Unfortunately, Liberal Keep Being Liberals


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
And per the title....that means not being Americans.

Seems to raise hackles when I point out that Liberalism is simply one more iteration of the totalitarian political persuasion.
And, yes, I do mean that Liberalism belongs in the same family with communism, socialism, Nazism, etc.

And no, I don't mean that Liberalism is about gulags and concentration camps, FDR's efforts toward the Japanese notwithstanding, because the American version is suffused through, and extenuated by, America's history.

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Jonah Goldberg

Modern Liberalism is not guided by such American concepts as unalienable rights.
Liberalism, and institutions pervaded by its tenets, accept the silencing of those with opposing views.

Yes, they do.
Most especially universities, the monasteries of Liberalism....as you will find below.

1. " Marquette Philosophy Instructor: “Gay Rights” Can’t Be Discussed in Class Since Any Disagreement Would Offend Gay Students

2. A student ... in a philosophy class (“Theory of Ethics”), and the instructor (one Cheryl Abbate) was attempting to apply a philosophical text to modern political controversies. ...She listed some issues on the board, and came to “gay rights.”

She then airily said that “everybody agrees on this, and there is no need to discuss it.”

3. The student, a conservative who disagrees with some of the gay lobby’s notions of “gay rights” (such as gay marriage).... told Abbate that if she dismisses an entire argument because of her personal views, that sets a terrible precedent for the class.

4. The student argued against gay marriage and gay adoption, ... Abbate made some plausible arguments to the student — pointing out that single people can adopt a child, so why not a gay couple? She even asked the student for research showing that children of gay parents do worse than children of straight, married parents. The student said he would provide it.

5. Abbate explained that “some opinions are not appropriate, such as racist opinions, sexist opinions” and then went on to ask “do you know if anyone in your class is homosexual?” And further “don’t you think it would be offensive to them” if some student raised his hand and challenged gay marriage?

The point being, apparently that any gay classmates should not be subjected to hearing any disagreement with their presumed policy views.

6. .... as the student said that it was his right as an American citizen to make arguments against gay marriage. Abbate replied that “you don’t have a right in this class to make homophobic comments.”

She further said she would “take offense” if the student said that women can’t serve in particular roles. And she added that somebody who is homosexual would experience similar offense if somebody opposed gay marriage in class.

She went on “In this class, homophobic comments, racist comments, will not be tolerated.”

She then invited the student to drop the class."
Marquette Warrior Marquette Philosophy Instructor Gay Rights Can t Be Discussed in Class Since Any Disagreement Would Offend Gay Students
The notion that liberals are not Americans is probably the most retarded idea I've heard in my entire life. Get a life, chickie.
You should just tell people straight out that you are part of one political team and you're just going to attack the other. You don't need to write loads of stuff, anyone who is going to try and prove you wrong doesn't need a long winded statement on such nonsense.

Save your long writing for when you actually have something that is worth saying.
I would simply state that comparing "liberalism" (whatever the hell that means) to totalarianism, does not make any sense, politically. Liberals are all about social freedom, this would never fly in a socialist government.

The far right (proponents of fiscal freedom) has a far more progovernment platform, despite efforts to convince us otherwise.
The notion that liberals are not Americans is probably the most retarded idea I've heard in my entire life. Get a life, chickie.

Comments about everything except the point: Liberals are out to prevent any discussion or debate about their dictums.
Afraid to draw the obvious conclusion that Liberals like nothing better than censoring opposing views.....and no where is this less appropriate than in universities???
What's happened to the classical conservatives that believed in "live and let live"? The Republican party has purged itself of them for the teabagging crowd of bluenoses.

Comments about everything except the point: Liberals are out to prevent any discussion or debate about their dictums.
Afraid to draw the obvious conclusion that Liberals like nothing better than censoring opposing views.....and no where is this less appropriate than in universities???
You should just tell people straight out that you are part of one political team and you're just going to attack the other. You don't need to write loads of stuff, anyone who is going to try and prove you wrong doesn't need a long winded statement on such nonsense.

Save your long writing for when you actually have something that is worth saying.

