Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control.....

Yep.....because it's all over the internet....only rightwingers are stupid.
I think you were one of those people that said before Obama was president he and Democrats weren't really socialists. Now they're bragging about it.

I wonder where Obama is planning on putting all of those Syrian refugees Democrats want him to bring here. In Marriott's?

I'm waiting for you to grow up......it's gonna be a long wait.

it's all over the rightwingnut blogosphere ..... which, like almost everything else you obamas-deranged loons post... is outright lies, conspiracy theories, or, at best, misrepresentation.
Ask yourself why Obama wants to bring 200,000 Syrian refugees here.....ask yourself where he plans to put 200,000 angry assholes that don't mix well with Christians, and then ask yourself why he knew this would happen....years in advance.

As usual, you're wrong.

Q: Are 65,000 Syrian refugees being relocated to the U.S.?
A: No. The Obama administration says 1,000 to 2,000 Syrians will likely be resettled in the United States by the end of September, and at least 10,000 more in 2016.

Mum About Muslims

I'll bet mudwhistle will continue to believe and spread his lie too.

loony muddy still thinks the president was born in Kenya. :cuckoo:
Nope....he was born in Hawaii.

You can't argue against my valid question, so you lie about me.

You're just trying to derail the thread. If you want to lie about Obama and Syrian refugees, go start a thread.

Another lie the RWs swallowed whole is that Kentucky exchange closed because of ObamaCare when it was actually because of a Repub bill and led by McConnell.
I never said Barry Sorento was from Kenya...

90% of Rightists' problem is that they're referring to imaginary people and things. "Barry Sorento" and "Obozocare" are not what the adults are talking about. When you're ready to talk about Obama and the PPACA, we'll take you seriously. Until then, don't get butthurt if we point and laugh.

I don't know where he got the name "Sorento". They pretty much make this stuff up as they go along and he's not smart enough to even use the correct name.

Thing is, never before, in the entire history of the world, has any other parent used the name of the step parent on school forms. That his mother gave him the name Soetoro to use means something or other to the burfur types.

Nor has any other child ever EVER used a shortened version of their name as a nickname.

There's really no reason to continue to try to engage the willfully ignorant. I proved to him that the so-called "ObamaPhone" was actually started by King Ronnie and rather than admit he was wrong, he just changed the subject.
There's really no reason to continue to try to engage the willfully ignorant. I proved to him that the so-called "ObamaPhone" was actually started by King Ronnie and rather than admit he was wrong, he just changed the subject.
Rules for radicals, put the person on the defensive. But you are wrong once again, Reagan created the "LIFELINE" so people in an EMERGENCY could have a way to call for emergency service. But as with the Obummerphone lady calls out, it is FREE STUFF, that liberal schlobs abuse, because they get FREE MINUTES, FREE PHONE, FREE INTERNET, FREE FOOD, FREE HOUSING, at the cost of US taxpayers, and I realize now that Luddly Neddite , is probably sitting in his parents basement getting all that FREE STUFF, while bashing US who are providing for him. Please do US a favor since you ADORE you 1/2 white president, help him reduce the CO2 footprint and go play in a busy intersection.
But as with the Obummerphone lady calls out, it is FREE STUFF, that liberal schlobs abuse, because they get FREE MINUTES, FREE PHONE, FREE INTERNET, FREE FOOD, FREE HOUSING, at the cost of US taxpayers...

You got all of that from a YouTube clip? Amazing!
But as with the Obummerphone lady calls out, it is FREE STUFF, that liberal schlobs abuse, because they get FREE MINUTES, FREE PHONE, FREE INTERNET, FREE FOOD, FREE HOUSING, at the cost of US taxpayers...

You got all of that from a YouTube clip? Amazing!
When all the money is gone, then there is NO FREE STUFF, and only the poor is left, because the rich liberals(Warrant Buffet) take their money and run, or is that ruin? They can have their, but you are supposed shut up and just take it up the ass.
When all the money is gone, then there is NO FREE STUFF, and only the poor is left, because the rich liberals(Warrant Buffet) take their money and run, or is that ruin? They can have their, but you are supposed shut up and just take it up the ass.

