Union members more productive than NonUnion Scabs

Never had those kinda problems with my union here, just don't read the newsletters, or show up to protests you don't agree with, saying that it seems a pretty stuffed up and incompetent union if they can't even mobilize to defend their own members without paying people to do it for them. :lol:
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Never had those kinda problems with my union here, just don't read the newsletters, or show up to protests you don't agree with, saying that it seems a pretty stuffed up and incompetent union if they can't even mobilize to defend their own members without paying people to do it for them. :lol:

Now thats more like it, not so rosey version of a union. I bet you are not one of the more likeable union members in the view of the union members.
Never had those kinda problems with my union here, just don't read the newsletters, or show up to protests you don't agree with, saying that it seems a pretty stuffed up and incompetent union if they can't even mobilize to defend their own members without paying people to do it for them. :lol:

Now thats more like it, not so rosey version of a union. I bet you are not one of the more likeable union members in the view of the union members.
No I am a realist, simply disagreeing with some of their political perspectives doesn't make me less likable*, many union members are just ordinary people, some vote for center-right parties*. :eusa_eh:

*Not me though, the economic incentives aren't good enough (center-right aren't dedicated to reducing taxes), and the Green party offers more civil and political rights. :tongue:
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You don't even know the etymology of your own colloquialisms.

Fucking retard.

Fuck you very much imbecile. I see you are down to personal insults, the first sign you lost the argument, or maybe you really lost it reading the article. Loser..............

Son, you lost the argument when you started making no sense.

It was about your third post here.
There you have it folks, the scabs couldn't find an argument against Union being more productive.

Your argument went down in flames with the very first response to your OP.

Since then, you've just been flailing around providing us with entertainment with your lack of cogent replies :thup:
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That must be the case. Does that mean they lost their grip on reality? Seeing it is cons, I would tend to agree with that assumption.

JB isn't a con. Neither is goldcatt. And I'm only a con if you insist on a modern day binary con/lib linear axis.

You've had your ass handed to you. Multiple times. By people across the political spectrum.

wait... did he just call me a conservative?



Yes he did.


Although I have to say, you fall in with me. If someone insists on a binary linear con/lib axis, you'd have to fall onto the con side, despite your intentionally misleading occasional communist/socialist trappings. But that would also mean that someone would have to pay attention to what you actually are saying and not go into fits of whrrrrrgrrbl anytime you poke holes in someone's anti-socialism rant.
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You don't even know the etymology of your own colloquialisms.

Fucking retard.

Fuck you very much imbecile. I see you are down to personal insults, the first sign you lost the argument, or maybe you really lost it reading the article. Loser..............
It wasn't an insult.

It was an observation.

And I think he was being nice rather than entirely honest.

Thats me.

Just an all around nice and lovable guy. Spreading cotton candy and lollipops wherever I go.
Say what?

Your sunshiny propaganda double talk union message might work on some but not on others. Hint I am one of the others. "those union members are hard working people, and those non union people are just slackers" bullshit message Union rules are union rules if it's not your job and you are in the union you do not do it no matter if it hasn't been done. If you are a union member and have a work ethic then you are 1 in 700,000. CWA ? No wonder my phone service sucks.

"Sunshiny propaganda double talk union message" , no, only what I experienced while on the job. That's all I can speak for, sorry, if I don't see unions the way you do. I do have a right to my opinion, yes? It's still a free country, right? And, by the way, I really don't care what you think about my work ethic, and I would love to know where you came up with the figure "1 in 700,000". We had a lot of hard workers in my office, workers that cared about their jobs, their customers, and went beyond what was expected of them to provide service. I guess alll of us that received commendations from customers daily were "slacking" at our jobs because the union told us to. Verizon has a a very high customer service approval rating, so if your service sucks, maybe you need to call repair, or look elsewhere (we haven't been a monopoly for yrs., you're free to choose another provider). Don't know what type of people you have worked with, to have such an attitude. I'm sure I'm from a different generation than you, and believe it or not, there are still people (mainly old school , as my much younger supervisor said), that still have good work ethics, and don't expect a paycheck at the end of the week unless they have worked for it.

