Unions Bleed Dues-Paying Members


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Tears are welling up in my eyes.

Two of the largest public sector unions in the country lost more than 210,000 so-called “agency fee members” in the wake of last year’s Supreme Court ruling that said unions could no longer force non-members to pay partial dues. That case, Janus v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, effectively freed public workers from having to make “fair share” payments—usually totaling about 70 to 80 percent of full union dues—in lieu of joining a union as a full-fledged member.

The exact figures are astounding.

Now, annual reports filed with the federal Department of Labor show that the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) lost 98 percent of it’s agency fee-paying members during the past year. Another large public sector union, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), lost 94 percent of their agency fee-paying members. Even though unions were preparing for a mass exodus in the wake of the Janus ruling, the numbers are staggering. In 2017, AFSCME reported having 112,233 agency fee payers (compared to 1.3 million dues-paying members), but that figure dropped to just 2,215 in the union’s 2018 report. The SEIU reported having 104,501 agency fee-payers in 2017 (compared to 1,919,358 dues-paying members), but just 5,812 of them at the end of 2018.
Now, if they can only get Civil Service rules to change so the sluggards can get the boot.

More @ Unions Bleed Dues-Paying Members
The middle class is vanishing. The income gap is soaring. The rich get richer and the rest get poorer with half of them celebrating on the way down.
Public sector Unions aero a huge conflict of interest as they bargain against the people that pay them, the TAXPAYER. Plus they use taxpayer dollars to support, and fund Democrats against the will of at least half of the people that pay them. They have been on the taxpayer gravy train for many decades, now maybe at least a portion of it will cease. This is great news for citizens.
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Tears are welling up in my eyes.

Two of the largest public sector unions in the country lost more than 210,000 so-called “agency fee members” in the wake of last year’s Supreme Court ruling that said unions could no longer force non-members to pay partial dues. That case, Janus v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, effectively freed public workers from having to make “fair share” payments—usually totaling about 70 to 80 percent of full union dues—in lieu of joining a union as a full-fledged member.

The exact figures are astounding.

Now, annual reports filed with the federal Department of Labor show that the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) lost 98 percent of it’s agency fee-paying members during the past year. Another large public sector union, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), lost 94 percent of their agency fee-paying members. Even though unions were preparing for a mass exodus in the wake of the Janus ruling, the numbers are staggering. In 2017, AFSCME reported having 112,233 agency fee payers (compared to 1.3 million dues-paying members), but that figure dropped to just 2,215 in the union’s 2018 report. The SEIU reported having 104,501 agency fee-payers in 2017 (compared to 1,919,358 dues-paying members), but just 5,812 of them at the end of 2018.
Now, if they can only get Civil Service rules to change so the sluggards can get the boot.

More @ Unions Bleed Dues-Paying Members

I love to hear good news like this,,,
The middle class is vanishing. The income gap is soaring. The rich get richer and the rest get poorer with half of them celebrating on the way down.

When the law changed, those people had an absolute right to continue to pay those dues. Why didn't they?

Unions kept wages up for decades, which is why reagan was sent in to destroy them.

There is a difference between public sector unions, which even FDR himself was against, and private sector unions.

Private sector unions have to deal with economic realities, i.e. if they ask for too much the company goes out of business and they lose their jobs.

Public sector unions can work with politicians they help elect to punt the costs down the road for decades, leaving others to clean up the messes.
The middle class is vanishing. The income gap is soaring. The rich get richer and the rest get poorer with half of them celebrating on the way down.

Everyone of those people had the option of staying in the union. They chose otherwise.

And no, the middle classes are not vanishing
The middle class is vanishing. The income gap is soaring. The rich get richer and the rest get poorer with half of them celebrating on the way down.

Fuck the public sector unions.
why?....does the public sector treat their employees better?....do they have better working conditions?...and who goes to bat for those workers who are getting fucked over?....just wondering todd....
The middle class is vanishing. The income gap is soaring. The rich get richer and the rest get poorer with half of them celebrating on the way down.

Fuck the public sector unions.
why?....does the public sector treat their employees better?....do they have better working conditions?...and who goes to bat for those workers who are getting fucked over?....just wondering todd....

Because they suck. Because they give us unsustainable unfunded public pensions.
End the unions, end the pensions. Give them 401Ks.

Tears are welling up in my eyes.

Two of the largest public sector unions in the country lost more than 210,000 so-called “agency fee members” in the wake of last year’s Supreme Court ruling that said unions could no longer force non-members to pay partial dues. That case, Janus v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, effectively freed public workers from having to make “fair share” payments—usually totaling about 70 to 80 percent of full union dues—in lieu of joining a union as a full-fledged member.

The exact figures are astounding.

Now, annual reports filed with the federal Department of Labor show that the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) lost 98 percent of it’s agency fee-paying members during the past year. Another large public sector union, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), lost 94 percent of their agency fee-paying members. Even though unions were preparing for a mass exodus in the wake of the Janus ruling, the numbers are staggering. In 2017, AFSCME reported having 112,233 agency fee payers (compared to 1.3 million dues-paying members), but that figure dropped to just 2,215 in the union’s 2018 report. The SEIU reported having 104,501 agency fee-payers in 2017 (compared to 1,919,358 dues-paying members), but just 5,812 of them at the end of 2018.
Now, if they can only get Civil Service rules to change so the sluggards can get the boot.

More @ Unions Bleed Dues-Paying Members
The middle class is vanishing. The income gap is soaring. The rich get richer and the rest get poorer with half of them celebrating on the way down.

Fuck the public sector unions.
why?....does the public sector treat their employees better?....do they have better working conditions?...and who goes to bat for those workers who are getting fucked over?....just wondering todd....

Because they suck. Because they give us unsustainable unfunded public pensions.
End the unions, end the pensions. Give them 401Ks.
i have been in both and one can say they both suck.....but just saying they suck did not answer my question.....who goes to bat for employees when they get fucked over?...
The middle class is vanishing. The income gap is soaring. The rich get richer and the rest get poorer with half of them celebrating on the way down.

Fuck the public sector unions.
why?....does the public sector treat their employees better?....do they have better working conditions?...and who goes to bat for those workers who are getting fucked over?....just wondering todd....

Because they suck. Because they give us unsustainable unfunded public pensions.
End the unions, end the pensions. Give them 401Ks.
i have been in both and one can say they both suck.....but just saying they suck did not answer my question.....who goes to bat for employees when they get fucked over?...

Government employees would get fucked over without unions?
The middle class is vanishing. The income gap is soaring. The rich get richer and the rest get poorer with half of them celebrating on the way down.

Fuck the public sector unions.
why?....does the public sector treat their employees better?....do they have better working conditions?...and who goes to bat for those workers who are getting fucked over?....just wondering todd....

Because they suck. Because they give us unsustainable unfunded public pensions.
End the unions, end the pensions. Give them 401Ks.
i have been in both and one can say they both suck.....but just saying they suck did not answer my question.....who goes to bat for employees when they get fucked over?...

Government employees would get fucked over without unions?
were i worked in the PO...you bet....middle management has some of the most vile people alive....the reason for so many shootings at one time....
The issue with union members is that most have come to believe they are invaluable and would be getting the same pay and benefits in the private sector.
They are delusional.

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