Not really.
Shigella outbreak spreads as more San Jose restaurant customers get sick
At least 24 cases were confirmed to be shigellosis, an infectious diarrheal disease caused by a group of bacteria called shigella. The disease spreads through food or water that has been handled by contaminated hands or an infected person.
California, the home of the illegal immigrant, where borders is a book store, and unclean people cross it and bring their diseases by the horde that is invading US without firing a shot, or when it is a young white woman is killed,(nothing to see here). God works in mysterious ways, liberals don't realize that, they just say it is a natural phenom, but if it is natural, then WHY THE FUCK are you dumbasses allowing these diseased miscreants to cross. Oh yea, it is the New World Order where 6 1/2 billion people MUST be eliminated. Better hope that your stupid ass isn't one that will be terminated. NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finially, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.
Remember that Obama, had brought to America, EBOLA patients? Did you know that 1 EBOLA patient is back in the hospital? UK Ebola nurse back in hospital in serious condition - CNN.com
UK's first Ebola patient back in hospital in serious condition after complication.
Are those in America, going to end up like the one in the U.K. Will it be too late by then?
Shigella outbreak spreads as more San Jose restaurant customers get sick
At least 24 cases were confirmed to be shigellosis, an infectious diarrheal disease caused by a group of bacteria called shigella. The disease spreads through food or water that has been handled by contaminated hands or an infected person.
California, the home of the illegal immigrant, where borders is a book store, and unclean people cross it and bring their diseases by the horde that is invading US without firing a shot, or when it is a young white woman is killed,(nothing to see here). God works in mysterious ways, liberals don't realize that, they just say it is a natural phenom, but if it is natural, then WHY THE FUCK are you dumbasses allowing these diseased miscreants to cross. Oh yea, it is the New World Order where 6 1/2 billion people MUST be eliminated. Better hope that your stupid ass isn't one that will be terminated. NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finially, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.
Remember that Obama, had brought to America, EBOLA patients? Did you know that 1 EBOLA patient is back in the hospital? UK Ebola nurse back in hospital in serious condition - CNN.com
UK's first Ebola patient back in hospital in serious condition after complication.
Are those in America, going to end up like the one in the U.K. Will it be too late by then?

Approximately 20,000-30,000 Americans die of flu annually. Have you gotten a flu shot? (Never mind; I know the answer.)
Shigella outbreak spreads as more San Jose restaurant customers get sick
At least 24 cases were confirmed to be shigellosis, an infectious diarrheal disease caused by a group of bacteria called shigella. The disease spreads through food or water that has been handled by contaminated hands or an infected person.
California, the home of the illegal immigrant, where borders is a book store, and unclean people cross it and bring their diseases by the horde that is invading US without firing a shot, or when it is a young white woman is killed,(nothing to see here). God works in mysterious ways, liberals don't realize that, they just say it is a natural phenom, but if it is natural, then WHY THE FUCK are you dumbasses allowing these diseased miscreants to cross. Oh yea, it is the New World Order where 6 1/2 billion people MUST be eliminated. Better hope that your stupid ass isn't one that will be terminated. NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finially, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.
Remember that Obama, had brought to America, EBOLA patients? Did you know that 1 EBOLA patient is back in the hospital? UK Ebola nurse back in hospital in serious condition - CNN.com
UK's first Ebola patient back in hospital in serious condition after complication.
Are those in America, going to end up like the one in the U.K. Will it be too late by then?

Approximately 20,000-30,000 Americans die of flu annually. Have you gotten a flu shot? (Never mind; I know the answer.)
Are you really that stupid? Don't bother answering that, I already know, and you just proved it with your feckless answer. Lets see a couple of items of interest.
America at one time had eradicated TB since 1960. Health Experts Fear Possible Tuberculosis Resurgence
More than half of the TB cases in this country occurring in foreign-born people, according to Maryam Haddad, a TB researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and author of a new study on the illness in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association.
Illegal Immigrant Related Pandemic Diseases are Appearing in the United States
Illegal Immigrant Related Pandemic Diseases are Appearing in the United States
Now that you have said that 20,000 - 30,000 Americans die of the flue annually, lets see your link about your statement. Estimating Seasonal Influenza-Associated Deaths in the United States: CDC Study Confirms Variability of Flu | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC
CDC does not know exactly how many people die from seasonal flu each year.
Maybe you are just as confused about GUN deaths as you are with Flu victims and getting them mixed up as a total? Even the CDC doesn't know, but you must be smarter than the CDC, which I doubt.
Shigella outbreak spreads as more San Jose restaurant customers get sick
At least 24 cases were confirmed to be shigellosis, an infectious diarrheal disease caused by a group of bacteria called shigella. The disease spreads through food or water that has been handled by contaminated hands or an infected person.
California, the home of the illegal immigrant, where borders is a book store, and unclean people cross it and bring their diseases by the horde that is invading US without firing a shot, or when it is a young white woman is killed,(nothing to see here). God works in mysterious ways, liberals don't realize that, they just say it is a natural phenom, but if it is natural, then WHY THE FUCK are you dumbasses allowing these diseased miscreants to cross. Oh yea, it is the New World Order where 6 1/2 billion people MUST be eliminated. Better hope that your stupid ass isn't one that will be terminated. NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finially, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.
Remember that Obama, had brought to America, EBOLA patients? Did you know that 1 EBOLA patient is back in the hospital? UK Ebola nurse back in hospital in serious condition - CNN.com
UK's first Ebola patient back in hospital in serious condition after complication.
Are those in America, going to end up like the one in the U.K. Will it be too late by then?