You may not care, but you did make it known about your work ethic. How did I come up with the 700,000? Isn't that the number of union members in the cwa?

I guess alll of us that received commendations from customers daily were "slacking" at our jobs because the union told us to.

commendations? people giving commendations for what you are supposed to do, "your job". This is why I think your trying to blow smoke up someone ass. From my experience with any customer service sector it isn’t what you say it is. Daily commendations? Please stop it. For every daily commendations I am sure there are many on here who could give a horror story about the phone service. Such as those hidden fee's

Don't know what type of people you have worked with, to have such an attitude. I'm sure I'm from a different generation than you, and believe it or not, there are still people (mainly old school , as my much younger supervisor said), that still have good work ethics, and don't expect a paycheck at the end of the week unless they have worked for it

I'm old school I am sure we are close to the same age. So your rosey colored story does not match up with how the unions have worked.

Ok, I guess we are never going to agree on unions, I can only speak from my experience, and the city I worked in. I'm not trying to blow smoke up anyones butt. That's not me, but you don't know me, so you'll just have to take my word for it, or not.. I worked in an office that worked only with business customers, so when we worked though our lunch, or stayed over our tour working with the outside techs to get the customer back in service, we were given commendations by that customer frequently. They appreciated that fact that we went "beyond the call of duty", and didn't leave when we could have, and make them wait until the next day. You can say that we were just doing our job, but no one forced us to work without pay to get a customer back in service, we did it because of our "work ethics". I'm not saying every employee did this, but quite a few in my office did. I'm sure there are some disgruntled customers, name any business that doesn't have some. As far as hidden fees, I didn't work in the business office, or the billing portion, had nothing to do with that, and neither did the union.. As I said earlier, if you are not satisfied with your service, go somewhere else, you have a choice. We got a quarterly report, and customer satisfaction was always high. Gosh, we must have been doing something right, gasp, even though we are union. My point was, we were never told by the union (CWA) to not work, or slow production. If others say that is true, fine, but not where I worked. Nor, was anyone forced to join the union. They were asked when they were employed, but never forced. Maybe a fourth of my office was non union, and they enjoyed the same benefits and the same representation we did because of the right to work law in Virginia. The union, by law, has to represent them the same as they do the union workers. The only difference is they don't pay union dues, and we do (or did, since I'm retired).

I really don't know how many members CWA has now, if you say 700,000, ok, I was wondering more about the number 1.

I have no idea where you are, so if my "rosey colored story" doesn't match up to yours, I can't help it. I was 16 when I started working, and became a union member, have never worked anywhere else, so really can't compare it to a non union job. I just know that everytime contract time came around, the company tried to take back, or reduce benefits, while making a huge profit off the backs of its workers. If the company was hurting, it would be different, but it isn't now, or hasn't since I worked there. The CEO's salary can attest to that, and it is provided to all shareholders.
"Sunshiny propaganda double talk union message" , no, only what I experienced while on the job. That's all I can speak for, sorry, if I don't see unions the way you do. I do have a right to my opinion, yes? It's still a free country, right? And, by the way, I really don't care what you think about my work ethic, and I would love to know where you came up with the figure "1 in 700,000". We had a lot of hard workers in my office, workers that cared about their jobs, their customers, and went beyond what was expected of them to provide service. I guess alll of us that received commendations from customers daily were "slacking" at our jobs because the union told us to. Verizon has a a very high customer service approval rating, so if your service sucks, maybe you need to call repair, or look elsewhere (we haven't been a monopoly for yrs., you're free to choose another provider). Don't know what type of people you have worked with, to have such an attitude. I'm sure I'm from a different generation than you, and believe it or not, there are still people (mainly old school , as my much younger supervisor said), that still have good work ethics, and don't expect a paycheck at the end of the week unless they have worked for it.

