"Unfathomable": Reporter Breaks Down Two Key Gaps In Police Response

How many here have dealt with an active shooter situation? I suspect the number is zero which includes me so please spare us the Monday morning quarterback expertise.
I don't need to have active shooter training or experience to know that there's a dead girl who, over 30 minutes into the shooting, called 911 and pleaded with them to send the police but the police didn't come.

Every once in a while we do hear about cops running toward the sound of gunfire but there is also a long list of cases where someone in charge decided to let people die while they wait for a way to go after the shooter such that the cops all remained safe.
You just moved the goalposts in our discussion. Artillery and air strikes were never a part of our discussion. Why can't we have armed security inside schools? Why can't we train officers and provide vests for them? Why shouldn't we train teachers and have active shooter drills in our schools? We already have fire drills. Can we discuss instead of playing the Dozens?
There was armed security in Florida. He ran and hid like the guys in Texas. Armed security is one piece of creating a secure environment but the first piece, a very reliable piece, is simply to close and lock the doors and to have a man trap for entrance.

That wouldn't protect kids outside for recess or before or after school but that's not when most of the shootings are occurring.

There are things that can be done that take only the writing of a check to get in place but the left refuses to include those solutions in the discussion. The only thing the left wants to talk about is taking my guns.
And how would they do that with the scum barricaded in a locked room and now way to tell how many kids were alive in there? They thought they were dealing with a hostage situation. This was an 'error' only in hindsight and Monday Morning quarterbacking.
You're a fucking idiot. A man shooting people in a school is not a hostage situation and there's no historical case where it ever turned out to be simply a hostage situation.
No, it isn't a bad call. You can make buildings hard to break into without making them prisons.

And ultimately I want my child to live. So, once again, I don't care what the school looks like so long as it is safe.
Don't send your kid to public school - or to any school in public. Home school. School with your own church friends.
Bad call. Terrible call. In the last week we had one school out of 130,990 attacked--tragically and horridly. For that you will turn every school into this?

You realize the mental damage that will do would turn out more mentally ill, emotionally damaged children who will turn into killers, right?

Why are we so stupid in the 21st century? It's like we lurch from one Moral Panic to another. YES the school shooting was awful. We don't need to panic and turn schools into below

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Very insightful post. This shows wisdom beyond just this topic. It's amazing how many so-called, self-proclaimed, conservatives are forgetting all their own arguments about broad, generalized, government solutions to one-off problems.
Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Anyone who says “defund the police” and runs amok with it is making a generalized statement that hurts the good along with the bad. Don’t do it, you aren’t helping oust the individuals (people who do not have what it takes to be a police officer) for their personal accountability.

We should judge police officers for their individual actions in all matters, not spread blame without specific names. There could of course be lax attitudes “at the top” who do not properly prepare and train their officers to react with speed and accuracy when faced with these horrendous events. These higher-ups also qualify as individuals who should lose their jobs when negligent.

Statistics are not "generalizing". They are very valuable indicators of future actions or results. 19 out of 19 cops hid in the hallway for over 45 minutes while the shooter continued to shoot his gun in a room full of children and where children were shot and bleeding out.

This absolutely cries for the elimination of government police forces in their entirety - or, changes in training, procedures, and consequences, such that the public is assured that the environment has changed enough that the statistics no longer apply.
Found...where? Certainly not in any of the iron age pile of shit religious texts.

Only science can inform any form of actual, objective morality.

Oh. You mean the excellent science of the last two years that brought us:

--cloth masks
--school closures
--dying relatives can't see people in the hospital
--"instrument masks"
--wear your mask at the hostess stand, but not at the table
--"If you get these vaccines, you won't get covid"

......you mean THAT science???
That was the kind of logic that led to nothing being done after Parkland. The reality is that these shootings WILL CONTINUE. There is no way to stop these people from getting guns, it's naive to say that can be accomplished. So, the choice is to harden the schools or STFU in the aftermath of the next slaughter, and the next, and next...

Harden schools too much and you will create more killers.

