Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control.....

^Not only have numerous other posters posted the same updates weeks ahead of you, but I'm sure you'll argue that before the PPACA (that's what the adults are talking about; if you want to keep making up baby-talk names, I'm sure it's a comfort to you and gets a cheap laugh from your fellow travelers, but that's all it does) insurance premiums were lower than your electric bill and never went up and everyone lived happily ever after.

But then you'll be asked to prove that, and you'll just come back with another freeze-dried rant.
When a conservative posts the TRUTH, a liberal calls that ranting. Rules for radicals once again. I hope when you finally get to be 26 and no longer on your parents healthcare, and have to move out of their basement, you realize how much you are going to pay for your healthcare. But don't worry, those illegal aliens that go to the emergency room, don't even thank you for that FREE stuff you are willing to pay for.
^Not only have numerous other posters posted the same updates weeks ahead of you, but I'm sure you'll argue that before the PPACA (that's what the adults are talking about; if you want to keep making up baby-talk names, I'm sure it's a comfort to you and gets a cheap laugh from your fellow travelers, but that's all it does) insurance premiums were lower than your electric bill and never went up and everyone lived happily ever after.

But then you'll be asked to prove that, and you'll just come back with another freeze-dried rant.
When a conservative posts the TRUTH, a liberal calls that ranting.

No single individual is possessed of absolute truth.
Meat theft from supermarkets jumps as prices rise
CBS News reported this week that meat is currently the top item stolen by shoplifters in America, and soaring prices are a big reason why. “You only have so much money you can spend on groceries, so if the cost of ground beef goes up 30 percent to 40 percent, you have two ways of eating beef — eating less, or in this case, stealing it,” Jamie Schweid, of Schweid & Sons Burgers, said.
The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, there I said it 3 times, so it must be true.
Father of slain Chicago boy believes son targeted but denies connection to slaying
But Stokes said he felt guilty that he was not at his son’s side when he walked to his grandmother’s house.

“To be honest, I feel bad,” he said. “I feel like it’s my fault.”

Stokes said his son, who lived with his mother, didn’t go trick-or-treating on Halloween because of the recent violence in the neighborhood. Instead, Stokes said, he bought his son candy from a Family Dollar store.
Rahm Emmanuel(Democrat Chicago Mayor) has been in office over 5 years, and Obama has been Dictator in Chief for 6 3/4 years, yet Chicago(Strictest gun laws) has more murders going on than any other liberal city? Unintended consequences? Or just plain stupid people who vote dumbocrat and expect something different each time.
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC general at one time was a premier hospital, but when Ted Kennedy FORCED all hospital emergency rooms to serve patients whether they could pay or not, the unintended consequences FORCED that Hospital to close. When there were enough patients that could pay, those that couldn't got FREE healthcare. But then those paying patients started to have to pay more so others could continue to get FREE. Pretty soon no more paying patients showed up, and the hospital had to close. Closing a Hospital, and Fearing for the Future
The hospital and its outpatient clinics, owned by the Mercy health care system in St. Louis, was where people in this city of 9,000 turned for everything from sore throats to emergency treatment after a car crash. Now, many say they are worried about what losing Mercy will mean not just for their own health, but for their community’s future.
When you VOTE for liberalism, the unintended consequences of doing that might just end up killing you.

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Just how insane are you? Ronald Reagan signed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act into law.
Men's Wearhouse shares tank 40 percent
The company on Thursday said that comparable sales at its Jos A. Bank label, which it acquired for $1.8 billion last year, fell 14.6 percent during the quarter. The decline was driven by a drop in traffic as it started to move away from its ubiquitous Buy One, Get Three free promotions.

What's more, the company said same-store sales at the label are expected to decline 20 percent to 25 percent in the fourth quarter due to slower traffic and fewer items being bought in each transaction.
Just more signs of that roaring economic recovery, where 270,000 jobs were added in the month of October. But were they burger flipping jobs, because if these were graduates from some high level college, they would be out looking for new suits to wear for their work. Just more unintended consequences when you vote liberals in charge, for soon, all the money will be gone(the rich are richer after 6 3/4 years of Obamanomics) and the most in poverty ever in the U.S.S. of A.
Hey Faun take a look at this Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

In other words, it's not their fault. (That statement sounds suspiciously liberal to me.)
Amid Keystone and Exxon news, the oil industry has been put on notice
The rejection of Keystone is more symbolic than substantive. The pipeline would have added $3.4 billion in economic growth but contributed to climate change by speeding up production of oil-sands crude, which is about 17 percent more carbon-intensive than the conventional barrel. Rejection will neither halt oil-sands production nor damage the broader economy. Perhaps anticipating rejection, TransCanada had asked to postpone the final review earlier this week.
China underreporting coal consumption by up to 17%, data suggests
China, the world’s largest carbon emitter, has been dramatically underreporting the amount of coal it consumes each year, it has been claimed ahead of key climate talks in Paris.

