"Unfathomable": Reporter Breaks Down Two Key Gaps In Police Response

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Anyone who says “defund the police” and runs amok with it is making a generalized statement that hurts the good along with the bad. Don’t do it, you aren’t helping oust the individuals (people who do not have what it takes to be a police officer) for their personal accountability.

We should judge police officers for their individual actions in all matters, not spread blame without specific names. There could of course be lax attitudes “at the top” who do not properly prepare and train their officers to react with speed and accuracy when faced with these horrendous events. These higher-ups also qualify as individuals who should lose their jobs when negligent.

The police threw out the babies with the bathwater.

The authorities now say that local officers first entered the school at 11:35, two minutes after the gunman, and that there were 19 officers in the hallway by 12:03 PM, but that they did not breach the door and kill the gunman until 12:50, even as they continued to hear him firing.
That means the federal tactical team that finally neutralized the gunman was on the scene for at least a half-hour while kids from within the classroom dialed 911 and begged for help. The local police were positioned even longer.

“Please send the police now,” said one little girl, who had already called several times during the shooting. She survived the attack.

The police have no credibility. Zip. Zero. Nada.

And the parents in the town of Uvalde will never trust them again. It's a good thing the feds are in that town. It's the only hope the citizens have, if something else goes wrong.

And that's not saying much.
The police threw out the babies with the bathwater.

That means the federal tactical team that finally neutralized the gunman was on the scene for at least a half-hour while kids from within the classroom dialed 911 and begged for help. The local police were positioned even longer.

“Please send the police now,” said one little girl, who had already called several times during the shooting. She survived the attack.

The police have no credibility. Zip. Zero. Nada.

And the parents in the town of Uvalde will never trust them again. It's a good thing the feds are in that town. It's the only hope the citizens have, if something else goes wrong.

And that's not saying much.

I am not questioning the possibility of ineptness, but again the true picture falls back on each individual cop involved. Your use of “the police” needs better clarity.

Start with the individual names of the officers involved to keep it a worthwhile discussion. Give me the exact names you are referencing so I can research what’s been reported about each one. Give me that “the police” blanket label again and it’s not worth another reply.
1. Schools can't get lunch and recess aides. Or bus drivers. Where you gonna find all this "armed security" for 130K buildings?

2. Think really hard whether you want our schools to literally look like guarded prisons. You might be keeping kids temporarily "safe" while creating more mentally ill shooters. Overreactions in the name of "safety" have consequences. See: Covid.
I didn’t say it was a good idea but that’s what the logical conclusion is when a society abandons objective morality for relative morality. Walls and laws are a poor substitute for good, objective morals and values.
And how would they do that with the scum barricaded in a locked room and now way to tell how many kids were alive in there? They thought they were dealing with a hostage situation. This was an 'error' only in hindsight and Monday Morning quarterbacking.
It has been reported that kids were alive at that time calling 911. I am not trying to Monday morning quarterback, I am looking at the facts of what happened as we know so far.
I didn’t say it was a good idea but that’s what the logical conclusion is when a society abandons objective morality for relative morality. Walls and laws are a poor substitute for good, objective morals and values.

Would not the logical conclusion then be to bring back objective morality?

It has been done in the past. The Victorian Age followed a great deal of....well. Loose morals? For one example. (The Victorians did not get everything right but they did pay attention to morality).

In modern times, the 80s followed the late 60s.
I didn’t say it was a good idea but that’s what the logical conclusion is when a society abandons objective morality for relative morality. Walls and laws are a poor substitute for good, objective morals and values.
Wow, what valuable comments. So, people do bad things, when they have bad values. Thanks, professor.
I am not questioning the possibility of ineptness, but again the true picture falls back on each individual cop involved. Your use of “the police” needs better clarity.

Start with the individual names of the officers involved to keep it a worthwhile discussion. Give me the exact names you are referencing so I can research what’s been reported about each one. Give me that “the police” blanket label again and it’s not worth another reply.
Google their names
Post reported
And how would they do that with the scum barricaded in a locked room and now way to tell how many kids were alive in there? They thought they were dealing with a hostage situation. This was an 'error' only in hindsight and Monday Morning quarterbacking.
If they were onsite and were working under that assumption, are we to assume they heard no shooting continuing inside the school? I mean, had he simply executed them all before the cops arrived so that they heard nothing and assumed he was just holding hostages? If that's the case then I can see the reason for their hesitation but their treatment of those distraught parents is still BULLSHIT!
If they were onsite and were working under that assumption, are we to assume they heard no shooting continuing inside the school? I mean, had he simply executed them all before the cops arrived so that they heard nothing and assumed he was just holding hostages? If that's the case then I can see the reason for their hesitation but their treatment of those distraught parents is still BULLSHIT!
While it is a bad look with the benefit of hindsight, cops are never, NOT EVER, going to let civilians rush into an ongoing siege situation. They would endanger themselves and the officers to do so.

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