Union members more productive than NonUnion Scabs

Your own link reads: Training Is Key Factor to Worker Productivity

The training, not the union membership, was the difference

This study does much to support calls for extensive targeted training with demanding qualifications

It doesn't support the conclusion you want it to

Oh boy, I give you the information and go off in some other direction, intentionally?? Do you think I made that title for the thread, because I wanted to dicuss training as the major component? I don't mind discussing training because it is in the article, like minority rights are in the article, or cancelations & graduations, etc. That isn't the MAIN point I am taking from the article, OK?

The article is heavily opinion laden and subjective.
It implies that only union labor is skilled and all others are not skilled.

I would cry if I was you.:eusa_angel:
Well, now we know why he needs a union.

In the other thread, he couldn't understand simple middle school level English.

In this one, he can't understand a simple picture.

He's changed my mind. I'm pro-union now. The union is the only thing keeping idiots like him off of the public dole and adding to the unemployment numbers. He'd never cut it in a competitive marketplace.

Dream on dickweed. Intimidation over wealth won't be your best friend in any debate with me.:lol:

You do not have to agree because it really doesn't matter. But
Unions put the union first non union put America first.


American Iron Workers

nonunion scabs

Yeah, i'm sure these UNION workers were quite productive.....Chrysler sales plunged even further after these UNION losers were exposed......Way to go UAW!

Wonder how many people died as a result of shoddy, drunken, stoned, workmanship by these UNION stooges?........Sadly, we'll probably never know.

Yeah, you are right. Like we know how many died due to the drunken druggie Bush, but we can't get the information on a few UAW Workers. We will never know how many Cheney tortured, murdered and raped because the CIA destroyed a lot of the tapes & the Obama hides the pictures, but we can get a video of a few guys on their break in bofuck backwoods without a hitch.
another totally fucking delusional off topic rant

Yeah, I can dream too. How are those oxygen supplements working out?
Nobody wants to see jobs go overseas.
Unions cause it

No they don't. Why would they want work going overseas? You are bing illogical again.
no, i'm "bing" logical
unions expect higher wages for less work
business owners found they could get more work for less pay(AKA more PROFITS) if they moved to where the unions weren't
thus, Unions priced themselves out of work
Yeah, you are right. Like we know how many died due to the drunken druggie Bush, but we can't get the information on a few UAW Workers. We will never know how many Cheney tortured, murdered and raped because the CIA destroyed a lot of the tapes & the Obama hides the pictures, but we can get a video of a few guys on their break in bofuck backwoods without a hitch.
another totally fucking delusional off topic rant

Yeah, I can dream too. How are those oxygen supplements working out?
more delusional deflections
Now I know this will all come at a great shock for the cons, but this exaplains by going Union is superior to hiring wino scabs. I just keep blowing those con-myths!

"Productivity is a term most people throw around pretty freely these days. But when we use it, we back it up with proof," said Steve Lamb, executive vice president of MCA Chicago. "Union workers receive extensive training and so incur fewer injuries and lawsuits. Their quality workmanship results in greater productivity and timely results, and that adds up to savings.":clap2:

According to the study, the average Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) apprenticeship program:

-registers relatively few apprentices,
-produces more cancellations than graduations,
-enrolls a small proportion of female and minority apprentices, and
-provides training in a narrower range of crafts.
-Union apprenticeship programs, on the other hand, enroll and graduate the majority of
-construction apprentices, including the majority of female and minority apprentices.

The study states: "The hundreds of millions of dollars the union sector spends annually on apprenticeship and training programs produces the skilled workers vital to the construction industry's future."

Department of Labor records from 36 states show that union programs have enrolled 72 percent of construction apprentices since 1989, and have enrolled almost three times as many minorities and over four times as many women as non-union programs.

Union vs. Non-Union: Training Is Key Factor to Worker Productivity

So you think of the 80% of workers who are not in a union as "scabs" eh.

Unions cause it

No they don't. Why would they want work going overseas? You are bing illogical again.

No, the unions didnt want the work going over seas. That would mean no union dues. The companies have had enough of the unions and their demands, so they left.
btw, i didnt say the Unions wanted it, i said they CAUSED it
shitstaino shows he lacks reading comprehension once again
Now I know this will all come at a great shock for the cons, but this exaplains by going Union is superior to hiring wino scabs. I just keep blowing those con-myths!

"Productivity is a term most people throw around pretty freely these days. But when we use it, we back it up with proof," said Steve Lamb, executive vice president of MCA Chicago. "Union workers receive extensive training and so incur fewer injuries and lawsuits. Their quality workmanship results in greater productivity and timely results, and that adds up to savings.":clap2:

According to the study, the average Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) apprenticeship program:

-registers relatively few apprentices,
-produces more cancellations than graduations,
-enrolls a small proportion of female and minority apprentices, and
-provides training in a narrower range of crafts.
-Union apprenticeship programs, on the other hand, enroll and graduate the majority of
-construction apprentices, including the majority of female and minority apprentices.

The study states: "The hundreds of millions of dollars the union sector spends annually on apprenticeship and training programs produces the skilled workers vital to the construction industry's future."

Department of Labor records from 36 states show that union programs have enrolled 72 percent of construction apprentices since 1989, and have enrolled almost three times as many minorities and over four times as many women as non-union programs.

Union vs. Non-Union: Training Is Key Factor to Worker Productivity

So you think of the 80% of workers who are not in a union as "scabs" eh.

correction, 87%
No they don't. Why would they want work going overseas? You are bing illogical again.

No, the unions didnt want the work going over seas. That would mean no union dues. The companies have had enough of the unions and their demands, so they left.
btw, i didnt say the Unions wanted it, i said they CAUSED it
shitstaino shows he lacks reading comprehension once again

Yes i know. The unions did cause the problems that made companies and jobs leave this country.
In my experience, union workers are SLUGS.

They work as slow as they can because you cant ride them to work harder.
They know how long it is until each break and stretch easy jobs out to fill the time.
They use 'its not in my contract' to get out of just about everything they dont want to do.
They have no problem leaving work unfinished.
They don't care if work is shoddy because they know you cant do a damn thing about it.
They are lazier then non union workers.
They complain more then non union workers
They want more then non union workers
They dont give a shit about anything because they know you cant fire them.

Yeah, and they are working and scabs are getting laid off in droves. Tsk! Generally we hire a wino from off the street to do our jobs and pay them minimum wages, so we can go down to the bar and drink & snort coke all day. When you are making $275. and hour, what is a lil minimum wage off the top.
what a fucking PoS you are
non-union workers are NOT scabs you dipshit

Of course they are. Always hanging around trying to get a job cleaning out Union toilets on the job site. Look like a pack of pus-filled worms. I can't count the times Union members had to go in and fix a new job destroyed by nonunion scabs. How many times we would find the lil bastards impaled on rebar after a fall, or splattered on the ground, or missing fingers that went into flange holes and limbs over stupid shit their bosses told them to do. That lawyer can probably fill you into all the lawsuits those scabs lost while working on unsafe structures. When you lose an arm, it leaves a scab.

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