Official Chinese data, reported by the New York Times on Wednesday after being quietly released earlier this year, suggests China has been burning up to 17% more coal each year than previously disclosed by the government.
So now that Oil that was going to go to US through the pipeline and be burned cleaner, will go to the Canada West shore and be shipped to China who as typical of a SOCIALIST country will burn the oil with no problem about pollution. And lie about it also. You liberals are the dumbest things on this planet.

Men's Wearhouse shares tank 40 percent
The company on Thursday said that comparable sales at its Jos A. Bank label, which it acquired for $1.8 billion last year, fell 14.6 percent during the quarter. The decline was driven by a drop in traffic as it started to move away from its ubiquitous Buy One, Get Three free promotions.

What's more, the company said same-store sales at the label are expected to decline 20 percent to 25 percent in the fourth quarter due to slower traffic and fewer items being bought in each transaction.

That's what they get for buying out the founder because they said he was "too old" and they were targeting a younger demographic.

The younger demographic didn't bite. Sucks to be them.
Men's Wearhouse shares tank 40 percent
The company on Thursday said that comparable sales at its Jos A. Bank label, which it acquired for $1.8 billion last year, fell 14.6 percent during the quarter. The decline was driven by a drop in traffic as it started to move away from its ubiquitous Buy One, Get Three free promotions.

What's more, the company said same-store sales at the label are expected to decline 20 percent to 25 percent in the fourth quarter due to slower traffic and fewer items being bought in each transaction.

That's what they get for buying out the founder because they said he was "too old" and they were targeting a younger demographic.

The younger demographic didn't bite. Sucks to be them.
But, but, how can there be a 20 to 25 percent decline in this EPIC roaring economic recovery? Obama in the 1st two years of his admin had liberals in the house and senate so should of been able to do what ever they could to spend that trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs that weren't really shovel ready, yuk, yuk. The Republicrats have done nothing to stop Obummers policies, so after 6 3/4 years of redistributing the wealth to the liberal special elites, the RICH and RICHER and the poor are poorer. Funny how that works, in ever country to converts to a centralized government that is ruled by a dictator.
Men's Wearhouse shares tank 40 percent
The company on Thursday said that comparable sales at its Jos A. Bank label, which it acquired for $1.8 billion last year, fell 14.6 percent during the quarter. The decline was driven by a drop in traffic as it started to move away from its ubiquitous Buy One, Get Three free promotions.

What's more, the company said same-store sales at the label are expected to decline 20 percent to 25 percent in the fourth quarter due to slower traffic and fewer items being bought in each transaction.

That's what they get for buying out the founder because they said he was "too old" and they were targeting a younger demographic.

The younger demographic didn't bite. Sucks to be them.
But, but, how can there be a 20 to 25 percent decline in this EPIC roaring economic recovery?

The Men's Wearhouse incident was an example of poor judgment on the part of the board. Would have happened in any economy.
Men's Wearhouse shares tank 40 percent
The company on Thursday said that comparable sales at its Jos A. Bank label, which it acquired for $1.8 billion last year, fell 14.6 percent during the quarter. The decline was driven by a drop in traffic as it started to move away from its ubiquitous Buy One, Get Three free promotions.

What's more, the company said same-store sales at the label are expected to decline 20 percent to 25 percent in the fourth quarter due to slower traffic and fewer items being bought in each transaction.
Just more signs of that roaring economic recovery, where 270,000 jobs were added in the month of October. But were they burger flipping jobs, because if these were graduates from some high level college, they would be out looking for new suits to wear for their work. Just more unintended consequences when you vote liberals in charge, for soon, all the money will be gone(the rich are richer after 6 3/4 years of Obamanomics) and the most in poverty ever in the U.S.S. of A.
Hey Faun take a look at this Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

In other words, it's not their fault. (That statement sounds suspiciously liberal to me.)
Why would anyone care what some brain-dead conservative thinks?

Where have I rebelled against the normal responsibilities of adulthood? Where have I demand that a parental government meet my needs from cradle to grave. That guy sounds as insane as you.
Men's Wearhouse shares tank 40 percent
The company on Thursday said that comparable sales at its Jos A. Bank label, which it acquired for $1.8 billion last year, fell 14.6 percent during the quarter. The decline was driven by a drop in traffic as it started to move away from its ubiquitous Buy One, Get Three free promotions.

