Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control.....


I thought health care was supposed to be free!!!!#
Really? Who told you that?

Same yahoo who told him about ObamaPhones.

They don't exist either but that doesn't stop them from retelling the lie.
Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone
Ah the typical liberal voter, proud and looking for FREE STUFF. Come on, you liberal yahoos, how easy it is to PROVE you wrong, over and over, and all you can do is hope We the People will forget REAL history. We don't, and it will eventually come back and KICK YOUR SORRY ASSES. Japan found out the wrong way, you will also.

This is the problem with knee jerk RWs. They refuse to educate themselves and will believe whatever lies suit their anti-America agenda.

Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?

A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.

1984 when Ronald Reagan was President, because it was then that the Federal Communications Commission created the original Lifeline Assistance program (technically, Lifeline Assistance is the official name of the Obama Phone program).


The Lifeline program originated in 1984, during the administration of Ronald Reagan

Needless to say, uninformed RWs like andaronjim have no use for facts and he will most certainly continue to believe and spread the lie about the non-existent "ObamaPhone"

Really? Who told you that?

Same yahoo who told him about ObamaPhones.

They don't exist either but that doesn't stop them from retelling the lie.

and the same wack jobs who told him there are FEMA camps.

damn, they're stupid. but then again what else would we expect from intellectually limited, dishonest and uninformed rightwingnut loons?
Yep.....because it's all over the internet....only rightwingers are stupid.
I think you were one of those people that said before Obama was president he and Democrats weren't really socialists. Now they're bragging about it.

I wonder where Obama is planning on putting all of those Syrian refugees Democrats want him to bring here. In Marriott's?

I'm waiting for you to grow up......it's gonna be a long wait.

it's all over the rightwingnut blogosphere ..... which, like almost everything else you obamas-deranged loons post... is outright lies, conspiracy theories, or, at best, misrepresentation.
Ask yourself why Obama wants to bring 200,000 Syrian refugees here.....ask yourself where he plans to put 200,000 angry assholes that don't mix well with Christians, and then ask yourself why he knew this would happen....years in advance.

As usual, you're wrong.

Q: Are 65,000 Syrian refugees being relocated to the U.S.?
A: No. The Obama administration says 1,000 to 2,000 Syrians will likely be resettled in the United States by the end of September, and at least 10,000 more in 2016.

Mum About Muslims

I'll bet mudwhistle will continue to believe and spread his lie too.

I thought health care was supposed to be free!!!!#
Really? Who told you that?

Same yahoo who told him about ObamaPhones.

They don't exist either but that doesn't stop them from retelling the lie.
Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone
Ah the typical liberal voter, proud and looking for FREE STUFF. Come on, you liberal yahoos, how easy it is to PROVE you wrong, over and over, and all you can do is hope We the People will forget REAL history. We don't, and it will eventually come back and KICK YOUR SORRY ASSES. Japan found out the wrong way, you will also.

This is the problem with knee jerk RWs. They refuse to educate themselves and will believe whatever lies suit their anti-America agenda.

Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?

A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.

1984 when Ronald Reagan was President, because it was then that the Federal Communications Commission created the original Lifeline Assistance program (technically, Lifeline Assistance is the official name of the Obama Phone program).


The Lifeline program originated in 1984, during the administration of Ronald Reagan

Needless to say, uninformed RWs like andaronjim have no use for facts and he will most certainly continue to believe and spread the lie about the non-existent "ObamaPhone"

What a bunch of bullshit, it is a tax, forced upon US taxpayers so those who shlub around like Obamaphone lady can get her FREE STUFF. Try to tell your phone company you no longer want to participate in the PHONE tax, see where that gets you. As for Reagan, that you liberals must really LOVE, that lifeline was supposed to be for people in need incase of an emergency(LIFELINE) not free minutes and phones so they can chat with other liberal losers.
Durbin says U.S. should take in 100,000 Syrian refugees : News
Durbin says U.S. should take in 100,000 Syrian refugees
Hmmm, Obama wants 1000 to 2000, or Dickie Turban, wants 100,000? Who will BO listen too?
Same yahoo who told him about ObamaPhones.

