"Unfathomable": Reporter Breaks Down Two Key Gaps In Police Response

A team of trained, longtime police officers and an elite border unit couldn't stop the crazy kid until after nearly 40 people were wounded or killed.

But a veteran with a gun is going to succeed where they failed. Cuz 'Murrica!, or something.

This country is detached from reality...
Couldn't, or wouldn't?
And, just so we're clear, the only way to reduce the influence of big money in politics is to reduce the amount of power the government has to sell.
No. Eliminate PACs . Publicly fund elections. Enforce ethics rules and prosecute illegal gifts with severe penalties, including automatic expulsion. Lots of things to do.
But they don't get help. That's the problem. That's why the main thrust is outreach. Most of them don't get help.
And here we have the true problem we're facing in America today, undiagnosed and untreated mental illness, sometimes caused by things we make our armed forces suffer before turning them loose into society. Technology has advanced to the point where a single person can, using commonly available items and ingredients, manufacture devices of great destructive power. Trying to focus only on eliminating guns from society when bombs are relatively easy to make and poison is readily available will not in any meaningful way reduce the number of people being killed, and in fact will increase them as fewer guns are made available for defense.
And here we have the true problem we're facing in America today, undiagnosed and untreated mental illness, sometimes caused by things we make our armed forces suffer before turning them loose into society. Technology has advanced to the point where a single person can, using commonly available items and ingredients, manufacture devices of great destructive power. Trying to focus only on eliminating guns from society when bombs are relatively easy to make and poison is readily available will not in any meaningful way reduce the number of people being killed, and in fact will increase them as fewer guns are made available for defense.
Agreed. So heightened awareness, service access, and outreach are in order.
No. Eliminate PACs . Publicly fund elections. Enforce ethics rules and prosecute illegal gifts with severe penalties, including automatic expulsion. Lots of things to do.
1. PAC's and publicly funded elections don't address the power and influence government has for sale.
2. The people tasked to enforce ethics rules are the same ones that are supposed to follow them. Non-starter.
3. Illegal gifts? That's a laugh. Democrat politician writes a book, and a labor union buys 10,000 advance copies. Are you going to forbid a union from buying a democrat's book?

IOW, as long as government wields the power to pick winners and losers, it will attract money. Why do you think FaceBook was yammering on for a while about wanting updated internet regulation? Not because they wanted to make it fair for everybody. You can guarantee they would have a seat at the table when such legislation was being drafted, and also guarantee that any such legislation would favor them immensely.

No, it's still best to reduce the amount of power government has.
Right, it's how they buy it. Your pipe dream of reducing the power for sale is a nonfactor and a distraction, sorry. Legislators will always make laws impacting business.
That's why true freedom lovers fight like heck to prevent the government from encroaching on freedom in ANY fashion, because they know full well that the ONLY direction government goes is to grab ever more power, power it can then put up for sale to the highest bidder. That's why gun owners resist things like registration and licensing because they know the next steps that will follow, as predictably as the sun shining on the Sahara.
"To expand Americans' access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of
big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and
implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying
our democracy, and for other purposes."

H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021117th Congress (2021-2022)​

Looks like Biden's claim of Jim Crow 2.0 was spot on, produced the lowest voter turnout ever by restricting access to the Georgia primaries.
That's why true freedom lovers fight like heck to prevent the government from encroaching on freedom in ANY fashion, because they know full well that the ONLY direction government goes is to grab ever more power, power it can then put up for sale to the highest bidder. That's why gun owners resist things like registration and licensing because they know the next steps that will follow, as predictably as the sun shining on the Sahara.
Nah, they do that because they are fetishists who have watched too much TV. Their slippery slope arguments are proven stupid, many times over.
Nah, they do that because they are fetishists who have watched too much TV. Their slippery slope arguments are proven stupid, many times over.
Oppression, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, Marxism, communism....all started on slippery slopes.
Says who? Not the Supreme Court. Waiting times and background checks are already Constitutional and are already in place.
No waiting periods under current federal law. 10th
Only firearm sales through a federally licensed firearm dealer.

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