Union members more productive than NonUnion Scabs

I was a union meatcutter and know the union apprenticeship program, a two year program, always turned out the best meatcutters. Does this matter to the public? You never heard of people getting sick form E-coli when you had union trained butchers in the packing plants. The union trained butchers could process cattle to ground beef without bursting an intestine or other organs and getting cow shit in the meat. When the packing plants went non-union was when you heard you had to cook all hamburger well done. I never eat ground beef now unless I grind it myself of an sure it is made out of store generated block trim. The beef they process for block cuts is processed differently that beef for ground beef.

let me ask you a few questions please:

Was it a union shop?
Did you have the option of not joining the union?
Yes it is. It is also organized extortion which falls under racketeering.

God bless the progress the average worker has made because of Unions. If it wasn't for Unions there would be no middle class. Of course, on the other hand we would be more competitive with the workers in third world nations.

Fuck the unions they have out lived their usefullness.

No....maybe it's Fuck You. I'm guessing you must have crossed a picket line sometime and got your feelings hurt by some big bad Union members? Now before you grace us with your witty comments maybe you could explain all of your vast experience with Unions that make you the expert?

I was a union meatcutter and know the union apprenticeship program, a two year program, always turned out the best meatcutters. Does this matter to the public? You never heard of people getting sick form E-coli when you had union trained butchers in the packing plants. The union trained butchers could process cattle to ground beef without bursting an intestine or other organs and getting cow shit in the meat. When the packing plants went non-union was when you heard you had to cook all hamburger well done. I never eat ground beef now unless I grind it myself of an sure it is made out of store generated block trim. The beef they process for block cuts is processed differently that beef for ground beef.

Good point!!
I was a union meatcutter and know the union apprenticeship program, a two year program, always turned out the best meatcutters. Does this matter to the public? You never heard of people getting sick form E-coli when you had union trained butchers in the packing plants. The union trained butchers could process cattle to ground beef without bursting an intestine or other organs and getting cow shit in the meat. When the packing plants went non-union was when you heard you had to cook all hamburger well done. I never eat ground beef now unless I grind it myself of an sure it is made out of store generated block trim. The beef they process for block cuts is processed differently that beef for ground beef.

let me ask you a few questions please:

Was it a union shop?
Did you have the option of not joining the union?
his point is correct though
some meat processing plants did try to do it "on the cheap" and that lowered the quality of the meat supply
I was a union meatcutter and know the union apprenticeship program, a two year program, always turned out the best meatcutters. Does this matter to the public? You never heard of people getting sick form E-coli when you had union trained butchers in the packing plants. The union trained butchers could process cattle to ground beef without bursting an intestine or other organs and getting cow shit in the meat. When the packing plants went non-union was when you heard you had to cook all hamburger well done. I never eat ground beef now unless I grind it myself of an sure it is made out of store generated block trim. The beef they process for block cuts is processed differently that beef for ground beef.

let me ask you a few questions please:

Was it a union shop?
Did you have the option of not joining the union?
his point is correct though
some meat processing plants did try to do it "on the cheap" and that lowered the quality of the meat supply

I dont disagree with that dive...i have another point to make..but need his input first.
Yes it is. It is also organized extortion which falls under racketeering.

God bless the progress the average worker has made because of Unions. If it wasn't for Unions there would be no middle class. Of course, on the other hand we would be more competitive with the workers in third world nations.

Fuck the unions they have out lived their usefullness.

Nah, they help their members in so many ways, and all you got when your family is in need, is "Fuck you people," Will the corporations help you out? Sure, kick your family out in the street and sell your house. LMAO! That was help out. You really are a moron, not prone toward critical thinking. Just another welfare case waiting to happen. I am glad our Unions screen the scum out before they let anyone in. You wouldn't qualify.
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Now I know this will all come at a great shock for the cons, but this exaplains by going Union is superior to hiring wino scabs. I just keep blowing those con-myths!

