Union members more productive than NonUnion Scabs

Wow, what hatred for unions. I was a CWA union member for 36 yrs., and my productivity, which was covered monthly by my supervisor, was always at least equal or above the top producer in my group, more often than not, I was the top producer. This had nothing to do with being a union member, it was my work ethic. This was the way I was raised, unfortunately, many people are not. In all those years, I was never told by the union to slow down on my work, not saying it never happened, but not my experience. I smoke, but was never told I could get extra breaks , in fact the opposite. I can only speak for myself, and I worked for Verizon. I walked quite a few picket lines, and while I really don't like the term "scab", I did see quite a few people that crossed the picket line to work while we were on strike, leave with the back seat of their cars filled with snacks from the vending machines that were
open to them (didn't have to pay) . I heared them brag, after we returned to work, about all the overtime pay they made, not doing much, and all the free stuff. Decent people, right? Nothing like taking advantage. I'm in Virginia, which has a right to work law, no problem with that, until the non-union workers, go whining to the union when they need help, and the union has to help them. I worked with someone that was absent more than she was at work, and when she was finally suspended, had the union represent her in a grievance, received back pay, and the suspension was removed from her record. She never payed union dues, but like many others, had the union bail her out when she was in trouble. We were a small group, and everytime someone was not on the job, the rest of us had to take up the slack. I worked over many days and did not get paid overtime, I did not put in for it, I considered it part of my job. Those of you who say union members are slackers, can kiss my butt. The non union members in my office were the ones who slacked off, and then relied on the union to bail them out. It must be nice not to pay union dues, but still be protected by the union. I wasn't raised to expect something for nothing, like so many people feel entitled to today. I didn't agree with everthing my union did (like supporting Obama), but I took the good with the bad, and the good outweighed the bad. It is so stupid for anyone to group all union workers together and say they all are slackers, or worse, when in my experience (many different jobs, and locations throughout the years) the opposite is true. I was a damn hard worker, and I really take offense at some of the comments that have been made here. I would put my work ethic against anyone here, anyday, anytime.

You do realize everything you wrote is the reaon there is so much dislike for unions. thanks for the examples.
Dream on dickweed. Intimidation over wealth won't be your best friend in any debate with me.:lol:

You do not have to agree because it really doesn't matter. But
Unions put the union first non union put America first.


American Iron Workers

nonunion scabs

are you trying to make some sort of point?
Now I know this will all come at a great shock for the cons, but this exaplains by going Union is superior to hiring wino scabs. I just keep blowing those con-myths!

"Productivity is a term most people throw around pretty freely these days. But when we use it, we back it up with proof," said Steve Lamb, executive vice president of MCA Chicago. "Union workers receive extensive training and so incur fewer injuries and lawsuits. Their quality workmanship results in greater productivity and timely results, and that adds up to savings.":clap2:

According to the study, the average Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) apprenticeship program:

-registers relatively few apprentices,
-produces more cancellations than graduations,
-enrolls a small proportion of female and minority apprentices, and
-provides training in a narrower range of crafts.
-Union apprenticeship programs, on the other hand, enroll and graduate the majority of
-construction apprentices, including the majority of female and minority apprentices.

The study states: "The hundreds of millions of dollars the union sector spends annually on apprenticeship and training programs produces the skilled workers vital to the construction industry's future."

Department of Labor records from 36 states show that union programs have enrolled 72 percent of construction apprentices since 1989, and have enrolled almost three times as many minorities and over four times as many women as non-union programs.

Union vs. Non-Union: Training Is Key Factor to Worker Productivity

This may come as a surprise to the libels (liberals, if I dont define this the libs will not understand the insult), Actually now that I read this I dont want no part of a thread that starts with a libel saying he gives blow jobs to conservatives, how smart is that, I guess this is as good a place for one to come out as any, shintoo, he goes on his shins, too.

Yes it was a shock to learn you got scabs blowing cons, on your shin, too.
You don't even know the etymology of your own colloquialisms.

Fucking retard.

Fuck you very much imbecile. I see you are down to personal insults, the first sign you lost the argument, or maybe you really lost it reading the article. Loser..............
It wasn't an insult.

It was an observation.