You may not care, but you did make it known about your work ethic. How did I come up with the 700,000? Isn't that the number of union members in the cwa?

commendations? people giving commendations for what you are supposed to do, "your job". This is why I think your trying to blow smoke up someone ass. From my experience with any customer service sector it isn’t what you say it is. Daily commendations? Please stop it. For every daily commendations I am sure there are many on here who could give a horror story about the phone service. Such as those hidden fee's

Don't know what type of people you have worked with, to have such an attitude. I'm sure I'm from a different generation than you, and believe it or not, there are still people (mainly old school , as my much younger supervisor said), that still have good work ethics, and don't expect a paycheck at the end of the week unless they have worked for it

I'm old school I am sure we are close to the same age. So your rosey colored story does not match up with how the unions have worked.

Ok, I guess we are never going to agree on unions, I can only speak from my experience, and the city I worked in. I'm not trying to blow smoke up anyones butt. That's not me, but you don't know me, so you'll just have to take my word for it, or not.. I worked in an office that worked only with business customers, so when we worked though our lunch, or stayed over our tour working with the outside techs to get the customer back in service, we were given commendations by that customer frequently. They appreciated that fact that we went "beyond the call of duty", and didn't leave when we could have, and make them wait until the next day. You can say that we were just doing our job, but no one forced us to work without pay to get a customer back in service, we did it because of our "work ethics". I'm not saying every employee did this, but quite a few in my office did. I'm sure there are some disgruntled customers, name any business that doesn't have some. As far as hidden fees, I didn't work in the business office, or the billing portion, had nothing to do with that, and neither did the union.. As I said earlier, if you are not satisfied with your service, go somewhere else, you have a choice. We got a quarterly report, and customer satisfaction was always high. Gosh, we must have been doing something right, gasp, even though we are union. My point was, we were never told by the union (CWA) to not work, or slow production. If others say that is true, fine, but not where I worked. Nor, was anyone forced to join the union. They were asked when they were employed, but never forced. Maybe a fourth of my office was non union, and they enjoyed the same benefits and the same representation we did because of the right to work law in Virginia. The union, by law, has to represent them the same as they do the union workers. The only difference is they don't pay union dues, and we do (or did, since I'm retired).

I really don't know how many members CWA has now, if you say 700,000, ok, I was wondering more about the number 1.

I have no idea where you are, so if my "rosey colored story" doesn't match up to yours, I can't help it. I was 16 when I started working, and became a union member, have never worked anywhere else, so really can't compare it to a non union job. I just know that everytime contract time came around, the company tried to take back, or reduce benefits, while making a huge profit off the backs of its workers. If the company was hurting, it would be different, but it isn't now, or hasn't since I worked there. The CEO's salary can attest to that, and it is provided to all shareholders.

Ok, I guess we are never going to agree on unions, I can only speak from my experience, and the city I worked in.
It's very doubtful, you would have a better chance of me becoming liberal then giving support to a union.

I worked in an office that worked only with business customers, so when we worked though our lunch, or stayed over our tour working with the outside techs to get the customer back in service, we were given commendations by that customer frequently.
Really a union member working through lunch without pay? Could it be you are on salary? So what you are saying is that you do not have union rules against this?

I have no idea where you are, so if my "rosey colored story" doesn't match up to yours, I can't help it. I was 16 when I started working, and became a union member, have never worked anywhere else, so really can't compare it to a non union job.

You have made three reply's in this thread, your reply's are so thin and transparant Ray Charles coiuld see through them, for what they are. I just haven't called you on most of it.

I really don't know how many members CWA has now, if you say 700,000, ok, I was wondering more about the number 1.
You are 1 out of 700,000

I have no idea where you are, so if my "rosey colored story" doesn't match up to yours, I can't help it.

No, what I mean is that your story does not match up with the history of how union members work.

Since you have identified yourself as a of the CWA I have been looking through their web site.

What Does CWA Mean for AT&T Mobility Employees | Communications Workers of America
"Sunshiny propaganda double talk union message" , no, only what I experienced while on the job. That's all I can speak for, sorry, if I don't see unions the way you do. I do have a right to my opinion, yes? It's still a free country, right? And, by the way, I really don't care what you think about my work ethic, and I would love to know where you came up with the figure "1 in 700,000". We had a lot of hard workers in my office, workers that cared about their jobs, their customers, and went beyond what was expected of them to provide service. I guess alll of us that received commendations from customers daily were "slacking" at our jobs because the union told us to. Verizon has a a very high customer service approval rating, so if your service sucks, maybe you need to call repair, or look elsewhere (we haven't been a monopoly for yrs., you're free to choose another provider). Don't know what type of people you have worked with, to have such an attitude. I'm sure I'm from a different generation than you, and believe it or not, there are still people (mainly old school , as my much younger supervisor said), that still have good work ethics, and don't expect a paycheck at the end of the week unless they have worked for it.