"Productivity is a term most people throw around pretty freely these days. But when we use it, we back it up with proof," said Steve Lamb, executive vice president of MCA Chicago. "Union workers receive extensive training and so incur fewer injuries and lawsuits. Their quality workmanship results in greater productivity and timely results, and that adds up to savings.":clap2:

According to the study, the average Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) apprenticeship program:

-registers relatively few apprentices,
-produces more cancellations than graduations,
-enrolls a small proportion of female and minority apprentices, and
-provides training in a narrower range of crafts.
-Union apprenticeship programs, on the other hand, enroll and graduate the majority of
-construction apprentices, including the majority of female and minority apprentices.

The study states: "The hundreds of millions of dollars the union sector spends annually on apprenticeship and training programs produces the skilled workers vital to the construction industry's future."

Department of Labor records from 36 states show that union programs have enrolled 72 percent of construction apprentices since 1989, and have enrolled almost three times as many minorities and over four times as many women as non-union programs.

Union vs. Non-Union: Training Is Key Factor to Worker Productivity

So you think of the 80% of workers who are not in a union as "scabs" eh.


Actually, it must be 87% scabs if 13% is how many Union members there are in America. But, yeah, they are scabs, got every dollar they made because of Unions. Got every workers right because of Unions. What else can we call them besides scabs? Parasites? They look like pus filled worms to me.
You are simply trying to be an annoyance.
Your posts are pure hatred for the situation you and your union bretheren have placed yourselves in.
Unions are unwanted by most workers and businesses.
If the opposite were true, the proportion of union vs non-union would be much more in favor of unionization.
It isn't..
And you are way out of line with your implication that we all should bow at the union altar for the past.
The fact that we have laws that protect workers is called inevitability. Unionism merely sped up the process.
Unions have run their course. They are no longer needed. Quite frankly unions created their own demise. Union leaders refused to change with the times. Unions refused to recognize the emerging global economy which created competition for labor. Competition always lowers prices because it creates a larger marketplace.
Unions also failed to allow US Based manufacturing to modernize plants which the unions feared would require fewer employees. That is true. The bad part was while the rest of the world's manufacturing countries were busily building modern plants, unions forced the old smokestack status quo on American plants. The result was an inevitable loss of jobs here because the US based facilities were simply non-competitive.
Before you go off half-cocked on "buy America first" remember that with protectionist policies, everyone loses.
I was a union meatcutter and know the union apprenticeship program, a two year program, always turned out the best meatcutters. Does this matter to the public? You never heard of people getting sick form E-coli when you had union trained butchers in the packing plants. The union trained butchers could process cattle to ground beef without bursting an intestine or other organs and getting cow shit in the meat. When the packing plants went non-union was when you heard you had to cook all hamburger well done. I never eat ground beef now unless I grind it myself of an sure it is made out of store generated block trim. The beef they process for block cuts is processed differently that beef for ground beef.

let me ask you a few questions please:

Was it a union shop?
Did you have the option of not joining the union?
his point is correct though
some meat processing plants did try to do it "on the cheap" and that lowered the quality of the meat supply

Yes a union shop
Had to join the union at first. I worked in the industry for 35yrs. The last 5yrs you could opt out.
I always liked the training I received during the apprenticeship. I liked working with union trained cutters. We would occasionally get a meatcutter that transfered into the ares form someplace with out union training and they never had the ability or drive that union trained cutters had. ALWAYS HATED the union's political side but could do nothing about it.
I was a union meatcutter and know the union apprenticeship program, a two year program, always turned out the best meatcutters. Does this matter to the public? You never heard of people getting sick form E-coli when you had union trained butchers in the packing plants. The union trained butchers could process cattle to ground beef without bursting an intestine or other organs and getting cow shit in the meat. When the packing plants went non-union was when you heard you had to cook all hamburger well done. I never eat ground beef now unless I grind it myself of an sure it is made out of store generated block trim. The beef they process for block cuts is processed differently that beef for ground beef.

let me ask you a few questions please:

Was it a union shop?
Did you have the option of not joining the union?
his point is correct though
some meat processing plants did try to do it "on the cheap" and that lowered the quality of the meat supply

e-coli is capitalism


Another fine example of socialist progress overcoming capitalism
let me ask you a few questions please:

