"Unfathomable": Reporter Breaks Down Two Key Gaps In Police Response

Partly to blame is this new theme last 3 years about “abundance of caution” Add that to BLM Floyd adulation and Defund and you have police rendered feckless. Way to go liberal hoaxsters
He spoke the truth. The Governor now is a liar and trying to cover his ass. As the kids were dying he was preparing to make guns easier to get and promised this at the NRA Festival this coming weekend in Texas.
Yep. And the scumbag governor is now throwing them right under the bus.
One does not require a solution to offer an objection. That’s a liberal ploy to shut people down who jolt your feelings
My solution is very radical. Ditch the gun taking and go after the party of liability.
These are minors, under 21 and living under someone’s roof who has supervisory responsibilities.
Your dog cannot charge out your front door and maim children on the sidewalk and you get off by saying “I had no idea….he’s never done that before” You should and need to have an idea you negligent fuck. Attend to your spawn or the minor at you address or you go to jail as an accessory to murder.
This heart wrenching shit would stop as soon as first negligent dumb ass is behind bars.
You backed yourself into your own corner. Addressing the repercussion of that should be your only concern
Sure dummy. Sure. The cops sat outside because they can't kneel in the necks of brown people. You racist fucks can't breathe without exhaling your racist dog whistles. Morons.
One does not require a solution to offer an objection. That’s a liberal ploy to shut people down who jolt your feelings
My solution is very radical. Ditch the gun taking and go after the party of liability.
These are minors, under 21 and living under someone’s roof who has supervisory responsibilities.
Your dog cannot charge out your front door and maim children on the sidewalk and you get off by saying “I had no idea….he’s never done that before” You should and need to have an idea you negligent fuck. Attend to your spawn or the minor at you address or you go to jail as an accessory to murder.
This heart wrenching shit would stop as soon as first negligent dumb ass is behind bars.
Post reported
"Where was that [Uvalde Police Department] S.W.A.T. team in the hour while they were waiting for the Border Patrol tactical team to come?" he asked. "It's really just unfathomable, and law enforcement officials who are watching this across the country, as Tom Winter said earlier on the air, are aghast at what happened here."

"Ms. Gomez, a farm supervisor, said that she was one of numerous parents who began encouraging—first politely, and then with more urgency—police and other law enforcement to enter the school. After a few minutes, she said, federal marshals approached her and put her in handcuffs, telling her she was being arrested for intervening in an active investigation," the newspaper reported. "Ms. Gomez convinced local Uvalde police officers whom she knew to persuade the marshals to set her free. Around her, the scene was frantic. She said she saw a father tackled and thrown to the ground by police and a third pepper-sprayed. Once freed from her cuffs, Ms. Gomez made her distance from the crowd, jumped the school fence, and ran inside to grab her two children. She sprinted out of the school with them."

Defund the police? You god damn right. Worthless fucks.

The Teachers Put Their Lives On The Line To Protect The Kids, When The Police Wouldn't

Remember That The Next Time We're Discussing Who To Fund

I completely agree. What kind of idiots would believe the Government would protect them. That's why we have a second Amendment.
"Where was that [Uvalde Police Department] S.W.A.T. team in the hour while they were waiting for the Border Patrol tactical team to come?" he asked. "It's really just unfathomable, and law enforcement officials who are watching this across the country, as Tom Winter said earlier on the air, are aghast at what happened here."

"Ms. Gomez, a farm supervisor, said that she was one of numerous parents who began encouraging—first politely, and then with more urgency—police and other law enforcement to enter the school. After a few minutes, she said, federal marshals approached her and put her in handcuffs, telling her she was being arrested for intervening in an active investigation," the newspaper reported. "Ms. Gomez convinced local Uvalde police officers whom she knew to persuade the marshals to set her free. Around her, the scene was frantic. She said she saw a father tackled and thrown to the ground by police and a third pepper-sprayed. Once freed from her cuffs, Ms. Gomez made her distance from the crowd, jumped the school fence, and ran inside to grab her two children. She sprinted out of the school with them."

Defund the police? You god damn right. Worthless fucks.

The Teachers Put Their Lives On The Line To Protect The Kids, When The Police Wouldn't

Remember That The Next Time We're Discussing Who To Fund
Federal marshals always like to show their "authoriti" by arresting citizens. They are all scumbags. All Federal government thugs are scumbags. Our Founding Fathers knew they would be and that is why we have the Second Amendment.

The cowards were out there handcuffing concerned parents rather than attacking the shooter.
Federal marshals always like to show their "authoriti" by arresting citizens. They are all scumbags. All Federal government thugs are scumbags. Our Founding Fathers knew they would be and that is why we have the Second Amendment.

The cowards were out there handcuffing concerned parents rather than attacking the shooter.
Where were YOU?

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