You may not care, but you did make it known about your work ethic. How did I come up with the 700,000? Isn't that the number of union members in the cwa?

commendations? people giving commendations for what you are supposed to do, "your job". This is why I think your trying to blow smoke up someone ass. From my experience with any customer service sector it isn’t what you say it is. Daily commendations? Please stop it. For every daily commendations I am sure there are many on here who could give a horror story about the phone service. Such as those hidden fee's

Don't know what type of people you have worked with, to have such an attitude. I'm sure I'm from a different generation than you, and believe it or not, there are still people (mainly old school , as my much younger supervisor said), that still have good work ethics, and don't expect a paycheck at the end of the week unless they have worked for it

I'm old school I am sure we are close to the same age. So your rosey colored story does not match up with how the unions have worked.

Ok, I guess we are never going to agree on unions, I can only speak from my experience, and the city I worked in. I'm not trying to blow smoke up anyones butt. That's not me, but you don't know me, so you'll just have to take my word for it, or not.. I worked in an office that worked only with business customers, so when we worked though our lunch, or stayed over our tour working with the outside techs to get the customer back in service, we were given commendations by that customer frequently. They appreciated that fact that we went "beyond the call of duty", and didn't leave when we could have, and make them wait until the next day. You can say that we were just doing our job, but no one forced us to work without pay to get a customer back in service, we did it because of our "work ethics". I'm not saying every employee did this, but quite a few in my office did. I'm sure there are some disgruntled customers, name any business that doesn't have some. As far as hidden fees, I didn't work in the business office, or the billing portion, had nothing to do with that, and neither did the union.. As I said earlier, if you are not satisfied with your service, go somewhere else, you have a choice. We got a quarterly report, and customer satisfaction was always high. Gosh, we must have been doing something right, gasp, even though we are union. My point was, we were never told by the union (CWA) to not work, or slow production. If others say that is true, fine, but not where I worked. Nor, was anyone forced to join the union. They were asked when they were employed, but never forced. Maybe a fourth of my office was non union, and they enjoyed the same benefits and the same representation we did because of the right to work law in Virginia. The union, by law, has to represent them the same as they do the union workers. The only difference is they don't pay union dues, and we do (or did, since I'm retired).

I really don't know how many members CWA has now, if you say 700,000, ok, I was wondering more about the number 1.

I have no idea where you are, so if my "rosey colored story" doesn't match up to yours, I can't help it. I was 16 when I started working, and became a union member, have never worked anywhere else, so really can't compare it to a non union job. I just know that everytime contract time came around, the company tried to take back, or reduce benefits, while making a huge profit off the backs of its workers. If the company was hurting, it would be different, but it isn't now, or hasn't since I worked there. The CEO's salary can attest to that, and it is provided to all shareholders.

I have to disagree with you on some points, VA Mom. I think we probably worked in the same city and on that assumption I'm going to say I was 18 when I started work for the old C&P Telephone Co. Back in the day, we DID have a good work ethic and we DID do all the extras for our customers. It had nothing to do with union membership. I had a "physical encounter" with union reps in my own house, never joined CWA, and, yes, I got all the same benefits that union workers got. And I very distinctly remember CWA strikes.

Times have changed. So has work ethic and "customer service" is non-existent these days. BTW, I knew both Joe Blackburn and Hugh Stallard. We grew up in the same orphanage and I can assure you we all had the same work ethic.
I have both known Union Workers that are the load carriers, and slackers. The load carrier's are exceptional, they know who they are, and in spite of Union indifference, generally make things add up in the end, because of who they are, not what they belong to. Sergeant's run the Military, Load Carrier's take the embarrassment out of Union Mediocrity.
Now I know this will all come at a great shock for the cons, but this exaplains by going Union is superior to hiring wino scabs. I just keep blowing those con-myths!