Was it a union shop?
Did you have the option of not joining the union?
his point is correct though
some meat processing plants did try to do it "on the cheap" and that lowered the quality of the meat supply

Yes a union shop
Had to join the union at first. I worked in the industry for 35yrs. The last 5yrs you could opt out.
I always liked the training I received during the apprenticeship. I liked working with union trained cutters. We would occasionally get a meatcutter that transfered into the ares form someplace with out union training and they never had the ability or drive that union trained cutters had. ALWAYS HATED the union's political side but could do nothing about it.
and thats what most people here are responding to
and some unions have been their own worst enemies
Hey Shit for Brains, worked for the largest private home builder from '93 to '04, they where HQ in Chicago......

Guess what housing market is still number one in America???? It dam sure isn't Chicago, I'll give you a clue, it is in Texas, you know that right to work state, the best economy in all 50 states.....

Like I said, you know nothing about this subject.....

Like I said, you should be ignored. :cuckoo: You are a liar. Under every Texas hat is a load of cow road apples, and yours must be doubly stuffed. Texas is number 10 in the housing market, and if Chicago home values are down, we should look at the guy that "claims" he built them. LMAO!! You stupid fool!!! Go back to Texas you idiot!!

You seem to be the one who knows nothing about the subject, so go ask your crack dealer about who is number one again.:lol::lol:

Like I said, you should be ignored

Thats a matter of opinion.
I guess that is why Road Apple lied about it? I really think it is his crack dealers opinion.
And for the other shit I will add look it up any democratic controlled city has the worst economy.

That again is BS opinion and you would have to show how good the city was when it was under retard control. You can't do it, so all you got is opinion, among the millions of city's in America. LOL!
So say the Union Goose Steppers. Sorry,I'll have to pass on drinking the Kool Aid on this one. Just take a look at your average angry bitter TSA thug at our Airports. And now imagine them Unionized. How would you like a TSA Union thug Strike every three months? Seriously,look closely at your average TSA thug. They look angry and bitter huh? When or if they Unionize,they're gonna make you pay for their laziness & bitterness. So i say no thanks to Unions.
let me ask you a few questions please:

Was it a union shop?
Did you have the option of not joining the union?
his point is correct though
some meat processing plants did try to do it "on the cheap" and that lowered the quality of the meat supply

Yes a union shop
Had to join the union at first. I worked in the industry for 35yrs. The last 5yrs you could opt out.
I always liked the training I received during the apprenticeship. I liked working with union trained cutters. We would occasionally get a meatcutter that transfered into the ares form someplace with out union training and they never had the ability or drive that union trained cutters had. ALWAYS HATED the union's political side but could do nothing about it.

OK so it was a union shop and you had to join the union to work there. There was no choice of who trained you because they would be union regardless if they were good trainers or not.

So being "union" really didn't make much difference. All it says is that you had a good instructor. They would be a good instructor regardless if they were union or not. Good training has nothing to do with unions except for the fact if you want to work you HAVE to be union to get that experience.

The whole "union training" and "apprenticeship" thing is load of crap.

I am not saying that experience does not make good trainers and experience has nothing to do with unions. I am saying that being "union" has nothing to do with anything but is all perception, smoke and mirrors.

What standards that are excepted by an employer is up to the employer. Not the union.
Like I said, you should be ignored. :cuckoo: You are a liar. Under every Texas hat is a load of cow road apples, and yours must be doubly stuffed. Texas is number 10 in the housing market, and if Chicago home values are down, we should look at the guy that "claims" he built them. LMAO!! You stupid fool!!! Go back to Texas you idiot!!

You seem to be the one who knows nothing about the subject, so go ask your crack dealer about who is number one again.:lol::lol:

Thats a matter of opinion.
I guess that is why Road Apple lied about it? I really think it is his crack dealers opinion.
And for the other shit I will add look it up any democratic controlled city has the worst economy.