They don't exist either but that doesn't stop them from retelling the lie.

and the same wack jobs who told him there are FEMA camps.

damn, they're stupid. but then again what else would we expect from intellectually limited, dishonest and uninformed rightwingnut loons?
Yep.....because it's all over the internet....only rightwingers are stupid.
I think you were one of those people that said before Obama was president he and Democrats weren't really socialists. Now they're bragging about it.

I wonder where Obama is planning on putting all of those Syrian refugees Democrats want him to bring here. In Marriott's?

I'm waiting for you to grow up......it's gonna be a long wait.

it's all over the rightwingnut blogosphere ..... which, like almost everything else you obamas-deranged loons post... is outright lies, conspiracy theories, or, at best, misrepresentation.
Ask yourself why Obama wants to bring 200,000 Syrian refugees here.....ask yourself where he plans to put 200,000 angry assholes that don't mix well with Christians, and then ask yourself why he knew this would happen....years in advance.

As usual, you're wrong.

Q: Are 65,000 Syrian refugees being relocated to the U.S.?
A: No. The Obama administration says 1,000 to 2,000 Syrians will likely be resettled in the United States by the end of September, and at least 10,000 more in 2016.

Mum About Muslims

I'll bet mudwhistle will continue to believe and spread his lie too.

loony muddy still thinks the president was born in Kenya. :cuckoo:
Did Michelle say Barack born in Kenya?
A video of Michelle Obama telling a group of homosexual-rights activists that Kenya was her husband’s “home country” went viral over the Easter weekend.
I never said Barry Sorento was from Kenya, but it sure seems that the FAUX PAUX of Michelle, lets slip the truth, which you libtards deny all the time. It is hard to keep secrets, secret over and over, because once in a while, even a liberal will slip up.
I never said Barry Sorento was from Kenya...

90% of Rightists' problem is that they're referring to imaginary people and things. "Barry Sorento" and "Obozocare" are not what the adults are talking about. When you're ready to talk about Obama and the PPACA, we'll take you seriously. Until then, don't get butthurt if we point and laugh.
Did Michelle say Barack born in Kenya?
A video of Michelle Obama telling a group of homosexual-rights activists that Kenya was her husband’s “home country” went viral over the Easter weekend.
I never said Barry Sorento was from Kenya, but it sure seems that the FAUX PAUX of Michelle, lets slip the truth, which you libtards deny all the time. It is hard to keep secrets, secret over and over, because once in a while, even a liberal will slip up.

and my family is Russian.... i'm second generation and when asked I say i'm Russian. same as my second generation American Italian friends say they're Italian.

poor wingers. it so must suck being that stupid.
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I never said Barry Sorento was from Kenya...

90% of Rightists' problem is that they're referring to imaginary people and things. "Barry Sorento" and "Obozocare" are not what the adults are talking about. When you're ready to talk about Obama and the PPACA, we'll take you seriously. Until then, don't get butthurt if we point and laugh.
When you are ready to talk, we'll take you seriously? LOLOLOLOLOL, point after point I give you what is said from the media or their own liberal words, and all you can do it come back with that. I laugh at your lack of intelligence.
Did Michelle say Barack born in Kenya?
A video of Michelle Obama telling a group of homosexual-rights activists that Kenya was her husband’s “home country” went viral over the Easter weekend.
I never said Barry Sorento was from Kenya, but it sure seems that the FAUX PAUX of Michelle, lets slip the truth, which you libtards deny all the time. It is hard to keep secrets, secret over and over, because once in a while, even a liberal will slip up.

and my family is Russian.... i'm second generation and when asked I say i'm Russian. same as my second generation American Italian friends say they're Italian.

poor wingers. it so must suck being that stupid.
My Greatgrandfather was Scottish, my Grandfather was Scottish, my father was American, I am American, shame you are too ashamed to be called American. Go back to Russia, live under real Socialist rule, see if you can get over the wall without being killed. Not too many were jumping over the WALL, to get into the USSR. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat. You must really suck.
I never said Barry Sorento was from Kenya...