Comments about everything except the point: Liberals are out to prevent any discussion or debate about their dictums.
Afraid to draw the obvious conclusion that Liberals like nothing better than censoring opposing views.....and no where is this less appropriate than in universities???
I would simply state that comparing "liberalism" (whatever the hell that means) to totalarianism, does not make any sense, politically. Liberals are all about social freedom, this would never fly in a socialist government.

The far right (proponents of fiscal freedom) has a far more progovernment platform, despite efforts to convince us otherwise.

Comments about everything except the point: Liberals are out to prevent any discussion or debate about their dictums.
Afraid to draw the obvious conclusion that Liberals like nothing better than censoring opposing views.....and no where is this less appropriate than in universities???
The notion that liberals are not Americans is probably the most retarded idea I've heard in my entire life. Get a life, chickie.
yeah PoliticalSpice :tinfoil: SERIOUSLY!!! :eusa_hand:

simple question for PoliticalSpice: You ever serve? when,where?

Comments about everything except the point: Liberals are out to prevent any discussion or debate about their dictums.
Afraid to draw the obvious conclusion that Liberals like nothing better than censoring opposing views.....and no where is this less appropriate than in universities???
I would simply state that comparing "liberalism" (whatever the hell that means) to totalarianism, does not make any sense, politically. Liberals are all about social freedom, this would never fly in a socialist government.

The far right (proponents of fiscal freedom) has a far more progovernment platform, despite efforts to convince us otherwise.
Psychical freedoms? ..Like loosing your employment for disagreeing with gay marriage? Loosing your business for refusing to do work for gay "weddings" Totalitarians want to stifle dessent which is want liberals want. They wanna shut you up and destroy you if you disagree with their views
Jonah Goldberg tells us he wrote this book to get even. The liberals started it by “insist[ing] that conservatism has connections with fascism” (p. 22). Conservatives “sit dumbfounded by the nastiness of the slander” (p. 1). “The left wields the term fascism like a cudgel” (p. 3). So Jonah Goldberg has decided it is time to turn the tables and show that “the liberal closet has its own skeletons” (p. 22). After years of being “called a fascist and a Nazi by smug, liberal know-nothings” he decides that “responding to this slander is a point of personal privilege” (p. 392).

Feeling oneself a victim is wonderfully liberating. Anything goes. So Jonah Goldberg pulls out all the stops to show that fascism “is not a phenomenon of the right at all. It is, and always has been, a phenomenon of the left” (p. 7). The reader perceives at once that Goldberg likes to put things into rigid boxes: right and left, conservative and liberal, fascist and non-fascist. He doesn’t leave room for such complexities as convergences, middle grounds, or evolution over time. Thus Father Coughlin was always a man of the left, and so was Mussolini (Giacomo Matteotti or the Rosselli brothers, leaders of the Italian left whom Mussolini had assassinated, would have been scandalized by this view). The very mention of a “Third Way” puts one instantly into the fascist box.

That’s too bad, because there really is a subject here. Fascism – a political latecomer that adapted anti-socialism to a mass electorate, using means that often owed nothing to conservatism – drew on both right and left, and tried to transcend that bitter division in a purified, invigorated, expansionist national community. A sensitive analysis of what fascism drew from all quarters of the political spectrum would be a valuable project. It is not Jonah Goldberg’s project.

The bottom line is that Goldberg wants to attach a defaming epithet to liberals and the left, to “put the brown shirt on [your] opponents,” as he accuses the liberals of doing (p. 392). He goes about this task with a massive apparatus of scholarly citations and quotations. But Goldberg’s scholarship is not an even-handed search for understanding, following the best evidence fully and open-mindedly wherever it might lead. He chooses his scholarly data selectively and sometimes misleadingly in the service of his demonstration.

- See more at: History News Network The Scholarly Flaws of Liberal Fascism
The notion that liberals are not Americans is probably the most retarded idea I've heard in my entire life. Get a life, chickie.
yeah PoliticalSpice :tinfoil: SERIOUSLY!!! :eusa_hand:

simple question for PoliticalSpice: You ever serve? when,where?

Comments about everything except the point: Liberals are out to prevent any discussion or debate about their dictums.
Afraid to draw the obvious conclusion that Liberals like nothing better than censoring opposing views.....and no where is this less appropriate than in universities???

I commented on your thread, what more do you want?

You want me to agree? Sorry, I will not, you are wrong.

Can I have some eggs with that spam?

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