Unintended consequences of Trump's war on the post office: veterans not getting their medicines on time

A lot of veterans receive their medicine via the post office. When Trump and his USPS chief buddy delayed mail in order to slow down mail ballots, they didn't think about the consequences.
Everything gets delayed and even many of good supporters will end up affected and pissed off:
Policy changes that slow delivery at the U.S. Postal Service are taking a toll on military veterans, who are reporting much longer wait times to receive mail-order prescription drugs, according to Democratic senators.

In a letter Friday, the 31 senators take aim at new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a GOP fundraiser who took the post in June and has since imposed several operational changes that have led to mail backlogs across the United States. His cost-cutting measures have come as President Donald Trump rails against increases in mail-in voting and says he may hold up postal funding to impede the balloting in November.

One small problem.

The postmaster general has stated no changes will take place prior to the election.

Take your fear mongering of old people elsewhere.
A lot of veterans receive their medicine via the post office.
What were these Democrat V.A. doctors thinking when they thought it was okay to leave our veterans dependent on drugs that are supposed to come in the mail? Not to mention our dear postal workers don't want to be arrested in possession of the aforementioned drugs.

Not everything that's legal at the V.A. is legal with the DEA and the USPIS through the post office. The V.A. is completely separate law enforcement jurisdiction, a red-light district unto itself.

All this medical "insurance" coverage, but the drug packages themselves are not insured when shipped in the mail, and if someone's drugs are repeatedly stolen in the mail, the victim comes off as an addict, and cops are all on the dealer's side, when a bad batch of meds hits the streets.
A lot of veterans receive their medicine via the post office. When Trump and his USPS chief buddy delayed mail in order to slow down mail ballots, they didn't think about the consequences.
Everything gets delayed and even many of good supporters will end up affected and pissed off:
Policy changes that slow delivery at the U.S. Postal Service are taking a toll on military veterans, who are reporting much longer wait times to receive mail-order prescription drugs, according to Democratic senators.

In a letter Friday, the 31 senators take aim at new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a GOP fundraiser who took the post in June and has since imposed several operational changes that have led to mail backlogs across the United States. His cost-cutting measures have come as President Donald Trump rails against increases in mail-in voting and says he may hold up postal funding to impede the balloting in November.
It is not that they did not think. They just did not care. US mail may have been around as a part of government since the beginning, but I do I think they would rather private carriers were more favored and of course, screwing up elections by keeping people from voting is something all republicans are about these days. Trump says republicans cannot win if people are allowed to vote. Trump has requested his mail-in voting ballot, so either it is pretty good or he doesn't care about any election but his own, and that would not surprise me either.
You and most libtards do not know the difference in absentee ballots and main-in ballots. I support absentee ballots, as does Trump. We oppose mail-in ballots.
Who cares? Tell me about the "main-in ballots", admiral intellect.
Mail-in ballots are shotgunned out to every registered voted, ,whether they intend to vote of not. That leads to massive potential for fraud. Clear enough?
Not sure you have it correct.
Mail-in ballot – Any qualified voter may apply for a mail-in ballot. You may simply request this ballot without a reason.
Absentee ballot – If you plan to be out of the municipality on election day or if you have a disability or illness, you should request this ballot type, which still requires you to list a reason for your ballot.
That is PA. Mail- in ballots are mailed to voters whether they request them or not.
A lot of veterans receive their medicine via the post office. When Trump and his USPS chief buddy delayed mail in order to slow down mail ballots, they didn't think about the consequences.
Everything gets delayed and even many of good supporters will end up affected and pissed off:
Policy changes that slow delivery at the U.S. Postal Service are taking a toll on military veterans, who are reporting much longer wait times to receive mail-order prescription drugs, according to Democratic senators.

In a letter Friday, the 31 senators take aim at new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a GOP fundraiser who took the post in June and has since imposed several operational changes that have led to mail backlogs across the United States. His cost-cutting measures have come as President Donald Trump rails against increases in mail-in voting and says he may hold up postal funding to impede the balloting in November.

You're reaching now.....
Are you saying it's not true that veterans are getting their mail late?
The new man in charge of the historically poorly run PO has been on the job for five minutes! So the minute he took charge the VETs stopped receiving their MEDS? If it wasn't for President Trump the VETS wouldn't be getting any MEDS.
A lot of veterans receive their medicine via the post office. When Trump and his USPS chief buddy delayed mail in order to slow down mail ballots, they didn't think about the consequences.
Everything gets delayed and even many of good supporters will end up affected and pissed off:
Policy changes that slow delivery at the U.S. Postal Service are taking a toll on military veterans, who are reporting much longer wait times to receive mail-order prescription drugs, according to Democratic senators.