Approximately 20,000-30,000 Americans die of flu annually. Have you gotten a flu shot? (Never mind; I know the answer.)
Are you really that stupid? Don't bother answering that, I already know, and you just proved it with your feckless answer. Lets see a couple of items of interest.
America at one time had eradicated TB since 1960. Health Experts Fear Possible Tuberculosis Resurgence
More than half of the TB cases in this country occurring in foreign-born people, according to Maryam Haddad, a TB researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and author of a new study on the illness in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association.
Illegal Immigrant Related Pandemic Diseases are Appearing in the United States
Illegal Immigrant Related Pandemic Diseases are Appearing in the United States
Now that you have said that 20,000 - 30,000 Americans die of the flue annually, lets see your link about your statement. Estimating Seasonal Influenza-Associated Deaths in the United States: CDC Study Confirms Variability of Flu | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC
CDC does not know exactly how many people die from seasonal flu each year.
Maybe you are just as confused about GUN deaths as you are with Flu victims and getting them mixed up as a total? Even the CDC doesn't know, but you must be smarter than the CDC, which I doubt.

The only people who die of "flue" are those who get stuck in them.

As for flu, here's a source you might respect: Flu Is A Far Greater Menace Than Ebola In US

And a few more:

Flu Shot Season: Ebola Is Scary, But There Is Another Deadly Virus In The US To Worry About

Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC

Number of Deaths per 100,000 Population Caused by Influenza and Pneumonia

But you go right ahead and have a good ol' panic about Ebola.
Shigella outbreak spreads as more San Jose restaurant customers get sick
At least 24 cases were confirmed to be shigellosis, an infectious diarrheal disease caused by a group of bacteria called shigella. The disease spreads through food or water that has been handled by contaminated hands or an infected person.
California, the home of the illegal immigrant, where borders is a book store, and unclean people cross it and bring their diseases by the horde that is invading US without firing a shot, or when it is a young white woman is killed,(nothing to see here). God works in mysterious ways, liberals don't realize that, they just say it is a natural phenom, but if it is natural, then WHY THE FUCK are you dumbasses allowing these diseased miscreants to cross. Oh yea, it is the New World Order where 6 1/2 billion people MUST be eliminated. Better hope that your stupid ass isn't one that will be terminated. NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finially, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.
Remember that Obama, had brought to America, EBOLA patients? Did you know that 1 EBOLA patient is back in the hospital? UK Ebola nurse back in hospital in serious condition - CNN.com
UK's first Ebola patient back in hospital in serious condition after complication.
Are those in America, going to end up like the one in the U.K. Will it be too late by then?

Approximately 20,000-30,000 Americans die of flu annually. Have you gotten a flu shot? (Never mind; I know the answer.)
Are you really that stupid? Don't bother answering that, I already know, and you just proved it with your feckless answer. Lets see a couple of items of interest.
America at one time had eradicated TB since 1960. Health Experts Fear Possible Tuberculosis Resurgence
More than half of the TB cases in this country occurring in foreign-born people, according to Maryam Haddad, a TB researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and author of a new study on the illness in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association.
Illegal Immigrant Related Pandemic Diseases are Appearing in the United States
Illegal Immigrant Related Pandemic Diseases are Appearing in the United States
Now that you have said that 20,000 - 30,000 Americans die of the flue annually, lets see your link about your statement. Estimating Seasonal Influenza-Associated Deaths in the United States: CDC Study Confirms Variability of Flu | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC
CDC does not know exactly how many people die from seasonal flu each year.
Maybe you are just as confused about GUN deaths as you are with Flu victims and getting them mixed up as a total? Even the CDC doesn't know, but you must be smarter than the CDC, which I doubt.