And I think he was being nice rather than entirely honest.
its called logic and commons sense, moron, something you clearly lack

I happen to have intelligence
, all you have is mah cock, so STFU!!! The article says your a fool, and a about to become a cream [there should be a hyphen here] filled cupcake, so shove your common sense up your ass to keep that BS filling in your mouth.

well, that was unintentionally amusing
You are running way to late toodles, that mistake has already been laughed at and admitted to back on page 4 I believe. No need to deny it, like you would do. That is the difference between a man and coward like yourself.

Facts are facts there poindexter...SEVEN PERCENT!!! and falling.

Coward? You are not man enough to face the facts which in this case are the smoking gun that has blown your every idea into another area code.

Not one of you union thugs has ever had the courage to make your own mark.

And you call ME a coward? yeah right. You wouldn't know courage if it bit you on your craggy crinkly old puss spewing ass.
Just keep on sucking and STFU.
You have to rely on groupism and a leadership to represent you. You people are nothing but co-dependent robots.
You are so over.

Lets see, I pay for representation, you suck cock. What would I rather do? I think I will stick with Unions. So suck mah cock asshole.

you seem to be obsessed with homosexual acts

why is that?


don't tell us...

for the love of God, please don't share any details
its called logic and commons sense, moron, something you clearly lack

I happen to have intelligence
, all you have is mah cock, so STFU!!! The article says your a fool, and a about to become a cream [there should be a hyphen here] filled cupcake, so shove your common sense up your ass to keep that BS filling in your mouth.

well, that was unintentionally amusing
yes, shitstaino has been a lot of amusement tonight
The union itself has no problem hiring lower cost non-union workers:

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Union Hires Non-Union Workers at Minimum Wage to Protest a Company Hiring Non-Union Workers

Union Hires Non-Union Workers at Minimum Wage to Protest a Company Hiring Non-Union Workers

Once again truth is funnier and stranger than fiction. Please consider To Protest Hiring of Nonunion Help, Union Hires Nonunion Pickets
Billy Raye, a 51-year-old unemployed bike courier, is looking for work.

Fortunately for him, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council of Carpenters is seeking paid demonstrators to march and chant in its current picket line outside the McPherson Building, an office complex here where the council says work is being done with nonunion labor.

"For a lot of our members, it's really difficult to have them come out, either because of parking or something else," explains Vincente Garcia, a union representative who is supervising the picketing.

In California, one group is offering to pay $10 and up per hour to activists to hold signs in demonstrations against foam cups and plastic bags.

In Atlanta, Timothy Baker, a 40-year-old unemployed warehouse worker, says his money-making strategy has been to walk picket lines for $8.50 an hour for the Southeastern Carpenters Regional Council. "It's something to do until you find something better."

The union's Mr. Garcia sees no conflict in a union that insists on union labor hiring nonunion people to protest the hiring of nonunion labor.

He says the pickets are not only about "union issues" but also about fair wages and benefits for American workers. By hiring the unemployed, "we are also giving back to the community a bit," he says.​
Look at the gall of these unions, hiring non-union picketers while cannibalizing members of their own union.

Read that hypocrite's last statement again "by hiring the unemployed we are giving back to the community".

We would not have as many pending state layoffs if the hypocrites were truly interested in helping unemployment or helping the community instead of preying on communities, incessantly whining for higher taxes.


does not compute
You don't even know the etymology of your own colloquialisms.

Fucking retard.

Fuck you very much imbecile. I see you are down to personal insults, the first sign you lost the argument, or maybe you really lost it reading the article. Loser..............

The "projecting" is incredible.

First Shin too with the scabs of his knees from blowing cons starts a thread with the title an insult, and the first time somebody insults Shin too (with the scabs....), Shin too states the argument was lost.

So we find out Shin Too is gay, real gay as on his knees gay (shins too) and Shin too admits when one has no substance they insult, so Shin too knows he is in the closet hence everything is a link to another person's opinion and began with insults, ended with insults.
Quote:" You do realize everything you wrote is the reaon there is so much dislike for unions. thanks for the examples." bigrebnc1775

Sorry, I could not get the quote function to work. Nope to your thanks, it's a state law, and people that take advantage, not the union's fault. Do you want all those poor non-union workers to be fired? And you don't like all union workers? Pretty shallow of you, to dislike so many people you don't even know. I get to know people before I decide whether I like them or not.
Why are there 2 threads on this? I keep getting them confused! :lol:

Because the other did not start with an insult, for the libels they need to call the enemy who are ordinary americans, the libels need to call us names and need that insults are the only thing the libels want read when anyone scans the topics.