In a letter Friday, the 31 senators take aim at new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a GOP fundraiser who took the post in June and has since imposed several operational changes that have led to mail backlogs across the United States. His cost-cutting measures have come as President Donald Trump rails against increases in mail-in voting and says he may hold up postal funding to impede the balloting in November.

How do you know it was unintended?

The postmaster general knows that our vets get their medications through the mail. He also knows that millions of other Americans get their medications through the mail.

I don't believe this is an unintended consequence.
So the new PMG knows he is screwing the VETs and 'millions' of other people who need their MEDs? So he can make sure these people don't vote for Trump? You are in need of mental help pal.
The post office changes being made have been in the works for 10 years...you libs are being misled big time....

Sure removing sorting machines in major post offices have been in the works, you are so full of shit.
More than 3 years? Doubt it. Seems like removing automated sorting machines would slow down the process and make it more labor intensive. Every place I have ever worked we added automation to speed things up, increase process accuracy, reduce defects and increase production. It was always worth the money. It also reduced employee medical costs, due to repetitive motion injuries such as carpal tunnel.
The PO is NOT removing sorting machines! They are changing out old sorting machines and installing new ones.
Did not even know the Communist party was working on a stimulus bill. Pretty sure the Democrats control the House of Representatives and the Republicans control the Senate. I didn't even know there were communists elected to office. Are you sure you are not just over stimulated? Maybe you are in the wrong country.
Democrats = Communists. Period. And no, they are NOT working on a stimulus bill. They are working to STOP any stimulus bill from being enacted, so that the economy can stay bad, at least up until the November election.

Democrats couldn't care less about people starving or being evicted. They have one goal - POWER.
In communist countries, citizens are given a place to live by the state. So being evicted is impossible.
The Communist leaders AKA multimillionaires also tell the residence of the 'free housing' how many hours of electricity they get and how many loaves of bread they are allowed to buy.
...I suspect it won't do that. Democrats will have engaged in so much cheating, that we may be months unravelling the mess. We'll probably never know how many of their illegal aliens will have voted.
1. One way or another... the Electoral College will cast its vote on December 14, 2020.

2. If the Electoral College is deadlocked then the US House of Representatives will choose the next President and Vice President.

The winner of (1-2) above will be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

If it's the Orange Baboon-God, then he's our next President.

If it's Sleepy Old Uncle Joe, then he's our next President.

Either way, the process will be strictly observed.

If Uncle Joe gets the nod, and your boy refuses to step aside, he will be removed both legally and physically by forces of the US Government itself.

Members of US law enforcement and our military swear an oath to the Constitution, not a person.

Thanks be to God.
If Trump loses the election this will be his reaction: "Fuck it Donny. Let's go bowling".
The fucking LIBs in the media have been saying for years Trump isn't really interested in the job and he's "lazy and stupid" right?
A lot of veterans receive their medicine via the post office. When Trump and his USPS chief buddy delayed mail in order to slow down mail ballots, they didn't think about the consequences.
Everything gets delayed and even many of good supporters will end up affected and pissed off:
Policy changes that slow delivery at the U.S. Postal Service are taking a toll on military veterans, who are reporting much longer wait times to receive mail-order prescription drugs, according to Democratic senators.

In a letter Friday, the 31 senators take aim at new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a GOP fundraiser who took the post in June and has since imposed several operational changes that have led to mail backlogs across the United States. His cost-cutting measures have come as President Donald Trump rails against increases in mail-in voting and says he may hold up postal funding to impede the balloting in November.

I see you excel in spreading horseshit.

10-4 this!
We have 838 homes in my Del Webb retirement community, with many veterans.
Not one is complaining and I speak with them constantly at the Clubhouse.

True story.
Your are lying about speaking to those veterans, and you don't say how many of them get medicine by mail.

My husband spent 21 years in the Corp----needless to say we get our meds from the military's EXPRESS SCRIPT mail order pharmacy and have for years----------the Orginal poster was lying. My husband is still getting all 7 of his meds while I still get all of mine (2) as well excluding the vitamins that I cancelled. If there is any issue with meds getting to anyone---it isn't the post office---it may be a supply chain issue like toilet paper since most of the US meds are manufactured overseas by China and India and China is playing games with medical supplies.