That again is BS opinion and you would have to show how good the city was when it was under retard control. You can't do it, so all you got is opinion, among the millions of city's in America. LOL!
you're both idiots
his point is correct though
some meat processing plants did try to do it "on the cheap" and that lowered the quality of the meat supply

Yes a union shop
Had to join the union at first. I worked in the industry for 35yrs. The last 5yrs you could opt out.
I always liked the training I received during the apprenticeship. I liked working with union trained cutters. We would occasionally get a meatcutter that transfered into the ares form someplace with out union training and they never had the ability or drive that union trained cutters had. ALWAYS HATED the union's political side but could do nothing about it.

OK so it was a union shop and you had to join the union to work there. There was no choice of who trained you because they would be union regardless if they were good trainers or not.

So being "union" really didn't make much difference. All it says is that you had a good instructor. They would be a good instructor regardless if they were union or not. Good training has nothing to do with unions except for the fact if you want to work you HAVE to be union to get that experience.

The whole "union training" and "apprenticeship" thing is load of crap.

I am not saying that experience does not make good trainers and experience has nothing to do with unions. I am saying that being "union" has nothing to do with anything but is all perception, smoke and mirrors.

What standards that are excepted by an employer is up to the employer. Not the union.
been done to death
Most Union thugs really are just plain lazy,bitter,and hateful. This country certainly doesn't need more of that. Most Government workers especially have a whiny & bitter attitude. They're always obsessed with playing the victim. This has been my experience anyway. The TSA contemplating Unionization is especially disturbing. Imagine all the Strikes shutting down Air Travel? People better wake up and fight this stuff. Imagine those lazy & bitter TSA thugs being Unionized? That's a prospect that should scare the hell out of all Americans.
Most Union thugs really are just plain lazy,bitter,and hateful. This country certainly doesn't need more of that. Most Government workers especially have a whiny & bitter attitude. They're always obsessed with playing the victim. This has been my experience anyway. The TSA contemplating Unionization is especially disturbing. Imagine all the Strikes shutting down Air Travel? People better wake up and fight this stuff. Imagine those lazy & bitter TSA thugs being Unionized? That's a prospect that should scare the hell out of all Americans.

They already have a union. It has no power, cannot strike, is useless and hardly anyone joins.
Unions suck. Which is why the percentage of workers i them has declined every year for the last 50 years. The only exception is government employee unions.
There is not an industry out there where unions have been strong that has not been decimated: Steel, railroads, auto, coal.
Abolish the things, take their leaders out back and machine gun them.
Most Union Members are whiny and hateful. They never miss an opportunity to make your life miserable because they're so miserable. It really is a lazy entitlement attitude. Government Workers are even worse. So i vehemently disagree with the idea Union Members are more productive than anyone. I have to call Bull Shit on that.
his point is correct though
some meat processing plants did try to do it "on the cheap" and that lowered the quality of the meat supply

Yes a union shop
Had to join the union at first. I worked in the industry for 35yrs. The last 5yrs you could opt out.
I always liked the training I received during the apprenticeship. I liked working with union trained cutters. We would occasionally get a meatcutter that transfered into the ares form someplace with out union training and they never had the ability or drive that union trained cutters had. ALWAYS HATED the union's political side but could do nothing about it.

OK so it was a union shop and you had to join the union to work there. There was no choice of who trained you because they would be union regardless if they were good trainers or not.

So being "union" really didn't make much difference. All it says is that you had a good instructor. They would be a good instructor regardless if they were union or not. Good training has nothing to do with unions except for the fact if you want to work you HAVE to be union to get that experience.

The whole "union training" and "apprenticeship" thing is load of crap.

I am not saying that experience does not make good trainers and experience has nothing to do with unions. I am saying that being "union" has nothing to do with anything but is all perception, smoke and mirrors.

What standards that are excepted by an employer is up to the employer. Not the union.

You either got good training in the apprenticeship program, or on the job training that covers only what that shop required. The union program was monitored by the state and included hours of study in sanitation and temperature control that you don't get on OJT. Most OJT trained cutters can't tell you what temperatures are required to keep meat from spoiling. I'm no fan of unions but they are important if they do what they are supposed to do. The chain stores hold classes to train their people in the proper temp and sanitation procedures but it doesn't have the same effect as the 15 or 20 hours spent at school after work that you get in the apprenticeship.

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