Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control.....

Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

There's a thread somewhere else on this board discussing whether exposing the brain to magnetism can "cure" religion.

Which raises the question: If the entire country is insane, isn't that the perfect argument for UHC?

Well done!
I heard that also, I think it came out of England, and since I have extensive knowledge about magnets, magnetism, and electronics, I could pretty much sum up that finding. You have to put a large NEGATIVE charge into the magnets to get liberal brains to cure religion(does that get rid of the Global Warming zelots also?) Or would it multiply exponentially the fanaticism of Global Warming to the point that the morons would LIE every chance they got? Looks like the left has already used the magnets , just look at Obama and his War on Climate Change. Grey Matter is used regularly in Conservatives, but Liberal's have grey matter that is like brand new, never been used, and never will be.
Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

There's a thread somewhere else on this board discussing whether exposing the brain to magnetism can "cure" religion.

Which raises the question: If the entire country is insane, isn't that the perfect argument for UHC?

Well done!
I heard that also, I think it came out of England, and since I have extensive knowledge about magnets, magnetism, and electronics, I could pretty much sum up that finding. You have to put a large NEGATIVE charge into the magnets to get liberal brains to cure religion(does that get rid of the Global Warming zelots also?) Or would it multiply exponentially the fanaticism of Global Warming to the point that the morons would LIE every chance they got? Looks like the left has already used the magnets , just look at Obama and his War on Climate Change. Grey Matter is used regularly in Conservatives, but Liberal's have grey matter that is like brand new, never been used, and never will be.
Okay, that was well argued and even mildly amusing. So what's the cure for chronic relapsing confirmation bias?
Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

There's a thread somewhere else on this board discussing whether exposing the brain to magnetism can "cure" religion.

Which raises the question: If the entire country is insane, isn't that the perfect argument for UHC?

Well done!
I heard that also, I think it came out of England, and since I have extensive knowledge about magnets, magnetism, and electronics, I could pretty much sum up that finding. You have to put a large NEGATIVE charge into the magnets to get liberal brains to cure religion(does that get rid of the Global Warming zelots also?) Or would it multiply exponentially the fanaticism of Global Warming to the point that the morons would LIE every chance they got? Looks like the left has already used the magnets , just look at Obama and his War on Climate Change. Grey Matter is used regularly in Conservatives, but Liberal's have grey matter that is like brand new, never been used, and never will be.
Okay, that was well argued and even mildly amusing. So what's the cure for chronic relapsing confirmation bias?
Hey, seems to me all you libtards are crooning about climate change as the threat to America, but have you looked at China, Russia and what is going on in the Middle East? I know it is hard for you guys to think, with all that THC in the room and all.
Hey, seems to me all you libtards are crooning about climate change as the threat to America, but have you looked at China, Russia and what is going on in the Middle East?

I'm sure there must be threads about climate change in the appropriate forums. If you're bored with discussion of the PPACA, maybe you'd be happier there.
Hey, seems to me all you libtards are crooning about climate change as the threat to America, but have you looked at China, Russia and what is going on in the Middle East?

I'm sure there must be threads about climate change in the appropriate forums. If you're bored with discussion of the PPACA, maybe you'd be happier there.
You brought up religion I am just answering on why you libtards are so in the tank for Global Warming. Stupid people vote Dumbocrat.
Many Low-Income Workers Say ‘No’ to Health Insurance
Clarissa Morris, 47, has been a server at the Golden Corral here for five years, earning $2.13 an hour plus tips. On a typical day, she leaves the restaurant with about $70 in tips. Her husband makes $9 an hour at Walmart but has been offered only a part-time schedule there, without benefits. Their combined paychecks barely cover their rent and daily essentials.

“It’s either buy insurance or put food in the house,” she said. On the rare occasions that she gets sick, she visits a local clinic with sliding-scale fees. It costs her $25 for a visit, and $4 to fill prescriptions at Walmart.
Ah yes at one time it was her "CHOICE" whether to buy health insurance or not, but now that Obama has FORCED her to purchase something she really didn't want, her body is now being dictated by a liberal dictator. So, you can bet the liberal political hacks are drooling at this poor woman's plight and want to give her some more FREE stuff. Elections have consequences, when you vote liberal, you vote for FAILURE.

According to your article, 58 rural hospitals closed from 2010 to the present. The PPACA was implemented in 2014.

Nothing new about the closing of health care facilities. The ultimate cause has been Ronnie RayGun's socialist EMTALA which forced facilities to give free health care. Because of EMTALA, we've also lost trauma centers and burn centers.

Another thing the right would like to blame on ObamaCare is the laying off of medical personnel. Not true, of course. Cutting revenue to hospitals, forced them to cut the number of hours in order to get away with cutting benefits, thus keeping their doors open.