It should be noted one of the things that I love love about Trump is that he is bringing back medicine manufacturing to the US-----which will help prevent future supply chain issues and maybe lower drug costs as it will eventually be easier for US companies to arrange manufacturing of drugs whose patent has ran out especially as trump is likely to push patent expirations to allow this. This also will create many jobs in the US while taking away jobs from China.
You have egg on your face:
So fucking what?
He said his meds have been delayed before. Was that Trump's fault too? His daughter got him his MEDS locally.
One man who had a problem with a fucking incompetent PO run by a bunch of low IQ half-wits.
The post office changes being made have been in the works for 10 years...you libs are being misled big time....

Sure removing sorting machines in major post offices have been in the works, you are so full of shit.
More than 3 years? Doubt it. Seems like removing automated sorting machines would slow down the process and make it more labor intensive. Every place I have ever worked we added automation to speed things up, increase process accuracy, reduce defects and increase production. It was always worth the money. It also reduced employee medical costs, due to repetitive motion injuries such as carpal tunnel.
The PO is NOT removing sorting machines! They are changing out old sorting machines and installing new ones.
Glad to hear it. Hope you are right. I like USPS.
A lot of veterans receive their medicine via the post office. When Trump and his USPS chief buddy delayed mail in order to slow down mail ballots, they didn't think about the consequences.
Everything gets delayed and even many of good supporters will end up affected and pissed off:
Policy changes that slow delivery at the U.S. Postal Service are taking a toll on military veterans, who are reporting much longer wait times to receive mail-order prescription drugs, according to Democratic senators.

In a letter Friday, the 31 senators take aim at new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a GOP fundraiser who took the post in June and has since imposed several operational changes that have led to mail backlogs across the United States. His cost-cutting measures have come as President Donald Trump rails against increases in mail-in voting and says he may hold up postal funding to impede the balloting in November.
so the PO is inept!!! wow, who'd have figured that.
The post office changes being made have been in the works for 10 years...you libs are being misled big time....

Sure removing sorting machines in major post offices have been in the works, you are so full of shit.
More than 3 years? Doubt it. Seems like removing automated sorting machines would slow down the process and make it more labor intensive. Every place I have ever worked we added automation to speed things up, increase process accuracy, reduce defects and increase production. It was always worth the money. It also reduced employee medical costs, due to repetitive motion injuries such as carpal tunnel.
The PO is NOT removing sorting machines! They are changing out old sorting machines and installing new ones.
Glad to hear it. Hope you are right. I like USPS.
you like them? what the fk does that mean?
I like my friends, I invite them over from time to time.
got an affair with them?
The post office changes being made have been in the works for 10 years...you libs are being misled big time....

Sure removing sorting machines in major post offices have been in the works, you are so full of shit.
More than 3 years? Doubt it. Seems like removing automated sorting machines would slow down the process and make it more labor intensive. Every place I have ever worked we added automation to speed things up, increase process accuracy, reduce defects and increase production. It was always worth the money. It also reduced employee medical costs, due to repetitive motion injuries such as carpal tunnel.
The PO is NOT removing sorting machines! They are changing out old sorting machines and installing new ones.

You guys should get your stories straight because the Postmaster General said yesterday the ones that were removed would not be put back or replaced but he would stop removing them for now.
Did not even know the Communist party was working on a stimulus bill. Pretty sure the Democrats control the House of Representatives and the Republicans control the Senate. I didn't even know there were communists elected to office. Are you sure you are not just over stimulated? Maybe you are in the wrong country.
Democrats = Communists. Period. And no, they are NOT working on a stimulus bill. They are working to STOP any stimulus bill from being enacted, so that the economy can stay bad, at least up until the November election.

Democrats couldn't care less about people starving or being evicted. They have one goal - POWER.
In communist countries, citizens are given a place to live by the state. So being evicted is impossible.
The Communist leaders AKA multimillionaires also tell the residence of the 'free housing' how many hours of electricity they get and how many loaves of bread they are allowed to buy.
Pretty important, you don't vote for the guy currently leading us to a strongman central government use of DHS and FEMA control, isn't it? The guy we got now likes dictators and to my memory has never spoke ill of one.
Pretty important, you don't vote for the guy currently leading us to a strongman central government use of DHS and FEMA control, isn't it? The guy we got now likes dictators and to my memory has never spoke ill of one.
Trump isn't "leading us to a strongman central government use of DHS and FEMA control" These are the people who are doing that >>>

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