Unions threaten to disrupt Super Bowl


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2010
Organized labor is at it again. Due to the upcoming vote to transition Indiana from a forced union state to a right to work state, union leaders are planning to disrupt the Super Bowl and related activities. This is the correct way for unions to endear themselves to the general public.
Yep, they should block traffic, use "rule book slowdowns" threaten people with physical harm, etc ad nauseum.
Unions, already unpopular with taxpayers are not going to gain any sympathy from Super Bowl visitors in Indianapolis.
Unions Threaten To Occupy Super Bowl Over Right To Work - Investors.com
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My very first political action was to make a speech to a state senate committee to enact a Right To Work bill. 1976.

It was obvious from the get-go the committee members were bought and paid for. The union boys were there in force. About 500 of them.

After I made my speech, I stood up and gave a mock union salute (the raised fist) to the AFL-CIO vice president in the upper balcony.

I was just a teen and it was quite a rush to hear 500 grown men boo all at once at me.

My union rep was there and he recognized me. He contacted my manager who was waiting for me when I arrived at work later that day. Now, I figured management would be on the opposite side of labor, right? So imagine my surprise when my manager yelled at me, "WHAT DID YOU DO?"

My hours were cut down to part time from that day forward.

They sicced a couple of fat goons to follow me around while I was still at the state Capitol. I decided to have some fun with them and started climbing all the steps I could find. I went all the way up and around the dome, with these fat mobsters huffing and puffing the whole time.

My parents were members of the ACU and so they were also there that day. When my mom saw the goons following me, she got terrified. But I enjoyed it.

Then I came upon a news crew interviewing the AFL-CIO vice president. So when he was done I asked them if they wanted the other side of the argument.

The camera man saw the goons following me and immediately zoomed the camera in on them. They vanished in a puff of smoke. :lol:

I made the news that night.

But for weeks afterward, we received threatening phone calls at our home.

So you can understand if I fucking hate unions.
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Organized labor is at it again. Due to the upcoming vote to transition Indiana from a forced union state to a right to work state, union leaders are planning to disrupt the Super Bowl and related activities. This is the correct way for unions to endear themselves to the general public.
Yep, they should block traffic, use "rule book slowdowns" threaten people with physical harm, etc ad nauseum.
Unions, already unpopular with taxpayers are not going to gain any sympathy from Super Bowl visitors in Indianapolis.
Unions Threaten To Occupy Super Bowl Over Right To Work - Investors.com
Bosma Decries Super Bowl 'Threat And Intimidation' - Politics News Story - WRTV Indianapolis

Cool! I hope they do it ...and make MORE people hate them!

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we should do what they did in China and threaten anyone who wants to form a union with 12 years of jail time!


Nice strawman you have there.

Why should someone have to join a union to get a job?
we should do what they did in China and threaten anyone who wants to form a union with 12 years of jail time!


Nice strawman you have there.

Why should someone have to join a union to get a job?

strawman? it literally happened with the company Foxconn.
You know jailtime, besides the suicides and threats of suicide. The 35 hour work days....But yeah Unions are EVIL.....

Perspective people, you lack it.

The strawman is your assumption that we want the same here.

Where in any of the posts in this topic did you hear someone say they wanted a union-free America?

We simply want a CHOICE on whether or not to join a union to get a job. That's what Right To Work is. Aren't you pro-choice?
we should do what they did in China and threaten anyone who wants to form a union with 12 years of jail time!


Nice strawman you have there.

Why should someone have to join a union to get a job?

Totally agree. Every employee should have the option to join a union if one exists, or try to start one if it doesn't. If enough employees want one, as decided by a secret ballot, so be it. But every employee should also have the option to refuse to join or pay dues if they do not support whatever the union is doing with their money. Or opt out at any point without consequence.
The problem with non-right to work states is that you end up with unions that are just as big a bully as the companies they organized against.
My very first political action was to make a speech to a state senate committee to enact a Right To Work bill. 1976.

It was obvious from the get-go the committee members were bought and paid for. The union boys were there in force. About 500 of them.

After I made my speech, I stood up and gave a mock union salute (the raised fist) to the AFL-CIO vice president in the upper balcony.

I was just a teen and it was quite a rush to hear 500 grown men boo all at once at me.