90% of Rightists' problem is that they're referring to imaginary people and things. "Barry Sorento" and "Obozocare" are not what the adults are talking about. When you're ready to talk about Obama and the PPACA, we'll take you seriously. Until then, don't get butthurt if we point and laugh.
When you are ready to talk, we'll take you seriously? LOLOLOLOLOL, point after point I give you what is said from the media or their own liberal words, and all you can do it come back with that. I laugh at your lack of intelligence.

You imagine I care whether or not you take me seriously. I'd prefer you ignore me like all the other "Obozocare" aficionados and contentless flaming trolls so I can talk to the adults.

Now say something else equally meaningless.
I never said Barry Sorento was from Kenya...

90% of Rightists' problem is that they're referring to imaginary people and things. "Barry Sorento" and "Obozocare" are not what the adults are talking about. When you're ready to talk about Obama and the PPACA, we'll take you seriously. Until then, don't get butthurt if we point and laugh.
When you are ready to talk, we'll take you seriously? LOLOLOLOLOL, point after point I give you what is said from the media or their own liberal words, and all you can do it come back with that. I laugh at your lack of intelligence.

You imagine I care whether or not you take me seriously. I'd prefer you ignore me like all the other "Obozocare" aficionados and contentless flaming trolls so I can talk to the adults.

Now say something else equally meaningless.
I don't give a rats ass about your feelings, as I know how you FEEL towards US concerned citizens of America. I am just waiting patiently to see if your Kenyan President(Michelle said it not me) decides to take America over the cliff, and change it by destroying the constitution that protects you from Tyrannical Governments. If it does, you, like Japan may not like the results of your actions, Japan found out the hard way, you will too.
I never said Barry Sorento was from Kenya...

90% of Rightists' problem is that they're referring to imaginary people and things. "Barry Sorento" and "Obozocare" are not what the adults are talking about. When you're ready to talk about Obama and the PPACA, we'll take you seriously. Until then, don't get butthurt if we point and laugh.
When you are ready to talk, we'll take you seriously? LOLOLOLOLOL, point after point I give you what is said from the media or their own liberal words, and all you can do it come back with that. I laugh at your lack of intelligence.

You imagine I care whether or not you take me seriously. I'd prefer you ignore me like all the other "Obozocare" aficionados and contentless flaming trolls so I can talk to the adults.

Now say something else equally meaningless.
I don't give a rats ass about your feelings, as I know how you FEEL towards US concerned citizens of America. I am just waiting patiently to see if your Kenyan President(Michelle said it not me) decides to take America over the cliff, and change it by destroying the constitution that protects you from Tyrannical Governments. If it does, you, like Japan may not like the results of your actions, Japan found out the hard way, you will too.
Great rant, totally addresses the topic of Obamacare. Do another. :)
New grads may have to work till they're 75, report predicts
Researchers at Nerdwallet, the financial site that published the report Wednesday, cited rising rents and student debt levels. "Millennials are facing a unique challenge in ever-rising student debt that is really impacting their ability to save early in their careers," said NerdWallet investing manager Kyle Ramsay.

Meanwhile, the cost of renting a home in the U.S. has risen to its least affordable levels ever, taking up a record proportion of income in most major cities, according to a study from property website Zillow.
Do any of you remember the Financial take over of the student loan by the Federal Government? Boy when the government gets involved you can bet it will fuck up.
I have pointed before that social security isn't going to get a pay raise, because there is no inflation going on(that is what liberals believe) yet how is there no inflation yet housing costs are getting so high people cant afford to pay rent? Ah yes, liberals love to lie, and if they lie enough, then it must be true. When those poor 26 year old Grads get out of their parents basement , get a fulltime/partime job, of 29 hours, then they will be FORCED to pay their own Healthcare. And you can bet the dumbass liberals will be pointing the fingers at everyone else, so they(liberals) wont be killed by the same graduates they screwed not once but 3 times, or more.
^See, now those are solid, Real World topics, and each one is worthy of its own thread in the appropriate forum(s). Go for it!
^See, now those are solid, Real World topics, and each one is worthy of its own thread in the appropriate forum(s). Go for it!
Check the title, once again, it reads "Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control....." and everything I have put up here is appropriate for the subject. But for you tards, it is WAY over your heads, which is why you are fecklessly trying to debate me.
^See, now those are solid, Real World topics, and each one is worthy of its own thread in the appropriate forum(s). Go for it!
Check the title, once again, it reads "Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control....."