What's more, the company said same-store sales at the label are expected to decline 20 percent to 25 percent in the fourth quarter due to slower traffic and fewer items being bought in each transaction.
Just more signs of that roaring economic recovery, where 270,000 jobs were added in the month of October. But were they burger flipping jobs, because if these were graduates from some high level college, they would be out looking for new suits to wear for their work. Just more unintended consequences when you vote liberals in charge, for soon, all the money will be gone(the rich are richer after 6 3/4 years of Obamanomics) and the most in poverty ever in the U.S.S. of A.
Hey Faun take a look at this Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

In other words, it's not their fault. (That statement sounds suspiciously liberal to me.)
Why would anyone care what some brain-dead conservative thinks?

Where have I rebelled against the normal responsibilities of adulthood? Where have I demand that a parental government meet my needs from cradle to grave. That guy sounds as insane as you.

Do you support social welfare programs? While you as an individual may not have, if you support such programs, you support the concept of it taking place.
Do you support social welfare programs? While you as an individual may not have, if you support such programs, you support the concept of it taking place.

And -?

One does not have to personally have used something to believe it should exist. The poster said he didn't use such programs. However, his belief that they should exist proves he supports the concept of people being taken care of from cradle to grave
Do you support social welfare programs? While you as an individual may not have, if you support such programs, you support the concept of it taking place.

And -?

One does not have to personally have used something to believe it should exist. The poster said he didn't use such programs. However, his belief that they should exist proves he supports the concept of people being taken care of from cradle to grave

No. That last part is your spin on what he said. Unless someone is profoundly disabled, that "cradle to grave" nonsense is just nonsense. You'd have a hard time proving it otherwise.

Or maybe you just hate disabled people.
Do you support social welfare programs? While you as an individual may not have, if you support such programs, you support the concept of it taking place.

And -?

One does not have to personally have used something to believe it should exist. The poster said he didn't use such programs. However, his belief that they should exist proves he supports the concept of people being taken care of from cradle to grave

No. That last part is your spin on what he said. Unless someone is profoundly disabled, that "cradle to grave" nonsense is just nonsense. You'd have a hard time proving it otherwise.

Or maybe you just hate disabled people.

There are people who from the time they were born to adulthood that live off someone else funding their handouts.

You mean like my neighbor growing up that was on disability due to a supposed back injury yet could paint houses, build things, climb ladders, etc. despite his back pain? I despise people like that. You support giving them someone else's money.
There are people who from the time they were born to adulthood that live off someone else funding their handouts.

This is the part where I ask you to provide evidence for one of your favorite Baseless Talking Points, and you get angry, isn't it?
There are people who from the time they were born to adulthood that live off someone else funding their handouts.

This is the part where I ask you to provide evidence for one of your favorite Baseless Talking Points, and you get angry, isn't it?

It's when you'll be asked to prove your claim that there aren't any and you whine like a little bitch.
There are people who from the time they were born to adulthood that live off someone else funding their handouts.

This is the part where I ask you to provide evidence for one of your favorite Baseless Talking Points, and you get angry, isn't it?

It's when you'll be asked to prove your claim that there aren't any and you whine like a little bitch.

The person who made the initial claim (that would be you, in Post 135) will present his evidence for the claim...if he's an adult.

If not, he'll characterize any criticism of his failure to produce evidence as "whining."

You're on course so far. Keep going.
There are people who from the time they were born to adulthood that live off someone else funding their handouts.

This is the part where I ask you to provide evidence for one of your favorite Baseless Talking Points, and you get angry, isn't it?

It's when you'll be asked to prove your claim that there aren't any and you whine like a little bitch.

The person who made the initial claim (that would be you, in Post 135) will present his evidence for the claim...if he's an adult.

If not, he'll characterize any criticism of his failure to produce evidence as "whining."

You're on course so far. Keep going.

If I'm so wrong, you won't have any problem proving that what I said was wrong.

You have stayed on course.
There are people who from the time they were born to adulthood that live off someone else funding their handouts.

This is the part where I ask you to provide evidence for one of your favorite Baseless Talking Points, and you get angry, isn't it?

It's when you'll be asked to prove your claim that there aren't any and you whine like a little bitch.

The person who made the initial claim (that would be you, in Post 135) will present his evidence for the claim...if he's an adult.

If not, he'll characterize any criticism of his failure to produce evidence as "whining."

You're on course so far. Keep going.

If I'm so wrong, you won't have any problem proving that what I said was wrong.

You have stayed on course.

Yes, I do insist that people prove their "true statements" with facts. That won't change just because you can't.

Go on, now. Have the last word so you can tell yourself you "won."

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