Call people names enough until enough people believe, once they believe the name calling then the people will be easily swayed, imagine, once the libels are in control, complete control, they will have more than half the nation ready to round up the Cons like Europe rounded up the Jews.

Its easier to throw someone in the oven if you hate them and believe that person is a monster.

Better buy guns all you Cons, first comes the name calling, the dehumanizing, kill the economy to make everyone afraid, maybe take their homes, on a nation wide scale, that ought to ratchet up the pressure and fear.
Quote:" You do realize everything you wrote is the reaon there is so much dislike for unions. thanks for the examples." bigrebnc1775

Sorry, I could not get the quote function to work. Nope to your thanks, it's a state law, and people that take advantage, not the union's fault. Do you want all those poor non-union workers to be fired? And you don't like all union workers? Pretty shallow of you, to dislike so many people you don't even know. I get to know people before I decide whether I like them or not.

Say what?
Wow, what hatred for unions. I was a CWA union member for 36 yrs., and my productivity, which was covered monthly by my supervisor, was always at least equal or above the top producer in my group, more often than not, I was the top producer. This had nothing to do with being a union member, it was my work ethic. This was the way I was raised, unfortunately, many people are not. In all those years, I was never told by the union to slow down on my work, not saying it never happened, but not my experience. I smoke, but was never told I could get extra breaks , in fact the opposite. I can only speak for myself, and I worked for Verizon. I walked quite a few picket lines, and while I really don't like the term "scab", I did see quite a few people that crossed the picket line to work while we were on strike, leave with the back seat of their cars filled with snacks from the vending machines that were
open to them (didn't have to pay) . I heared them brag, after we returned to work, about all the overtime pay they made, not doing much, and all the free stuff. Decent people, right? Nothing like taking advantage. I'm in Virginia, which has a right to work law, no problem with that, until the non-union workers, go whining to the union when they need help, and the union has to help them. I worked with someone that was absent more than she was at work, and when she was finally suspended, had the union represent her in a grievance, received back pay, and the suspension was removed from her record. She never payed union dues, but like many others, had the union bail her out when she was in trouble. We were a small group, and everytime someone was not on the job, the rest of us had to take up the slack. I worked over many days and did not get paid overtime, I did not put in for it, I considered it part of my job. Those of you who say union members are slackers, can kiss my butt. The non union members in my office were the ones who slacked off, and then relied on the union to bail them out. It must be nice not to pay union dues, but still be protected by the union. I wasn't raised to expect something for nothing, like so many people feel entitled to today. I didn't agree with everthing my union did (like supporting Obama), but I took the good with the bad, and the good outweighed the bad. It is so stupid for anyone to group all union workers together and say they all are slackers, or worse, when in my experience (many different jobs, and locations throughout the years) the opposite is true. I was a damn hard worker, and I really take offense at some of the comments that have been made here. I would put my work ethic against anyone here, anyday, anytime.

Your sunshiny propaganda double talk union message might work on some but not on others. Hint I am one of the others. "those union members are hard working people, and those non union people are just slackers" bullshit message Union rules are union rules if it's not your job and you are in the union you do not do it no matter if it hasn't been done. If you are a union member and have a work ethic then you are 1 in 700,000. CWA ? No wonder my phone service sucks.
Now I know this will all come at a great shock for the cons, but this exaplains by going Union is superior to hiring wino scabs. I just keep blowing those con-myths!

"Productivity is a term most people throw around pretty freely these days. But when we use it, we back it up with proof," said Steve Lamb, executive vice president of MCA Chicago. "Union workers receive extensive training and so incur fewer injuries and lawsuits. Their quality workmanship results in greater productivity and timely results, and that adds up to savings.":clap2:

According to the study, the average Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) apprenticeship program:

-registers relatively few apprentices,
-produces more cancellations than graduations,
-enrolls a small proportion of female and minority apprentices, and
-provides training in a narrower range of crafts.
-Union apprenticeship programs, on the other hand, enroll and graduate the majority of
-construction apprentices, including the majority of female and minority apprentices.