Why, yes it does. Now, if you look at the title of the forum, it reads "ObamaCare."

But you go right ahead and post about other things, because apparently you've run out of things to whine about RE: ObamaCare.
How global markets are draining cash from US pensions
The Teacher Retirement System of Texas, whose exposure to the stocks is the biggest among U.S. public pension funds, lost 4.6% on the investments in the year through June 30. And though the Texas fund hasn't posted third-quarter results, the benchmark index tracking emerging-market stocks tumbled 18% during the period.
Notice once again how a UNION'S retirement system run by liberals, is not doing well, In Obama's 2nd term? But you see how the liberals blame the world for the problem and not the 1/2 white president who with his policies have made the oceans lower and the planet heal<SARCASM>. All I can say, is elections have consequences, unintended consequences when you vote for a liberal. You were warned back in 2007 that Obama was going to ruin America, well it is much worse than we even thought. We underestimated the damage that he could do, now the world and UNIONS are paying for it. I have to laugh. Liberals getting their just deserts, or is it desserts?
So now there are threads about Obamacare in other forums, and a thread in the Obamacare forum about Anything Except Obamacare.

and the same wack jobs who told him there are FEMA camps.

damn, they're stupid. but then again what else would we expect from intellectually limited, dishonest and uninformed rightwingnut loons?
Yep.....because it's all over the internet....only rightwingers are stupid.
I think you were one of those people that said before Obama was president he and Democrats weren't really socialists. Now they're bragging about it.

I wonder where Obama is planning on putting all of those Syrian refugees Democrats want him to bring here. In Marriott's?

I'm waiting for you to grow up......it's gonna be a long wait.

it's all over the rightwingnut blogosphere ..... which, like almost everything else you obamas-deranged loons post... is outright lies, conspiracy theories, or, at best, misrepresentation.
Ask yourself why Obama wants to bring 200,000 Syrian refugees here.....ask yourself where he plans to put 200,000 angry assholes that don't mix well with Christians, and then ask yourself why he knew this would happen....years in advance.

As usual, you're wrong.

Q: Are 65,000 Syrian refugees being relocated to the U.S.?
A: No. The Obama administration says 1,000 to 2,000 Syrians will likely be resettled in the United States by the end of September, and at least 10,000 more in 2016.

Mum About Muslims

I'll bet mudwhistle will continue to believe and spread his lie too.

loony muddy still thinks the president was born in Kenya. :cuckoo:
Nope....he was born in Hawaii.

You can't argue against my valid question, so you lie about me.
I never said Barry Sorento was from Kenya...

90% of Rightists' problem is that they're referring to imaginary people and things. "Barry Sorento" and "Obozocare" are not what the adults are talking about. When you're ready to talk about Obama and the PPACA, we'll take you seriously. Until then, don't get butthurt if we point and laugh.

I don't know where he got the name "Sorento". They pretty much make this stuff up as they go along and he's not smart enough to even use the correct name.

Thing is, never before, in the entire history of the world, has any other parent used the name of the step parent on school forms. That his mother gave him the name Soetoro to use means something or other to the burfur types.

Nor has any other child ever EVER used a shortened version of their name as a nickname.

There's really no reason to continue to try to engage the willfully ignorant. I proved to him that the so-called "ObamaPhone" was actually started by King Ronnie and rather than admit he was wrong, he just changed the subject.

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