Funny to me is that the RW hero, Reagan made it possible for illegals to get free healthcare. EMTALA also gives illegals free births and abortions. ObamaCare does not.
According to your article, 58 rural hospitals closed from 2010 to the present. The PPACA was implemented in 2014.

Nothing new about the closing of health care facilities. The ultimate cause has been Ronnie RayGun's socialist EMTALA which forced facilities to give free health care. Because of EMTALA, we've also lost trauma centers and burn centers.

Another thing the right would like to blame on ObamaCare is the laying off of medical personnel. Not true, of course. Cutting revenue to hospitals, forced them to cut the number of hours in order to get away with cutting benefits, thus keeping their doors open.

Funny to me is that the RW hero, Reagan made it possible for illegals to get free healthcare. EMTALA also gives illegals free births and abortions. ObamaCare does not.
It was Ted Kennedy's active push to get FREE emergency room visits for people who couldn't pay. In his liberal stupidity, he made sure that those that could pay be punished by ever increasing costs to the working people, eventually having those working, leave and the hospital close. Reagan was willing to make deal, like grant amnesty if the border was closed, and Tip O'Neil would comply with the amnesty but not fund the border closing, which is why America is in the mess it is. Each day, moves US closer to something you liberal would love, but in the end like Japan, when you poke the Giant, the results might not be what you expect. America, kicked the liberals asses of Germany and Japan, America is going to kick the asses of those domestic also.
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC general at one time was a premier hospital, but when Ted Kennedy FORCED all hospital emergency rooms to serve patients whether they could pay or not, the unintended consequences FORCED that Hospital to close. When there were enough patients that could pay, those that couldn't got FREE healthcare. But then those paying patients started to have to pay more so others could continue to get FREE. Pretty soon no more paying patients showed up, and the hospital had to close. Closing a Hospital, and Fearing for the Future
The hospital and its outpatient clinics, owned by the Mercy health care system in St. Louis, was where people in this city of 9,000 turned for everything from sore throats to emergency treatment after a car crash. Now, many say they are worried about what losing Mercy will mean not just for their own health, but for their community’s future.
When you VOTE for liberalism, the unintended consequences of doing that might just end up killing you.

View attachment 52043
So, Ted Kennedy passed it? The Senate was controlled by the Republicans. The law was signed into law by Ronald Reagan. It was passed with a majority of votes from both parties but it it Ted Kennedys' fault?
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC general at one time was a premier hospital, but when Ted Kennedy FORCED all hospital emergency rooms to serve patients whether they could pay or not, the unintended consequences FORCED that Hospital to close. When there were enough patients that could pay, those that couldn't got FREE healthcare. But then those paying patients started to have to pay more so others could continue to get FREE. Pretty soon no more paying patients showed up, and the hospital had to close. Closing a Hospital, and Fearing for the Future
The hospital and its outpatient clinics, owned by the Mercy health care system in St. Louis, was where people in this city of 9,000 turned for everything from sore throats to emergency treatment after a car crash. Now, many say they are worried about what losing Mercy will mean not just for their own health, but for their community’s future.
When you VOTE for liberalism, the unintended consequences of doing that might just end up killing you.

View attachment 52043
Nothing more fun than sitting in a waiting room packed with folks that look and act like they just fell off of a turnip truck from Tijuana.

Been there......done that.....

After waiting 8 hours listening to drug addicts and Hispanics, I figure it's time to look for a new doctor...at a different hospital. Appears I'm not alone.

Had to go through lines like this in the military. It's not fun at all.

My former doctor began taking Medicaid patients several years ago. The last time I was in the office, I had paid my copay of $40 knowing that I would still get a bill for what my insurance didn't cover. While sitting in the waiting room, a mother brought her son in. She was asked to pay a copay of less than you would pay for a cheeseburger and fries at McDonalds and you would have thought they were asking her to sign over her entire life savings. On top of not paying but a small amount, I doubt she paid a dime after the copay.

I thought health care was supposed to be free!!!!#
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC general at one time was a premier hospital, but when Ted Kennedy FORCED all hospital emergency rooms to serve patients whether they could pay or not, the unintended consequences FORCED that Hospital to close. When there were enough patients that could pay, those that couldn't got FREE healthcare. But then those paying patients started to have to pay more so others could continue to get FREE. Pretty soon no more paying patients showed up, and the hospital had to close. Closing a Hospital, and Fearing for the Future
The hospital and its outpatient clinics, owned by the Mercy health care system in St. Louis, was where people in this city of 9,000 turned for everything from sore throats to emergency treatment after a car crash. Now, many say they are worried about what losing Mercy will mean not just for their own health, but for their community’s future.
When you VOTE for liberalism, the unintended consequences of doing that might just end up killing you.

