United Farm Workers: Ever think of using convicts to pick those crops?

[Honey, a Mexican would not want you.

Now to the point: I grew up in a Mexican-American town. We lived two blocks from the barrio. I worked in the tomato fields with them to earn money for college. I played against and with them on the sports team. I dated their daughters and sisters. I speak Spanish.

You are just a cheap fuck who does not know what you are talking about.

And your hero is Castro.

All invader Mexicans are controlled by the communists in Latin America. They are here to destroy the United States not to become Americans. You have been around Mexicans for so long, you haven't realized they have sodomized your brain against your own people.

And the stores in my town throw out more produce than they sell. And that produce was picked in Latin America.

Doesn't anyone ever read LABELS!!!!

Obviously we need hard working immigrants who want to live the American dream rather than marginalized white folks like you who simply don't want to pull their fair share of the load.

Castro, also, was Cuban, not Mexican.
United Farm Workers: Ever think of using convicts to pick those crops?

They've got nothing better to do all day, and it is time they started paying the American taxpayer back for living in those cushy cells. Then the poor migrant could stop complaining about the lazy gringo and go home to their wonderful country.

What about it folks?


I think it's a terrible idea.

Slave labor (prison labor) devalues ALL labor.

Additionally prison labor encerntivizes governments to make citizens prisoners.

Now is that what you really want?

To give governments even more encentive to turn free citizens into prison slaves?
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eots is 100% correct: all labor should be fairly compensated. Angelhair is correct about the premise of illegal entry. The problem is that most of them are 'home' now in the U.S. They are not going willingly, and real Americans will not support a police state round up of them. That's simply the way it is.

Hey idiot! Ever read any American history?

All it would take is a few Mexicans getting shot at one of their invasion rallies to light the fuse. And maybe firebomb a Mexican embassy or two to seal the deal!

Real Americans of all races still greatly outnumber Latin Americans and black Americans positively hate them because they see their futures going south of the border.

After a riot or two, Washington will have no other option but to declare war against Mexico and consider using a nuke or two to hold Mexicans hostage in their own country while the evil ones can be rounded up here.

That would save the United States for all other races and generations to come.
United Farm Workers: Ever think of using convicts to pick those crops?

They've got nothing better to do all day, and it is time they started paying the American taxpayer back for living in those cushy cells. Then the poor migrant could stop complaining about the lazy gringo and go home to their wonderful country.

What about it folks?


I think its a terrible idea.

Slave labor (prison labor) devalues ALL labor.

It would involve VOLUNTARY labor. Most prisoners would jump at the chance to be on the outside for awhile.
You are talking out your racist ass, BF. No chance of any of that happening, period. Move along.
Obviously we need hard working immigrants who want to live the American dream rather than marginalized white folks like you who simply don't want to pull their fair share of the load.

Castro, also, was Cuban, not Mexican.

Be WE don't want all Latino labor who will destroy diversity. They make up less than 8% of the population of the world. Why do they deserve a big chunk of the US? If the system was fair, millions of Latinos would be removed and replaced with people from the eastern hemisphere. There are more poor in that region of the world you know.
You are talking out your racist ass, BF. No chance of any of that happening, period. Move along.

Even Nostradamus predicted another war with Mexico. Try getting a timeshare in the eastern hemisphere if you don't want to fight for the United States.

The US will nuke Mexico into a prarie!
United Farm Workers: Ever think of using convicts to pick those crops?

They've got nothing better to do all day, and it is time they started paying the American taxpayer back for living in those cushy cells. Then the poor migrant could stop complaining about the lazy gringo and go home to their wonderful country.

What about it folks?


I think its a terrible idea.

Slave labor (prison labor) devalues ALL labor.

It would involve VOLUNTARY labor. Most prisoners would jump at the chance to be on the outside for awhile.

It's not entirely voluntary if they're prisoners.

I don't doubt most prisoners would rather work than sit in their cells, of course.

But give them a choice between working as prisoners or NOT being prisoners, and I doubt many of them would still be in prison.

Prison labor is a TERRIBLE idea for any society that believes in freedom.

It pitts FREE LABOR against SLAVE LABOR.

And I don't know how else to explain it other than this:

Every prisoner who works in a prison industry (even if they volunteeer for it) is a SLAVE laborer.

Now until you can show me prisoners who'd rather be in prison working, than free and working, your argument that they are volunteering is irrelevent.
I think its a terrible idea.

Slave labor (prison labor) devalues ALL labor.

