Unfortunately Governor Christie Is Not A Uniter Candidate!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Governor Christie had been the hope of centrist Republicans and Independents for the Republican Party nomination for President because we thought he wasn't going to allow himself to be pushed around by the right wing of the Republican Party he gave us hope for a Republican President that would not be overly partisan and would know how to engineer compromise with the Democrats in Washington to get legislation passed and move the country forward! As it turned out Governor Christie was just a little short in the character department to deliver on this promise he is a little too much of the slick politician that will move his policy stances to pander for votes, this centrist voting bloc needs to look for another candidate. I offer the following as proof for this assessment.

Governor Christie has changed his position on the education policy of "common core", he is no longer for it. This is a terrible development. Common core is nothing more than the viewpoint that when you educate a child on a subject it involves teaching that child a certain body of knowledge a set of fundamental principles that makes up the essence of that subject and in order to test to make sure the child was actually educated on that subject you have to test to determine the child mastered that body of knowledge or set of principles it is nothing more than a common sense viewpoint. The fact that Governor Christie reversed on "common core" indicates he chose political pandering over standing up for what is right for America's kids.

Governor Christie just in the last couple of months signed the Grover Norquist's Anti-raising taxes pledge. The problem is not that Governor Christie by signing the pledge was signaling that he won't raise taxes and wants to lower them, the problem is that Christie by signing the pledge binds himself as President to not raise taxes where the hell is that man's judgment the country over the next nine years could get in a war with an Islamic country or group of Islamic countries that believes in an Islamic theocracy and not human rights and not human advancement in the areas of reason and the rule of law or the country could experiences natural disasters all necessitating the temporary raising of taxes. Or as a condition of a grand bargain that eliminates the nation's alarming budget deficits the White House could have a deal on the table that does away with the unnecessary and unfair distinction of "capital gain and dividend" income compared to regular earned income and a President Christie would be restrained by this pledge to agreeing to such a fantastic deal for the country. One can understand a candidate five years ago running for a statewide office taking the Norquist's pledge but as a candidate for President taking the pledge, give me a break, that cannot be overlooked!

Just in the last week Governor Christie's statements green lighting the right wing Republican House members that want to shut down the Federal Government unless Federal Funding of Planned Parenthood is stopped is extremely irresponsible. Shutting down the Federal Government will cause hundreds of thousands of Federal Employees to stop getting their wages will cause thousands of businesses that do business with the Federal government to stop getting paid and will essentially shut down major industries in the U.S. like the meat processing industry. It will be a repeat of the government shutdown in 2013 it will be an act of extremely dangerous extremists. Governor Christie's statements here was the straw that broke the camel's back for me in regards to his candidacy. I share the disdain for Planned Parenthoods selling of body parts of aborted fetuses it got me sick to my stomach when I first heard about it like it probably did for most Americans but you don't throw away the decade standing compromise the political parties have on Planned Parenthood funding when there is no alternative the President is not a Republican he is a Democrat the Republican Party has no chance of succeeding in stopping this funding, their utter fools. The right wing of the Republican Party wants to use this "selling of fetuses body parts" issue as leverage to cause a major curtailment or a major shutdown of Planned Parenthood operations which they have wanted to do for decades and this is a foolish endeavor that has no hopes of succeeding for the reasons mentioned. All the Republican Party should just pursue the modest ambition of making it against the law to sell fetuses body parts so that at least the "good" will prevail here where America will not have an abortion system that at minimum gives the perception of promoting abortion by enabling abortion providers to generate revenue from the selling of body parts of aborted fetuses; the Republican Party should not use this issue to try to break the compromise that has been in existence for generations now on this issue! When one gets right down to it Governor Christie's statements on this issue demonstrate poor Presidential leadership skills. Any prudent national leader on this issue understands this a very emotional and sensitive issue in America, for example, just watch an hour of the debate in the House this past week on the legislation related to this issue, the Republican representatives were all getting up and essentially saying the Democrats are supporting here the taking of human life and the Democrat representatives were all getting up and saying that the Republicans want to take away women's rights over their own body. A prudent national leader wants to at least publicly recognize that both sides in their own minds in their own consciences see the issue differently and in a reasonable and moral manner and such a leader wants to not inflame passions but cool passions, Governor Christie did not do that here he was a partisan pandering for political points.

Governor Christie as a presidential candidate always had worrying political baggage. His record as a governor is not that good he hasn't even been able to pay the pension obligation compromise that he himself enacted into law he has nothing to brag about in regards to job and business creation in his state which is a high priority for the American voters. Then there is "bridgegate" even assuming Governor Christie had no foreknowledge of the bridge closing the Democrats will have a field day campaigning over this issue, there will be commercials scaring the American people about a Christie presidential administration claiming it will have a culture where its opponents will be penalized in regards to government services and funding, etc..
Governor Christie's performance on getting Hurricane Sandy money to New Jersey victims has been less than good in some areas if he cannot handle this little bureaucracy how is he going to handle the giant bureaucracy of the Federal government! These government operation shortcomings plus this pronounced political pandering quality of Governor Christie demonstrates clearly Chris Christie is not the best candidate or even in the running to be the best presidential candidate in 2016; Governor Christie why don't you follow in deed what you say in words when you say "you love America" and recognize now that there is better candidates in the current field than you and drop out of the race so these better candidates have an increased chance of getting the nomination!

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