Union membership continues to decline! Rejoice!

So every job will be like WalMart.

The decline in wages in America directly correlates with the decline in unions.

This is great news! This pestering nuisance to the beautiful free market system will soon meet it's end. Nothing can stop the total triumph of good vs. evil. CAPITALISM over COMMUNISM!


Praise be to the lord.

The first thing communists do when they take over is abolish unions.

It was the union in Poland that brought down the communist party and started the destruction of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.
Solidarity emerged on 31 August 1980 in Gdańsk at the Lenin Shipyards when the communist government of Poland signed the agreement allowing for its existence. On 17 September 1980, over 20 Inter-factory Founding Committees of free trade unions merged at the congress into one national organization NSZZ Solidarity.[3] It officially registered on 10 November 1980.[8]

Lech Wałęsa and others formed a broad anti-Soviet social movement ranging from people associated with the Catholic Church[9] to members of the anti-Soviet Left. Solidarity advocated non-violence in its members' activities.[10][11] In September 1981 Solidarity's first national congress elected Lech Wałęsa as a president[8] and adopted a republican program, the "Self-governing Republic".[12] The government attempted to destroy the union with the martial law of 1981 and several years of repression, but in the end it had to start negotiating with the union.

In Poland, the Roundtable Talks between the government and Solidarity-led opposition led to semi-free elections in 1989.

Unions are good AND bad.
Regardless, the investors ALWAYS make big money.

That is absolutely, positively the most ignorant, the most stupid statement I have ever read.

Venture Capital and Its 33% Success Rate | Jo Tango

As to Unions, even FDR had enough sense to refuse to allow Federal Workers to unionize. he was TOTALLY against it. And I mean totally.

JFK, sensing he had a difficult election ahead of him, issued an Executive Order (Constitutionally questionable) allowing Federal Workers to Unionize.

One of the few things I hold against him. But it's biggie. REALLY a biggie.
Union members are liked because of the the low turnover rate, which means money saved on training. They are also better skilled at their jobs.
Unions are good AND bad.
Regardless, the investors ALWAYS make big money.

That is absolutely, positively the most ignorant, the most stupid statement I have ever read.

Venture Capital and Its 33% Success Rate | Jo Tango

As to Unions, even FDR had enough sense to refuse to allow Federal Workers to unionize. he was TOTALLY against it. And I mean totally.

JFK, sensing he had a difficult election ahead of him, issued an Executive Order (Constitutionally questionable) allowing Federal Workers to Unionize.

One of the few things I hold against him. But it's biggie. REALLY a biggie.

I apologize as I wasn't referring to the average Joe Six Pack investor.

This is great news! This pestering nuisance to the beautiful free market system will soon meet it's end. Nothing can stop the total triumph of good vs. evil. CAPITALISM over COMMUNISM!


Praise be to the lord.

The first thing communists do when they take over is abolish unions.

It was the union in Poland that brought down the communist party and started the destruction of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.

So why this then?

It is important to note that unions are not revolutionary groups and should in no way be seen as more important or more of a working class vanguard than our party. It's a common error.

But the Communist Party recognizes that unions are the fundamental organizing vehicle for the American working class. We recognize that they tend to be larger, more stable, better financed, and more consistently progressive than most of the organizations we can work with. Although phony leftists and armchair socialists put a lot of energy into criticizing unions, and nobody claims they are perfect, they remain the most important elements of the growing progressive coalition in America. All members of CPUSA are required by the constitution to join their union if they can. We have zero scab members.

Texas Communist Party Website
Union members are liked because of the the low turnover rate, which means money saved on training. They are also better skilled at their jobs.

When did GM pass Toyota in quality?

News to me

yer an idiot
Alternative title for this thread:
"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Rejoice!"
As it turns out, there was a sharp decline in public sector unions. So, yay. Interestingly, more people choose not to be in the union in the private sector for the first time in almost 100 years. Of course, they killed theselves by getting laws passed that made them obsolete in the first place.
private company unions only represent less than 10% of all the workers in the US.

The fed job I wanted to work at a power plant required a federal employee union membership. Which is unfair to be made to join.
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private company unions only represent less than 10% of all the workers in the US.

The fed job I wanted to work at a power plant required a federal employee union membership. Which is unfair to be made to join.

First intelligent thing I can recall you saying.

Maybe there's hope for.......


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