It would involve VOLUNTARY labor. Most prisoners would jump at the chance to be on the outside for awhile.

It's not entirely voluntary if they're prisoners.

I don't doubt most prisoners would rather work than sit in their cells, of course.

But give them a choice between working as prisoners or NOT being prisoners, and I doubt many of them would still be in prison.

Prison labor is a TERRIBLE idea for any society that believes in freedom.

It pitts FREE LABOR against SLAVE LABOR.

And I don't know how else to explain it other than this:

Every prisoner who works in a prison industry (even if they volunteeer for it) is a SLAVE laborer.

Now until you can show me prisoners who'd rather be in prison working, than free and working, your argument that they are volunteering is irrelevent.

But it's better than being drafted to kill people you have absolutely nothing against (like in Vietnam) and are not threating to invade America (like Latin Americans are).

What hypocrisy!
Bullfighter, you seem more calm lately than as furious as before.

Nostradamus? That's plain silly.
It would involve VOLUNTARY labor. Most prisoners would jump at the chance to be on the outside for awhile.

It's not entirely voluntary if they're prisoners.

I don't doubt most prisoners would rather work than sit in their cells, of course.

But give them a choice between working as prisoners or NOT being prisoners, and I doubt many of them would still be in prison.

Prison labor is a TERRIBLE idea for any society that believes in freedom.

It pitts FREE LABOR against SLAVE LABOR.

And I don't know how else to explain it other than this:

Every prisoner who works in a prison industry (even if they volunteeer for it) is a SLAVE laborer.

Now until you can show me prisoners who'd rather be in prison working, than free and working, your argument that they are volunteering is irrelevent.

But it's better than being drafted to kill people you have absolutely nothing against (like in Vietnam) and are not threating to invade America (like Latin Americans are).

Better than?

What hypocrisy!
Your thinking appears somewhat confused.

You appear to be thinking that if I object to slave labor in prisons I am, what? supporting indentured servitude in the form of a draft?

How you arrived from point A, (what I wrote) to point X (what you thought it meant) defies any known logic I'm familiar with. BF.
Now until you can show me prisoners who'd rather be in prison working, than free and working, your argument that they are volunteering is irrelevent.

Can anyone IN THE WORLD make sense of the above statement!

Your thinking appears somewhat confused.
My thinking is confused. Hey! You wouldn't be some guy sitting in the prison library on the computer now are you?:doubt:

You appear to be thinking that if I object to slave labor in prisons I am, what? supporting indentured servitude in the form of a draft?
If I remember correctly, an indentured servant was free to sign the paper that made him indentured in the first place. In the draft, you go to jail for 5 years if you burned your draft card!!!!

How you arrived from point A, (what I wrote) to point X (what you thought it meant) defies any known logic I'm familiar with. BF.

The same way Mexicans feel they can cross every state line and trespass over any Americans property to get a job in Chicago that is 1400 miles from where they live that has nothing to do with picking crops. THEN have the nerve to accuse Americans of being too lazy to pick crops when anyone in this area knows by looking at the labels on those veggies that they were picked somewhere in Latin American

Just more horseshit from LA RAZA, the master race!
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United Farm Workers: Ever think of using convicts to pick those crops?

They've got nothing better to do all day, and it is time they started paying the American taxpayer back for living in those cushy cells. Then the poor migrant could stop complaining about the lazy gringo and go home to their wonderful country.

What about it folks?


Here in Texas we have prison farms and at one time our prison system was self sufficient and was even profitable in some years. We grew all their own vegetables and raised livestock for food, grew cotton which we ginned ourselves and made our own clothes. but nowadays it seems to be limited to growing milo, soybean, maize, cotton and some farms still raise livestock.
eots is 100% correct: all labor should be fairly compensated. Angelhair is correct about the premise of illegal entry. The problem is that most of them are 'home' now in the U.S. They are not going willingly, and real Americans will not support a police state round up of them. That's simply the way it is.

Hey idiot! Ever read any American history?

All it would take is a few Mexicans getting shot at one of their invasion rallies to light the fuse. And maybe firebomb a Mexican embassy or two to seal the deal!

Real Americans of all races still greatly outnumber Latin Americans and black Americans positively hate them because they see their futures going south of the border.

After a riot or two, Washington will have no other option but to declare war against Mexico and consider using a nuke or two to hold Mexicans hostage in their own country while the evil ones can be rounded up here.

That would save the United States for all other races and generations to come.