The study states: "The hundreds of millions of dollars the union sector spends annually on apprenticeship and training programs produces the skilled workers vital to the construction industry's future."

Department of Labor records from 36 states show that union programs have enrolled 72 percent of construction apprentices since 1989, and have enrolled almost three times as many minorities and over four times as many women as non-union programs.

Union vs. Non-Union: Training Is Key Factor to Worker Productivity

What a crock of pure crap for the 'headliner'.

As a former, many years ago, union member I was told NOT to be so productive almost everyday, why? because, as the shop Stuart told me, it would result in the rest of the workers in my local having to undertake more work, and that I would 'upset their monthly 'production numbers', of course management loved it.

The shop stuart himself was a lazy ass, always,' running out of time' for a particular project or job. The truth is in my opinion, is that most Union workers get paid salaries and bennies way above the national average at the expense of everyone else, and try doing the least amount of work, in many cases, the least work they can. 'Skilled Trained Worker' does not mean that most of them work hard every minute of the day either, that's pure bullshit. :tongue:

Cut the propaganda on Union 'Productivity'. This is not a blanket statement that ALL of them are lazy asses and OVERPAID, but a large amount.....are.
No they don't. Why would they want work going overseas? You are being illogical again.

idiot jobs leave America the people stay here. fucking idiot.

There you have it folks, the scabs couldn't find an argument against Union being more productive. They were all Losers, and can't say it wasn't fun burning their ass in the flames. Now what you see in common here is everyone was spouting some kind of bullshit, and didn't have a clue what they were talking about, could not provide a reference, could not add a citation, nada. That is typical of cons because they are Losers.

Funny, I'm a "Con", and a union member for 36 yrs. A lot of us union members are "Cons", (I'm retired now). I don't consider myself a "loser" :eusa_hand:.
Quote:" You do realize everything you wrote is the reaon there is so much dislike for unions. thanks for the examples." bigrebnc1775

Sorry, I could not get the quote function to work. Nope to your thanks, it's a state law, and people that take advantage, not the union's fault. Do you want all those poor non-union workers to be fired? And you don't like all union workers? Pretty shallow of you, to dislike so many people you don't even know. I get to know people before I decide whether I like them or not.

Say what?
Wow, what hatred for unions. I was a CWA union member for 36 yrs., and my productivity, which was covered monthly by my supervisor, was always at least equal or above the top producer in my group, more often than not, I was the top producer. This had nothing to do with being a union member, it was my work ethic. This was the way I was raised, unfortunately, many people are not. In all those years, I was never told by the union to slow down on my work, not saying it never happened, but not my experience. I smoke, but was never told I could get extra breaks , in fact the opposite. I can only speak for myself, and I worked for Verizon. I walked quite a few picket lines, and while I really don't like the term "scab", I did see quite a few people that crossed the picket line to work while we were on strike, leave with the back seat of their cars filled with snacks from the vending machines that were
open to them (didn't have to pay) . I heared them brag, after we returned to work, about all the overtime pay they made, not doing much, and all the free stuff. Decent people, right? Nothing like taking advantage. I'm in Virginia, which has a right to work law, no problem with that, until the non-union workers, go whining to the union when they need help, and the union has to help them. I worked with someone that was absent more than she was at work, and when she was finally suspended, had the union represent her in a grievance, received back pay, and the suspension was removed from her record. She never payed union dues, but like many others, had the union bail her out when she was in trouble. We were a small group, and everytime someone was not on the job, the rest of us had to take up the slack. I worked over many days and did not get paid overtime, I did not put in for it, I considered it part of my job. Those of you who say union members are slackers, can kiss my butt. The non union members in my office were the ones who slacked off, and then relied on the union to bail them out. It must be nice not to pay union dues, but still be protected by the union. I wasn't raised to expect something for nothing, like so many people feel entitled to today. I didn't agree with everthing my union did (like supporting Obama), but I took the good with the bad, and the good outweighed the bad. It is so stupid for anyone to group all union workers together and say they all are slackers, or worse, when in my experience (many different jobs, and locations throughout the years) the opposite is true. I was a damn hard worker, and I really take offense at some of the comments that have been made here. I would put my work ethic against anyone here, anyday, anytime.

