"Unfathomable": Reporter Breaks Down Two Key Gaps In Police Response

Google their names
My, my. New here today and you’ve revealed such wisdom. From now on your nickname will be Fudgeitornuttin… best I can tell it’s fitting. I knew something about your very first post in the welcoming thread did not merit a greeting.
You just moved the goalposts in our discussion. Artillery and air strikes were never a part of our discussion. Why can't we have armed security inside schools? Why can't we train officers and provide vests for them? Why shouldn't we train teachers and have active shooter drills in our schools? We already have fire drills. Can we discuss instead of playing the Dozens?
It's totally due to a lack of political will. Some states like Cali, Oregon, NY, will never take a stance that would defuse their calls for gun control.
My, my. New here today and you’ve revealed such wisdom. From now on your nickname will be Fudgeitornuttin… best I can tell it’s fitting. I knew something about your very first post in the welcoming thread did not merit a greeting.
Better watch it, he'll tell.
Would not the logical conclusion then be to bring back objective morality?

It has been done in the past. The Victorian Age followed a great deal of....well. Loose morals? For one example. (The Victorians did not get everything right but they did pay attention to morality).

In modern times, the 80s followed the late 60s.
We could start with common sense like rejecting the notion that boys can be girls. Wotk to keep the far-left Marxist radicals from gaining political power while purging them from politics by not voting for them and investigate Soros’ shady foundations and reveal his attempt to stack our States’ law enforcement official with radical Marxist-type officials.
. Think really hard whether you want our schools to literally look like guarded prisons. You might be keeping kids temporarily "safe" while creating more mentally ill shooters. Overreactions in the name of "safety" have consequences. See: Covid.
That was the kind of logic that led to nothing being done after Parkland. The reality is that these shootings WILL CONTINUE. There is no way to stop these people from getting guns, it's naive to say that can be accomplished. So, the choice is to harden the schools or STFU in the aftermath of the next slaughter, and the next, and next...
There is no way to stop these people from getting guns, it's naive to say that can be accomplished. So, the choice is to harden the schools or STFU in the aftermath of the next slaughter, and the next, and next...
This is a prime example of how dumb this country is.

For one, no measure or law will stop all instances of bad things happening. So to set that bar there is the most sissy kind of surrender and dishonesty.

Second, those are NOT the only choices, nor ate all the possibilities mutually exclusive. We can try them all. It would be stupid to only try one or two of them and think the effect will be less profound than trying all of them.
He spoke the truth. The Governor now is a liar and trying to cover his ass. As the kids were dying he was preparing to make guns easier to get and promised this at the NRA Festival this coming weekend in Texas.
You said nothing that isn't true.
You seem to have you head up your ass. Nothing you post is based in reality. The children are being murdered by guns in their schools by other youths.

Your ignorance goes beyond this belief ^^^, the Democrats are blocked by McConnell and his bitches to support children.
His head is so far up his ass when his gay lover chokes on dandruff.
Government fails again. You have the Constitutional right to arm yourself. Use it, teachers.
"Where was that [Uvalde Police Department] S.W.A.T. team in the hour while they were waiting for the Border Patrol tactical team to come?" he asked. "It's really just unfathomable, and law enforcement officials who are watching this across the country, as Tom Winter said earlier on the air, are aghast at what happened here."

"Ms. Gomez, a farm supervisor, said that she was one of numerous parents who began encouraging—first politely, and then with more urgency—police and other law enforcement to enter the school. After a few minutes, she said, federal marshals approached her and put her in handcuffs, telling her she was being arrested for intervening in an active investigation," the newspaper reported. "Ms. Gomez convinced local Uvalde police officers whom she knew to persuade the marshals to set her free. Around her, the scene was frantic. She said she saw a father tackled and thrown to the ground by police and a third pepper-sprayed. Once freed from her cuffs, Ms. Gomez made her distance from the crowd, jumped the school fence, and ran inside to grab her two children. She sprinted out of the school with them."

Defund the police? You god damn right. Worthless fucks.

The Teachers Put Their Lives On The Line To Protect The Kids, When The Police Wouldn't

Remember That The Next Time We're Discussing Who To Fund

Where in the fuck did the US Marshals get any authority to arrest anyone in that situation?
The cops sat outside the school for 40 minutes while the shooter rampaged and shot kids.
Not only that, the cops called out for anyone who needed help to call out for help. One girl took the cops at their word and called out and the shooter shot her.
This happens in war.
Not so much in everyday life in 2022 when teams of lawyers eviscerate both right and what they judge as wrong responses.
Maybe we need to kill all of the lawyers??
You know, you're a real fucking idiot. Children were being killed and those who weren't dead were bleeding out. Any who weren't shot were still being shot as soon as the shooter realized they were alive. Who the fuck cares or thinks about a lawyer.

You're about as pathetic excuse for a human being as I have ever come across on the Internet.

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