The only people who die of "flue" are those who get stuck in them.

As for flu, here's a source you might respect: Flu Is A Far Greater Menace Than Ebola In US

And a few more:

Flu Shot Season: Ebola Is Scary, But There Is Another Deadly Virus In The US To Worry About

Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC

Number of Deaths per 100,000 Population Caused by Influenza and Pneumonia

But you go right ahead and have a good ol' panic about Ebola.
Rules for Radicals once again.
I didn't say panic about Ebola you dipshit, but from many diseases that at one time were non existent in America, because of our GREAT medical care. But as typical of a moron liberal(redundant statement) you single out one statement, then press it, while totally ignoring the WHOLE issue of hordes of illegals bringing diseases that are affecting the CHILDREN of America. You say liberals are for the children yet you allow diseased people to come and infect OUR children, but who cares, you don't care about kids, in the womb or out, all you care about is you and your liberal party. You libs love illegals so much, invite them into your house, feed and clothe, them and take care of them when they get sick, while you are paying for all of it out of your pocket. You wont, because everyone else is to pay, not you. Dumbass. Go ahead and answer in your incompetent way, I am done with your lack of intelligence.
Shigella outbreak spreads as more San Jose restaurant customers get sick
At least 24 cases were confirmed to be shigellosis, an infectious diarrheal disease caused by a group of bacteria called shigella. The disease spreads through food or water that has been handled by contaminated hands or an infected person.
California, the home of the illegal immigrant, where borders is a book store, and unclean people cross it and bring their diseases by the horde that is invading US without firing a shot, or when it is a young white woman is killed,(nothing to see here). God works in mysterious ways, liberals don't realize that, they just say it is a natural phenom, but if it is natural, then WHY THE FUCK are you dumbasses allowing these diseased miscreants to cross. Oh yea, it is the New World Order where 6 1/2 billion people MUST be eliminated. Better hope that your stupid ass isn't one that will be terminated. NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finially, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.
Remember that Obama, had brought to America, EBOLA patients? Did you know that 1 EBOLA patient is back in the hospital? UK Ebola nurse back in hospital in serious condition - CNN.com
UK's first Ebola patient back in hospital in serious condition after complication.
Are those in America, going to end up like the one in the U.K. Will it be too late by then?

Approximately 20,000-30,000 Americans die of flu annually. Have you gotten a flu shot? (Never mind; I know the answer.)
Are you really that stupid? Don't bother answering that, I already know, and you just proved it with your feckless answer. Lets see a couple of items of interest.
America at one time had eradicated TB since 1960. Health Experts Fear Possible Tuberculosis Resurgence
More than half of the TB cases in this country occurring in foreign-born people, according to Maryam Haddad, a TB researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and author of a new study on the illness in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association.
Illegal Immigrant Related Pandemic Diseases are Appearing in the United States
Illegal Immigrant Related Pandemic Diseases are Appearing in the United States
Now that you have said that 20,000 - 30,000 Americans die of the flue annually, lets see your link about your statement. Estimating Seasonal Influenza-Associated Deaths in the United States: CDC Study Confirms Variability of Flu | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC
CDC does not know exactly how many people die from seasonal flu each year.
Maybe you are just as confused about GUN deaths as you are with Flu victims and getting them mixed up as a total? Even the CDC doesn't know, but you must be smarter than the CDC, which I doubt.

The only people who die of "flue" are those who get stuck in them.

As for flu, here's a source you might respect: Flu Is A Far Greater Menace Than Ebola In US

And a few more:

Flu Shot Season: Ebola Is Scary, But There Is Another Deadly Virus In The US To Worry About

Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC

Number of Deaths per 100,000 Population Caused by Influenza and Pneumonia

But you go right ahead and have a good ol' panic about Ebola.
Rules for Radicals once again.
I didn't say panic about Ebola you dipshit, but from many diseases that at one time were non existent in America, because of our GREAT medical care. But as typical of a moron liberal(redundant statement) you single out one statement, then press it, while totally ignoring the WHOLE issue of hordes of illegals bringing diseases that are affecting the CHILDREN of America. You say liberals are for the children yet you allow diseased people to come and infect OUR children, but who cares, you don't care about kids, in the womb or out, all you care about is you and your liberal party. You libs love illegals so much, invite them into your house, feed and clothe, them and take care of them when they get sick, while you are paying for all of it out of your pocket. You wont, because everyone else is to pay, not you. Dumbass. Go ahead and answer in your incompetent way, I am done with your lack of intelligence.