Your sunshiny propaganda double talk union message might work on some but not on others. Hint I am one of the others. "those union members are hard working people, and those non union people are just slackers" bullshit message Union rules are union rules if it's not your job and you are in the union you do not do it no matter if it hasn't been done. If you are a union member and have a work ethic then you are 1 in 700,000. CWA ? No wonder my phone service sucks.

"Sunshiny propaganda double talk union message" , no, only what I experienced while on the job. That's all I can speak for, sorry, if I don't see unions the way you do. I do have a right to my opinion, yes? It's still a free country, right? And, by the way, I really don't care what you think about my work ethic, and I would love to know where you came up with the figure "1 in 700,000". We had a lot of hard workers in my office, workers that cared about their jobs, their customers, and went beyond what was expected of them to provide service. I guess alll of us that received commendations from customers daily were "slacking" at our jobs because the union told us to. Verizon has a a very high customer service approval rating, so if your service sucks, maybe you need to call repair, or look elsewhere (we haven't been a monopoly for yrs., you're free to choose another provider). Don't know what type of people you have worked with, to have such an attitude. I'm sure I'm from a different generation than you, and believe it or not, there are still people (mainly old school , as my much younger supervisor said), that still have good work ethics, and don't expect a paycheck at the end of the week unless they have worked for it.
Quote:" You do realize everything you wrote is the reaon there is so much dislike for unions. thanks for the examples." bigrebnc1775

Sorry, I could not get the quote function to work. Nope to your thanks, it's a state law, and people that take advantage, not the union's fault. Do you want all those poor non-union workers to be fired? And you don't like all union workers? Pretty shallow of you, to dislike so many people you don't even know. I get to know people before I decide whether I like them or not.

Say what?
Wow, what hatred for unions. I was a CWA union member for 36 yrs., and my productivity, which was covered monthly by my supervisor, was always at least equal or above the top producer in my group, more often than not, I was the top producer. This had nothing to do with being a union member, it was my work ethic. This was the way I was raised, unfortunately, many people are not. In all those years, I was never told by the union to slow down on my work, not saying it never happened, but not my experience. I smoke, but was never told I could get extra breaks , in fact the opposite. I can only speak for myself, and I worked for Verizon. I walked quite a few picket lines, and while I really don't like the term "scab", I did see quite a few people that crossed the picket line to work while we were on strike, leave with the back seat of their cars filled with snacks from the vending machines that were
open to them (didn't have to pay) . I heared them brag, after we returned to work, about all the overtime pay they made, not doing much, and all the free stuff. Decent people, right? Nothing like taking advantage. I'm in Virginia, which has a right to work law, no problem with that, until the non-union workers, go whining to the union when they need help, and the union has to help them. I worked with someone that was absent more than she was at work, and when she was finally suspended, had the union represent her in a grievance, received back pay, and the suspension was removed from her record. She never payed union dues, but like many others, had the union bail her out when she was in trouble. We were a small group, and everytime someone was not on the job, the rest of us had to take up the slack. I worked over many days and did not get paid overtime, I did not put in for it, I considered it part of my job. Those of you who say union members are slackers, can kiss my butt. The non union members in my office were the ones who slacked off, and then relied on the union to bail them out. It must be nice not to pay union dues, but still be protected by the union. I wasn't raised to expect something for nothing, like so many people feel entitled to today. I didn't agree with everthing my union did (like supporting Obama), but I took the good with the bad, and the good outweighed the bad. It is so stupid for anyone to group all union workers together and say they all are slackers, or worse, when in my experience (many different jobs, and locations throughout the years) the opposite is true. I was a damn hard worker, and I really take offense at some of the comments that have been made here. I would put my work ethic against anyone here, anyday, anytime.

Your sunshiny propaganda double talk union message might work on some but not on others. Hint I am one of the others. "those union members are hard working people, and those non union people are just slackers" bullshit message Union rules are union rules if it's not your job and you are in the union you do not do it no matter if it hasn't been done. If you are a union member and have a work ethic then you are 1 in 700,000. CWA ? No wonder my phone service sucks.

