Ungrateful canada arrests American for Being Pro-Life.

A canadian arresting an American for spreading the truth is an act of war.

Your OP begins with a falsehood. Canadians don't enjoy the same levels of free speech that we do, so therefor he can't exercise what he doesn't have. He broke a law in their country. It's not an act of war.
We cannot allow the canadian heathens to arrest American citizens for preaching the good Word!

Here's another reason for you to hate Canada. They won't allow fox to broadcast there because fox lies too much. I'm sure they probably don't like you either.
That is a lie
One can watch FNC everywhere in Canada.

Fox cannot be broadcast on Canadian airways, but can sneak past that rule by transmitting via satellite. Canada requires a certain amount of honesty for the airways they control. Fox just doesn't meet that standard. What kind of idiot would want to watch that crap though?
Imagine what the Canadians might get if they tuned in to MSNBC or the left's favorite source of political analysis, Colbert or Stewart of the comedy channel.

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