You're finished ranting? I doubt it. I'm sure you've got lots more cutting-and-pasting to do to promote your worldview. Have at it.
Shigella outbreak spreads as more San Jose restaurant customers get sick California, the home of the illegal immigrant, where borders is a book store, and unclean people cross it and bring their diseases by the horde that is invading US without firing a shot, or when it is a young white woman is killed,(nothing to see here). God works in mysterious ways, liberals don't realize that, they just say it is a natural phenom, but if it is natural, then WHY THE FUCK are you dumbasses allowing these diseased miscreants to cross. Oh yea, it is the New World Order where 6 1/2 billion people MUST be eliminated. Better hope that your stupid ass isn't one that will be terminated. NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth Remember that Obama, had brought to America, EBOLA patients? Did you know that 1 EBOLA patient is back in the hospital? UK Ebola nurse back in hospital in serious condition - CNN.com Are those in America, going to end up like the one in the U.K. Will it be too late by then?

Approximately 20,000-30,000 Americans die of flu annually. Have you gotten a flu shot? (Never mind; I know the answer.)
Are you really that stupid? Don't bother answering that, I already know, and you just proved it with your feckless answer. Lets see a couple of items of interest.
America at one time had eradicated TB since 1960. Health Experts Fear Possible Tuberculosis Resurgence
More than half of the TB cases in this country occurring in foreign-born people, according to Maryam Haddad, a TB researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and author of a new study on the illness in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association.
Illegal Immigrant Related Pandemic Diseases are Appearing in the United States
Illegal Immigrant Related Pandemic Diseases are Appearing in the United States
Now that you have said that 20,000 - 30,000 Americans die of the flue annually, lets see your link about your statement. Estimating Seasonal Influenza-Associated Deaths in the United States: CDC Study Confirms Variability of Flu | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC
CDC does not know exactly how many people die from seasonal flu each year.
Maybe you are just as confused about GUN deaths as you are with Flu victims and getting them mixed up as a total? Even the CDC doesn't know, but you must be smarter than the CDC, which I doubt.

The only people who die of "flue" are those who get stuck in them.

As for flu, here's a source you might respect: Flu Is A Far Greater Menace Than Ebola In US

And a few more:

Flu Shot Season: Ebola Is Scary, But There Is Another Deadly Virus In The US To Worry About

Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDC

Number of Deaths per 100,000 Population Caused by Influenza and Pneumonia

But you go right ahead and have a good ol' panic about Ebola.
Rules for Radicals once again.
I didn't say panic about Ebola you dipshit, but from many diseases that at one time were non existent in America, because of our GREAT medical care. But as typical of a moron liberal(redundant statement) you single out one statement, then press it, while totally ignoring the WHOLE issue of hordes of illegals bringing diseases that are affecting the CHILDREN of America. You say liberals are for the children yet you allow diseased people to come and infect OUR children, but who cares, you don't care about kids, in the womb or out, all you care about is you and your liberal party. You libs love illegals so much, invite them into your house, feed and clothe, them and take care of them when they get sick, while you are paying for all of it out of your pocket. You wont, because everyone else is to pay, not you. Dumbass. Go ahead and answer in your incompetent way, I am done with your lack of intelligence.