"Sunshiny propaganda double talk union message" , no, only what I experienced while on the job. That's all I can speak for, sorry, if I don't see unions the way you do. I do have a right to my opinion, yes? It's still a free country, right? And, by the way, I really don't care what you think about my work ethic, and I would love to know where you came up with the figure "1 in 700,000". We had a lot of hard workers in my office, workers that cared about their jobs, their customers, and went beyond what was expected of them to provide service. I guess alll of us that received commendations from customers daily were "slacking" at our jobs because the union told us to. Verizon has a a very high customer service approval rating, so if your service sucks, maybe you need to call repair, or look elsewhere (we haven't been a monopoly for yrs., you're free to choose another provider). Don't know what type of people you have worked with, to have such an attitude. I'm sure I'm from a different generation than you, and believe it or not, there are still people (mainly old school , as my much younger supervisor said), that still have good work ethics, and don't expect a paycheck at the end of the week unless they have worked for it.

And, by the way, I really don't care what you think about my work ethic, and I would love to know where you came up with the figure "1 in 700,000".

You may not care, but you did make it known about your work ethic. How did I come up with the 700,000? Isn't that the number of union members in the cwa?

I guess alll of us that received commendations from customers daily were "slacking" at our jobs because the union told us to.

commendations? people giving commendations for what you are supposed to do, "your job". This is why I think your trying to blow smoke up someone ass. From my experience with any customer service sector it isn’t what you say it is. Daily commendations? Please stop it. For every daily commendations I am sure there are many on here who could give a horror story about the phone service. Such as those hidden fee's

Don't know what type of people you have worked with, to have such an attitude. I'm sure I'm from a different generation than you, and believe it or not, there are still people (mainly old school , as my much younger supervisor said), that still have good work ethics, and don't expect a paycheck at the end of the week unless they have worked for it

I'm old school I am sure we are close to the same age. So your rosey colored story does not match up with how the unions have worked.
Say what?

Your sunshiny propaganda double talk union message might work on some but not on others. Hint I am one of the others. "those union members are hard working people, and those non union people are just slackers" bullshit message Union rules are union rules if it's not your job and you are in the union you do not do it no matter if it hasn't been done. If you are a union member and have a work ethic then you are 1 in 700,000. CWA ? No wonder my phone service sucks.

"Sunshiny propaganda double talk union message" , no, only what I experienced while on the job. That's all I can speak for, sorry, if I don't see unions the way you do. I do have a right to my opinion, yes? It's still a free country, right? And, by the way, I really don't care what you think about my work ethic, and I would love to know where you came up with the figure "1 in 700,000". We had a lot of hard workers in my office, workers that cared about their jobs, their customers, and went beyond what was expected of them to provide service. I guess alll of us that received commendations from customers daily were "slacking" at our jobs because the union told us to. Verizon has a a very high customer service approval rating, so if your service sucks, maybe you need to call repair, or look elsewhere (we haven't been a monopoly for yrs., you're free to choose another provider). Don't know what type of people you have worked with, to have such an attitude. I'm sure I'm from a different generation than you, and believe it or not, there are still people (mainly old school , as my much younger supervisor said), that still have good work ethics, and don't expect a paycheck at the end of the week unless they have worked for it.

You may not care, but you did make it known about your work ethic. How did I come up with the 700,000? Isn't that the number of union members in the cwa?

I guess alll of us that received commendations from customers daily were "slacking" at our jobs because the union told us to.

commendations? people giving commendations for what you are supposed to do, "your job". This is why I think your trying to blow smoke up someone ass. From my experience with any customer service sector it isn’t what you say it is. Daily commendations? Please stop it. For every daily commendations I am sure there are many on here who could give a horror story about the phone service. Such as those hidden fee's

Don't know what type of people you have worked with, to have such an attitude. I'm sure I'm from a different generation than you, and believe it or not, there are still people (mainly old school , as my much younger supervisor said), that still have good work ethics, and don't expect a paycheck at the end of the week unless they have worked for it

I'm old school I am sure we are close to the same age. So your rosey colored story does not match up with how the unions have worked.

I agree, we can stereotype all Unions, they are all alike and all the people in unions behave the exact same way.

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