Unintended consequences of Trump's war on the post office: veterans not getting their medicines on time

The salon and massage industry is on strike in California even today--against restrictive orders to not be allowed to reopen. The health and sanitation protocols, methods, and arrangements have been showcased statewide.

Redemption happens, even in the last century, too! The suicidal victim missed that chance, if any there was.

"Crow< James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(No one makes apology for this, comparing: Matt 25: 14-30--people even pray for it!)
The Illiteracy of the Trumped-Up voter fraud contentions are shown in the more recent of the illiterate posts of Admiral Rockwell Tory poster!
When Hillary won in 2016, she had 65,853,516 votes to the Trumped-Up 62,984,825 votes. The total is 128,838,341--just of those votes, and not of minor candidates or other votes. Some of those might be thought fraudulent--but 200 million of them there are not.

The 800 dead votes are about 6 ten thousandths of one percent of all the votes cast. The Republican Senate Committee has concluded that Paul Manaforte posed a serious security risk in the 2016 election. There is not a contention of other voter fraud.

There are no numbers to support any such contention.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This shit was blatant, by comparison!)
The Illiteracy of the Trumped-Up voter fraud contentions are shown in the more recent of the illiterate posts of Admiral Rockwell Tory poster!
When Hillary won in 2016, she had 65,853,516 votes to the Trumped-Up 62,984,825 votes. The total is 128,838,341--just of those votes, and not of minor candidates or other votes. Some of those might be thought fraudulent--but 200 million of them there are not.

The 800 dead votes are about 6 ten thousandths of one percent of all the votes cast. The Republican Senate Committee has concluded that Paul Manaforte posed a serious security risk in the 2016 election. There is not a contention of other voter fraud.

There are no numbers to support any such contention.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This shit was blatant, by comparison!)
Those were in the primary using mail-in ballots in Michigan, dumbass. I seem to recall a presidential election coming down to hundreds of votes. Ring a bell?
A lot of veterans receive their medicine via the post office. When Trump and his USPS chief buddy delayed mail in order to slow down mail ballots, they didn't think about the consequences.
Everything gets delayed and even many of good supporters will end up affected and pissed off:
Policy changes that slow delivery at the U.S. Postal Service are taking a toll on military veterans, who are reporting much longer wait times to receive mail-order prescription drugs, according to Democratic senators.

In a letter Friday, the 31 senators take aim at new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a GOP fundraiser who took the post in June and has since imposed several operational changes that have led to mail backlogs across the United States. His cost-cutting measures have come as President Donald Trump rails against increases in mail-in voting and says he may hold up postal funding to impede the balloting in November.

You're reaching now.....

That's all this poster PEEEEEPEEETRO ever does. 100% of his posts are anti Trump Tirades = paid hack.

You have egg on your face as the postmaster changes course.
Illiterate and ignorant Admiral Rockwell Tory poster fails to contend that Mail-In ballots are sent to addresses, a usual verification of voter registration and eligibility. Los Angeles County has made two mailers so far this summer--verifying addresses and screening out people deceased.
(1) There is far greater probability of a living and verifiable registrant than ever before.
(2) The return of the actual ballot will require a signature. That can be compared to the signature of the registration. "X" is less likely to work.
(3) Then there is the "Atrocity" mistake--Admiral Rockwell Tory poster has it in for people's genitalia, especially of the persons in the command being sent into harm's way. Back they don't come, "It is what it is:" All over again. Admiral Rockwell Tory poster had an intent--in any command.
(4) The person registering to vote--had that intent to vote. The capability may have been limited--more likely giving the ballot away for someone else to drop-off or deposit at a polling place.
(5) The Mail-In maximizes the probability that the registrant will actually take a signed and properly completed ballot to a drop-off or mailbox.
(6) That option had not before been available.

There is no basis in infer massive fraud.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This option was a con: Matt 25: 14-30!)

So that is why over 800 voters in Michigan turned up as being dead!
That was debunked the minute it was spread on social media. The voters were alive when they cast the votes, Dmitri.
Why were mailboxes being picked up? How dang dumb is that? Wow dumber than dumb.