My union rep was there and he recognized me. He contacted my manager who was waiting for me when I arrived at work later that day. Now, I figured management would be on the opposite side of labor, right? So imagine my surprise when my manager yelled at me, "WHAT DID YOU DO?"

My hours were cut down to part time from that day forward.

They sicced a couple of fat goons to follow me around while I was still at the state Capitol. I decided to have some fun with them and started climbing all the steps I could find. I went all the way up and around the dome, with these fat mobsters huffing and puffing the whole time.

My parents were members of the ACU and so they were also there that day. When my mom saw the goons following me, she got terrified. But I enjoyed it.

Then I came upon a news crew interviewing the AFL-CIO vice president. So when he was done I asked them if they wanted the other side of the argument.

The camera man saw the goons following me and immediately zoomed the camera in on them. They vanished in a puff of smoke. :lol:

I made the news that night.

But for weeks afterward, we received threatening phone calls at our home.

So you can understand if I fucking hate unions.
Here's a few reasons why I despise unions..
Unions encourage and basically demand "group think"...
They abhor the concept of productivity.
By keeping wages the same for every worker regardless of the quality of the worker and their abilities, unions breed mediocrity and complacency.
Unions as with most other groups that survive as a captive entity often must rule the masses with intimidation. Disagreement with the leadership often leads to threats or even actual physical harm.
Unions abuse non participants to intimidate them into supporting their cause.
Examples...Unions discourage individual thinking and achievement on the job.
Quality of work... Workers often are discouraged from showing examples of exemplary skill or ambition.
Union management will use higher ranking or "trusted" union members to secure loyalty from rank and file members through intimidation. With unions, there is no such thing as 'going off the reservation'..
On a personal note...Unions have been unkind.
I was bounced out of a good job with a union painting shop because I was not eligible for the apprentice program. The union had set up racial quotas.
My father was prevented from getting to work for a week because the Teamsters Union was striking a company on the same street as his employer. The Teamsters blocked the street with trucks in order to shut down all companies on this industrial road. The State police were finally called in to remove the thugs.
A grocery store in my hometown was being picketed by the Butcher's union. BTW grocery store workers unionized? Please!!!!!!...
Anyway the picket was supposed to follow the rules. No blocking the entrance or exit. No talking to customers. And no taunting threats or physical contact with customers.
Of course the picketers could not play by the rules so they were moved well away from the doorways of the store. They didn't like it, but tough. The store owners and the customers have rights too.
Unions had their time, now it's over for them. They got too greedy....

They call corporations greedy, but none are worse that unions and the entitlement minded. Very greedy people. They want what others have without earning it.

Conservatives see large corporations as vital to the economy and as employers of many people. Liberals are merely jealous of what CEOs make. The federal government and unions hinder corporations and economic prosperity for all. Just as liberals see a greed motive in corporations, conservatives see greed as the motive for unions and politicians.
strawman? it literally happened with the company Foxconn.
You know jailtime, besides the suicides and threats of suicide. The 35 hour work days....But yeah Unions are EVIL.....

Perspective people, you lack it.

The strawman is your assumption that we want the same here.

Where in any of the posts in this topic did you hear someone say they wanted a union-free America?

We simply want a CHOICE on whether or not to join a union to get a job. That's what Right To Work is. Aren't you pro-choice?

you're new, plenty of people around here want to see unions gone period.

im pro-death
You didn't answer his question.
Do you think people should have a choice to join a union or to not join a union?
Contrary to union propaganda, right to work has nothing to do with unions at all. Except right to work protects the rights of workers in that a worker SHALL NOT be compelled to join a labor organization as a prerequisite for employment or to maintain employment.
It's that simple. What's wrong with that?
You and Obamination are idiots with numbers, 57 states, 35 hours in a day.....

we should do what they did in China and threaten anyone who wants to form a union with 12 years of jail time!


Nice strawman you have there.

Why should someone have to join a union to get a job?

strawman? it literally happened with the company Foxconn.
You know jailtime, besides the suicides and threats of suicide. The 35 hour work days....But yeah Unions are EVIL.....

Perspective people, you lack it.
"Unions had their time, now it's over for them. They got too greedy.... "

Yup. And soon it will come the corporations time too. They are wanting more tax breaks at the expense of people like me whom they want to pay for it. Both the unions and corporations are running this country. We have to take away their voices somewhat. Too much power.

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