Unintended consequences

The bottom line is that democrats know they can't win the next election so they might as well destroy the Country. They weren't crazy about the Constitution anyway.
Your kidding, right? We can't lose the next election. tRump and company are imploding as we watch.
It is about to become apparent how little the police actually do to keep the peace.
Do you live in New York?
No but I have lived in a big city before. If you live in certain areas the police don't care what the hell happens, they just show up to file a report on whatever happened and you never hear another word out of them. Rich people might get some better action but I wouldn't know about that.
No you dont live in New York so you dont give a shit when that city goes even more to shit because of the lack of the police force. When the violent gangs see how easy it is in New York they will move into your area. Are you prepared for the worst, or will you dial 911 when someone comes through your window?
Quit being so paranoid. If a police presence makes you feel safe then you have never had to deal with them much. They really don't do much to prevent crime.
It is about to become apparent how little the police actually do to keep the peace.
Do you live in New York?
No but I have lived in a big city before. If you live in certain areas the police don't care what the hell happens, they just show up to file a report on whatever happened and you never hear another word out of them. Rich people might get some better action but I wouldn't know about that.
No you dont live in New York so you dont give a shit when that city goes even more to shit because of the lack of the police force. When the violent gangs see how easy it is in New York they will move into your area. Are you prepared for the worst, or will you dial 911 when someone comes through your window?
Quit being so paranoid. If a police presence makes you feel safe then you have never had to deal with them much. They really don't do much to prevent crime.
I dont need a police presence, i am a veteran who can legally conceal carry. When seconds counts. Ruger is a pull away..
It is about to become apparent how little the police actually do to keep the peace.
Do you live in New York?
No but I have lived in a big city before. If you live in certain areas the police don't care what the hell happens, they just show up to file a report on whatever happened and you never hear another word out of them. Rich people might get some better action but I wouldn't know about that.
No you dont live in New York so you dont give a shit when that city goes even more to shit because of the lack of the police force. When the violent gangs see how easy it is in New York they will move into your area. Are you prepared for the worst, or will you dial 911 when someone comes through your window?
Quit being so paranoid. If a police presence makes you feel safe then you have never had to deal with them much. They really don't do much to prevent crime.
I dont need a police presence, i am a veteran who can legally conceal carry. When seconds counts. Ruger is a pull away..
You have to do that a lot?
It is about to become apparent how little the police actually do to keep the peace.
Do you live in New York?
No but I have lived in a big city before. If you live in certain areas the police don't care what the hell happens, they just show up to file a report on whatever happened and you never hear another word out of them. Rich people might get some better action but I wouldn't know about that.
No you dont live in New York so you dont give a shit when that city goes even more to shit because of the lack of the police force. When the violent gangs see how easy it is in New York they will move into your area. Are you prepared for the worst, or will you dial 911 when someone comes through your window?
Quit being so paranoid. If a police presence makes you feel safe then you have never had to deal with them much. They really don't do much to prevent crime.
I dont need a police presence, i am a veteran who can legally conceal carry. When seconds counts. Ruger is a pull away..
You have to do that a lot?
Down here in the civilized part of Floor E Da, we dont have to pull at all, but as they say, when seconds count, police are minutes away. Why would i want to be a victim of a liberal who decides that what i have should be given to him? I had to move away from Manassas because it was turning into a Mexico with MS-13 running rampant. If it gets down here, then maybe i will have to use it....
It is about to become apparent how little the police actually do to keep the peace.
Do you live in New York?
No but I have lived in a big city before. If you live in certain areas the police don't care what the hell happens, they just show up to file a report on whatever happened and you never hear another word out of them. Rich people might get some better action but I wouldn't know about that.
No you dont live in New York so you dont give a shit when that city goes even more to shit because of the lack of the police force. When the violent gangs see how easy it is in New York they will move into your area. Are you prepared for the worst, or will you dial 911 when someone comes through your window?
Quit being so paranoid. If a police presence makes you feel safe then you have never had to deal with them much. They really don't do much to prevent crime.
I dont need a police presence, i am a veteran who can legally conceal carry. When seconds counts. Ruger is a pull away..
Think about the issue (and think about pulling the trigger) before you pronounce yourself to be independent from the justice system. Sooner or later somebody is going to find those dead bodies in your basement.
It is about to become apparent how little the police actually do to keep the peace.
Do you live in New York?
No but I have lived in a big city before. If you live in certain areas the police don't care what the hell happens, they just show up to file a report on whatever happened and you never hear another word out of them. Rich people might get some better action but I wouldn't know about that.
No you dont live in New York so you dont give a shit when that city goes even more to shit because of the lack of the police force. When the violent gangs see how easy it is in New York they will move into your area. Are you prepared for the worst, or will you dial 911 when someone comes through your window?
Quit being so paranoid. If a police presence makes you feel safe then you have never had to deal with them much. They really don't do much to prevent crime.
I dont need a police presence, i am a veteran who can legally conceal carry. When seconds counts. Ruger is a pull away..
Think about the issue (and think about pulling the trigger) before you pronounce yourself to be independent from the justice system. Sooner or later somebody is going to find those dead bodies in your basement.
Dude i went to the concealed carry class of Utah, in it there is a defining moment that is strongly pushed. If you feel that you are threatened to the point of pulling your weapon, you must decide if you are willing to go through the hell that George Zimmerman went through, with the Lame Stream Media editing the 911 call and such. I expect no matter what i do, when i kill in self defense the lame stream media will paint me as the bad guy. But as the saying goes, it is better to be judged by 12, than buried by 6...