Mail collection boxes are practically as American as apple pie. They also seem to be disappearing as quickly as mom’s homemade apple pie.

Nationally, the number of collection boxes declined by more than 12,000 in the past 5 years. Some customers have complained the U.S. Postal Service has gone too far and removed too many collection boxes in neighborhoods. They’ve also questioned whether this effort is saving USPS money in the long run.

It’s a tough balancing act for the Postal Service. Some collection boxes are barely used and are expensive to maintain. On the other hand, mail collection boxes are a visible representation of the Postal Service to the American public, and their disappearance has been noted. They also are reliable, secure, and convenient receptacles for mail.

As part of its efforts to keep its collection infrastructure proportionate to customers’ needs at a reasonable cost, the Postal Service has eliminated underused collection boxes that on average receive fewer than 25 pieces a day; it has also added collection boxes where they are convenient for customers.

Our recent audit report looked at the Postal Service’s collection box removal process in the Eastern Area and found that it was not effective. While the area and its 10 districts have procedures for removing and relocating collection boxes, they were not consistently followed.

We recommended management require each district to periodically evaluate whether to relocate or remove underused collection boxes included in the annual density test that determines the average volume of mail collected. We also recommended the Postal Service maintain supporting documentation on its removal and relocation decisions, and establish a process to monitor out-of-service collection boxes.

How close is your nearest collection box? Do you have a collection box in your neighborhood? Do you use it regularly?

So there are 330,000 supposed to be receiving benefits. Illiterate protectionist poster can only verify one receiving anything on time!

Only1 can be verified! Only 1 can be verified. Only One can be verified, and that is the point of the Congressional inquiry!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(In this story here, One finally gets cast into Outer Darkness--but at least one more is next!)
Illiterate poster mascale can't comprehend that as one person experiences something from govt, that same experience is likely to be the same among thousands more.

It's like when I mention notifying companies who support Black Lives Matter about boycotting them, and some genius remarks that the companies are sure going to miss my purchases. Do they really not know that for every one letter sent, there are thousands more who think/do the same thing, but they don't write ? :biggrin:
The History was of subjugation, now exposed--worldwide protested. Subjugation is not now widely being celebrated, anymore! Denigrated Family names: The one Trumped-up and Pence. Relatively redeemed is the Clinton name--having told you so at the time.

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20 is generally thought far less than a redemptive history!)
How it the serial killer Clinton name redeemed ? Families of their dead victims are asking.
The Illiteracy of the Trumped-Up voter fraud contentions are shown in the more recent of the illiterate posts of Admiral Rockwell Tory poster!
When Hillary won in 2016, she had 65,853,516 votes to the Trumped-Up 62,984,825 votes. The total is 128,838,341--just of those votes, and not of minor candidates or other votes. Some of those might be thought fraudulent--but 200 million of them there are not.

The 800 dead votes are about 6 ten thousandths of one percent of all the votes cast. The Republican Senate Committee has concluded that Paul Manaforte posed a serious security risk in the 2016 election. There is not a contention of other voter fraud.

There are no numbers to support any such contention.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This shit was blatant, by comparison!)
And of 30-40 million illegal aliens in the US + Millions more in Mexico alone (already deported), how many of these "might be thought fraudulent" ?

Things to consider >>

1. There is nothing to stop Millions of illegal aliens from voting, including millions more in foreign countries.

2. Illegal aliens in the US have a strong motive to vote, since Democrats are much on their side, and Trump is on the side of deporting them.

3. Voter registration applications have been sent to illegal aliens from Democrats, with the box for citizenship already checked “Yes”. Thousands of these were sent in just Texas alone.
No links from the illiterate poster, protectionist, about the 7 bil. potential illegal immigrants worldwide(?), the serial killer, Admiral Rockwell Tory poster--right wing militia uniformed about it, and differences of behavioral perceptions of Equal Protection Under Law(?)!

USPS Back Down! The support for the protest against the USPS is public record, comparing!