You are a fool. Instigate a riot, murder Mexicans, you will be tried for treason in a military tribunal, and the federal government will stand you against a wall and shoot you. Are you really that stupid?

You sound like Charles Manson and his vendetta about blacks.
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i think its a terrible idea.

Slave labor (prison labor) devalues all labor.

it would involve voluntary labor. Most prisoners would jump at the chance to be on the outside for awhile.

it's not entirely voluntary if they're prisoners.

I don't doubt most prisoners would rather work than sit in their cells, of course.

But give them a choice between working as prisoners or not being prisoners, and i doubt many of them would still be in prison.

Prison labor is a terrible idea for any society that believes in freedom.

It pitts free labor against slave labor.

And i don't know how else to explain it other than this:

Every prisoner who works in a prison industry (even if they volunteeer for it) is a slave laborer.

Now until you can show me prisoners who'd rather be in prison working, than free and working, your argument that they are volunteering is irrelevent.

maybe when can get prisoners or illegals to work starbucks and 7-11...we could ignore many of the labor laws and benefits..making the jobs lses desirable for citizens..then claim its work they wont do
[You are a fool. Instigate a riot, murder Mexicans, you will be tried for treason in a military tribunal, and the federal government will stand you against a wall and shoot you. Are you really that stupid?

You sound like Charles Manson and his vendetta about blacks.

And go down in history as the man who saved America from the Mexicans? Ok! I'll let WW1 and WW2 veterans judge my actions.

What about your "Do nothing and let Mexicans rape America" policy. That will go down in history with Neville Chamberlain's "Peace in Our Times" speech after selling out the people of Czechoslovakia to Hitler.
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My family has gone back to the Revolution and every war since. We generally have served in the infantry, although I had uncles who flew a glider and one a dive bomber in WWII. Almost to a vet here they would say you are full of crap.

However, since this is an open board, I am curious to see if the vets here would approve of a massacre of Mexican illegals as suggested by Bullfigher.

I vote no.
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The mexican might be a hard worker - but - he still does not have the right to enter this country illegally. NO country on this planet allows it why should the USA?

uh....so we can short change the worker on some basic minimum work place standards that would make the jobs acceptable to more American workers ??
Not our job to provide for the citizens of other nations, allow industry to break the law, or use nationals from any nation as sweatshop labor. It's disgusting that people would try to justify treating people illegally because they were enticed into committing a crime by coming across the border illegally.

One of the plans I would like to see to shut down hiring illegals is the 25,000 dollar fine and 1 month in jail for every illegal on staff found by law enforcement. The jail time would be served by those involved in the hiring process of the individuals. CEOs that pressure this behavior would also share the jail time.

The agricultural industry needs to butch up and enter the 21st century instead of trying to get back to the 19th.
To replace their depleted Mexican work force, Gebbers Farms posted help-wanted ads for 1,280 jobs picking fruit.

Must be able to lift 60 pounds, climb a ladder while carrying 40 pounds and endure "wet orchards in temperatures from 30 to 100 degrees," the ads said.

Pay: At least $9.19 an hour. But because workers are paid by how much they pick, the average last year was $16.48 an hour for picking cherries and $12.19 an hour for apples, according to the state.

I don't know how many U.S. citizens applied — the state wouldn't say and the farm isn't talking. Obviously, not many. Because the first plane load of 50 Jamaican farm workers shipped out from Kingston to the Okanogan earlier this month.

Up to 300 Jamaicans are expected, to be paid the same rates as stated above. In all, this one farm has applied to bring in more than a thousand temporary foreign workers.

Danny Westneat | The fruits of our labor absurdity | Seattle Times Newspaper

the real solution is to educate people and especially young people seeking summer work an that working hard and being in a beautiful orchard in the outdoors picking cherries or apples orchard and making a 150 to 200 dollars a day is way better than a lot of shit you could be doing and in fact is fun and good for you

Not to many Americans will apply they aren't hungry enough.
[You are a fool. Instigate a riot, murder Mexicans, you will be tried for treason in a military tribunal, and the federal government will stand you against a wall and shoot you. Are you really that stupid?

You sound like Charles Manson and his vendetta about blacks.

And go down in history as the man who saved America from the Mexicans? Ok! I'll let WW1 and WW2 veterans judge my actions.

What about your "Do nothing and let Mexicans rape America" policy. That will go down in history with Neville Chamberlain's "Peace in Our Times" speech after selling out the people of Czechoslovakia to Hitler.

Don't let that troll screw with you.

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