"Productivity is a term most people throw around pretty freely these days. But when we use it, we back it up with proof," said Steve Lamb, executive vice president of MCA Chicago. "Union workers receive extensive training and so incur fewer injuries and lawsuits. Their quality workmanship results in greater productivity and timely results, and that adds up to savings.":clap2:

According to the study, the average Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) apprenticeship program:

-registers relatively few apprentices,
-produces more cancellations than graduations,
-enrolls a small proportion of female and minority apprentices, and
-provides training in a narrower range of crafts.
-Union apprenticeship programs, on the other hand, enroll and graduate the majority of
-construction apprentices, including the majority of female and minority apprentices.

The study states: "The hundreds of millions of dollars the union sector spends annually on apprenticeship and training programs produces the skilled workers vital to the construction industry's future."

Department of Labor records from 36 states show that union programs have enrolled 72 percent of construction apprentices since 1989, and have enrolled almost three times as many minorities and over four times as many women as non-union programs.

Union vs. Non-Union: Training Is Key Factor to Worker Productivity

Someone should make a study of how many companies have been forced to move overseas because of unions and the companies necessity to be profitable.

That would be interesting, nevertheless, unions are needed, the fact is the union know workers rights and present a strong case in favour of the individual worker than would be the case if unions didnt exist; the workers would be on their own with no back-up - the comapny management certainly wouldnt inform the workers of their rights...
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Now I know this will all come at a great shock for the cons, but this exaplains by going Union is superior to hiring wino scabs. I just keep blowing those con-myths!

"Productivity is a term most people throw around pretty freely these days. But when we use it, we back it up with proof," said Steve Lamb, executive vice president of MCA Chicago. "Union workers receive extensive training and so incur fewer injuries and lawsuits. Their quality workmanship results in greater productivity and timely results, and that adds up to savings.":clap2:

According to the study, the average Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) apprenticeship program:

-registers relatively few apprentices,
-produces more cancellations than graduations,
-enrolls a small proportion of female and minority apprentices, and
-provides training in a narrower range of crafts.
-Union apprenticeship programs, on the other hand, enroll and graduate the majority of
-construction apprentices, including the majority of female and minority apprentices.

The study states: "The hundreds of millions of dollars the union sector spends annually on apprenticeship and training programs produces the skilled workers vital to the construction industry's future."

Department of Labor records from 36 states show that union programs have enrolled 72 percent of construction apprentices since 1989, and have enrolled almost three times as many minorities and over four times as many women as non-union programs.

Union vs. Non-Union: Training Is Key Factor to Worker Productivity

Someone should make a study of how many companies have been forced to move overseas because of unions and the companies necessity to be profitable.

That would be interesting, nevertheless, unions are needed, the fact is the union know workers rights and present a strong case in favour of the individual worker than would be the case if unions didnt exist; the workers would be on their own with no back-up - the comapny management certainly wouldnt inform the workers of their rights...

We are on our own. We alway's have been. You want to be somebody's pet????? Go for it. Just remember to vote how they instruct you to.
And you base all of your extensive knowledge of unions on what? :confused:

You say you wouldn't "join one of those stupid organizations if it were the last job on earth"? That's probably a good thing because ytou probably couldn't handle the work we do and I'm not so sure we would even want you with that bad attitude.

I have been on strike and have had to deal with scabs. After our strike was over the dishonorable bastards were glad to get out of the plant. They couldn't handle the heat. :lol:

It wasn't the job they were glad to get away from -- it was the union goons hassling and threatening them.

American Iron Workers

nonunion scabs

"This is an open shop for any American who wants to work."

You just proved he's right. The union only wants union workers. Open shops want ANY American.

American Iron Workers

nonunion scabs

"This is an open shop for any American who wants to work."

You just proved he's right. The union only wants union workers. Open shops want ANY American.

I don't know Dave the one guy in the suit and tie looks like he's trying to take the sign down.:lol:
if Unions are soooooo 'productive' why did GM go broke? Couldn't have been those $66K/yr janitors, right?

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