"Unfathomable": Reporter Breaks Down Two Key Gaps In Police Response

K through 8 ?
Why would you say that ? Makes no sense unless you might be trying to conduct test or teach something bad to the little ones . Is that what you are all about ???? Maybe you're against the Florida law that restricts teaching K through 8th graders things they shouldn't be taught ? Is that your position in life ?? Are you a leftist ?? If so then don't speak to me ever again or comment on one of my post.

Wait was that the age of the student's at that school ? I wasn't talking about those age's, but the ages of the killer's in which many times have been student's themselves, only a lot older.

If I misunderstood you I apologize.
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Why would you say that ? Makes no sense unless you might be trying to conduct test or teach something bad to the little ones . Is that what you are all about ???? Maybe you're against the Florida law that restricts teaching K through 8th graders things they shouldn't be taught ? Is that your position in life ?? Are you a leftist ?? If so then don't speak to me ever again or comment on one of my post.
With what I see in the media today, we don't need to teach kids about homosexuality. I have noticed commercials with obvious gay partners.
Says some moron who wasn't there, was responsible for nothing, and would probably be the first in line to stuff his pockets with lawsuit bling if they had done that and his kid got killed or wounded in the process. Go fuck yourself, tard.

Look, we get it: you WANT dead children. You NEED school shootings. You MUST have dead bodies to push your agenda.

Well, the staff left two doors unlocked, against policy, so there is that.

Charge them as accessories.

Another stupid cop hating Burb Brat libertoon calls for anarchy and free pot for the masses.

Are you on crack again?


Do you have ANY idea how many truly BAD homeschool parents there are?

A few...though most do a better job than government schools!
Why would you say that ? Makes no sense unless you might be trying to conduct test or teach something bad to the little ones . Is that what you are all about ???? Maybe you're against the Florida law that restricts teaching K through 8th graders things they shouldn't be taught ? Is that your position in life ?? Are you a leftist ?? If so then don't speak to me ever again or comment on one of my post.
I’m for School employees ( Union Teachers , Janitors , Office workers , Admins , Cooks , Mechanics , Bus Drivers , School resource officers , ... being tested ( you brought students into the conversation
No. Eliminate PACs . Publicly fund elections. Enforce ethics rules and prosecute illegal gifts with severe penalties, including automatic expulsion. Lots of things to do.

In other words: you want to end free speech.

And here we have the true problem we're facing in America today, undiagnosed and untreated mental illness, sometimes caused by things we make our armed forces suffer before turning them loose into society. Technology has advanced to the point where a single person can, using commonly available items and ingredients, manufacture devices of great destructive power. Trying to focus only on eliminating guns from society when bombs are relatively easy to make and poison is readily available will not in any meaningful way reduce the number of people being killed, and in fact will increase them as fewer guns are made available for defense.

Many people simply will not get any treatment of any sort for any sort of mental problem simply because they are not willing to risk ending up lobotomized, or locked in a nut house.
Time to reinstall value's and manhood back into men. We should have men here that are as brave as we are seeing in Ukraine fighting for their COUNTRY against overwhelming odds. Not really sure what it will take to create that type of character in the majority of men in this country again. We may have run off the tracks now.
Nice words. Meaningless, but nice.
I am leaning towards They were kept in the dark until finally it leaked and several Real men from another agency Tactical team got Janitors keys and made entry ( bet the chief was initially frosted over their actions )
The tactical unit was on hold 30 minutes and went. I believe the guy who took him down finally said follow me and went.
So, you'd be fine with a school having no windows, an entrapment area entrance, guards outside with machine guns, and all students required to wear one-piece jumpsuits with no pockets?

Nope. Adopting the most extreme iteration is not smart.
"Where was that [Uvalde Police Department] S.W.A.T. team in the hour while they were waiting for the Border Patrol tactical team to come?" he asked. "It's really just unfathomable, and law enforcement officials who are watching this across the country, as Tom Winter said earlier on the air, are aghast at what happened here."

"Ms. Gomez, a farm supervisor, said that she was one of numerous parents who began encouraging—first politely, and then with more urgency—police and other law enforcement to enter the school. After a few minutes, she said, federal marshals approached her and put her in handcuffs, telling her she was being arrested for intervening in an active investigation," the newspaper reported. "Ms. Gomez convinced local Uvalde police officers whom she knew to persuade the marshals to set her free. Around her, the scene was frantic. She said she saw a father tackled and thrown to the ground by police and a third pepper-sprayed. Once freed from her cuffs, Ms. Gomez made her distance from the crowd, jumped the school fence, and ran inside to grab her two children. She sprinted out of the school with them."

Defund the police? You god damn right. Worthless fucks.

The Teachers Put Their Lives On The Line To Protect The Kids, When The Police Wouldn't

Remember That The Next Time We're Discussing Who To Fund
I know people in the area. None of them are surprised the cops pussed out. The kids parents were just not rich or white enough to save, so poor Mariella had to get a bullet though the brain while spending the last hour of her young life in terror. There is no punishment hard enough for those cowardly filthy cops.

Had it been Beverly Hills or Santa Barbara, we'd all be talking about the bravery of the cops who recued the kids. I'm telling you, it was classsim.
I know people in the area. None of them are surprised the cops pussed out. The kids parents were just not rich or white enough to save, so poor Mariella had to get a bullet though the brain while spending the last hour of her young life in terror. There is no punishment hard enough for those cowardly filthy cops.

Had it been Beverly Hills or Santa Barbara, we'd all be talking about the bravery of the cops who recued the kids. I'm telling you, it was classsim.
I’m not wanting to
Make this racial but - A lot of the LEOs on scene seemed to be Latin-x or Mestizo
I’m not wanting to
Make this racial but - A lot of the LEOs on scene seemed to be Latin-x or Mestizo
I understand sir. You know that people can and often do betray their own ethnicity? The DA in the Brianna Turner case who blew off his responsibility to prosecute the cops who murdered Brianna? He's black. Guess who the Keynote Speaker was at the last Republican National Convention was? Yeah, it was him!

Mostly though it was money. The parents of those poor kids had little and no political connections. The cops knew they had nothing to lose so they bailed on their responsibility.
I understand sir. You know that people can and often do betray their own ethnicity? The DA in the Brianna Turner case who blew off his responsibility to prosecute the cops who murdered Brianna? He's black. Guess who the Keynote Speaker was at the last Republican National Convention was? Yeah, it was him!

Mostly though it was money. The parents of those poor kids had little and no political connections. The cops knew they had nothing to lose so they bailed on their responsibility.
The UPD Chief is a Union Macher Democrat ( explains everything ) and Im
Ok with making this political
The UPD Chief is a Union Macher Democrat ( explains everything ) and Im
Ok with making this political
I have to say what I believe. Did you notice the cops refused to provide an interpreter for those Mikey Mouse press conferences? Only half those folks spoke fluent English. C'mon, man. I'm not an idiot and I'm not a trouble maker. How else can you explain their negligence?
Look, we get it: you WANT dead children. You NEED school shootings. You MUST have dead bodies to push your agenda.

Charge them as accessories.

Are you on crack again?

A few...though most do a better job than government schools!

Drunk Burb Brat got a DWI and hates cops because he got caught or something, or maybe one just told him to move his ass along for some reason and forgot to pat him on the head and give him a hug or something.

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