"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Stimulus One Countered Matt 25: 14-30, even--inclusive of lowest income neighborhoods--recently spending up to July!)
Illiterate and ignorant Admiral Rockwell Tory poster fails to contend that Mail-In ballots are sent to addresses, a usual verification of voter registration and eligibility. Los Angeles County has made two mailers so far this summer--verifying addresses and screening out people deceased.
(1) There is far greater probability of a living and verifiable registrant than ever before.
(2) The return of the actual ballot will require a signature. That can be compared to the signature of the registration. "X" is less likely to work.
(3) Then there is the "Atrocity" mistake--Admiral Rockwell Tory poster has it in for people's genitalia, especially of the persons in the command being sent into harm's way. Back they don't come, "It is what it is:" All over again. Admiral Rockwell Tory poster had an intent--in any command.
(4) The person registering to vote--had that intent to vote. The capability may have been limited--more likely giving the ballot away for someone else to drop-off or deposit at a polling place.
(5) The Mail-In maximizes the probability that the registrant will actually take a signed and properly completed ballot to a drop-off or mailbox.
(6) That option had not before been available.

There is no basis in infer massive fraud.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This option was a con: Matt 25: 14-30!)

So that is why over 800 voters in Michigan turned up as being dead!
That was debunked the minute it was spread on social media. The voters were alive when they cast the votes, Dmitri.
BS! 800 people don't suddenly dies in that short of a time span. That's dog won't hunt!
No links from the illiterate poster, protectionist, about the 7 bil. potential illegal immigrants worldwide(?), the serial killer, Admiral Rockwell Tory poster--right wing militia uniformed about it, and differences of behavioral perceptions of Equal Protection Under Law(?)!

USPS Back Down! The support for the protest against the USPS is public record, comparing!


"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Stimulus One Countered Matt 25: 14-30, even--inclusive of lowest income neighborhoods--recently spending up to July!)
When you learn how to read and write American English, perhaps you will warrant having a response to your erratic scribblings.
A lot of veterans receive their medicine via the post office. When Trump and his USPS chief buddy delayed mail in order to slow down mail ballots, they didn't think about the consequences.
Everything gets delayed and even many of good supporters will end up affected and pissed off:
Policy changes that slow delivery at the U.S. Postal Service are taking a toll on military veterans, who are reporting much longer wait times to receive mail-order prescription drugs, according to Democratic senators.

In a letter Friday, the 31 senators take aim at new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a GOP fundraiser who took the post in June and has since imposed several operational changes that have led to mail backlogs across the United States. His cost-cutting measures have come as President Donald Trump rails against increases in mail-in voting and says he may hold up postal funding to impede the balloting in November.

Not true - I'm getting mine.

A lot of veterans receive their medicine via the post office. When Trump and his USPS chief buddy delayed mail in order to slow down mail ballots, they didn't think about the consequences.
Everything gets delayed and even many of good supporters will end up affected and pissed off:
Policy changes that slow delivery at the U.S. Postal Service are taking a toll on military veterans, who are reporting much longer wait times to receive mail-order prescription drugs, according to Democratic senators.

In a letter Friday, the 31 senators take aim at new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a GOP fundraiser who took the post in June and has since imposed several operational changes that have led to mail backlogs across the United States. His cost-cutting measures have come as President Donald Trump rails against increases in mail-in voting and says he may hold up postal funding to impede the balloting in November.
It is not that they did not think. They just did not care. US mail may have been around as a part of government since the beginning, but I do I think they would rather private carriers were more favored and of course, screwing up elections by keeping people from voting is something all republicans are about these days. Trump says republicans cannot win if people are allowed to vote. Trump has requested his mail-in voting ballot, so either it is pretty good or he doesn't care about any election but his own, and that would not surprise me either.
You and most libtards do not know the difference in absentee ballots and main-in ballots. I support absentee ballots, as does Trump. We oppose mail-in ballots.
Who cares? Tell me about the "main-in ballots", admiral intellect.
Mail-in ballots are shotgunned out to every registered voted, ,whether they intend to vote of not. That leads to massive potential for fraud. Clear enough?
Not sure you have it correct.
Mail-in ballot – Any qualified voter may apply for a mail-in ballot. You may simply request this ballot without a reason.
Absentee ballot – If you plan to be out of the municipality on election day or if you have a disability or illness, you should request this ballot type, which still requires you to list a reason for your ballot.

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