Ungrateful canada arrests American for Being Pro-Life.

Gays and lesbians are born, not converted, thus persecuting them for their sexual persuasion is like protesting people because they are born with brown or blue eyes. You get what DNA gives you. As for abortions, if it's legal in another country, it's none of Americans business.
Most of what I see of abortion clinic picketers are a bunch of old men and right-wing religious nuts.
Everybody is born. Then we make choices. Regretfully, gays made a poor choice.

As for abortion...the anti-abortion leader in that event was canadian.

Hey Nutz, if you came to a point in your life one day that you had had to make a conscious decision between being gay or being straight, then I have bad news for you. You're gay.
A person doesn't choose to bend over a let another guy stick a cock up his ass. You are telling me gays have no self control.

Homophobes love to talk about cocks in the ass. It's funny they also spend a TON of time and energy thinking about gay people too.

I think every day nutz has to try his best to choose to be straight that day. :rofl:
Oh yea, they do.:rolleyes:
American pro-family activist LaBarbera arrested in Canada News LifeSite

All this man was doing was practicing his right to free speech to spread the good news about family values on a college campus. The ungrateful, American hating canadians arrested him! WTF...we are the ones that introduced Freedom of Speech to these assholes! We are the only reason canada isn't a 3rd world nation...and these ungrateful bastards arrest our citizens for spreading a positive message.


What right does this middle aged, overweight old man have to march onto a University campus and spread his crap? He is a stupid Yank who has no right to barge into another country and spread his beliefs. Keep the fuck out.
American pro-family activist LaBarbera arrested in Canada News LifeSite

All this man was doing was practicing his right to free speech to spread the good news about family values on a college campus. The ungrateful, American hating canadians arrested him! WTF...we are the ones that introduced Freedom of Speech to these assholes! We are the only reason canada isn't a 3rd world nation...and these ungrateful bastards arrest our citizens for spreading a positive message.


What right does this middle aged, overweight old man have to march onto a University campus and spread his crap? He is a stupid Yank who has no right to barge into another country and spread his beliefs. Keep the fuck out.
The Right has the idea that everyone, worldwide, should do it their way.
American pro-family activist LaBarbera arrested in Canada News LifeSite

All this man was doing was practicing his right to free speech to spread the good news about family values on a college campus. The ungrateful, American hating canadians arrested him! WTF...we are the ones that introduced Freedom of Speech to these assholes! We are the only reason canada isn't a 3rd world nation...and these ungrateful bastards arrest our citizens for spreading a positive message.


What right does this middle aged, overweight old man have to march onto a University campus and spread his crap? He is a stupid Yank who has no right to barge into another country and spread his beliefs. Keep the fuck out.
Isn't the purpose of higher education to explore a number of different beliefs and ideals?
Let the Canadians explore their own beliefs, and have the beliefs of Americans force upon them.
Let the Canadians explore their own beliefs, and have the beliefs of Americans force upon them.
canadians have NEVER been able to do anything on their own...hell, the UK had to tell them to declare independence. canucks are leeches and followers...we have to show them the right way....this is the only reason they are not a third world nation. If we didn't teach them about positive family values---they would be a Mexico to the North.
Regardless of what me may feel, Americans have no right going to other nations criticizing the culture there. Free speech isn't absolute in Canada, just as free speech isn't absolute here in the United States.

But it's okay when assholes come to America to criticize our Constitutional Republic. Right?

Canada doesn't allow for the same rights to free speech that we do. I'm not agreeing with them, but when you enter another country you follow their laws.
He wasn't criticizing their culture, he was spreading the truth about traditional family values. Are you telling me homosexuality and baby killers are 'canadian culture'?

D'ya know who else didn't like gays or contraception? I'll give u a hint; he was Austrian.
I don't mind gays...they are harmless. I don't like them forcing their lifestyle on people and I don't like them trying to redefine traditinoal family values.

I have never heard a right winger explain to me when "traditional family values" has ever existed. Are we talking about the traditional family values that allowed for polygamy? Arranged marriages? Forced marriages? What about the modern traditional values that have led to 75% of all married couples getting divorced?

"Traditional family values" change from culture to culture, generation to generation. They are a myth.
Let the Canadians explore their own beliefs, and have the beliefs of Americans force upon them.

Who needs Canada anyways. We should be forcing our beliefs on Australia instead. With your... dingos... and such.
What most union educated Americans fail to realize is that the United States of America is the only Country in the world that has a Constitutionally guaranteed Bill of Rights including free speech, freedom of religion and other restrictions on federal control. Canada might be a friendly nation but it ain't the US and people are foolish if they think the "right to free speech" is guaranteed in a foreign country.
A canadian arresting an American for spreading the truth is an act of war.
A canadian arresting an American for spreading the truth is an act of war.

Your OP begins with a falsehood. Canadians don't enjoy the same levels of free speech that we do, so therefor he can't exercise what he doesn't have. He broke a law in their country. It's not an act of war.
A canadian arresting an American for spreading the truth is an act of war.

Your OP begins with a falsehood. Canadians don't enjoy the same levels of free speech that we do, so therefor he can't exercise what he doesn't have. He broke a law in their country. It's not an act of war.
We cannot allow the canadian heathens to arrest American citizens for preaching the good Word!
A canadian arresting an American for spreading the truth is an act of war.

Your OP begins with a falsehood. Canadians don't enjoy the same levels of free speech that we do, so therefor he can't exercise what he doesn't have. He broke a law in their country. It's not an act of war.
We cannot allow the canadian heathens to arrest American citizens for preaching the good Word!

Here's another reason for you to hate Canada. They won't allow fox to broadcast there because fox lies too much. I'm sure they probably don't like you either.
American pro-family activist LaBarbera arrested in Canada News LifeSite

All this man was doing was practicing his right to free speech to spread the good news about family values on a college campus. The ungrateful, American hating canadians arrested him! WTF...we are the ones that introduced Freedom of Speech to these assholes! We are the only reason canada isn't a 3rd world nation...and these ungrateful bastards arrest our citizens for spreading a positive message.


What right does this middle aged, overweight old man have to march onto a University campus and spread his crap? He is a stupid Yank who has no right to barge into another country and spread his beliefs. Keep the fuck out.
And yet HERE you are spreading your crap about America. Hypocrite much?

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