Did we learn nothing from Covid?
You're a fucking idiot. A man shooting people in a school is not a hostage situation and there's no historical case where it ever turned out to be simply a hostage situation.
Says some moron who wasn't there, was responsible for nothing, and would probably be the first in line to stuff his pockets with lawsuit bling if they had done that and his kid got killed or wounded in the process. Go fuck yourself, tard.
I don't need to have active shooter training or experience to know that there's a dead girl who, over 30 minutes into the shooting, called 911 and pleaded with them to send the police but the police didn't come.

Every once in a while we do hear about cops running toward the sound of gunfire but there is also a long list of cases where someone in charge decided to let people die while they wait for a way to go after the shooter such that the cops all remained safe.

Hey moron, the shooter wasn't shooting the entire hour, fag, he stopped, hence they thought they were dealing with a hostage situation, tard.
Statistics are not "generalizing". They are very valuable indicators of future actions or results. 19 out of 19 cops hid in the hallway for over 45 minutes while the shooter continued to shoot his gun in a room full of children and where children were shot and bleeding out.

This absolutely cries for the elimination of government police forces in their entirety - or, changes in training, procedures, and consequences, such that the public is assured that the environment has changed enough that the statistics no longer apply.

Another stupid cop hating Burb Brat libertoon calls for anarchy and free pot for the masses.
It has been reported that kids were alive at that time calling 911. I am not trying to Monday morning quarterback, I am looking at the facts of what happened as we know so far.

And the shooting had stopped, except for a few at the cops in the hallway.
I didn’t say it was a good idea but that’s what the logical conclusion is when a society abandons objective morality for relative morality. Walls and laws are a poor substitute for good, objective morals and values.
Think about this also.. Why so many school's and district's to begin with ? First the teaching part needs to be cleaned back up, and then moral's put back into the curriculum... Can't understand how moral's went out of style in the first place. Then consolidate the school's strategically.

When I was young a bus didn't stop by your house specifically like they do today, otherwise we had to meet at a bus stop even if our parents had to drive us to it because it was to far for us to walk. Ok but first the gang culture needs to be stopped or be made to go out of style, because you can't have kids assembling at bus stops where gang bangers would show up to harass and bully them or any other creepizoid for that matter. Could have concealed carry parent's volunteer to police and secure the stop's each day upon departures and arrival's. Some stop's had these parent's at them in the old day's.

A lot of things can be done, but a lot of bad has to be undone first. A huge cultural shift needs to happen or this bull crap is going to become part of the normal from here on out.

Parent's being put into a situation where they actually became breeder's for the state, and breeder's for the evil one to just do with their children what they will, is really an amazing thing..
The police threw out the babies with the bathwater.

That means the federal tactical team that finally neutralized the gunman was on the scene for at least a half-hour while kids from within the classroom dialed 911 and begged for help. The local police were positioned even longer.

“Please send the police now,” said one little girl, who had already called several times during the shooting. She survived the attack.

The police have no credibility. Zip. Zero. Nada.

And the parents in the town of Uvalde will never trust them again. It's a good thing the feds are in that town. It's the only hope the citizens have, if something else goes wrong.

And that's not saying much.

The only brave police that day were the two Border Patrol officers. The very law enforcement agency that President Potatohead has no use for.
This was an idiotic post or response... Do better.

To be honest this is more consistent than what I am reading elsewhere on the forum. People who have bashed teachers for YEARS--not even trusting us to share the tiniest bits of personal information with kids, and want cameras on us all the time--suddenly in the last few days feel confident giving us GUNS and AMMO???

Whose worse???

1. Police for not bothering to train employees, and hire on basis of who has the biggest ego to stroke?

2. The states and cities for funnelling school money into their pockets, instead of making schools a safe place?

3. Those in the White House who cultivate, propagate, and foster violence, death, and corrupt "police" ......while firing the honest ones, cutting sentences on heinously violent criminals, and reversing laws on the severity of punishments for the most heinous of criminals?

4. The taxpayers, sitting around bitching, whining, and crying about whats going on, instead of dragging those responsible out into the streets and hanging them from the nearest lamp post??

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