View attachment 52043
Nothing more fun than sitting in a waiting room packed with folks that look and act like they just fell off of a turnip truck from Tijuana.

Been there......done that.....

After waiting 8 hours listening to drug addicts and Hispanics, I figure it's time to look for a new doctor...at a different hospital. Appears I'm not alone.

Had to go through lines like this in the military. It's not fun at all.

My former doctor began taking Medicaid patients several years ago. The last time I was in the office, I had paid my copay of $40 knowing that I would still get a bill for what my insurance didn't cover. While sitting in the waiting room, a mother brought her son in. She was asked to pay a copay of less than you would pay for a cheeseburger and fries at McDonalds and you would have thought they were asking her to sign over her entire life savings. On top of not paying but a small amount, I doubt she paid a dime after the copay.

I thought health care was supposed to be free!!!!#
It was free until the money ran out. Just like in Detroit the only ones left are those that cant move away(poor). Liberalism has been making more people poor, so the liberals can keep a group of people to vote for them. Since more blacks are tending towards the Republicans of late, you can see why the Dumbocrats are bringing a HORDE of new voters who the liberals will keep poor. ESPN host wants blacks to vote for Republicans for THIS reason
ESPN host wants blacks to vote for Republicans for THIS reason

I thought health care was supposed to be free!!!!#
Really? Who told you that?

Same yahoo who told him about ObamaPhones.

They don't exist either but that doesn't stop them from retelling the lie.
Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone
Ah the typical liberal voter, proud and looking for FREE STUFF. Come on, you liberal yahoos, how easy it is to PROVE you wrong, over and over, and all you can do is hope We the People will forget REAL history. We don't, and it will eventually come back and KICK YOUR SORRY ASSES. Japan found out the wrong way, you will also.


I thought health care was supposed to be free!!!!#
Really? Who told you that?

Same yahoo who told him about ObamaPhones.

They don't exist either but that doesn't stop them from retelling the lie.

and the same wack jobs who told him there are FEMA camps.

damn, they're stupid. but then again what else would we expect from intellectually limited, dishonest and uninformed rightwingnut loons?

I thought health care was supposed to be free!!!!#
Really? Who told you that?

Same yahoo who told him about ObamaPhones.

They don't exist either but that doesn't stop them from retelling the lie.

and the same wack jobs who told him there are FEMA camps.

damn, they're stupid. but then again what else would we expect from intellectually limited, dishonest and uninformed rightwingnut loons?
Yep.....because it's all over the internet....only rightwingers are stupid.
I think you were one of those people that said before Obama was president he and Democrats weren't really socialists. Now they're bragging about it.

I wonder where Obama is planning on putting all of those Syrian refugees Democrats want him to bring here. In Marriott's?

I'm waiting for you to grow up......it's gonna be a long wait.
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I thought health care was supposed to be free!!!!#
Really? Who told you that?

Same yahoo who told him about ObamaPhones.

They don't exist either but that doesn't stop them from retelling the lie.

and the same wack jobs who told him there are FEMA camps.

damn, they're stupid. but then again what else would we expect from intellectually limited, dishonest and uninformed rightwingnut loons?
Yep.....because it's all over the internet....only rightwingers are stupid.
I think you were one of those people that said before Obama was president he and Democrats weren't really socialists. Now they're bragging about it.

I wonder where Obama is planning on putting all of those Syrian refugees Democrats want him to bring here. In Marriott's?

I'm waiting for you to grow up......it's gonna be a long wait.

it's all over the rightwingnut blogosphere ..... which, like almost everything else you obamas-deranged loons post... is outright lies, conspiracy theories, or, at best, misrepresentation.

I thought health care was supposed to be free!!!!#
Really? Who told you that?

Same yahoo who told him about ObamaPhones.

They don't exist either but that doesn't stop them from retelling the lie.

and the same wack jobs who told him there are FEMA camps.

damn, they're stupid. but then again what else would we expect from intellectually limited, dishonest and uninformed rightwingnut loons?
Yep.....because it's all over the internet....only rightwingers are stupid.
I think you were one of those people that said before Obama was president he and Democrats weren't really socialists. Now they're bragging about it.

I wonder where Obama is planning on putting all of those Syrian refugees Democrats want him to bring here. In Marriott's?

I'm waiting for you to grow up......it's gonna be a long wait.

it's all over the rightwingnut blogosphere ..... which, like almost everything else you obamas-deranged loons post... is outright lies, conspiracy theories, or, at best, misrepresentation.
Ask yourself why Obama wants to bring 200,000 Syrian refugees here.....ask yourself where he plans to put 200,000 angry assholes that don't mix well with Christians, and then ask yourself why he knew this would happen....years in advance.

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