OIP (1).jpg

and after i fire, i will notify the police, unless they have been defunded....oops i wasnt supposed to say that right?
It is about to become apparent how little the police actually do to keep the peace.
Do you live in New York?
No but I have lived in a big city before. If you live in certain areas the police don't care what the hell happens, they just show up to file a report on whatever happened and you never hear another word out of them. Rich people might get some better action but I wouldn't know about that.
No you dont live in New York so you dont give a shit when that city goes even more to shit because of the lack of the police force. When the violent gangs see how easy it is in New York they will move into your area. Are you prepared for the worst, or will you dial 911 when someone comes through your window?
Quit being so paranoid. If a police presence makes you feel safe then you have never had to deal with them much. They really don't do much to prevent crime.
I dont need a police presence, i am a veteran who can legally conceal carry. When seconds counts. Ruger is a pull away..
You have to do that a lot?
Down here in the civilized part of Floor E Da, we dont have to pull at all, but as they say, when seconds count, police are minutes away. Why would i want to be a victim of a liberal who decides that what i have should be given to him? I had to move away from Manassas because it was turning into a Mexico with MS-13 running rampant. If it gets down here, then maybe i will have to use it....
If you have never had to use a gun then it has not kept you safe. At best it has made you feel safe. The police damned sure have not made you safe. Your actual safety is on account of your wits and a rich society that is actually just pretty safe unless you stupidly go looking for trouble.
It is about to become apparent how little the police actually do to keep the peace.
Do you live in New York?
No but I have lived in a big city before. If you live in certain areas the police don't care what the hell happens, they just show up to file a report on whatever happened and you never hear another word out of them. Rich people might get some better action but I wouldn't know about that.
No you dont live in New York so you dont give a shit when that city goes even more to shit because of the lack of the police force. When the violent gangs see how easy it is in New York they will move into your area. Are you prepared for the worst, or will you dial 911 when someone comes through your window?
Quit being so paranoid. If a police presence makes you feel safe then you have never had to deal with them much. They really don't do much to prevent crime.
I dont need a police presence, i am a veteran who can legally conceal carry. When seconds counts. Ruger is a pull away..
You have to do that a lot?
Down here in the civilized part of Floor E Da, we dont have to pull at all, but as they say, when seconds count, police are minutes away. Why would i want to be a victim of a liberal who decides that what i have should be given to him? I had to move away from Manassas because it was turning into a Mexico with MS-13 running rampant. If it gets down here, then maybe i will have to use it....
If you have never had to use a gun then it has not kept you safe. At best it has made you feel safe. The police damned sure have not made you safe. Your actual safety is on account of your wits and a rich society that is actually just pretty safe unless you stupidly go looking for trouble.
"If you never had to use a gun then it has not kept you safe"? What nonsense. In most cases the mere brandishing of a firearm has kept people safe from potential aggressors. That having been said the irresponsible brandishing of a firearm is unlawful and might result in arrest. Think about it before you condemn the people and the laws that keep you safe and go out and buy a gun.
It is about to become apparent how little the police actually do to keep the peace.
Do you live in New York?
No but I have lived in a big city before. If you live in certain areas the police don't care what the hell happens, they just show up to file a report on whatever happened and you never hear another word out of them. Rich people might get some better action but I wouldn't know about that.
No you dont live in New York so you dont give a shit when that city goes even more to shit because of the lack of the police force. When the violent gangs see how easy it is in New York they will move into your area. Are you prepared for the worst, or will you dial 911 when someone comes through your window?
Quit being so paranoid. If a police presence makes you feel safe then you have never had to deal with them much. They really don't do much to prevent crime.
I dont need a police presence, i am a veteran who can legally conceal carry. When seconds counts. Ruger is a pull away..
You have to do that a lot?
Down here in the civilized part of Floor E Da, we dont have to pull at all, but as they say, when seconds count, police are minutes away. Why would i want to be a victim of a liberal who decides that what i have should be given to him? I had to move away from Manassas because it was turning into a Mexico with MS-13 running rampant. If it gets down here, then maybe i will have to use it....
If you have never had to use a gun then it has not kept you safe. At best it has made you feel safe. The police damned sure have not made you safe. Your actual safety is on account of your wits and a rich society that is actually just pretty safe unless you stupidly go looking for trouble.
Well if trouble does happen down my way, which with all the blacks and stupid whites rioting and looting, they are being emboldened to go where a stupid man shouldnt go.
It is about to become apparent how little the police actually do to keep the peace.
Do keep in mind that its everyone else who makes the law come to life in the first place and when we make it as clear as glass that we have no intention of "quieting down", what do you expect to be done by those who carry a badge? Why should criminals get away with "out screaming" the law?

God bless you always!!!

A man has a universal right to protect his life and the lives of his family with the use of deadly force but don't go out and buy a hi-tech semi automatic weapon just because you saw it on TV.

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