"Unfathomable": Reporter Breaks Down Two Key Gaps In Police Response

Because they were replaced by the flawed background check system. They passed every test of constitutionality.
Nope, always been purchases through a FFL dealer. That is a federal requirement.

I'm sure you've heard of the gun show loophole.....most, if not all at a gun show have FFL's.
That doesn't contradict a word I said. In fact, it supports every word I have said and contradicts you. So...thanks?
Not so.

Because they were replaced by the flawed background check system. They passed every test of constitutionality.
Waiting periods are 10th amendment issue.

The 'flawed' background check system has been around since 1998.
I was specifically referring to Claire's comment, which I highlighted, from both personal observation and personal experiences.
Where you coming from?
I'm talking about the reason people generalize here... The smart people know what's in the generalizational word's of the speaker, otherwise by knowing the poster in a like mindedness when the poster speaks, and they know that what the poster is doing is not being specific on the target for a reason but why ?? It's because the poster knows that those who matter will understand and know exactly what the poster is saying without being specific, therefore they generalize.
Simple , make all Teachers & Janitors & Cooks & Office workers & School Resource officers & Paid or unpaid security go through drug screening ( that includes SSRIs )
What's wrong with also randomly drug screening the student's ???
And here we have the true problem we're facing in America today, undiagnosed and untreated mental illness, sometimes caused by things we make our armed forces suffer before turning them loose into society. Technology has advanced to the point where a single person can, using commonly available items and ingredients, manufacture devices of great destructive power. Trying to focus only on eliminating guns from society when bombs are relatively easy to make and poison is readily available will not in any meaningful way reduce the number of people being killed, and in fact will increase them as fewer guns are made available for defense.
Time to reinstall value's and manhood back into men. We should have men here that are as brave as we are seeing in Ukraine fighting for their COUNTRY against overwhelming odds. Not really sure what it will take to create that type of character in the majority of men in this country again. We may have run off the tracks now.
If true all those police officers and agents should be fired!
Not just fired, prosecuted. That's the only thing I can think of that may light a fire under their asses and get them to do the job that they were hired for, knowing if they don't and people die because of it, then they may be facing prison.

No problem cuffing a frantic mom, but stopping a deranged shooter? What, too hard, to scary, WHAT!?!
Not just fired, prosecuted. That's the only thing I can think of that may light a fire under their asses and get them to do the job that they were hired for, knowing if they don't and people die because of it, then they may be facing prison.

No problem cuffing a frantic mom, but stopping a deranged shooter? What, too hard, to scary, WHAT!?!
The Idea that every Alpha Male LEO on scene would follow the “ Hold” order is telling
No, it isn't a bad call. You can make buildings hard to break into without making them prisons.

And ultimately I want my child to live. So, once again, I don't care what the school looks like so long as it is safe.
So, you'd be fine with a school having no windows, an entrapment area entrance, guards outside with machine guns, and all students required to wear one-piece jumpsuits with no pockets?
One does not require a solution to offer an objection. That’s a liberal ploy to shut people down who jolt your feelings
My solution is very radical. Ditch the gun taking and go after the party of liability.
These are minors, under 21 and living under someone’s roof who has supervisory responsibilities.
Your dog cannot charge out your front door and maim children on the sidewalk and you get off by saying “I had no idea….he’s never done that before” You should and need to have an idea you negligent fuck. Attend to your spawn or the minor at you address or you go to jail as an accessory to murder.
This heart wrenching shit would stop as soon as first negligent dumb ass is behind bars.

News flash: 18 is NOT a minor and has not been in almost fifty years! 18 is, legally, an adult!

Federal marshals always like to show their "authoriti" by arresting citizens. They are all scumbags. All Federal government thugs are scumbags. Our Founding Fathers knew they would be and that is why we have the Second Amendment.

The cowards were out there handcuffing concerned parents rather than attacking the shooter.

I'm actually surprised that none of the parents got shot.
They did not know kids were alive has been reported and they thought it was a hostage situation according to what is reported. Either way, this was a clusterfuck. IMO
Several kids in the Classroom
Made 911 calls ( one made 5 ) another stayed on hold , The LEOs either knew it and followed “ Hold “ order for over 40mins or they were kept outta the loop
Post reported


He's a prick.

With DHS headed on its present trajectory, I wouldn't be too sure.
Already happened. Decades ago. In 1985, Philadelphia police used a helicopter and a homemade device consisting of two POUNDS(!) of explosive, and several gallons of gasoline. The result was a conflagration that the fire department allowed to burn out of control, burning down two city clocks, destroying 61 houses.

Eleven people burned to death inside, five of them children-and the police were shooting at anyone trying to escape. None of the people responsible were punished in any way.
Several kids in the Classroom
Made 911 calls ( one made 5 ) another stayed on hold , The LEOs either knew it and followed “ Hold “ order for over 40mins or they were kept outta the loop
I heard they were kept out of the loop however, the story is still developing.

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