You're finished ranting? I doubt it. I'm sure you've got lots more cutting-and-pasting to do to promote your worldview. Have at it.
Ah yes liberals when they start losing the argument, must call us conservatives , Ranting or Raving, while it is you and your liberal political hacks doing what you say. Here is some more great news about how FECKLESS your lead from behind(or he is an ass) president. Maybe he will draw a red line again. South China Sea: Beijing 'not frightened to fight a war' after US move
China is not afraid of fighting a war against the United States in the South China Sea, a state-run newspaper with links to the Communist party has claimed.
If it wasn't for Bill Clinton, China's nuclear missiles couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Thank Bill Clinton for giving China the technology to hit US with nukes. But what is really insidious is that NWO, wants 6 1/2 billion people to be removed from the Earth, so the population could be more manageable. This could be by war or pestilence or disease, or all three. Liberals are too stupid to know that THEY would fall under that depopulation just as easy as anyone else. NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
Plans are underway now, implemented by the New World Order Elite, to depopulate the planet's 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 2 billion.
It's too bad you didn't start this thread in the Politics forum. It would have gotten a lot more play.
Just more news coming out about the boondoggle called ObummerUnHealthCare. Nearly Half of Obamacare Co-Ops Are Closing
Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Even some senior Senate Democrats, including Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York – a state where more than 150,000 people will be losing their co-op insurance -- told The Fiscal Times last week that they were unaware of the crisis.
Two items to worry about. 1. Never let a crisis go to waste. This means that the liberals will do something drastic that will SCREW over America for something they fucked up. 2. Chuckie Shumer voted for ObummerUnHealthCare and now he along with the rest of the dumbocrats have caused people to be without Healthcare, MANDATED by him and his liberal dipshit friends. Just more PROOF that "ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES", and liberalism will ruin everything it touches.
^See, there's your problem. You're getting all upset about some imaginary thing called "ObummerUnHealthCare."

It can't be good for your blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the biggest "silent killers" (along with diabetes) that, thanks to access to affordable health insurance, can be screened for and treated in the early stages.

You should consider it. It might save your life.
^See, there's your problem. You're getting all upset about some imaginary thing called "ObummerUnHealthCare."

It can't be good for your blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the biggest "silent killers" (along with diabetes) that, thanks to access to affordable health insurance, can be screened for and treated in the early stages.

You should consider it. It might save your life.
No. 1: Detroit - In Photos: America's Most Dangerous Cities 2015
America's Most Dangerous Cities 2015

No. 1: Detroit - Population:684,694 - Mike Duggan Mayor of Detroit - A Democrat
No. 2: Memphis - Population: 684,694 - A C Wharton Mayor of Memphis - A Democrat
No. 3: Oakland, - Calif. - Population: 409,994 - Libby Schaaf Mayor of Oakland - A Democrat
No. 4: St. Louis - Population:318,574 - Francis G. Slay Mayor of St. Louis - A Democrat
No. 5: Birmingham, Ala. - Population:212,115 - William Bell Mayor of Birmingham - A Democrat
No. 6: Milwaukee - Population:600,374 - Tom Barrett Mayor of Milwaukee - A Democrat
No. 7: Baltimore - Population:623,513 - Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Mayor of Baltimore - A Democrat
No. 8: Cleveland - Population:388,655 - Frank G. Jackson Mayor of Cleveland - A Democrat
No. 9: Stockton, Calif. - Population: 299,519 - Anthony Silva Mayor at City of Stockton - A Democrat
No. 10: Indianapolis - Population: 858,238 - Greg Ballard Mayor of Indianapolis - A Republican
9 out of the top 10 cities that are the most dangerous, have been Democrat Controlled for almost 20 years or more, you would think with Socialism and FREE STUFF, these places would be happy? Elections have consequences, it shows.
Obamacare's cheapest plans just got more expensive
People who buy the cheapest health plans on the biggest Obamacare exchange without getting financial assistance are facing the largest increases for premiums and out-of-pocket costs in 2016, new analyses show.

Average prices of the so-called bronze plans on the HealthCare.gov marketplace are rising 11 percent for nonsubsidized customers over 2015 prices. Average deductibles for individuals are increasing by the same percentage, to $5,731, according to a study by HealthPocket.com, an insurance comparison site.
Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said Obamacare only passed due to the "stupidity" of the LIBERAL American voter and a lack of "transparency," and video footage of his remarks was deleted from the Internet in an attempt to hide it.
I added the LIBERAL word in there, because the Conservatives knew the debacle of what the Liberals did behind closed doors. Yes liberals are stupid for thinking the liberal politicians are for the people, as they keep showing that the RICH are getting RICHER and the most in poverty ever under 6 3/4 years of the Dictator in Charge. Even Jimmy(the peanut) Carter is smiling because he is NO longer the worst president of the U.S.A.
^Not only have numerous other posters posted the same updates weeks ahead of you, but I'm sure you'll argue that before the PPACA (that's what the adults are talking about; if you want to keep making up baby-talk names, I'm sure it's a comfort to you and gets a cheap laugh from your fellow travelers, but that's all it does) insurance premiums were lower than your electric bill and never went up and everyone lived happily ever after.

But then you'll be asked to prove that, and you'll just come back with another freeze-dried rant.

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