.

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